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Kanagawa Public Health Journal

Volume , Issue 30 / 1984
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article About a future health policy
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 1-4, 1984.

Japanese Article Public health nurse activity (the third report) in the shopping department store
伊吹マサ, 西坂喜久恵
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 4-5, 1984.

Japanese Article Problem in a problem and the public health nurse activity in the nursing of the home care person
前川英子1), 安瀬征子2), 安住矩子3)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 5-6, 1984.

Japanese Article A food investigation and time-budget survey of the girl student
阿部芳子, 伊藤明
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 6-7, 1984.

Japanese Article Examination of the feeding facility nourishment report in the Kamakura public health center
石田啓子, 管野清子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 9-10, 1984.

Japanese Article Dietary survey of obesity of the late childhood and emaciation tendency children
高橋みどり, 野渡祥子, 力石サダ
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 10-11, 1984.

Japanese Article Attempt of group work (GW) in "a blood pressure management seminar"
福留スミ子1), 田口清1), 荻野迪子1), 中沢深雪1), 吉田綾子1), 国分美智子1), 浜利子2), 大谷雅子3)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 14-15, 1984.

Japanese Article About the obese classroom by the Hatano method (the first report)
迫和子, 岩本光, 高相やす子, 三木そとみ, 吉川恵美子, 宇座美代子, 小野美代子, 井出美知子, 阿部典子, 山崎直子, 津野敏夫, 原島照寿, 荻野浩, 土井庸正
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 15-16, 1984.

Japanese Article About the course of the meeting organization of the local friend led by the public health center class for diabetics graduate and the significance
池田実, 田中克子, 猪俣保子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 17-17, 1984.

Japanese Article Work (the second report) in the district after the health enhancement classroom
長原慶子, 野口利子, 韮沢喜久子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 17-19, 1984.

Japanese Article Conduct the life fact-finding of the making of health exercise health old man in the Oyama, Sagamihara-shi district
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 21-21, 1984.

Japanese Article About the eating habits and the taste of the infants whom we looked after according to institutions (nursery school, kindergarten)
小島幸司1), 内藤洋子2), 加藤美栄子2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 27-27, 1984.

Japanese Article The actual situation grasp (the first report) of instruction children in the infants period required
米木祚子1), 小野光子1), 佐藤七津美1), 綾部早苗1), 水戸早苗1), 志賀愛子1), 国島みどり1), 原沢英子1), 入江しのぶ1), 深沢博史1), 山室和栄2), 遠藤百合子2), 深沢友子2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 27-29, 1984.

Japanese Article The actual situation grasp (the second report) of instruction children in the infants period required
深沢博史1), 小野光子1), 米木祚子1), 佐藤七津美1), 綾部早苗1), 水戸早苗1), 志賀愛子1), 国島みどり1), 原沢英子1), 入江しのぶ1), 山室和栄2), 遠藤百合子2), 深沢友子2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 29-30, 1984.

Japanese Article Significance (connection with the school hygiene) of the urinalysis in the 3 years old child medical examination (the effective second report of the urinalysis)
岩本光1), 高相やす子1), 三木そとみ1), 吉川恵美子1), 宇座美代子1), 小野美代子1), 井手美知子1), 阿部典子1), 山崎直子1), 荻野浩1), 土井庸正1), 笹尾昌永2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 30-32, 1984.

Japanese Article About an examination of seeing and hearing in the pediatric medical checkup
阿部典子, 岩本光, 高相やす子, 三木そとみ, 吉川恵美子, 宇座美代子, 小野美代子, 井出美知子, 山崎直子, 荻野浩, 土井庸正
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 32-33, 1984.

Japanese Article In the 3 years old child health checkup see; about the check of the dysfunction
吉田綾子, 立石泰子, 栗城佳司子, 有元佳子, 加藤文子, 小菅幸枝, 大黒千代, 本田加代子, 加藤輝子, 古畑京子, 山本倫仁, 大久保マサ子, 左々木真寿美
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 33-34, 1984.

