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Kanagawa Public Health Journal

Volume , Issue 3 / 1955
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article New life exercise and improvement of the living environment
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 2-5, 1955.

Japanese Article About the course of development and upbringing of the district tissue in the city
杉原正造, 川副武, 青山三男, 永井尚三郎, 中田安男
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 6-6, 1955.

Japanese Article About the trial manufacture of the color slide for the health education
大久保熊太郎, 豊浦盛信, 木村邦雄, 萩原正二
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 6-6, 1955.

Japanese Article About the situation of the patients with intraluminal tuberculosis family to be caused by use of health card
吉村令司, 笠原久弥, 松田かよ
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 6-7, 1955.

Japanese Article Schoolchild congenital syphilis investigation (the first report) in the Minami-ku pipe
小川左右樹, 篠原貞男, 斎藤治男
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 8-8, 1955.

Japanese Article A schoolchild congenital syphilis investigation (the second report) (clinical ordinary serologic study)
秋元寿惠夫1), 影山和夫1), 白井透1), 田村元2), 宍戸昌夫3), 大熊篤二3), 藤田裕4)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 8-8, 1955.

Japanese Article About the current situation of the Kanagawa throughout the prefecture school hygiene
成田功, 西郊文夫
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 8-9, 1955.

Japanese Article One consideration about relations of the age of birth weight and parents
林秀, 伊藤潔, 前田実, 橋本たま
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 9-9, 1955.

Japanese Article About the mass outbreak of the tuberculosis schoolchild in study I Yokohama-shi of the schoolchild health
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 11-11, 1955.

Japanese Article About the childhood health consultation visit to an office situation
小浜泰子, 柏木和子, 長田なみい
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 11-12, 1955.

Japanese Article About instruction of the birth control
原清1), 金城寿惠子2), 市岡操2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 12-13, 1955.

Japanese Article About the way of the birth control in the mountain village
清水利貞, 奥村怜子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 13-13, 1955.

Japanese Article In the family multi-; about the mental patient who can utter it
小野基雄, 小松五郎, 和泉文雄, 成川登
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 13-13, 1955.

Japanese Article About blood test results results of the practice occupationally exposed person under Kanagawa (the first report)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 13-14, 1955.

Japanese Article Study on Benzol poisoning
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 15-15, 1955.

Japanese Article Fatigue of the particular status environment maid child factory worker
石田詮1), 中谷昭三郎2), 松崎邦夫2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 15-16, 1955.

Japanese Article About chlorine dissolved underwater C.O.D. (chemical oxygen consumption)
林秀, 伊藤潔, 大野茂
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 16-16, 1955.

Japanese Article Sterilization of the pooled water by the silver nitrate
菅野三郎1), 瓜生一郎1), 長南茂樹1), 奥山義光1), 笹生春治2), 高松和幸3), 高橋輝一郎3), 飯塚孝雄3)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 16-17, 1955.

Japanese Article Criticism for the examination for pollution degree of the public bath
斎藤治男1), 中丸実1), 大津昇一2), 飯田昌好2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 17-18, 1955.

Japanese Article About the environmental research of the well
稲見勲1), 田中茂彦1), 高染勇吉1), 田口勝久2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 18-18, 1955.

Japanese Article About the groundwater investigation of the report blowout well zone second about the pollution of the well in Odawara-shi
和田裕, 岩田義徳
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 18-19, 1955.

Japanese Article Zushi-shi human waste digestion about a structure function of measuring up
内田三郎1), 小野芳夫1), 武藤暢夫2), 山田義男3), 藤波利喜雄3)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 20-20, 1955.

Japanese Article Biological survey results of the Zushi-shi human waste digestion tank
原田文雄, 石井襄二, 吉田忠, 宮崎久子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 20-21, 1955.

Japanese Article About the comparative study of study (I) of the fast composting disposal of the city useless thing particularly E.Thomas bacteria, Pfeiffer bacteria and farm village compost bacteria
児玉威, 武藤暢夫, 遠矢泰典
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 21-22, 1955.

