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Tokai Geka Gakkai

Volume , Issue 299 / 2020
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article A1. Three cases of the adult intussusception which needed urgent laparotomy
鈴木真理香, 坂本英至, 法水信治, 小林尚美, 新宮優二, 尾辻英彦, 山内康平, 大岩孝, 田中祐介, 三井哲史, 青木奎司朗, 吉野将平, 千葉陽永, 山口真和
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 19-19, 2020.

Japanese Article A2. One case of the laparoscopic cholecystectomy that the pregnant woman of 30 weeks when we repeated a cholelithiasis attack underwent
松本航一, 小島正之, 杉岡篤, 加藤悠太郎, 高原武志, 安田顕, 棚橋義直, 木口剛造, 内田雄一郎, 吉川潤一, 須田康一, 宇山一朗
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 19-19, 2020.

Japanese Article A3. One case of liver origin lymphepithelioma-like cancer
篠塚美有, 阪井満, 星野浩己, 前田拓也, 箕浦里恵, 高島幹展, 佐藤文哉, 鈴木亮太, 斎藤悠文, 田中健士郎, 中西賢一, 末岡智, 村井俊文, 橋本昌司
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 20-20, 2020.

Japanese Article A4. One case of the sigmoid perforation that occurred after the abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery
榎本啓行, 須田久雄, 小川真司, 山田敏之, 中井洋佑, 小川辰士, 曽根良晃
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 20-20, 2020.

Japanese Article A5. Two cases of the abdominal aortic aneurysm with vertebral body bone destruction
松岡城司, 小林達矢, 伊佐治博章, 山本泰資, 青山広希, 徳永晴策, 塚原哲夫, 河原健夫, 林英司
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 20-21, 2020.

Japanese Article A6. 2 cases that was given combined modality therapy with the negative pressure closed treatment for rectal cancer, Fournier gangrene accompanied with rectal cancer recurrence
田藏昂平, 高山悟, 坂本雅樹, 原田幸志朗, 服部卓, 川手章史, 高山昇龍, 山下正勝, 山本真也, 横山希生人
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 21-21, 2020.

Japanese Article A7. One patient who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy for a ventriculoperitoneal shunt and chronic cholecystitis with the gastric fistula
上野真帆, 原田真之資, 春木伸裕, 越智靖夫, 呉原裕樹, 山川雄士, 津本知沙, 上原侑里子, 石田雅揮, 伊東剛, 細川真, 篠田憲幸
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 21-21, 2020.

Japanese Article A8. One case of synchronism 3 overlap tumor including the huge phaeochromocytoma
山本亮, 古田美保, 渡邊真哉, 會津恵司, 小林真一郎, 佐藤文哉, 豊田良鎬, 岩田力, 影山優美子, 森山瑞紀, 山本美里, 大屋勇人, 梁泰基, 山口竜三
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 22-22, 2020.

Japanese Article A9. One case of the adult parietal peritoneum lymphatic vessel species which we resected under the peritoneoscope
折原薫也, 平松和洋, 柴田佳久, 深谷昌秀, 青葉太郎, 藤井正宏, 有元淳記, 山口貴之, 石井健太, 大宮康次郎, 浅井真理子, 西野真史, 鶴田成昭, 権田紘丈, 柴田淳平, 浅井周平, 長谷川琢哉, 石井宏樹, 川島賢人, 加藤岳人
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 22-22, 2020.

Japanese Article A10. One case of the rectal stenosis due to appendicitis
尾崎航太郎, 金岡祐次, 亀井桂太郎, 前田敦行, 高山祐一, 高橋崇真, 桐山宗泰, 清板和昭, 佐久間政宜, 手嶋浩也, 孫起和, 吉田大樹, 李昌史, 坂下勝哉, 甲斐巧也, 橋本響, 日比野佑弥, 山川ありさ
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 22-23, 2020.

Japanese Article A11. One patient who was able to resect huge pancreas frog tongue adenoma under the peritoneoscope
山本誠也, 齋藤正樹, 楠戸夏城, 上田晶彦, 木村将, 上原崇平, 藤井善章, 宮井博隆, 山本稔, 小林建司
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 23-23, 2020.

