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Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts

Volume , Issue 29th / 2011
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Apoptosis and autoimmune disease
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 69-69, 2011.

Japanese Article Extension of transcriptome analysis and the transcription control network analysis
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 70-70, 2011.

Japanese Article The bone is tutor of the cancer cell
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 71-71, 2011.

English Article New Insights Into Bone & Fat
Clifford J. Rosen
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 72-72, 2011.

English Article Phosphate Homeostasis: Lessons from Clinical Experience
Thomas O. Carpenter
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 73-73, 2011.

English Article Physiological Role of Alkaline Phosphatase Explored In Hypophosphatasia With Bone-Targeted, Enzyme-Replacement Therapy
Michael P. Whyte
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 74-74, 2011.

English Article The role of vitamin E in bone metabolism
Shu Takeda
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 75-75, 2011.

English Article Image-based Analysis of Bone Structure
Seoung-Oh Yang
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 76-76, 2011.

English Article The effects of physical activity on the risk of developing osteoporosis, osteoporotic fractures, and disabilities in the Japanese population : The ROAD Study.
Noriko Yoshimura1, Shigeyuki Muraki2, Hiroyuki Oka1, Hiroshi Kawaguchi3, Kozo Nakamura3, Toru Akune2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 77-77, 2011.

English Article Genome wide screening study for osteoporotic fracture in Asian
Seung Hun Lee
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 78-78, 2011.

English Article Osteo-Renal Regulation of Phosphate Metabolism by FGF23-Klotho System
Mohammed S. Razzaque
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 79-79, 2011.

English Article Extracellular Inorganic Phosphate as a Signaling Molecule
Toshimi Michigami
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 80-80, 2011.

English Article FGF23 and CKD-MBD
Masafumi Fukagawa, Hirotaka Komaba
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 81-81, 2011.

English Article Clinical Features and Genetic Analysis of Patients with Hypophosphatemic Rickets
Wei-Bo Xia
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 82-82, 2011.

English Article FGF23-related hypophosphatemic diseases in Japan
Itsuro Endo1, Seiji Fukumoto2, Toshio Matsumoto1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 83-83, 2011.

English Article The Importance of Vitamin D Signaling for Calcium and Bone Homeostasis
Ritsuko Masuyama
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 84-84, 2011.

English Article Genome-Scale Analysis of Vitamin D Regulated Gene Expression in Osteoblasts
J. Wesley Pike
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 85-85, 2011.

English Article Biosynthesis of Vitamin K2 (Menaquinone-4) and Its Biological Significance
Kimie Nakagawa
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 86-86, 2011.

English Article Novel Signaling Pathways and Roles of Vitamin K in Bone
Satoshi Inoue
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 87-87, 2011.

Japanese Article Development of the bone regeneration treatment using the mesenchyma system stem cell
戸口田淳也1, 2, 3, 青山朋樹4, 根尾昌志3, 前川平5
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 88-88, 2011.

Japanese Article In vivo bone regeneration by the composition with a tissue element and the biomaterial
牛田多加志1, 2, 古川克子2, 鈴木友香子3, 末永英之3
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 89-89, 2011.

Japanese Article Cartilage reproduction due to the synovial mesenchyme stem cell
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 90-90, 2011.

Japanese Article Cartilage restoration due to the artificial structure derived from a Scaffold-free synovial mesenchyme system stem cell
中村憲正1, 2, 吉川秀樹3
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 91-91, 2011.

Japanese Article About clinical practice of the cartilage reproduction
出家正隆1, 安達伸生2, 越智光夫2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 92-92, 2011.

Japanese Article The future prospects about the osteoporotic therapeutic drug
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 93-93, 2011.

Japanese Article New bisphosphonate
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 94-94, 2011.

Japanese Article Parathormone preparation
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 95-95, 2011.

Japanese Article Characteristic of new SERM, Bazedoxifene and main Target
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 96-96, 2011.

Japanese Article New active form vitamin D3 derivative
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 97-97, 2011.

Japanese Article About a bone, a joint protection effect of the antiRANKL antibody preparation denosumab
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 98-98, 2011.

Japanese Article Rheumatoid arthritis bone destruction and T cell
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 99-99, 2011.

Japanese Article Antiinflammatory effect by the JAK-Stat signaling pathway inhibition
山岡邦宏, 園本格士朗, 久保智史, 田中良哉
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 100-100, 2011.

Japanese Article Bone weakness and bone destruction in the rheumatoid arthritis
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 101-101, 2011.

Japanese Article Synovium inflammation (joint pain) and arteriosclerotic inflammation
後藤仁志, 稲葉雅章
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 102-102, 2011.

Japanese Article For the revision of the Osteoporotic vertebral body bone fracture evaluation standard - process and problems -
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 103-103, 2011.

Japanese Article Vertebral body bone fracture evaluation by the quantitative judgment method (the QM method) and semiquantitative judgment list (the SQ method)
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 104-104, 2011.

Japanese Article A judgment and problems of the Osteoporotic vertebral body bone fracture by the MRI
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 105-105, 2011.

Japanese Article From the situation of vertebral body bone fracture judgment - backbone surgeon
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 106-106, 2011.

Japanese Article The transcription factor which controls a tendon, muscular cell differentiation
浅原弘嗣1, 2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 107-107, 2011.

Japanese Article For the maintenance mechanism elucidation of the skeletal muscle stem cell
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 108-108, 2011.

Japanese Article Identification of mesenchyma system progenitor cells contributing to fatty change and fibrosis of the skeletal muscle
上住聡芳1, 深田宗一朗2, 山田治基3, 土田邦博1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 109-109, 2011.

English Article Molecular mechanisms of muscle atrophy by Unloading[Machine Translation] (Unloadingによる筋萎縮の分子メカニズム)
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 110-110, 2011.

Japanese Article Systemic bone disease: Expectation to the clinical current situation and fundamental researches
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 111-111, 2011.

Japanese Article The systemic bone disease in children: Molecular condition of a patient and genotypical - phenotypic correlation
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 112-112, 2011.

Japanese Article Development study to systemic bone disease of CNP/GC-B origin
八十田明宏, 中尾一和
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 113-113, 2011.

Japanese Article Intractable disease, the fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva that a line ossifies
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 114-114, 2011.

Japanese Article Development ... history and present ... of the endoscope
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 115-115, 2011.

Japanese Article Early approval acquisition - by development - bridging of the risedronate
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 116-116, 2011.

Japanese Article In the case of development strategy of the osteoporotic therapeutic drug by the bridging of overseas large-scale clinical study data and postmarketing development - raloxifene hydrochloride [RLX] -
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 117-117, 2011.

Japanese Article Transcription control of the cartilage cells differentiation
山本浩司, 秋山治彦
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 118-118, 2011.

Japanese Article Cartilage cells instruction from skin cells
平松久仁彦1, 2, 3, 笹川覚1, 4, 王谷英達1, 3, 中川加奈子1, 吉川秀樹3, 妻木範行1, 3, 4
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 119-119, 2011.

Japanese Article Mouse experimental osteoarthritis model by the mechanical stress load
深井厚1, 斉藤琢1, 平田真1, 鄭雄一2, 中村耕三1, 川口浩1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 120-120, 2011.

Japanese Article Condition of a patient and treatment - current situation and limit - of thighbone condyle part osteonecrosis
古松毅之1, 西田圭一郎2, 尾崎敏文1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 121-121, 2011.

Japanese Article Next-generation fixed-quantity proteomics for system life sciences
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 122-122, 2011.

Japanese Article The CD44 variant isoform induces stabilization of cystine transporter xCT and controls the antioxidant system of the cancer cell
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 123-123, 2011.

Japanese Article The establishment of the iPS cells using the oral mucosa gingiva and application to bone biology
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 124-124, 2011.

Japanese Article In vivo imaging of the cell life cycle of the cancer cell in the marrow microenvironment
疋田温彦, 今村健志
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 125-125, 2011.

Japanese Article Teratogenic molecular mechanism with thalidomide
伊藤拓水1, 安藤秀樹2, 山口雄輝2, 半田宏1, 2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 126-126, 2011.

Japanese Article Cancellous bone bone trabecula structure analysis of the multiple myeloma with the image
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 127-127, 2011.

Japanese Article Introduction of clinical benefit ---propensity score analysis of the hydrochloric acid cinacalcet in the reality world
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 128-128, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination about environmental factors for the purpose of the quality of life improvement of the gynecologic cancer survivor which performed ovariectomy and the gene
平沢晃, 牧田和也, 赤羽智子, 青木大輔
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 129-129, 2011.

Japanese Article About the osteolysis due to the bone cell
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 130-130, 2011.

Japanese Article Attempt of the flow analysis of the body fluid in the bone canaliculi
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 131-131, 2011.

Japanese Article Osteocytic role as phosphorus metabolic control cells
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 132-132, 2011.

Japanese Article Of CKD-MBD is managed
奥野仙二1, 稲葉雅章2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 133-133, 2011.

Japanese Article Bony lesion - morphologic approach - of patients in CKD
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 134-134, 2011.

Japanese Article The ectopic calcification in the soft tissue and ossification
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 135-135, 2011.

