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The Japanese Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry

Volume , Issue 3 / 1960
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article About the social readaptation after the discharge (symposium)
菊地潤, 安田恒人
The Japanese Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry (3): 1-7, 1960.

Japanese Article About the employment placement of girls patients
The Japanese Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry (3): 9-13, 1960.

Japanese Article About the club activities of the person of job guidance in the combination with the community and discharge
城所直行, 宮田敬一
The Japanese Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry (3): 15-20, 1960.

Japanese Article Experience of finding employment discharge After Care of the mental hospital inpatient
The Japanese Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry (3): 21-26, 1960.

Japanese Article About the aptitude instruction to a person planning discharge and the environmental adjustment for discharged patients
今野陽三, 丹道男, 後藤啓一
The Japanese Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry (3): 27-36, 1960.

Japanese Article Activity of the comeback to normal life school
小林八郎, 半沢智恵子
The Japanese Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry (3): 37-49, 1960.

Japanese Article The society readaptation which we saw than a case study
The Japanese Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry (3): 51-59, 1960.

Japanese Article Experimental study of the opening therapy
The Japanese Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry (3): 75-80, 1960.

Japanese Article About the opening of the one girl child ward in the Matsuzawa Hospital
The Japanese Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry (3): 81-88, 1960.

Japanese Article Study of the chronic schizophrenia in the experimental opening ward
小林八郎, 岡庭武, 久間利昭, 夏堀よしの, 中崎俶子
The Japanese Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry (3): 89-101, 1960.