Japanese Article A12. An example of the cecum axis rotation change
戸崎達, 小泉景星, 山田典和, 並木完憲, 岩本久幸, 鳥居隼, 馬場卓也, 高嶋伸宏, 大澤一郎, 佐藤知洋, 笹本彰紀
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 23-24, 2020.

Japanese Article A13. One patient who underwent Sharon surgery for sigmoid dolichocolon
藤田恵三, 三輪高嗣, 谷口絵美, 中森万緒, 伊藤雄貴, 山中美歩, 田中友理, 間下直樹, 石槫清
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 24-24, 2020.

Japanese Article A14. One case of the ascending colon intestinal tract cyst state emphysematosa that developed intussusception
浅井宏之, 杉浦弘典, 日置啓介, 友田佳介, 佐藤幹則, 中村善則
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 24-24, 2020.

Japanese Article A15. One case of blind loop syndrome which occurred in the laparoscopic sigmoid colon cancer postoperative functional end-to-end anastomotic region that occurred by a bloody bowel discharge, perforation
加藤瑛, 安藤拓也, 深尾俊一, 中野浩一郎, 齋藤慎一郎, 前田頼佑, 神谷賢吾, 伊藤寛
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 25-25, 2020.

Japanese Article A16. About an early colon cancer postoperative follow-up
山岡雄祐, 塩見明生, 賀川弘康, 日野仁嗣, 眞部祥一
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 25-25, 2020.

Japanese Article B1. Example that early gallbladder cancer was mixed for multiple cholesterol polyps
田中健太, 梶川真樹, 初川義経, 東松由羽子, 高見一徳, 赤座賢, 岩田尚宏, 野々垣彰, 奥村徳夫, 浅田崇洋, 渡邉卓哉
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 26-26, 2020.

Japanese Article B2. One case of the liver left three segmental resection for the intrahepatic calculosis that DUPAN2 presented abnormal high level
中村俊太, 田端正己, 中邑信一朗, 瀬木祐樹, 藤村侑, 出崎良輔, 小林基之, 岩田真, 三田孝行
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 26-26, 2020.

Japanese Article B3. One patient who underwent metastases to lung excision after the gastric cancer heterochrony liver metastases excision
田畑咲, 伊藤貴明, 佐伯悟三, 雨宮剛, 植村則久, 陸大輔, 田中征洋, 田畑光紀, 山下浩正, 仲野聡, 田根雄一郎, 野中有紀子, 水野宏論, 高橋周三, 加藤大幾, 斉藤大佑, 下山貴之, 新井利幸
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 27-27, 2020.

Japanese Article B4. One patient who underwent an urgent body of pancreas tailpiece resection for idiopathic pancreas MCN explosion
浅井一, 大宮康次郎, 平松和洋, 柴田佳久, 深谷昌秀, 青葉太郎, 藤井正宏, 有元淳記, 山口貴之, 石井健太, 浅井真理子, 鶴田成昭, 西野真史, 権田紘丈, 柴田淳平, 浅井周平, 長谷川琢哉, 石井宏樹, 川島賢人, 折原薫也, 古山剛広, 中根有登, 加藤岳人
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 27-27, 2020.

Japanese Article B5. One case that was regarded as encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis without the peritoneal dialysis
横井佑梨, 社本智也, 三井章, 若杉健弘, 原賢康, 安藤菜奈子, 内山裕子, 加古智弘, 桑原義之
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 27-28, 2020.

Japanese Article B6. One case of the laparoscopic surgery for the ileus associated with breast cancer metastases to small intestine
大岩立学, 小松俊一郎, 内野大倫, 松村卓樹, 倉橋岳宏, 松下希美, 戸田瑶子, 花澤隆明, 福山貴大, 加藤翔子, 倉橋真太郎, 大澤高陽, 齊藤卓也, 深見保之, 金子健一朗, 佐野力
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 28-28, 2020.

Japanese Article B7. One patient who presented with ischaemic colitis after the blood vessel preservation peritoneoscope lower sigmoid resection on the anastomotic region anus side
岡部雄介, 藤井幸治, 正見勇太, 山内洋介, 佐藤啓太, 田村佳久, 松井俊樹, 岡本篤之, 熊本幸司, 松本英一, 高橋幸二, 楠田司
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 28-28, 2020.