Japanese Article Audiometric test in the group medical examination
岩本光, 高相やす子, 三木そとみ, 吉川恵美子, 宇座美代子, 小野美代子, 井手美知子, 阿部典子, 山崎直子, 荻野浩, 土井庸正
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 34-36, 1984.

Japanese Article About dentistry health care activity of the period of eruption for the permanent tooth under Kanagawa (second report)
加藤増夫, 橋本弘, 根岸達郎, 矢崎昌, 小村和孝, 弥富尚文, 長野俊夫, 柏木勝, 井上護, 柿沼勝美
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 41-42, 1984.

Japanese Article The use of the caries activity study in the dentistry health care activity
加藤増夫, 後藤勉, 根岸達郎, 穴山嘉重, 酒井惣一郎, 小笠原正男, 清水要子, 山田紘充, 野間貞雄, 内一実, 佐々木正名, 坂本貴史, 高橋捷治
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 42-42, 1984.

Japanese Article Local dentistry health care activity (the second report) in the Misaki public health center
大山公一1), 長門登志子2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 43-43, 1984.

Japanese Article About the actual situation such as the eating habits, and the like of dental caries possession children at the 1 year, 6 months old child health checkup
猪俣保子, 斉藤さとみ
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 44-45, 1984.

Japanese Article About the actual situation of the dental health of the restoration of health classroom (rehabilitation classroom) participant in the Tama public health center
青山三男1), 杉浦芳子1), 梶勝博1), 内山邦子1), 原島稔2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 48-49, 1984.

Japanese Article Examination of the administrative services that we saw from the life fact-finding first report life actual situation of the staying alone old man in Oiso-machi
渡部妙子1), 下沢泉1), 真下昌子1), 真間国彦2), 高宮みどり3), 鈴木玲子4), 薄金孝子5), 山本妙子6)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 51-52, 1984.

Japanese Article About the actual situation made with the second report diet about the life fact-finding of the staying alone old man in Oiso-machi
薄金孝子1), 藤森和子2), 笹川祥美1), 高宮みどり2), 竹内啓1), 小沢さよ子1), 小宮弘毅1), 下沢泉3), 渡部妙子3), 山本妙子4)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 52-53, 1984.

Japanese Article The making of life fact-finding diet and activities of daily living characteristics of the staying alone old man in Oiso-machi
山本妙子1), 薄金孝子2), 藤森和子3), 笹川祥美2), 高宮みどり3), 竹内啓2), 小沢さよ子2), 小宮弘毅2), 下沢泉4), 渡部妙子4)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 54-55, 1984.

Japanese Article Summary of the Geriatric Health Act "health checkup" and future problem 1 (general health checkup, exact examination)
柴田実, 有馬康雄, 田中克子, 鬼沢昭一, 保健予防課
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 55-56, 1984.

Japanese Article Summary of the Geriatric Health Act "health checkup" and future problem 2 (posterior instruction and follow system)
鬼沢昭一, 有馬康雄, 柴田実, 田中克子, 保健予防課
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 56-57, 1984.

Japanese Article Attempt of the rehabilitation classroom in Ayase-shi
旭岡圭子1), 橋本孝雄1), 笠間芳之1), 段木絹代1), 貝原和子1), 青木良子1), 関田博子1), 笹川洋之助2), 古谷章恵2), 根本和子2), 榎豊子2), 岡崎真寿美2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 58-59, 1984.

Japanese Article To the rehabilitation classroom in Yamato-shi wrestle (the first report)
外崎秀三郎1), 山口克貢1), 皆川とく江1), 笹川洋之助2), 古谷章恵2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 59-61, 1984.

Japanese Article Of the rehabilitation classroom in the good luck public health center wrestle
長原慶子, 野口利子, 佐治美根子, 衛生看護係一同
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 61-62, 1984.

Japanese Article About the business condition person lifestyle diseases prophylactic medical check-up enforcement situation in the Sagamihara public health center
藤井信雄, 成瀬道彦, 新宮功二, 青木宏夫, 小松仁, 出川昭, 小梶末子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 62-64, 1984.