Japanese Article miRNA study to spread
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 136-136, 2011.

Japanese Article A function and disease of miRNA in the bone
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 137-137, 2011.

Japanese Article A function and disease of miRNA in the cartilage
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 138-138, 2011.

Japanese Article The current situation and the prospects of the delivery technology development of oligonucleic acid pharmaceutical products
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 139-139, 2011.

Japanese Article Fluorescent imaging analysis of the osseous tissue: The progress and future development
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 140-140, 2011.

Japanese Article Three dimensions of marrow structural rebuilding using the confocal microscope and analysis
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 141-141, 2011.

English Article Immune privilege of the hematopoietic stem cell niche
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 142-142, 2011.

Japanese Article A cancer and the myeloid imaging that made full use of a light technology
今村健志, 疋田温彦
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 143-143, 2011.

Japanese Article Cartilage transcription control and cartilage cells reprogramming
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 144-144, 2011.

Japanese Article For establishment of the stem cell transplant medical care for the spinal cord injury
中村雅也1, 戸山芳昭1, 岡野栄之2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 145-145, 2011.

Japanese Article With the bone weakness
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 146-146, 2011.

Japanese Article With the bone weakness that saw from evaluation - remodeling of a form change of the trabecular bone by the calculation biomechanics and the dynamic characteristic change -
田原大輔1, 安達泰治2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 147-147, 2011.

Japanese Article Bone weakness judging from Minimodeling
山本智章1, 島倉剛俊2, 高橋栄明2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 148-148, 2011.

Japanese Article Significance and the prospects of QCT in the osteoporotic practice
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 149-149, 2011.

Japanese Article Evaluation of a bone mass and the bony-hardness by the supersonic wave
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 150-150, 2011.

Japanese Article The current situation and problem of the bone mass measurement in children
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 151-151, 2011.

Japanese Article A stem cell of synovial fluid and intraarticular tissue damage
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 152-152, 2011.

Japanese Article Role of the versican in the formation, the maintenance of cartilage and the joint
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 153-153, 2011.

Japanese Article Lubricity and extracellular matrix of the arthrodial cartilage
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 154-154, 2011.

Japanese Article Osteoporosis of CKD Era
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 155-155, 2011.

English Article Update on mechanisms of action and clinical effects of bisphosphonates
Graham Russell
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 156-156, 2011.

Japanese Article What are the life-style related diseases associated with the bone fracture risk?
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 157-157, 2011.

Japanese Article Epigenetic adjustment of the intranuclear hormone acceptor
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 158-158, 2011.

Japanese Article Anti-aging and estrogen of the bone
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 159-159, 2011.

Japanese Article Bone mass, bony-hardness improvement effect - of use - PTH preparation of the therapeutic drug based on the bone density, bony-hardness marker simultaneous evaluation
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 160-160, 2011.

Japanese Article New highly advanced function of the vitamin D receptor
加藤茂明, 山本陽子
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 161-161, 2011.

Japanese Article The new prospects of the osteoporotic therapeutic drug
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 162-162, 2011.

Japanese Article Fix your eyes on guidelines revision from now on with this progress - ten years of the osteoporotic treatment
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 163-163, 2011.

J. Wesley Pike
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 164-164, 2011.

Japanese Article Osteoporotic treatment with bone effect and SERM of estrogen
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 165-165, 2011.

Japanese Article Even if blood 25(OH)D measurement measures only -1, 25(OH)2D which are indispensable to osteoporosis and a bone, mineral metabolism practice, it is not often found
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 166-166, 2011.

Japanese Article Bone fracture prophylactic importance after the bone fracture
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 167-167, 2011.

English Article IGF and Bone:A New Perspective
Clifford J. Rosen
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 168-168, 2011.

Japanese Article O-001. Bone metabolism disorders of the arcuate nucleus AgRP neuron-specific PDK1 loss mouse
笹沼秀幸1, 中田正範2, 中江淳3, 杉本直哉1, 矢田俊彦2, 星野雄一1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 171-171, 2011.

Japanese Article O-002. Function elucidation in bone metabolic control of dioxin receptor (AhR)
于太永, 近藤剛史, 松本高広, 今井祐記, 加藤茂明
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 171-171, 2011.

Japanese Article O-003. Role of the prostaglandin E in permeation and the matrix resolution of the breast cancer
横山智史1, 瀧田守親1, 丸山隆幸2, 宮浦千里1, 稲田全規1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 172-172, 2011.

Japanese Article O-004. The active form estrogen receptor shows a different in vivo effect in the osteoblasts of the conditional transgenic mouse and the cartilage cells
池田和博1, 堀江公仁子1, 井上聡1, 2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 172-172, 2011.

Japanese Article O-005. Highly advanced functional analysis of estrogen receptor α in the bone cell
金藤紫乃1, 今井祐記1, Lynda Bonewald2, 加藤茂明1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 173-173, 2011.

Japanese Article O-006. The calcified adjustment with the FGF signal: Around FGF23-Phex course
南崎朋子1, 吉子裕二1, 小西有希子1, 2, 吉岡広陽1, 香西克之2, 前田憲彦1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 173-173, 2011.

Japanese Article O-007. Analysis of the molecular mechanism of phosphorus metabolic disorders at sepsis
山本浩範1, 池田翔子1, 増田真志1, 香西美奈1, 瀬川博子2, 竹谷豊1, 宮本賢一2, 武田英二1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 174-174, 2011.

Japanese Article O-008. Possibility of effect in the chin bones of viscerocranium of the C type natriuresis peptide (CNP) and the clinical application
中尾一祐1, 大久保康則1, 八十田明宏2, 小山典昭1, 大澤賢次1, 藤井寿人2, 近藤絵里2, 金本巨哲2, 三浦晶子2, 中尾一和2, Kazuhisa Bessho1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 174-174, 2011.

Japanese Article O-009. About the effectiveness of the C type natriuresis peptide (CNP) for the bone tensile disorder of the mucopolysaccharidosis 7 type examination - using - model mouse
藤井寿人, 八十田明宏, 近藤絵里, 曽根正勝, 金本巨哲, 三浦晶子, 荒井宏司, 中尾一和
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 175-175, 2011.

Japanese Article O-010. Bony formation inhibition mechanism due to osteoclasts through semaphore phosphorus 4D
根岸-古賀貴子1, 2, 篠原正浩1, 高柳広1, 2, 3
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 175-175, 2011.

Japanese Article O-011. OC-STAMP is indispensable to osteoclasts, the cell fusion of foreign body giant cells
宮本裕也, 森岡秀夫, 千葉一裕, 戸山芳昭, 宮本健史
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 176-176, 2011.

Japanese Article O-012. We restrain osteoclasts differentiation through interferon β/STAT1 course, and the double stranded RNA analog increases the bone mass of the osteoporotic model animal
宮本阿礼1, 高見正道1, 宮本洋一1, 山田篤1, 望月文子2, 井上富雄2, 上條竜太郎1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 176-176, 2011.

Japanese Article O-013. Antiapoptosis Bcl-2 family molecules Mcl-1 right controls bone absorbency to minus number by the survival of osteoclasts
増田裕也, 田中栄, 中村耕三
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 177-177, 2011.

Japanese Article O-014. Elucidation of the vitamin D receptor high level function in osteoclasts
辻直也, 山本陽子, 延眠榮, 五十嵐庸, 今井祐記, 加藤茂明
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 177-177, 2011.

Japanese Article O-015. The inhibition of the Pim kinase promotes osteoblastic differentiation and inhibits the formation and the tumor extension of the myeloma bony lesion
日浅雅博1, 2, 3, 安倍正博1, 中野綾子1, 渡邊佳一郎1, 3, 中村信元1, 田中栄二3, 浅岡憲三2, 松本俊夫1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 178-178, 2011.

Japanese Article O-016. Than analysis of treatment by establishment of the early diagnosis of the steroid osteoporosis and early drug intervention significance - EDITOR-J study ...
岡田洋右, 森博子, 名和田雅夫, 斎藤和義, 田中良哉
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 178-178, 2011.

English Article O-017. Effect of Odanacatib (ODN) on Bone Mineral Density (BMD) and Bone Turnover Markers (BTMs) in Postmenopausal Women with Low BMD: Year 4 Results
内田真嗣1, Neil Binkley2, Henry Bone3, John A Eisman4, David Hosking5, Bente Langdahl6, Ian Reid7, Heinrich Resch8, Jose Rodriguez Portales9, Romana Petrovic10, Elizabeth Rosenberg10, Carolyn DaSilva10, Arthur Santora10, Antonio Lombardi10
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 179-179, 2011.

Japanese Article O-018. Y chromosome gene Uty prescribes bone length sex differences
井上和樹, 松本高広, 今井祐記, 加藤茂明
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 179-179, 2011.

Japanese Article O-019. Bone assimilatory molecular mechanism elucidation with androgen
今井祐記1, 2, Youn Min-Young1, 金藤紫乃1, 井上和樹1, 松本高広1, Myles Brown2, 加藤茂明1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 180-180, 2011.