Japanese Article B8. One case of the gallbladder subtotal resection that kept a second hepatic duct, and passed without postoperative complications
東口貴彦, 浅野之夫, 石原慎, 伊東昌広, 川辺則彦, 永田英俊, 近藤ゆか, 荒川敏, 加藤宏之, 志村正博, 越智隆之, 林千紘, 安岡宏展, 堀口明彦
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 29-29, 2020.

Japanese Article B9. One case of the gastric cancer which developed from the submucosal heterotopic gastric mucosa
初川嘉経, 渡邉卓哉, 田中健太, 東松由羽子, 高見一徳, 赤座賢, 岩田尚宏, 野々垣彰, 浅田崇洋, 奥村徳夫, 梶川真樹
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 29-29, 2020.

Japanese Article B10. One patient whom we caused an infectious total iliac artery aneurysm explosion after the mamushi bite and were able to save
曽根良晃, 中井洋佑, 榎本啓行, 小川辰士, 山田敏之, 小川真司, 須田久雄
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 29-30, 2020.

Japanese Article B11. One case that performed the anastomoses in the laparoscopic colic right and a half excision, body cavity for cancer of the esophagus preoperative diverticula of colon bleeding
木村大輝, 廣純一郎, 稲熊岳, 鶴安浩, 鄭栄哲, 神谷忠宏, 田島陽介, 盧田啓吾, 松岡宏, 小出欣和, 升森宏次, 佐藤美信, 花井恒一, 宇山一朗
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 30-30, 2020.

Japanese Article B12. Experience of thoracoscopic total esophagectomy for residual esophageal cancer after pharyngectomy
西村廣大, 深谷昌秀, 宮田一志, 細井敬泰, 渡邊将広, 杉田静紀, 清水大輔, 鳥居直矢, 横山幸浩, 伊神剛, 江畑智希
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 30-30, 2020.

Japanese Article B13. One patient who underwent the pylorus side gastrectomy for the pyloric stenosis due to the multiple gastric ulcer
竹内基, 金岡裕次, 亀井桂太郎, 前田敦行, 高山祐一, 高橋崇真, 桐山宗泰, 清板和昭, 手嶋浩也, 佐久間政信, 孫起和, 吉田大樹, 大屋勇人, 坂下勝哉, 山川ありさ, 甲斐拓也, 橋本響, 日比野佑弥
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 31-31, 2020.

Japanese Article B14. Two cases of closed loop type ileus relieved by conservative treatment
大竹輝, 池田幸陽, 三宅秀夫, 永井英雅, 吉岡裕一郎, 柴田耕治, 高橋大五郎, 浅井宗一郎, 湯浅典博
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 31-31, 2020.

Japanese Article B15. One case of the strangulation ileus which occurred in pregnancy 25 weeks
杉田三郎, 澤井美里, 江口祐輝, 長崎高也, 堅田武保, 三田圭子, 水野幸太郎, 木村昌弘
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 32-32, 2020.

Japanese Article B16. One case that was able to heal by the explosion department suture closure for the intrathoracic penetration type spontaneous esophageal rupture that onset 22 hours passed
曽根田亘1), 菊池寛利1), 羽田綾馬1), 川田三四郎1), 村上智洋1), 松本知拓1), 平松良浩2), 神谷欣志1), 竹内裕也1)
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 32-32, 2020.

Japanese Article B17. One case of the robot support peritoneoscope lower pylorus side gastrectomy for the complete situs inversus
早川俊輔, 小川了, 佐川弘之, 伊藤直, 大久保友貴, 田中達也, 高橋広城, 松尾洋一, 瀧口修司
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 32-33, 2020.

Japanese Article B18. One case of duodenal origin desmoid tumor with the abscess in the mesentery
濱栞音, 杉浦孝太, 永井英雅, 三宅秀夫, 吉岡裕一郎, 柴田耕治, 高橋大五郎, 浅井宗一郎, 湯浅典博
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 33-33, 2020.

Japanese Article B19. One case of the endometriosis of intestine that occurred in the ileocecum
植松宏, 中屋誠一, 木村昌弘, 堅田武保, 水野幸太郎, 三田圭子, 長崎高也, 江口祐輝, 杉田三郎, 澤井美里
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 33-34, 2020.