Japanese Article About consideration of the pollution effect of the feces and urine discharge to sea caused by ocean currents and tides of Tokyo heads of a bay and Sagami Bay
鈴木五郎, 丸岡哲三, 飯島芳雄, 上野武, 池田弥兵衛, 大浦仁
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 22-22, 1955.

Japanese Article Pollution survey by the discharge to sea of the feces and urine
上野武, 鈴木五郎, 丸岡哲三, 池田弥兵衛, 大浦仁
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 22-22, 1955.

Japanese Article About group dysentery that occurred this summer in Tsukui-gun
清水利貞1), 大生静夫1), 高橋武夫2), 山田建次郎2), 金杉徳治2), 栗原忠夫3), 吉田忠4)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 23-23, 1955.

Japanese Article It is (1) epidemiologic survey about the fever of unknown origin-related disease that broke out in a mass in the elementary school in front of the Yokohama-shi west
大田芳樹, 山本茂子, 落合博, 寺西貞子, 三木宏城, 山下政雄, 伊吹マサ
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 23-24, 1955.

Japanese Article It is (2) clinical practice under the fever of unknown origin-related disease that broke out in a mass in the elementary school in front of the Yokohama-shi west
有田不二, 入江英博
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 24-24, 1955.

Japanese Article About the one fever of unknown origin-related disease that occurred explosively in a certain junior high school of Tsukui-gun, Kanagawa in the spring of 1954 (clinical with epidemiology)
清水利貞1), 内田道男1), 渡辺武治2), 渡口精吉2), 吉田忠3)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 25-25, 1955.

Japanese Article About the detection of the antioxidant of lard or margarine
菅野三郎, 依田八重
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 26-27, 1955.

Japanese Article Report (miso, bread) first about an alien substance of daily foods
石渡進, 出川昭
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 27-27, 1955.

Japanese Article About a tendency of the food poisoning in Kanagawa
中町俊雄, 松本才治, 中野真一, 鈴木長谷雄
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 27-28, 1955.

Japanese Article About the salmonella poisoning mass outbreak of the new Tsurumi Japanese National Railways dormitory
杉原正造, 川副武, 織田彰康, 桑原徹二, 永井尚三郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 28-28, 1955.

Japanese Article About an example of the food poisoning that occurred in a certain factory in Kawasaki-shi
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 28-28, 1955.

Japanese Article Boil; the poisoning case with the octopus
関本一雄, 鈴木功, 岩本銀作, 花輪直衛, 村上まさ子, 小川静
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 28-29, 1955.

Japanese Article Under Enterobacteriaceae of the sashimi
佐藤定吉, 中村武雄, 頭本藤雄, 星益栄, 大畠武夫
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 29-29, 1955.

Japanese Article About the way of the results of the 29 nutrition survey and the future instruction
内海不二子, 谷山幸男
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 29-30, 1955.

Japanese Article The one side method of the nutrition improvement instruction in the public health center
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 30-30, 1955.

Japanese Article About an at-home tuberculosis feeding patient investigation
竹内守之輔, 下山てる子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 30-31, 1955.

Japanese Article About an at-home tuberculosis feeding patient investigation (the first report) (the second report)
西山勇, 前川喜美子, 中島美恵子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 31-32, 1955.

Japanese Article An ingredient of the drinking milk and the handling situation
杉山愛二1), 増田敬三1), 土屋泰之1), 瓜生一郎2), 武原文三郎2), 柴田幸生2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 32-32, 1955.

Japanese Article Hygienic investigation results about the quality of the powdered milk
奥山義光, 瓜生一郎, 武原文三郎, 柴田幸生, 長南茂樹
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 32-33, 1955.

Japanese Article About a culture period and a colony count of the expectoration
佐藤定吉, 大畠武夫, 紅林澄子, 池上重子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 33-33, 1955.

Japanese Article Study (the first report) of the enteropathogenic Escherichia coli
佐藤定吉, 頭本藤雄, 中村武雄, 星益栄
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 33-34, 1955.