Japanese Article O-020. The gain-of-function mutation of natriuresis peptide receptor B brings growth accelerated and low bone density in the humans and the mouse
三浦弘司1, 難波範行1, 藤原誠1, 北岡太一1, 大幡泰久1, 平井治彦1, 大薗恵一1, 樋口周久3, 妻木範行3, 吉川秀樹3, 道上敏美2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 180-180, 2011.

Japanese Article O-021. Molecular mechanism elucidation of the ubiquitin ligase activity of the vitamin D receptor
朝妻知子, 西川亜美, 岡田麻衣子, 土屋光, 大竹史明, 加藤茂明
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 181-181, 2011.

Japanese Article O-022. Identification of vitamin K2 (Menaquinone-4) biosynthetic enzyme UBIAD1
中川公恵1, 廣田佳久1, 澤田夏美1, 内野由理1, 須原義智2, 岡野登志夫1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 181-181, 2011.

Japanese Article O-023. Glycosyltransferase Alg2 which we identified as the downstream factor of Schnurri-3 inhibits osteoblastic differentiation
今村勝行1, 2, 石堂康弘1, 河村一郎1, 2, 横内雅博2, 小宮節郎1, 2, 前田真吾1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 182-182, 2011.

Japanese Article O-024. The Aldh2 mutation in the gene causes the differential inhibition of osteoblasts by accumulation of acetaldehyde and the oxidation lipid.
星淡子, 呉コウ, 戸山芳昭, 宮本健史
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 182-182, 2011.

Japanese Article O-025. Role of the endoplasmic reticulum stress reply through the PERK-eIF2α-ATF4 course in the osteoblastic differentiation
齋藤敦, 近藤慎一, 金本聡自, 浅田梨絵, 今泉和則
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 183-183, 2011.

Japanese Article O-026. Bone masses decrease by a high fat diet intake in the Alox5 loss mice
川井正信1, ローゼン クリフォード2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 183-183, 2011.

Japanese Article O-027. Identification of the mesenchyma system stem cell derived from extraction socket granulation tissue
中島隆, 大野充昭, 園山亘, 笈田育尚, ハラ エミリオ サトシ, 窪木拓男
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 184-184, 2011.

Japanese Article O-028. Fetal gene therapy of the low phosphatase symptom mouse
菅野華子1, 2, 3, 飯島修1, 渡邉淳1, 3, 島田隆1, 3
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 184-184, 2011.

Japanese Article O-029. Jmjd3 is involved in epigenetics control of the osteoclasts differentiation through histone demethylation of Nfatc1
廣瀬旬, 安井哲郎, 松本卓巳, 増田裕也, 中村耕三, 田中栄
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 185-185, 2011.

Japanese Article O-030. The osteoclasts which are present in the scale of the goldfish are activated under the microgravity
池亀美華1, 服部淳彦2, 北村敬一郎3, 田畑純4, 矢野幸子5, 山本敏男1, 鈴木信雄6
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 185-185, 2011.

Japanese Article O-031. - that analysis -M-CSF of the in vivo osteoclasts differentiation mechanism increases the RANK expression of osteoclasts progenitor cells through c-Fos
荒井敦1, 2, 溝口利英1, 原田卓1, 3, 武藤昭紀1, 小林泰浩1, 山下照仁1, 保田尚孝4, 山田一尋2, 宇田川信之5, 高橋直之1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 186-186, 2011.

Japanese Article O-032. Identification and functional analysis of a new Nfatc1 coactivator 'OCAN'
Youn Min-Young1, 藤山-中村沙理1, 今井祐記1, 保田尚孝2, 加藤茂明1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 186-186, 2011.

Japanese Article O-033. Analysis of the inflammatory bone destruction promotion mechanism by the lysine-specific gin dipine
秋山智人1, 2, 宮本洋一1, 山田篤1, 高見正道1, 吉村健太郎1, 安原理佳3, 立川哲彦3, 馬場一美2, 上條竜太郎1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 187-187, 2011.

Japanese Article O-034. Functional analysis of the new DAP12 meeting membrane protein in osteoclasts
北川(石田)教弘, 小川拓哉
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 187-187, 2011.

Japanese Article O-035. About an administration effect of vitamin D analog -Eldecalcitol- in the oophorectomy rat tibial cancellous bone
李敏啓1, 長谷川智香1, 武田聡2, 佐々木宗輝1, 田幡千尋1, 織田公光3, 斎藤一史2, 網塚憲生1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 188-188, 2011.

Japanese Article O-036. Examination of the development situation of the non-fixed form femur fracture and the characteristic
齋田良知1, 石島旨章1, 最上敦彦2, 長尾雅史3, 酒井健介3, 本間康弘2, 宮川慶5, 名倉奈々2, 和田知樹2, 加藤塁6, 坂本優子1, 3, 山中誠1, 馬場智規4, 大林治2, 玄奉学5, 梶原一6, 野沢雅彦3, 一青勝雄4, 金子和夫1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 188-188, 2011.

Japanese Article O-037. The bone density rate of decline in local inhabitants and cumulative incidence of the osteoporosis: Chase of ROAD3 age eyes
吉村典子1, 村木重之2, 岡敬之1, 川口浩3, 中村耕三3, 阿久根徹2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 189-189, 2011.

Japanese Article O-038. Change of serum ucOC and osteocalcin with the combination of bisphosphonate preparation and the vitamin K2 preparation
粕川雄司1, 宮腰尚久1, 蝦名寿仁2, 相澤俊朗2, 島田洋一1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 189-189, 2011.

Japanese Article O-039. Comparison about the clinical response (a bone metabolism marker and bone density) of minodronate and the risedronate for the osteoporotic patients
上村幹男1, 池上章太2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 190-190, 2011.

Japanese Article O-040. The lack of 25th place hydroxylation vitamin D in women with post-menopausal osteoporosis and existing vertebral body bone fracture, relations of the bone metabolism marker
池上章太1, 上村幹男2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 190-190, 2011.

Japanese Article O-041. Transcription factor Arid5b controls cartilage cells differentiation by promoting a transcription function of Sox9
高島利加子1, 波多賢二1, 若林真1, 小野孝一郎1, 天野克比古1, 中西雅子1, 前田芳信2, 西村理行1, 米田俊之1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 191-191, 2011.

Japanese Article O-042. GSK-3α and GSK-3β control differentiation through phosphorylation of RelA/NF-κBp65 cooperatively in the early period of cartilage cells
伊藤祥三1, 斎藤琢2, 平田真3, 牛田正宏1, 池田敏之1, 鄭雄一3, 中村耕三1, 川口浩1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 191-191, 2011.

Japanese Article O-043. Wnt/β-catenin in maintenance and the functional regulation of the joint superficial cell and crosstalk of the Rac1 signal
安原理佳1, 鈴木大2, 山田篤2, 竹田秀3, 上條竜太郎2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 192-192, 2011.

Japanese Article O-044. Elucidation of the substrate calcification mechanism in the alkaline phosphatase transgenic mouse
長谷川智香1, 織田公光2, 佐々木宗輝1, 田幡千尋1, 柳鋳晟1, 郭穎1, 井上貴一朗3, 李敏啓1, 小守壽文4, 山本恒之1, 網塚憲生1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 192-192, 2011.

Japanese Article O-045. TNF - α inhibits expression of POEM in the osteoblasts and restrains osteoblastic differentiation
塚崎雅之1, 山田篤1, 高見正道1, 鈴木大1, 相澤怜1, 2, 宮園あがさ2, 吉村健太郎1, 山本松男2, 上條竜太郎1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 193-193, 2011.

Japanese Article O-046. Analysis using the participation -Hyp mouse of FGF23 in the mineral metabolic control mechanism specific for a fetal period
大幡泰久1, 2, 宮川和晃1, 山崎美和1, 岡田知子1, 川井正信1, 大薗恵一2, 道上敏美1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 193-193, 2011.

Japanese Article O-047. Examination of the new FGF23 assay
清水祐一郎, 福本誠二, 藤田敏郎
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 194-194, 2011.

Japanese Article O-048. Participation of FGF23 in the onset, the extension of the osteopathy to be found in itai-itai disease
木戸慎介, 藤原真理奈, 瀬川博子, 辰巳佐和子, 宮本賢一
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 194-194, 2011.

Japanese Article O-049. Expression of Fgf23 and Dmp1 has already from a fetal period increased in the bone of the Hyp mouse
宮川和晃1, 2, 大薗恵一3, 大幡泰久1, 3, 川井正信1, 立川加奈子1, 高垣裕子4, 古郷幹彦2, 道上敏美1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 195-195, 2011.

Japanese Article O-050. The bone cell in the klotho-/- environment shows inability to substrate mineral maintenance
佐々木宗輝1, 2, 田幡千尋1, 長谷川智香1, 郭頴1, 柳鋳晟1, 李敏啓1, 山本恒之1, 井上農夫男2, 網塚憲生1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 195-195, 2011.

Japanese Article O-051. trans-differentiation and matrix vesicle formation - of elucidation-klotho-/- mouse vascular smooth muscle cell of the minute structural mechanism in the vascular calcification
長谷川智香1, 李敏啓1, 佐々木宗輝1, 田幡千尋1, 大城戸一郎2, 郭頴1, 柳鋳晟1, 山本恒之1, 横山啓太郎2, 網塚憲生1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 196-196, 2011.