Japanese Article B20. One case of the primary esophagus malignant melanoma which we resected more after ESD
野々垣郁絵, 清水大, 神田光郎, 小池聖彦, 呂成九, 梅田晋一, 園原史訓, 猪川祥邦, 高見秀樹, 服部憲史, 林真路, 田中千恵, 中山吾郎, 藤原道隆, 小寺泰弘
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 34-34, 2020.

Japanese Article B21. It is 34 treatment results after the laparoscopic sleeve-formed gastrectomy introduction
高橋崇真, 金岡祐次, 前田敦行, 高山祐一, 清板和昭
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 34-34, 2020.

Japanese Article B22. With the accessory pancreas tissue inner; one of the adult invagination of intestine which assumed the Meckel diverticulum which took back leading part
前畑昂洋, 杢野泰司, 松原秀雄, 宇治誠人, 桑原聖実, 中島京佑, 川合毅, 若尾聖, 大西紘平, 弥政晋輔, 小林一郎
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 35-35, 2020.

Japanese Article B23. An example of the primary small intestinal cancer with the ectopic gastric mucosa
伊東剛, 原田真之資, 春木伸裕, 呉原裕樹, 越智靖夫, 山川雄士, 津本知沙, 上原侑里子, 石田雅揮, 上野真帆
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 35-35, 2020.

Japanese Article B24. One case of esophagi squamous cell carcinoma
白木瑛一, 吉岡裕一郎, 三宅秀夫, 永井英雅, 柴田耕治, 高橋大五郎, 浅井宗一郎, 湯浅典博
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 35-36, 2020.

Japanese Article B25. A Case of Trastuzumab Deruxtecan Remarkably Effective for Trastuzumab treated esophageal cervical adenocarcinoma
呂成九1), 神田光郎1), 清水大1), 猪川祥邦1), 高見秀樹1), 服部憲史1), 林真路1), 田中千恵1), 中山吾郎1), 小池聖彦1), 藤原道隆2), 小寺泰弘1)
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 36-36, 2020.

Japanese Article B26. One case of broad ligament of uterus hiatal hernia that resulted in small intestine necrosis
中埜友晴, 三井章, 若杉健弘, 原賢康, 社本智也, 安藤菜奈子, 内山裕子, 加古智弘, 羽喰英美, 森川友里, 呉山菜梨, 桑原義之
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 36-36, 2020.

Japanese Article B27. One case that organ preservation was obtained by Total neoadjuvant therapy and local excision for lower progress rectal cancer
今岡裕基, 藤川裕之, 大村悠介, 志村匡信, 川村幹雄, 奥川喜永, 森本雄貴, 大北喜基, 大井正貴, 問山裕二
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 37-37, 2020.

Japanese Article B28. An example with suspected the bowel outside the territorial jurisdiction local recurrence of the sigmoid colon cancer EMR lesion 16 years ago
鈴木健斗, 田中千弘, 河合雅彦, 長尾成敏, 杉本琢哉, 小森充嗣, 前田健一, 渡邉卓, 浅井竜一, 小塩英典, 大野慎也, 杉山恵みり, 國枝克行
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 37-37, 2020.

Japanese Article B29. One case of the invagination of intestine of the right colon due to the intestinal tract cysts-like emphysematosa
甲斐巧也, 金岡祐次, 亀井桂太郎, 前田敦行, 高山祐一, 高橋崇真, 清板和昭
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 38-38, 2020.

Japanese Article B30. One case of the sigmoid mucous membrane lower lymphangioma which it was hard to distinguish from a gastrointestinal overlap symptom
高阪重行, 前田祐三, 前田杏梨, 渡部かをり, 柳田剛, 鈴木卓弥, 牛込創, 今藤裕之, 齊藤健太, 大久保友貴, 廣川高久, 志賀一慶, 佐川弘之, 坪井謙, 田中達也, 森本守, 小川了, 高橋広城, 松尾洋一, 瀧口修司
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 38-38, 2020.

Japanese Article B31. An example of the large intestine penetration due to the fish bone which we performed laparoscopic enucleation in electively
日置啓介, 杉浦弘典, 浅井宏之, 友田佳介, 佐藤幹則, 中村善則
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 38-39, 2020.