Japanese Article Under study third report E.freundii of the cause of the disease intestinal bacteria
佐藤定吉, 中村武雄, 紅林澄子, 池上重子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 34-34, 1955.

Japanese Article About ice making by the chlorine sterilization
手中進, 伊藤博
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 34-34, 1955.

Japanese Article Study on meat artifact (the third report) of the food hygienics
長南茂樹, 瓜生一郎, 武原文三郎, 柴田幸生, 奥山義光
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 34-35, 1955.

Japanese Article About the comparison of the cultural method of the tubercle bacillus, Ziehl-Neelsen banding and the fluorescence method
田中恒, 常盤寅造, 相磯総平
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 36-36, 1955.

Japanese Article Hemagglutination reaction of tuberculosis
山田秀一, 篠木幸三, 山本頼祗
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 36-37, 1955.

Japanese Article True form theory study of the complement binding reaction
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 37-37, 1955.

Japanese Article Relations that it is a Sulfa agent of (2) Shigella-resistant about a bacterial quinone response
米山磐, 中平百合子, 田口資生
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 37-38, 1955.

Japanese Article About Sulfa agent sensitivity of 1955 separation Shigella
中平百合子, 米山磐, 宮崎久子, 田口資生
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 38-39, 1955.

Japanese Article Under flagella dysplastic type of the typhoid bacillus
秋山昭一1), 岩淵勝雄2), 宮崎久子3)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 39-39, 1955.

Japanese Article Under distribution of Salmonella under Kanagawa
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 39-40, 1955.

Japanese Article Under Escherichia freundii which can separate a share from the well water
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 40-40, 1955.

Japanese Article About Ziv terrier and the pertussis vaccination situation
稻見勲1), 石丸寅之助2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 40-41, 1955.

Japanese Article Statistical observation (2) of the gonococcus culture in the special career woman
八木沢徳五郎, 石渡利男
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 42-43, 1955.

Japanese Article Gonococcus culture results of the Fujisawa district business condition girl
屋宮文章1), 町田喜美子1), 大辻重五郎2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 43-43, 1955.

Japanese Article One consideration of the schoolchild examination after the measles outbreak
佐久間不二男, 田村元, 大島連, 犬山敏一
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 43-44, 1955.

Japanese Article About the poisonous moth which resulted in Sagamihara-shi
関本一雄, 鈴木功, 鈴木博
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 44-45, 1955.

Japanese Article Tsutsugamushi mite under Kanagawa and scrub typhus group disease
児玉1), 原田1), 石井1), 小竹1), 落合1), 山田2), 金杉2), 百海2), 村上3), 小室3), 羽端4), 宮田4), 内田5), 牧田6)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 45-45, 1955.

Japanese Article About an example of the slide making that contributed to the people tissue activity
助川信彦, 豊浦盛信, 杉山貞一, 木村邦雄
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 47-47, 1955.

Japanese Article One consideration of the questionary survey
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 47-47, 1955.

Japanese Article Indoor pollution degree investigation of the Air Conditioner setting
西山勇, 斎藤治男
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 47-47, 1955.

Japanese Article About Shigella bacterial types isolated in Fujisawa district in 1954
秋山昭一, 出川昭, 林宏, 杉山テイ, 丸山貴美江, 下山とみ子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 47-48, 1955.

Japanese Article About the syphilis serologic test of the blood bank donor
加藤貴美子, 田口資生, 吉田忠
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 48-48, 1955.

Japanese Article About dysentery bacterial types isolated under Kanagawa (about the annual change)
三浦久子, 中平百合子, 米山磐, 吉田忠, 田口資生
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 48-49, 1955.

Japanese Article About results of the fluorescence banding in the examination of daily life tubercle bacillus and relations with the temperature of the decoloration liquid
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 49-50, 1955.

Japanese Article Study on number of the parasitism ova of parasites killing extinction of human wastes (the first report)
児玉威, 原田文雄, 武藤暢夫, 石井襄二, 瓜生一郎, 武原文三郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (3): 50-51, 1955.