Japanese Article O-052. Effect of CCN2/CTGF in the heterotopic bone formation in the skeletal muscle
西田崇, 久保田聡, ジャヌネ ダニーロ, 滝川正春
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 196-196, 2011.

Japanese Article O-053. Imaging of "the function" of the maturity osteoclasts with the living body two photon excitation microscope
菊田順一, 石井優
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 197-197, 2011.

Japanese Article O-054. Study on specificity of c-Src in osteoclasts
松原琢磨, William Horne, Roland Baron
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 197-197, 2011.

English Article O-055. Suppression of infectious bone destruction by Osteoprotegerin[Machine Translation] (Osteoprotegerinによる感染性骨破壊の抑制)
高田康成, 松尾光一
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 198-198, 2011.

Japanese Article O-056. Participation and the control of "the membrane nanotube" in the fusion between osteoclasia progenitor cells: New aspect of the osteoclasts differentiation control
高橋良1, 3, 久木田明子2, 李銀姫1, 鮎川保則3, 古谷野潔3, 久木田敏夫1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 198-198, 2011.

Japanese Article O-057. Immunoglobulin-like lectin Siglec-15 is involved in a costimulatory signal through DAP12 and controls osteoclasts differentiation
小松幹, 高畑雅彦, 岩崎倫政, 三浪明男
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 199-199, 2011.

Japanese Article O-058. Sthenia of the inflammatory resorption of bone with the Toll-like receptor 2 hetero receptor (TLR1/2, TLR2/6) signal
松本千穂1, 富成司1, 小田俊男1, 平田美智子2, 稲田全規2, 宮浦千里1, 2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 199-199, 2011.

Japanese Article O-059. Examination - using condition of a patient - rheumatism model mouse of a bony-hardness change in the rheumatoid arthritis and the fragile incomplete abortion fracture increased risk
高畑雅彦1, 2, Jason Maher3, Andrew Berger3, Edward Schwarz2, Hani Awad2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 200-200, 2011.

Japanese Article O-060. The effect that vitamin K2 gives to the liver fat and the bone mass of the non-alcoholic fatty liver model rat
岩本潤1, 関あずさ2, 竹田毅1, 松本秀男1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 200-200, 2011.

Japanese Article O-061. Steroid osteoporosis-related vertebral fracture risk due to steroidal diabetes
龍野一郎1, 吉田知彦1, 鈴木佐和子1, 田中知明1, 杉山隆夫2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 201-201, 2011.

Japanese Article O-062. The risedronate improves the bone architecture of the type 2 diabetes model rat
矢野徹雄1, 山田めい1, 今田智之1, 井上大輔2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 201-201, 2011.

Japanese Article O-063. Associated -The ROAD Study- with the incidence of multiple fall by the large-scale inhabitants cohort study and the osteoarticular disease
村木重之1, 阿久根徹1, 岡敬之2, 中村耕三3, 川口浩3, 吉村典子2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 202-202, 2011.

Japanese Article O-064. Expression of CD38 is involved in bone organization potency at dynamic load increase and decrease in the mouse tailpiece chinning model
森寺邦晃1, 内田宗志1, 酒井昭典1, 目貫邦隆1, 山岡邦宏2, 園本格士朗2, 中村利孝1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 202-202, 2011.

Japanese Article O-065. Analysis of oxidative stress and the antioxidant enzyme in the mechanical stress reply
森川大智1, 2, 野尻英俊1, 2, 齋田良知1, 2, 小林慶司1, 2, 渡辺憲史1, 麻生義則3, 金子和夫2, 清水孝彦1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 203-203, 2011.

Japanese Article O-066. The dynamics stimulation-dependent bone metabolism through α 5 beta 1 integrin and the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway which are specific for mandibular bone osteoblasts
渡部弘隆1, 古濱貴美2, 石井信之1, 高垣裕子2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 203-203, 2011.

Japanese Article O-067. Histochemical search in the substrate fiber modification of the incisor periodontal membrane of the periostin gene defect mouse
田幡千尋1, 2, 佐々木宗輝1, 長谷川智香1, 李敏啓1, 山本恒之1, 飯田順一郎2, 工藤明3, 網塚憲生1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 204-204, 2011.

Japanese Article O-068. The chondrocytic Notch/Rbpj/Hes1 signal controls the frame formation and a latter term process of the enchodral ossification in the osteoarthritis
保坂陽子1, 齋藤琢2, 杉田守礼1, 深井厚1, 日方智宏4, 秋山治彦5, 中村孝志5, 中村耕三1, 鄭雄一3, 川口浩1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 204-204, 2011.

Japanese Article O-069. We copy ADAMTS5 in the cartilage cells, and NF-kB family molecules RelA induces it and is associated with the onset of the osteoarthritis
小林寛1, 平田真1, 2, 伊藤祥三1, 斎藤琢3, 鄭雄一2, 中村耕三1, 川口浩1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 205-205, 2011.

Japanese Article O-070. Memantine inhibits the human osteoclasts formation.
八子徹, 南家由紀, 川本学, 小竹茂
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 205-205, 2011.

Japanese Article O-071. Incidence of gonarthrosis by the cohort study of running and risk factor -The ROAD Study-
村木重之1, 阿久根徹1, 岡敬之2, 中村耕三3, 川口浩3, 吉村典子2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 206-206, 2011.

Japanese Article O-072. Mega phosphorus has decreased expression with morbid parathyroid gland
山形雅代1, 今西康雄2, 永田友貴2, 筒居秀伸1, 稲葉雅章2, 雪村時人1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 206-206, 2011.

Japanese Article O-073. The retinoic acid inhibits IIb type phosphoric acid transporter Npt2b expression and reduces the small intestine phosphorus absorption
山本浩範1, 増田真志1, 香西美奈1, 池田翔子1, 瀬川博子2, 竹谷豊1, 宮本賢一2, 武田英二1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 207-207, 2011.

Japanese Article O-074. Development of the metastatic bone tumor diagnosis PET drug using the acidic amino acid peptide
高井健一郎, 小川数馬
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 207-207, 2011.

Japanese Article O-075. Participation of the prostaglandin E in metastasis and the tumor vessel formation of cancer
瀧田守親, 横山智史, 稲田全規, 宮浦千里
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 208-208, 2011.

Japanese Article O-076. Inhibition of conquest and the bony lesion formation of the myeloma drug resistance that acid environment by sweeper streptomycin A brings
渡邉佳一郎1, 2, 安倍正博2, 川谷誠3, 日浅雅博2, 4, 中村信元2, 田中栄二1, 長田裕之3, 松本俊夫2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 208-208, 2011.

Japanese Article O-077. The vitamin D analog (eldecalcitol: ED-71) promotes proteolyses of the vitamin D receptor
武山健一1, 汐崎裕美1, 山本陽子1, 近藤剛史1, 福田裕子1, 今井祐記1, 原田卓2, 辻直樹2, 高橋文明2, 斎藤一史2, 加藤茂明1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 209-209, 2011.

Japanese Article O-078. Role of Tmem119 in the line ossification signal
田中賢一郎1, 2, 井上喜文1, 片桐岳信3, 北澤理子4, 小守壽文5, 杉本利嗣2, 清野進1, 6, 梶博史1, 6
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 209-209, 2011.

Japanese Article O-079. Transcription inhibiting factor Blimp1 is a molecular target of the bone metabolism control
宮内芳輝, 戸山芳昭, 宮本健史
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 210-210, 2011.

Japanese Article O-080. The endoplasmic reticulum stress reply mechanism IRE1α-XBP1 course is activated in the osteoblastic differentiation and induces transcription of Osterix
東門田誠一1, 2, 宮内芳輝2, 千葉一裕1, 2, 戸山芳昭2, 堀内圭輔1, 2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 210-210, 2011.

Japanese Article O-081. Monocarboxylate transporter-1 right controls osteoblastic differentiation
吉村健太郎1, 宮本洋一1, 塚崎雅之1, 山田篤1, 秋山智人2, 馬場一美2, 上條竜太郎1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 211-211, 2011.

Japanese Article O-082. ALC jjigae Nin promotes nuclear localization of NFATc1, but inhibits transcription activity
山下照仁1, 上原俊介2, 小林泰浩1, 宇田川信之2, 高橋直之1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 211-211, 2011.

Japanese Article O-083. The inflammatory cytokine promotes the osteoblastic differentiation of the human mesenchyma system stem cell through Wnt5a/Ror2 course
園本格士朗, 山岡邦宏, 尾下浩一, 福與俊介, 岡田洋右, 田中良哉
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 212-212, 2011.

Japanese Article O-084. Analysis about the BMP inductivity allopatry bony formation using the c-fos gene defect mouse
中村美どり1, 2, 二宮禎2, 溝口利英2, 荒井敦2, 高橋直之2, 宇田川信之1, 2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 212-212, 2011.