Japanese Article C1. One case that caused lower digestive tract perforation during calcium polystyrene sulfonate internal use
星野由維, 筒山将之, 小林大介, 望月能成
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 40-40, 2020.

Japanese Article C2. One case that needed panhysterectomy for withdrawal bleeding by the estrogen therapy cancellation
安東美の里, 近藤直人, 遠藤友美, 藤田崇史, 浅野倫子, 久田知可, 上本康明, 加藤明子, 寺田満雄, 山中菜摘, 遠山竜也
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 40-40, 2020.

Japanese Article C3. An example of gallbladder cancer and the xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis that it was hard to differentiate
楠戸夏城1), 越智靖夫2), 篠田憲幸2), 春木伸裕2), 呉原裕樹2), 山川雄士2), 原田真之資2), 藤田康平2), 津本知沙2), 上原侑里子2), 石田雅揮2), 伊東剛2), 細川真2), 上野真帆2), 辻秀樹2)
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 40-41, 2020.

Japanese Article C4. One case of SPN which caused the significant calcification that occurred in the body of the tailpiece loss pancreas
大島千佳, 豊田良鎬, 古田美保, 渡邊真哉, 會津恵司, 小林真一郎, 佐藤文哉, 岩田力, 影山優美子, 森山瑞紀, 山本美里, 大屋勇人, 山本亮, 梁泰基, 山口竜三
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 41-41, 2020.

Japanese Article C5. Example that mesh caused an intravesical hesitation case after the inguinal hernia radical operation
稲熊凱, 大河内治, 近藤剛規, 坪井拓磨, 岩田尚樹, 鈴木寛, 田中秀明, 林正吾, 清水三矢, 江坂和大, 林直美, 松下英信, 岡本喜一郎, 川瀬義久
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 41-41, 2020.

Japanese Article C6. An example of Mixed neuroendocrine-non-neuroendocrine neoplasm which occurred in common bile duct
石井宏樹, 平松和洋, 加藤岳人, 柴田佳久, 青葉太郎, 有元淳記, 山口貴之, 大宮康次郎, 西野真史, 荒川拓也, 権田紘丈, 浅井周平, 長谷川琢哉, 川島賢人
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 42-42, 2020.

Japanese Article C7. Histories of treatment case of ileus by the strand-formed thing which had the onset during new coronavirus (COVID-19) infection treatment
井手口耕, 吉田克嗣, 安藤公隆, 久納孝夫, 尾上重巳, 林友樹, 田中綾, 加藤健司
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 42-42, 2020.

Japanese Article C8. Laparoscopic greater omentum segmental resection for the greater omentum bleeding
高山昇龍, 原田幸志朗, 可児久典, 高山悟, 坂本雅樹, 吉本信保, 服部卓, 川手章史, 田藏昂平, 山下正勝, 山本真也, 横山希生人, 倉田陽介
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 42-43, 2020.

Japanese Article C9. Two cases of in front of art broad ligament of uterus hiatal hernia that we were able to diagnose
大野慎也, 国枝克行, 河合雅彦, 長尾成敏, 長尾育子, 田中千弘, 杉本琢哉, 小森充嗣, 小木曽敦子, 前田健一, 渡邉卓, 浅井竜一, 鈴木健斗, 小塩英典, 杉山恵みり
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 43-43, 2020.

Japanese Article C10. One case of the limited-stage Castleman illness relieved by the laparoscopic left obturator lymph node enucleation
林祥平, 野々山敬介, 小林彩子, 安東美の里, 加藤潤紀, 中川啓輔, 辻恵理, 片桐悠介, 西川さや香, 柴田孝弥, 彦坂雄, 柴田直史, 寺西太, 柄松章司, 西田勉
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 43-43, 2020.

Japanese Article C11. One case of the appendix endometriosis that racked its brains about a diagnosis
高橋周三, 田中征洋, 佐伯悟三, 雨宮剛, 植村則久, 陸大輔, 田畑光紀, 田根雄一郎, 野中有紀子, 水野宏論, 加藤大幾, 田畑咲, 下山貴之, 新井利幸
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 44-44, 2020.