Japanese Article About the precision management combination findings of the biochemical test about exact examination of the hale and hearty law
倉塚1), 飯塚1), 小林1), 頭本1), 中村1), 奥山2), 梅本2), 浜中2), 池田2), 横田2), 平位2), 岩撫2), 岡本2), 松尾2), 星2), 島村2), 矢口2), 平岡2), 金森2), 中島2), 深沢2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 64-65, 1984.

Japanese Article The measurement of serum ferritin and the serum iron in anemia
荻野浩, 岩本光, 高相やす子, 三木そとみ, 吉川恵美子, 宇座美代子, 小野美代子, 井手美知子, 阿部典子, 山崎直子, 原島照寿, 迫和子, 津野敏夫, 土井庸正
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 65-67, 1984.

Japanese Article Pollution by park Ren of a dry cleaner practitioner and the workshop
北爪稔, 矢沢篤子, 林正孝, 佐藤洋子, 矢野栄三, 河村太郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 67-69, 1984.

Japanese Article Shadow today of park Ren to give to the health of the cleaning business practitioner
松崎邦夫, 荏原光子, 牧野元美, 森博正, 佐分利保雄
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 69-70, 1984.

Japanese Article Conduct the interview of patients with intractable disease
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 72-73, 1984.

Japanese Article See it to a mental patient; is the current situation and problems of the apartment life alone
内藤清, 上野康夫, 住谷恵一
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 74-75, 1984.

Japanese Article The stomach group medical examination that we watched from Kanagawa malignant neoplasm registration
井上怜子1), 岡本英子1), 鈴木忠雄1), 坪井晟1), 大塚知雄2), 志村公男2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 76-77, 1984.

Japanese Article Pathology tissue typing observation (lung cancer) of the Kanagawa malignant neoplasm person contracting a disease
井上怜子1), 岡本英子1), 鈴木忠雄1), 坪井晟1), 飯田萬一2), 大塚知雄3), 志村公男3), 平山進4)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 77-78, 1984.

Japanese Article Correlation of lung cancer and bronchial asthma in Kanagawa
井上怜子, 岡本英子, 坪井晟, 平山雄, 磯野和久, 大塚知雄, 志村公男
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 78-78, 1984.

Japanese Article The gastric cancer discovery situation (examination of an inoperable case and the refusal example) in the Kawasaki-shi cancer screening center
福永淳, 吉田貞利, 東馨
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 79-80, 1984.

Japanese Article Examination of lung cancer "by" aging examination
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 80-80, 1984.

Japanese Article About a risk factor of the rope membrane arteriosclerosis
小松五郎1), 田中克子2), 草場葉子3)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 81-81, 1984.

Japanese Article Analysis - third report - abnormal electrocardiographic pattern views appearance ratio of the electrocardiographic findings in the circulatory organ mass examination of prefectural officials and the kind
松下喜彦, 金崎ヒロコ, 常盤恵子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 82-83, 1984.

Japanese Article Summary of the 1984 high school heart examination
松原洋子, 吉村律子, 山口郁子, 金森幸子, 萩原進, 間島勝徳, 森雄一
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 83-84, 1984.

Japanese Article About HDL - cholesterol and obesity and passive smoking
三澤京子1), 春日斉1), 杉田稔1), 逢坂文夫1), 松本秀明1), 小島のり子1), 横山公通2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 84-85, 1984.

Japanese Article About smoking findings of the Kanagawa staff
松下喜彦, 安田修一, 金崎ヒロコ, 常盤恵子, 藤田幸子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 85-86, 1984.

Japanese Article Follow-up of a liver function test and HB antigen, the test for antibodies
宮内喬子, 五十嵐すみ子, 高橋武夫
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 87-88, 1984.

Japanese Article The separation situation of the Mycoplasma pneumoniae in the surveillance business
岡崎則男, 明間鯉一郎, 小原寧
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 88-89, 1984.