Japanese Article O-085. Cnot3 which is a mRNA control factor is associated with bone mass control
渡辺千穂1, 2, 3, 森田斉弘4, 江面陽一1, 2, 中元哲也1, 2, 早田匡芳1, 2, 辺見弘明1, 2, 納富拓也1, 2, 森山啓司2, 3, 山本雅4, 野田政樹1, 2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 213-213, 2011.

Japanese Article O-086. Differentiation instruction of the osteoblasts using distribution and that of cells derived from the neural crest in the mature form
小野美樹1, 2, 高見正道1, 須澤徹夫1, 山田篤1, 宮内知彦1, 3, 馬場一美3, 中村雅典4, 槇宏太郎2, 上條竜太郎1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 213-213, 2011.

Japanese Article O-087. We cause hypometabolism turn type bone mass decrease and an aging-related collagen cross-linked change, and the superoxide D mutase 1(SOD1) loss becomes the bone fragile
野尻英俊1, 2, 斎田良知1, 2, 森川大智1, 2, 小林慶司1, 2, 宮崎剛2, 斎藤充3, 丸毛啓史3, 金子和夫1, 清水孝彦2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 214-214, 2011.

Japanese Article O-088. Advanced glycation end products(AGEs) promotes vascular calcification through oxidative stress sthenia by the NAD(P)H oxidase
多田裕子1, 矢野彰三2, 岡崎恭子2, 小川典子2, 守田美和2, 山本昌弘2, 山口徹2, 杉本利嗣2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 214-214, 2011.

Japanese Article O-089. Gene therapy of the low phosphatase symptom by the myeloid cells transplant
飯島修1, 菅野華子1, 2, 3, 渡邉淳1, 3, 島田隆1, 3
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 215-215, 2011.

Japanese Article O-090. The ability for remarkable bone regeneration that the pulp cell has is shown through annexin A8
中道裕子1, 萩原貴寛2, 中村美どり1, 2, 高橋直之1, 宇田川信之1, 2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 215-215, 2011.

Japanese Article O-091. Establishment of the mouse synovial mesenchyme system stem cell primary culture system
二見一平1, 2, 石島旨章1, 金子晴香1, 2, 辻邦和4, 市川直樹3, 関矢一郎5, 宗田大6, 金子和夫1, 2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 216-216, 2011.

Japanese Article O-092. Osteoclasts differential inhibition effect of the human mesenchyma system stem cell through the Osteoprotegerin production
尾下浩一1, 3, 山岡邦宏1, 宇田川信之2, 福與俊介1, 園本格士朗1, 岡田洋右1, 齋藤和義1, 千葉健治3, 田中良哉1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 216-216, 2011.

Japanese Article O-093. Endoplasmic reticulum stress sensor BBF2H7 controls chondrocytic apoptosis by activating ATF5-MCL1 course
金本聡自, 齋藤敦, 近藤慎一, 今泉和則
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 217-217, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-01. The effect that adenosine receptor activation control by CD73(ecto-5' -nucleotidase) gives to osteoblastic differentiation
大原廣之, 竹立匡秀, 伊山舜吉, 村上伸也
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 221-221, 2011.

English Article P1-02. TNF-α antagonist peptide to enhance the non-dependent manner bone formation TNF-α.[Machine Translation] (TNF-α拮抗ペプチドはTNF-α非依存的に骨形成を亢進する.)
カーン マスード1, 2, アレス ニール1, 3, 永野健一1, 古屋優里子4, 保田尚孝4, 大谷啓一1, 青木和広1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 221-221, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-03. Protective efficacy of β agonist inductivity osteoporosis with antioxidant α lipoic acid
近藤久貴, 戸苅彰史
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 222-222, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-04. The close expression of Klf4 control is important to osteoblastic differentiation
道上郁美1, 2, 福士暁也1, 3, 栗栖浩二郎3, 阿部真土1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 222-222, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-05. - that analysis - segment clock of a bone, chondrogenesis, the differentiation process in the vertebral body of the spondylocostal dysostosis (SCDO) type 2 model Mesp2(-/-) mouse is essential to vertebral body and the regular space placement of the intervertebral disk
牧野祐司1, 2, 田辺里枝子3, 波多賢二4, 五関-曽根正江3, 金子和夫2, 山口朗1, 飯村忠浩1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 223-223, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-06. Examination about the bone differentiation of the stem cell derived from a human skeletal muscle
大石央代1, 上住聡芳2, 金治有彦1, 土田邦博2, 山田治基1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 223-223, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-07. Columnar particle β - phosphoric acid tricalcium which promotes a physiological bone regeneration in oophorectomy rats
池田通1, 立川絵里1, 権田芳範2, 柴田恭明1, 米澤郁穗3, 上高原理暢4, 井奥洪二4
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 224-224, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-08. The reproduction of the skeletal muscle and role of the BMP signal for satellite cells in the heterotopic bone formation
笹沼寛樹, 米山克美, 大手聡, 進正史, 福田亨, 古株彰一郎, 片桐岳信
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 224-224, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-09. The selective β2-adrenergic receptor's blocking agent butoxamine inhibits the resorption of bone in the hypertensive spontaneous rat (SHR)
新井通次1, 佐藤琢麻1, 2, 丹羽由華1, 後藤滋巳2, 戸苅彰史1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 225-225, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-10. Relations with pain and the bone metabolic turnover state associated with the osteoporosis
阿部恭久1, 射場浩介1, 佐々木浩一1, 千葉弘規1, 金谷久美子1, 川股知之2, 山下敏彦1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 225-225, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-11. Function of Transient Receptor Potential Melastatin 7 (TRPM7) which is RANKL-dependent, and develops in the osteoclasts differentiation
岡本富士雄1, 鍛治屋浩1, 大城希美子2, 岡部幸司1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 226-226, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-12. Analysis of the RANK gene expression control structure through the AP-1 responsive element
金藤聡美1, 北澤理子1, 石井淳子1, 近藤武史1, 森清1, 北澤荘平2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 226-226, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-13. Strong expression of GLI2 in human osteosarcoma and possibility of osteosarcoma treatment which targeted GLI2
永尾宗子, 瀬戸口啓夫, 小宮節郎
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 227-227, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-14. Role in the oral squamous cell carcinoma bone permeation of the sonic hedgehog
帆波辰基, 志茂剛, 奥井達雄, 栗尾奈愛, 青木香澄, 堀切優, 佐々木朗
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 227-227, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-15. TGF-beta which a maxillary tumor, a cyst produces and IL-1alpha induce the RANKL expression of frame work fiber blast
相川友直1, 山田智明1, 天野克比古1, 木全正彰1, 難波範行2, 飯田征二3, 古郷幹彦1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 228-228, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-16. An in vitro effect of zoledronate giving it to human periodontium cells and etidronate: Comparison with other cells
田中志典1, 大泉丈史1, 2, 木山朋美1, 3, 岡田諭1, 2, 遠藤康男1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 228-228, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-17. One patient who determined a bony lesion found in anorexia nervosa from the bone morphometry by the bone biopsy
平松里佳子1, 乳原善文1, 住田圭一1, 早見典子1, 諏訪部達也1, 山内真之1, 長谷川詠子1, 澤直樹1, 高市憲明1, 喜多嶋出2, 弘田裕2, 伊藤明美3
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 229-229, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-18. Phosphorylation ASARM and Phex derived from MEPE are associated with negative regulation system of the calcification by FGF23/ soluble type Klotho
小西有希子1, 2, 吉子裕二2, 南崎朋子2, 吉岡広陽2, 香西克之1, 前田憲彦2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 229-229, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-19. Does the change of the phosphorus concentration having a diet influence the renal failure of the Pit-1 overexpression animal?
関口佐保子1, 鈴木敦詞1, 浅野昇悟2, 四馬田恵1, 伊藤光泰1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 230-230, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-20. Effect of the PTH intermittence administration before surgical bone fracture treatment for the rat cancellous bone osteotomy part
土江博幸, 宮腰尚久, 粕川雄司, 青沼宏, 瀬川豊人, 島田洋一
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 230-230, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-21. Bone marrow transplantation combination same kind mesenchyma system stem cell transplant for the severe hypophosphatasia
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 231-231, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-22. The control that is in Meckel cartilage form by FGF10 in the formative period mandibular for fetus
寺尾文恵1, 高橋一郎1, 5, 三谷英稔2, 春山直人2, 6, 笹野泰之3, 鈴木治4, 山本照子1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 231-231, 2011.