Japanese Article C12. Pulmonary origin low-grade fibromyxoid sarcoma and one patient who had a diagnosis
小田梨紗, 奥田勝裕, 横田圭右, 立松勉, 坂根理司, 松井琢哉, 中西良一
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 44-44, 2020.

Japanese Article C13. Example that became pCR by preoperative chemotherapy
新美渚, 伊東悠子, 小川明男, 青野景也, 渡邉哲也, 服部正興, 平田明裕, 野尻基, 篠原健太郎, 伊藤量吾, 白井信太郎, 岩清水寿徳, 吉原基
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 44-45, 2020.

Japanese Article C14. Histories of treatment by stent graft interpolation technique (EVAR) for the infectious abdominal aortic aneurysm
近藤ゆか, 東口貴彦, 河合永季, 安岡宏展, 神尾健士郎, 越智隆之, 林千紘, 志村正博, 加藤宏之, 荒川敏, 永田英俊, 浅野之夫, 川辺則彦, 石原慎, 伊東昌広, 堀口明彦
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 45-45, 2020.

Japanese Article C15. Response to huge breast phyllodes tumor in the muscular dystrophy patients with the respiratory failure
中神光, 二村学, 森龍太郎, 浅野好美, 徳丸剛久, 間瀬純一, 吉田和弘
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 45-45, 2020.

Japanese Article C16. One patient whom cardiac tamponade developed in after the laparoscopic esophageal hiatal hernia surgical repair
川瀬貴久, 梅木祐介, 後藤愛, 中村謙一, 田中毅, 柴崎晋, 稲葉一樹, 須田康一, 宇山一朗
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 46-46, 2020.

Japanese Article C17. One case of the ACTH-producing pancreas neuroendocrine tumor which suffered from a choice of the surgery technique
村木隆太1), 森田剛文1), 井田進也1), 北嶋諒1), 武田真1), 菊池寛利1), 平松良浩2), 竹内裕也1)
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 46-46, 2020.

Japanese Article C18. Example that applied grison en bloc security for a caudate lobe origin hepatocellular carcinoma, and performed the liver inside area, the former area ventral aspect domain, caudate lobe excision
中川勇希, 種村彰洋, 前田光貴, 伊藤貴洋, 尭天一亨, 早崎碧泉, 藤井武宏, 飯澤祐介, 村田泰洋, 栗山直久, 岸和田昌之, 櫻井洋至, 水野修吾
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 47-47, 2020.

Japanese Article C19. One case of the distal cholangiocarcinoma diagnosed with pancreatitis associated with the pancreas, bile duct junction abnormality
武井英之, 中村佳帆, 藤崎宏之, 野田直哉, 伊藤史人
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 47-47, 2020.

Japanese Article C20. Example that the metal clip which we used for cystic duct processing fell off to common bile duct
傳田悠貴, 杉戸伸好, 村元雅之
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 47-48, 2020.

Japanese Article C21. 1 excision case that pathological complete fruition was obtained by GC therapy for the unresectable progress gallbladder cancer
三浦勇也, 蘆田良, 杉浦禎一, 岡村行泰, 大木克久, 山田美保子, 大塚新平, 佐々木恵子, 上坂克彦
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 48-48, 2020.

Japanese Article C22. One case of the splenic sarcoidosis
日比野佑弥, 金岡祐次, 亀井桂太郎, 前田敦行, 高山祐一, 高橋崇真, 桐山宗泰, 清板和昭, 手嶋浩也, 佐久間政宜, 孫起和, 吉田大樹, 坂下勝哉, 甲斐巧也, 橋本響, 山川ありさ
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 48-48, 2020.

Japanese Article C23. All de-case of pancreas tail cancer which showed metastasis to solitary synchronism spermatic cord
栗本景介, 猪川祥邦, 小林大悟, 山中雅也, 鈴木雄之典, 中川暢彦, 加藤吉康, 田中伸孟, 砂川祐輝, 園原史訓, 高見秀樹, 林真路, 小寺泰弘
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 49-49, 2020.

Japanese Article C24. One patient who underwent laparoscopic fenestration operation after the cyst drainage for the hepatic cyst which caused obstructive jaundice
土屋智敬, 岡本好史, 鈴村潔, 西前香寿, 中村勇人, 川上次郎, 河野秀俊, 寺崎正起
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 49-49, 2020.

Japanese Article C25. For spontaneous penetration of the paraduodenal diverticulum sub-; one patient who conducted all stomach preservation pancreatoduodenectomy
倉橋岳宏, 大澤高陽, 深見保之, 小松俊一郎, 斎藤卓也, 倉橋真太郎, 内野大倫, 加藤翔子, 福山貴大, 花澤隆明, 戸田瑤子, 松下希美, 大岩立学, 佐野力
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 49-50, 2020.

Japanese Article C26. One case of the gallbladder twisting symptom that occurred in Gross type I wandering gallbladder
下山貴之, 植村則久, 佐伯悟三, 雨宮剛, 伊藤貴明, 陸大輔, 田中征洋, 田畑光紀, 山下浩正, 仲野聡, 田根雄一郎, 野中有紀子, 高橋周三, 水野宏論, 加藤大幾, 田畑咲, 新井利幸
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 50-50, 2020.

Japanese Article C27. One case of the splenic hemangioma which had difficulty in diagnosis before operation
末永泰人, 奥野正隆, 夏目誠治, 川勝章司, 伊藤誠二, 小森康司, 安部哲也, 三澤一成, 伊藤友一, 木下敬史, 檜垣栄治, 藤枝裕倫, 佐藤雄介, 大内晶, 國友愛奈, 沖哲, 前田真吾, 出井秀幸, 沼田佳久, 長尾拓哉, 有竹典, 多和田翔, 清水泰博
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 50-50, 2020.

Japanese Article C28. One patient who underwent the hepatic left lobe excision and pancreaticoduodenectomy (lt-HPD) for MCBH (multicystic biliary hamartoma) which accompanied pancreas head IPMC
村瀬寛倫, 松尾洋一, 上田悟郎, 青山佳永, 加藤知克, 大見関, 林祐一, 今藤裕之, 齊藤健太, 坪井謙, 森本守, 小川了, 高橋広城, 瀧口修司
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 51-51, 2020.

Japanese Article C29. Four cases of the portal vein thrombosis due to colonic diverticulitis
稲田亘佑, 久留宮康浩, 水野敬輔, 世古口英, 菅原元, 井上昌也, 加藤健宏, 秋田直宏, 南貴之, 関本晃裕, 緒方諒仁, 長田祥子, 若尾聖
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 51-51, 2020.

Japanese Article C30. One patient who had mobilization of rectum under the peritoneoscope, and resected a chordoma by Hybrid surgery with the orthopedics safely
村田悠記, 上原圭, 相場利貞, 小倉淳司, 三品拓也, 鈴木優美, 神原祐一, 横山幸浩, 國料俊男, 伊神剛, 水野隆史, 山口淳平, 宮田一志, 尾上俊介, 渡辺伸元, 江畑智希
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 52-52, 2020.

Japanese Article C31. An example of retroperitoneal ganglioneuroma where had difficulty in diagnosis before operation
國友愛奈, 大内晶, 小森康司, 木下敬史, 佐藤雄介, 伊藤誠二, 安部哲也, 三澤一成, 伊藤友一, 夏目誠治, 檜垣栄治, 奥野正隆, 藤枝裕倫, 川勝章司, 清水泰博
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 52-52, 2020.

Japanese Article C32. One case of the fish bone in the intestinal tract which was able to evade colectomy
葛谷宙正, 上野修平, 小出修司, 栗本昌明, 沢井博純
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 52-53, 2020.

Japanese Article C33. An example of the adult mesentery lymphangioma
川尻真菜, 松橋延壽, 高橋孝夫, 木山茂, 岩田至紀, 水谷千佳, 深田真宏, 末次智成, 安福至, 今井健晴, 佐藤悠太, 東敏弥, 田中善宏, 奥村直樹, 村瀬勝俊, 吉田和弘
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 53-53, 2020.

Japanese Article C34. One patient who underwent laparoscopic inguinal hernia surgical repair for Amyand's hernia
浜辺健太, 久留宮康浩, 水野敬輔, 世古口英, 菅原元, 井上昌也, 加藤健宏, 秋田直宏, 南貴之, 稲田亘佑, 関本晃裕, 緒方諒仁, 長田祥子, 若尾聖
Tokai Geka Gakkai (299): 53-53, 2020.