Emilio S.i Hara1, Mitsuaki Ono1, Satoshi Kubota2, Wataru Sonoyama1, Takako Hattori2, Masaharu Takigawa2, Takuo Kuboki1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 232-232, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-24. Function of OASIS in the fracture healing process
舩元太郎1, 関本朝久1, 黒木修司1, 今泉和則2, 帖佐悦男1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 232-232, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-25. Effect to osteoclasts, the osteoblasts of the crude drug as the new osteoporotic therapeutic drug and cartilage cells
椋代義樹1, 番家政香1, 近藤誠二1, 矢澤一良2, 新谷悟1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 233-233, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-26. Study of the gravity effect on osteoblasts by the creation of the antigravity device
久保木芳徳1, 孫永昆2, 滝田裕子3, 賀来亨4, 西村浩之5, 菊地敦紀5, 小川真吾6, 八上公利7
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 233-233, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-27. BMP-2 does not promote bony formation in the marrow cavity
笈田育尚, 大野充昭, 園山亘, Hara Emilio, 窪木拓男
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 234-234, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-28. The chronic alcohol intake delays the cortical bone formation of a bone, the marrow injury
竹内慶法, 森俊陽, 酒井昭典, 森寺邦晃, 土屋卓人, 加納深吉, 宇都宮啓, 村井哲平, 中村利孝
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 234-234, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-29. Association between bone type alkaline phosphatase activity and blood bone metabolism marker and nutritional factor in young adults
祓川摩有1, 田辺里枝子2, 曽我部夏子3, 杉本碧4, 道上敏美5, 細井孝之6, 五関-曽根正江1, 2, 4
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 235-235, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-30. About relations with the three-dimensional construction formation of the osteoblastic projection and collagen fiber in the lamellar bone
山本恒之1, 長谷川智香1, 佐々木宗輝2, 郭頴3, 田幡千尋4, 柳鋳晟1, 李敏啓1, 網塚憲生1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 235-235, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-31. Rac1 inhibits BMP2 inductivity osteoblasts differentiation
大西恵1, 2, 藤田幸2, 吉川秀樹1, 山下俊英2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 236-236, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-32. Effect on osteoblastic differentiation of Netrin-1
金子恵子, 樋口周久, 吉田清志, 吉川秀樹
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 236-236, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-33. Cell death is involved in calcification accompanied with the osteoblastic differentiation of the marrow mesenchyma system stem cell in In vitro
藤田洋史, 斧美緒, 佐々木順造
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 237-237, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-34. Eldecalcitol(ED-71) inhibits expression of RANKL in the cancellous bone and increases bone density
原田卓1, 2, 溝口利英1, 中道裕子1, 小林泰浩1, 武田聡2, 坂井貞興2, 高橋文明2, 斎藤一史2, 保田尚孝5, 宇田川信之3, 須田立雄4, 高橋直之1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 237-237, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-35. RANK binding protein CCN2/CTGF promotes RANK-RANKL signal
青山絵理子1, 久保田聡2, 西田崇2, 滝川正春2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 238-238, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-36. The osteoclasts are involved in the bone canaliculi formation, and the bone canaliculi is involved in cortical bone remodeling
南郷脩史1, 久保田省吾1, 矢代航2, 百生敦2, 松尾光一3
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 238-238, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-37. Polarization index -TRAP-mark of osteoclasts is a secretion trace
中山貴裕1, 川原一郎2, 上原俊介1, 山下照仁2, 溝口利英2, 小林泰浩2, 小澤英浩3, 宇田川信之1, 高橋直之2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 239-239, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-38. TNF α and TGF β induce single nuclear osteoclasts progenitor cells of Kat1+c-fms+, Kat1+CD11b+ in the presence of low-concentrated M-CSF
松原麗1, 2, 3, 久木田敏夫2, 市木佑佳1, 瀧川一平1, 屈鵬飛2, 野中和明3, 久木田明子1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 239-239, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-39. Osteoclasts differentiation promotion effect through the IGF2-producing increase by the hypoxia stimulation
野村隆之1, 2, 福岡逸人1, 2, 青山峰芳2, 中尾公久1, 2, 後藤洋1, 2, 宮澤健1, 浅井清文2, 後藤滋巳1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 240-240, 2011.

English Article P1-40. Nordihydroguaiaretic Acid inhibits bone destruction in osteoclast differentiation and rat adjuvant arthritis[Machine Translation] (Nordihydroguaiaretic Acidは破骨細胞分化とラットアジュバント関節炎における骨破壊を抑制する)
李銀姫1, 久木田明子2, 屈鵬飛1, 高野登志雄1, 實松敬介3, 二ノ宮裕三3, 久木田敏夫1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 240-240, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-41. The formation inhibitory effect of TNF - α inductivity osteoclasts by IFN - γ
小原悠1, 北浦英樹2, 吉松昌子1, 藤村裕治1, 森田幸子1, 増山律子3
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 241-241, 2011.

English Article P1-42. Podosome formation and osteoclast fusion mechanism by Tks5[Machine Translation] (Tks5によるポドソーム形成と破骨細胞融合メカニズム)
及川司1, 尾山大明3, 秦裕子3, 佐谷秀行2, 松尾光一1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 241-241, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-43. The adrenomedullin inhibits the osteoclasts formation through a cAMP signal
中尾一祐1, 三浦晶子2, 小山典昭1, 大澤賢次1, 上田依利子2, 山下唯2, 近藤絵里2, 藤井寿人2, 金本巨哲2, 八十田明宏2, 荒井宏司2, 別所和久1, 中尾一和2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 242-242, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-44. In the low Ca food breeding ovary removal rat, the risedronate improves bone architecture and bone strength than alendronate from an early stage
矢野徹雄1, 山田めい1, 今田智之1, 井上大輔2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 242-242, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-45. RANKL-secreting mechanism - by any time, establishment - membrane potential change of RANKL-secreting control measures in the space by the light transduction
納富拓也1, 2, 久野みゆき3, 江面陽一2, 野田政樹1, 2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 243-243, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-46. Two kinds of actin superstructure bodies which are observed in osteoclasts symplast before the last differentiation
瀧戸二郎, 依田昌樹, 東門田誠一, 内川伸一, 戸山芳昭, 千葉一裕
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 243-243, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-47. The osteoclasts differentiation depends on extracellular cholesterol, and the low density lipoprotein receptor loss mouse looks at the bone mass increase due to the fusion disorder of osteoclasts
岡安麻里1, 林田千代美1, 中谷地舞1, 2, 佐藤卓也1, 伊東順太1, 須田直人2, 羽毛田慈之1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 244-244, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-48. Strain ossification cells MLO-Y4 produces a humoral osteoclasts formation inhibiting factor except OPG
林田千代美1, 佐藤卓也1, 岡安麻里1, 2, 中谷地舞1, 2, 伊東順太1, 羽毛田慈之1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 244-244, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-49. Examination of the usefulness of serum bone type tartaric acid-resistant acid phosphatase (TRACP-5b) in the oophorectomy rat
菊地渉1, 2, 生天目安昭1, 松木友里1, 清川巌1, 野村文夫2, 織田公光3, 三浦俊英1, 3
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 245-245, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-50. Depressant action of the Notch2-dependent RBP-J transcription control factor in the osteoclasts formation
段莉, 鍛治屋浩, 根本哲臣, 岡本富士雄, 岡部幸司
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 245-245, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-51. About the osteoclasts formation by Pam3CSK4 which is TLR2 agonist and a rat maxillary palatine bone resorption of bone effect
矢野亜希子1, 鈴木恵子2, 諸橋富夫2, 唐川亜希子2, 山本松男1, 山田庄司2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 246-246, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-52. An example of the iatrogenic adrenal insufficiency that caused high Ca crises
小松弥郷, 大崎啓介, 旗谷雄二
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 246-246, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-53. The role that the homodimeric formation of heterodimer of CCN2/CTGF and CCN3/NOV and CCN2 gives to chondrocytic substrate composition
星島光博1, 2, 服部高子1, 青山絵理子3, 西田崇1, 山城隆2, 滝川正春1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 247-247, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-54. Blood levels of sclerostin are positively correlated with bone mass, spinal deformity and body fat mass, and are also associated with SNPs near the SOST gene
浦野友彦1, 2, 白木正孝3, 成澤研一郎4, 中村利孝4, 大内尉義1, 井上聡1, 2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 247-247, 2011.

English Article P1-55. Evaluation of independent and combinational effect of CCN2 modules on chondocytic cells
Tarek Abd El Kdaer1, Satoshi Kubota1, Takashi Nishida1, Takako Hattori1, Eriko Aoyama3, Danilo Janune1, Takuo Kuboki2, Masaharu Takigawa1, 3
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 248-248, 2011.

English Article P1-56. Canonical Wnt signaling to regulate the CXCL12 expression of bone marrow stromal cells[Machine Translation] (古典的Wntシグナルは骨髄ストローマ細胞のCXCL12発現を調節する)
田村正人1, 佐藤真理1, 2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 248-248, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-57. Mechanism of the calcified promotion by TNF - α of the aortic valve interstitial cells which we obtained than patients with calcific aortic stenosis
古川賢一1, 于在強2, 瀬谷和彦1, 大徳和之2, 元村成1, 福田幾夫2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 249-249, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-58. Effect on osteoblastic differentiation of the serotonin
平居貴生1, 西尾廣昭2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 249-249, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-59. Histological observation of FGF23 in the healing process of the mouse rib fracture
柳鋳晟1, 郭穎1, 長谷川智香1, 織田公光2, 山本恒之1, 網塚憲生1, 李敏啓1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 250-250, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-60. TRPV4 extends the calcium ion inflow in osteoblasts under the mechanical stress
鈴木允文1, 2, 4, 納富拓也1, 4, 溝口史高3, 宮嶋大輔1, 4, 早田匡芳1, 中元哲也1, 4, 江面陽一1, 和泉雄一2, 4, 野田政樹1, 4
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 250-250, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-61. The inflammatory inducer LPS controls CIZ expression by IL-1 β in cartilage cells ATDC5
川崎真希理1, 中元哲也1, 2, 納富拓也1, 2, 早田匡芳1, 江面陽一1, 野田政樹1, 2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 251-251, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-62. In vivo imaging of osteoblasts and osteoclasts in the Oryzias latipes bone fracture restoration
武山和弘, 茶谷昌宏, 工藤明
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 251-251, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-63. Expression and function of Annexin a5 in the periodontium morphosis
島田明美1, 小松浩一郎1, 中島和久1, 網塚憲生2, ブラッハフォーゲル ベント3, 二藤彰1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 252-252, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-64. The gene expression in the calcified process of human dental follicle cells and signal transduction analysis
高橋康輔1, 小倉直美1, 2, 青沼陽菜1, 岩井聡1, 藤本陽子1, 伊藤耕1, 2, 神野良一1, 2, 近藤壽郎1, 2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 252-252, 2011.

Hsing-Chin Kuo1, Cheng-Hsing Weng2, Cheng-Nan Chen3, Wen-Shih Huang4
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 253-253, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-66. Incidence of degenerative lumbar spondylosis by the cohort study of running and risk factor -The ROAD Study-
村木重之1, 阿久根徹1, 岡敬之2, 中村耕三3, 川口浩3, 吉村典子2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 253-253, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-67. The bone destruction control due to the mesenchyma system stem cell: Analysis using the adjuvant-induced arthritis rat
高野登志雄1, 3, 李銀姫1, 久木田明子2, 山座孝義1, 鮎川保則3, 古谷野潔3, 久木田敏夫1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 254-254, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-68. STAT3 is a new molecular target of rheumatoid arthritis treatment
森智章1, 宮本健史1, 吉村昭彦2, 戸山芳昭1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 254-254, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-69. Examination - with - low vacuum pressure SEM that the new peptide derived from rheumatoid arthritis (RA) synovium inhibits human osteoclasts (Oc) differentiation
小竹茂, 八子徹, 川本学, 南家由紀
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 255-255, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-70. Examination of the onset of RANK in the monocyte in healthy subject peripheral blood and CCR6
南家由紀, 八子徹, 川本学, 山中寿, 小竹茂
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 255-255, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-71. -TOMORROW study - that the lipid cytokine affects the bone metabolism of patients with rheumatoid arthritis
杉岡優子1, 脇谷滋之2, 岡野匡志1, 多田昌弘1, 小池達也3
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 256-256, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-72. Functional analysis of the osteoclasts in the rheumatoid arthritis model mouse
松本一真1, 2, 石丸直澄2, 井澤俊1, 日浅雅博3, 田中栄二1, 林良夫2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 256-256, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-73. Functional analysis of TNF-αconverting enzyme(TACE) in the IL-1 receptor signal
内川伸一, 依田昌樹, 千葉一裕, 堀内圭輔, 戸山芳昭
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 257-257, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-74. CIZ and IL-1 β induce expression mutually and are associated with joint pain
中元哲也1, 2, 元吉貴之1, 川崎真希理1, 佐久間朋美1, 2, 早田匡芳1, 江面陽一1, 野田政樹1, 2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 257-257, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-75. About the bone sound evaluation level of the child with a physical disability
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 258-258, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-76. Bone morphometry of the autopsy vertebral body of the childhood steroidal osteoporosis
畠山雄二1, 宮腰尚久2, 粕川雄司2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 258-258, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-77. A part of the low phosphatase symptom has a diagnosis with a close inspection of the short stature
望月弘1, 立川加奈子2, 大薗恵一3, 道上敏美2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 259-259, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-78. Examination about the factor associated with the bony lesion of the children who presented with a high ALP blood symptom, and had a diagnosis of vitamin D deficiency or a drop symptom
武鑓真司, 山本威久, 山本勝輔, 下辻常介
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 259-259, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-79. Growth of the height after the first menstruation in the young woman and relations with the bone mass
森脇公美子, 北村琴美, 峯松亮
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 260-260, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-80. Examination of the vertebral body bone fracture foresight ability in type 2 diabetes of the supersonic wave calcaneal bone bone density measurement
山口徹, 山本昌弘, 金沢一平, 山内美香, 矢野彰三, 杉本利嗣
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 260-260, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-81. Cause tumor of oncogenic osteomalacia has a bone osteoblasts-like form and essence
永田友貴1, 橋本淳2, 宮内章光3, 大庭功一4, 小谷野肇5, 梶博史6, 小松弥郷7, 杉本利嗣8, 三木隆己9, 今西康雄1, 稲葉雅章1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 261-261, 2011.

Japanese Article P1-82. One case of the soft part cytomegaly which resulted in oncogenic osteomalacia
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 261-261, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-01. About an osteoblastic differentiation regulatory mechanism of PKR through GSK-3β
吉田賀弥1, 2, 岡村裕彦3, 星野由美4, 吉岡昌美5, 日野出大輔4
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 262-262, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-02. Effect to give to vertebration of the retinoic acid in the Oryzias latipes
松本朋弘1, 2, 3, 出口友則1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 262-262, 2011.

English Article P2-03. The influence of dexamethasone on the growth and differentiation of Osteoarthritic osteoblasts
Chih-C. Yen1, Cheng-N. Chen2, Ming-K. Yen3, Yun-T. Lee2, Hsin-I Chang2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 263-263, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-04. ACVR1 gene shows R258G mutation, multiple malformations, 1 infant case of the fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva with the myocardium noncompaction
長谷川高誠1, 田中弘之2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 263-263, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-05. Importance of perinatal type low phosphatase symptom high frequency mutation part 1559delT in Japan and follow up from perinatal time
渡邉淳1, 2, 菅野華子1, 2, 飯島修2, 折茂英生3, 島田隆1, 2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 264-264, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-06. BMP inhibitor Dullard inhibits BMP signal independently with caveolin - proteasome course
早田匡芳1, 江面陽一1, 野田政樹1, 2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 264-264, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-07. Analysis of the secretory protein of periosteum cells at bony formation in the Scaffold-free
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 265-265, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-08. For the differentiation from fat stem cell (ADSC) to bony formation cells is chemical, effect of the mechanical irritation
番家政香, 椋代義樹, 吉濱泰斗, 代田達夫, 近藤誠二, 新谷悟
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 265-265, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-09. The culture osteoclasts elute collagen oligopeptide from an ivory substrate
井上直樹1, 杉原富人1, 片岡綾2, 清水純2, 中谷祥恵2, 和田政裕2, 真野博2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 266-266, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-10. Osteoclasts support ability control structure with the high molecular weight hyaluronic acid
有吉渉, 沖永敏則, 西原達次
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 266-266, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-11. Na+/H+ exchange transporter (NHE)10 is involved in the fusion of osteoclasts progenitor cells
峯裕一1, 牧平清超2, 二川浩樹1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 267-267, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-12. As for the osteoclasts of the birds marrow bone, apoptosis is not induced by estrogen
樋山伸二1, 高橋美沙2, 内田隆1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 267-267, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-13. Examination of the osteoblasts as serine demand characteristics and serine supply cells in the osteoclasts differentiation
小川拓哉, 北川(石田)教弘
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 268-268, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-14. Effect of bisphosphonates on mouse inflammation-related cytokine
船山ひろみ1, 宗正隆明1, 岡田諭2, 遠藤康男2, 朝田芳信1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 268-268, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-15. Vacuolar type H+-ATPase and pH of the voltage-dependent proton channel to coexist to an osteoclasia cell membrane and voltage-dependent reply
酒井啓, 久野みゆき
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 269-269, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-16. Analgesic effect of bisphosphonates(BPs) which is not associated with the resorption of bone depressant action
金始瑛1, 2, 岡田諭2, 山本照子1, 遠藤康男2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 269-269, 2011.

English Article P2-17. 5-Lipoxygenase Mediates Rankl-Induced Osteoclast Formation
Ju Hee Kang, Mijung Yim
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 270-270, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-18. The EGR1 expression rise with the antineoplastic drug administration inhibits osteosarcoma cell infiltration ability through a slow-up of uPA/uPAR
瀬戸口啓夫1, 小宮節郎2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 270-270, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-19. The phosphorus diet improves the vascular endothelium functional disorder in the adenine-induced CKD model rat
竹谷豊1, ヴヴァン タン1, 宮本賢一2, 山本浩範1, 武田英二1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 271-271, 2011.

English Article P2-20. Lower jaw morphology analysis of C / EBPβ hetero mouse by Euclidean distance matrix analysis[Machine Translation] (ユークリッド距離基質分析によるC/EBPβヘテロマウスの下顎形態解析)
Boyen Huang, 高橋克, 坂田-後藤朋子, 喜早ほのか, 東郷由弥子, 斉藤和幸, 塚本容子, 別所和久
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 271-271, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-21. Necrosis of the jaw bone by nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates(NBPs): 5 cases that tried a change to etidronate(non-NBP)
山口晃史1, 大泉丈史2, 岡田論2, 3, 遠藤康男3
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 272-272, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-22. A function of CCN2/CTGF in anterior cruciate ligament cells and effect of the periodic extension load
三宅由晃1, 2, 古松毅之1, 久保田聡2, 河田かずみ2, 尾崎敏文1, 滝川正春2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 272-272, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-23. Morphologic evaluation - in - animal models that the alendronate prevents burr hole expansion
神谷武志, 新城宏隆, 大湾一郎, 金谷文則
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 273-273, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-24. Change over time of the rat skeletal muscle in atrophy by transient denervation and the recovery process and the tibia bone trabecula structure
田巻弘之1, 山本智章1, 2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 273-273, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-25. Examination of the optimization of the image of antebrachial bone CR
木村千里, 吉野進也
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 274-274, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-26. The low power pulse supersonic wave promotes the increase of osteoclasia cell line cells
渡邉敏之1, 城戸瑞穂1, 立花克郎2, 久木田明子3, 久木田敏夫1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 274-274, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-27. The ALK2 variant identified in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP) is activated more by type II BMP receptor
大手聡, 福田亨, 笹沼寛樹, 進正史, 米山克美, 古株彰一郎, 鈴木星也, 片桐岳信
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 275-275, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-28. Analysis of the BMP responsive element in the BMP initial reply gene
進正史1, 大手聡1, 米山克美1, 笹沼寛樹1, 古株彰一郎1, 福田亨1, 自見英治郎2, 片桐岳信1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 275-275, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-29. Reciprocal expression of Odd-skipped related1 and Odd-skipped related2 control
河合伸治, 天野敦雄
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 276-276, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-30. Identification of the osteoclasts differential inhibition peptide derived from RANK and elucidation of the action mecha-nism
田口祐, 合田仁, 井上純一郎
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 276-276, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-31. One case of the intractable hypocalcemia that Graves' disease is prolonged postoperatively
山下唯, 三浦晶子, 近藤絵里, 城孝尚, 上田依利子, 藤井寿人, 金本巨哲, 曽根正勝, 八十田明宏, 荒井宏司, 中尾一和
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 277-277, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-32. Effect to give to the bone metabolism of the fracture healing model rat of the new bromomelatonin derivative
関あずさ1, 鈴木信雄2, 染井正徳2, 矢野幸子3, 服部淳彦4
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 277-277, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-33. Cartilage differentiation effect by the peptide with osteoclasts depressant action and the bony formation sthenia effect
古屋優里子1, 内田浩二1, 保田尚孝2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 278-278, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-34. Expression and function of SnoN in the cartilage cells differentiation maturity
河村一郎1, 2, 石堂康弘1, 今村勝行1, 2, 横内雅博2, 小宮節郎1, 2, 前田真吾1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 278-278, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-35. Direct initial cartilage differentiation promotion effect of Nkx3.2
川戸良能1, 平尾眞3, 小瀬弘樹1, 金城聖一1, 蛯名耕介1, 史賢林1, 名井陽2, 吉川秀樹1, 橋本淳2, 4
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 279-279, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-36. As for the signal from an extracellular matrix through Vinculin, Sox9 controls cartilage cells differentiation through the interaction with the humoral factor creation signal independently
越水隆雄1, 2, 川井正信1, 立川加奈子1, 大薗恵一3, 道上敏美1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 279-279, 2011.

English Article P2-37. The role of CCN3 as a molecule that predestine the chondrocyte differentiation[Machine Translation] (軟骨細胞分化を運命づける分子としてのCCN3の役割)
ジャヌネ ダニーロ1, 2, 久保田聡2, 西田崇2, 滝川正春2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 280-280, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-38. The cynaropicrin protects cartilage by inhibiting the activation of the HIF2A/NF-κB signal due to inflammation
桝谷晃明, 田中友香, 坪井誠
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 280-280, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-39. The effect that hydroxyproline (Hyp)-containing peptide gives to precursory cartilage cells
中島大斗, 中谷祥恵, 真野博, 古旗賢二, 和田政裕
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 281-281, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-40. The bone metabolism improvement mechanism of action of the collagen dipeptide (Lew Glyn)
片岡綾1, 清水純1, 中谷祥恵1, 杉原富人2, 和田政裕1, 羽毛田慈之3, 真野博1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 281-281, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-41. Bone form analysis of type 5 collagen α 1 chain gene hetero loss mouse known as the model experiment system of the Ehlers-Danlos syndrome "old model"
江面陽一, 野田政樹
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 282-282, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-42. Study on bone metabolic control factor of postmenopausal women
山本威久1, 津田隆之2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 282-282, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-43. Localization of sclerostin in the mandibular alveolar bone of the oophorectomy rat
郭穎1, 2, 柳鋳晟1, 長谷川智香1, 山本恒之1, 網塚憲生1, 李敏啓1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 283-283, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-44. Examination ... of the factor involved in osteoporotic - bone mass decrease in the rheumatoid arthritis
仲村一郎1, 自見英治郎2, 茶木修3
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 283-283, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-45. Examination about low carboxylated bone Gla-containing protein (ucOC) and bone density in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism
鈴木尚宜1, 竹下章1, 宮川めぐみ1, 三浦大周2, 竹内靖博1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 284-284, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-46. Is palatability investigation - oral long-term intermittent dosage medicine of the osteoporotic treatment drug received? Examination - using WEB survey
田中郁子1, 玉置繁憲2, 大島久二3
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 284-284, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-47. Comparison of the incidence of the osteoporotic fracture in blood homocysteine high level case and blood homocysteine normalcy case
野坂光司1, 木村善明1, 宮腰尚久2, 本郷道生2, 柏倉剛1, 粕川雄司2, 櫻場乾1, 島田洋一2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 285-285, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-48. The arteriosclerotic presence is a risk factor of the vertebral body bone fracture in type 2 diabetes
山本昌弘, 山口徹, 山内美香, 矢野彰三, 杉本利嗣
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 285-285, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-49. Bone metabolism disorders in the diabetic osteoporosis
千葉弘規, 射場浩介, 佐々木浩一, 阿部恭久, 金谷久美子, 山下敏彦
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 286-286, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-50. Effect to give to bone metabolism, bony-hardness of the thiazolidine
森博子, 岡田洋右, 田中良哉
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 286-286, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-51. Endocytosis of Bisphosphonates(BPs): Examination using BP structure allied substances with the mouse auricle skin and 3H-alendronate(3H-Ale)
岡田諭1, 2, 田中志典1, 大泉丈史1, 2, 山口晃史1, 3, 遠藤康男1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 287-287, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-52. Resorption of bone depressant action and inflammation, a necrotic effect of minodronate in the mouse: Comparison with other bisphosphonates
坂東加南1, 2, 山口晃史1, 4, 金始瑛1, 2, 岡田諭1, 3, 大泉丈史1, 3, 山本照子2, 遠藤康男1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 287-287, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-53. Elucidation of the macrophage function in the renal calculus formation using op/op mouse
田口和己, 岡田淳志, 市川潤, 藤井泰普, 新美和寛, 廣瀬泰彦, 小林隆宏, 濱本周造, 広瀬真仁, 伊藤恭典, 安井孝周, 戸澤啓一, 郡健二郎
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 288-288, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-54. It is developed making and the ELISA method of the new monoclonal antibody of Matrix gla protein for the purpose of the blood level fixed-quantity rat low Gla
津川尚子, 金森健悟, 澤田夏美, 岡野登志夫
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 288-288, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-55. Of the oxygen concentration near the bone cartilage cells under various kinds of culture conditions, actually
小瀬弘樹1, 平尾眞2, 蛯名耕介1, 金城聖一1, 本城由衣1, 川戸良能1, 南平昭豪3, 史賢林1, 吉川秀樹1, 橋本淳2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 289-289, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-56. New genetic search to be associated with the osteochondropathy using the variableness type gene trap method
黒木修司, 関本朝久, 舩元太郎, 帖佐悦男
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 289-289, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-57. How long does the excessive inhibition of the bone metabolism marker with the bisphosphonate preparation occur in the ratio of?
野坂光司1, 木村善明1, 宮腰尚久2, 柏倉剛1, 本郷道生2, 粕川雄司2, 櫻場乾1, 島田洋一2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 290-290, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-58. FTIR imaging and bony-hardness analysis of the terminal kidney disease rat using the Raman spectroscopy
木村-須田廣美1, 日高公介1, 桑原三恵子2, 金沢恭祐1, 植野秀俊1, 梶原誠3, 大和英之2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 290-290, 2011.

Japanese Article P2-59. Role in the bone metabolism of transport protein x
綾邦彦1, 長谷川高誠1, 田中弘之2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 291-291, 2011.

English Article P2-60. Bone loss in men with multiple sclerosis treated with low dose glucocorticoids
Ivan Raska Jr.1, Michaela Tyblova2, Vit Zikan1, Maria Luchavova2, Zdenek Telicka1
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 291-291, 2011.

Mengmeng Zhang1, Weiqi Zhang2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 292-292, 2011.

Mengmeng Zhang1, Yagang Li2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 292-292, 2011.

Mengmeng Zhang1, Yagang Li2
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Bone and Mineral Research Program & Abstracts (29th): 293-293, 2011.