Japanese Article Influenza outbreak (from November, 1983 to April, 1984) in Yokohama-shi
小島基義, 野村泰弘, 遠藤貞郎, 母里啓子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 89-90, 1984.

Japanese Article The separation of a group cold origin virus and serologic research
斎藤降行, 山田和美, 鈴木利寿, 斎藤直喜, 小田和正
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 90-91, 1984.

Japanese Article About an aseptic meningitis that was prevalent in Kanagawa in 1983 particularly echovirus 24 type and a 30 type
山田和美, 鈴木利寿, 斎藤降行, 斎藤直喜, 小田和正
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 91-92, 1984.

Japanese Article The rubella antibody possession situation in the female junior college student in Yokohama-shi
高橋協1), 植地正文1), 松山秀介1), 市川誠一2), 鳥羽和憲2), 曽田研二2), 小林伸好3)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 94-95, 1984.

Japanese Article About Coliform group and the Aeromonas Hichner in the bacteriological examination of the well water
沖津忠行1), 滝沢金次郎1), 浅井良夫1), 安田哲夫1), 小原寧1), 小沢まゆみ2), 甲斐茂美2), 石井浩子2), 内山勝博2), 大森博2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 96-97, 1984.

Japanese Article The infection situation of the parasitism Vermes in the dog under Kanagawa
相原照佳1), 深瀬徹2), 茅根士郎2), 板垣博2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 98-98, 1984.

Japanese Article The change of the urban health pest in Yokohama-shi
松木一臣1), 中村譲2), 斉藤紀生3), 都筑義明4)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 98-99, 1984.

Japanese Article Effect of the ascorbic acid giving it to metabolism of N-nitroso piperidine by the liver microscope
中村昌道, 長田幸郎, 中岡正吉, 堀口佳哉, 伊藤和敏
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 102-103, 1984.

Japanese Article Hygienic study of complying greens
和気三男, 高橋みどり, 野渡祥子, 力石サダ, 武原文三郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 104-105, 1984.

Japanese Article Floating microbe investigation in the supermarket
頭本藤雄1), 小野勝美1), 熱田博2), 滝沢純二2), 吉沢秀明2), 抄摩博3), 関田隆3), 黒沢登3), 長山勝男3)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 107-107, 1984.

Japanese Article It is examined the enrichment medium of Campylobacter, Yersinia about disease-causing germs pollution from commercial edible meat
黒岩潔, 岡田京子, 小川正之, 堀貴恵, 大久保吉雄, 頭本藤雄, 中村武雄
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 108-108, 1984.

Japanese Article Number of living bacteria, bacterial flora comparison according to the culture temperature in the uncooked meat and identification of the bacterial flora by the replica plate method
佐藤善博, 長谷川幸江, 峯尾光, 金子精一, 長南茂樹
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 109-110, 1984.

Japanese Article Of the Ika-shiokara and is an investigation of the physics and chemistry bacteriologically
長谷川幸江, 佐藤善博, 峯尾光, 金子精一, 長南茂樹
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 110-111, 1984.

Japanese Article The use of the electron microscope scanning in the examination for alien substance of food
桐ヶ谷忠司, 片山聡子, 宝井辰紀, 日高利夫, 上条昌彌, 鈴木幸夫
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 111-112, 1984.

Japanese Article Preparation <about possibility as the standard titrimetric substance> of the common mussel powder non-sample
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 112-112, 1984.

Japanese Article About the digestive organ button type alkaline cell failure by the mis-deglutition
宮原智江子, 佐藤修二, 土井佳代, 小儀國太郎, 岸美智子, 谷孝之, 堀口佳哉, 伊藤和敏, 黒野順一, 藤巻照久, 下山勝子, 池田陽男
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 113-114, 1984.

Japanese Article Daily intakes such as a pesticide, the PCB, and the like from daily foods
木川寛, 遠藤令子, 中村好延, 佐藤昭男, 田中康夫, 細井志郎, 渡部健二郎, 鈴木幸夫, 河村太郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 114-115, 1984.

Japanese Article Elucidation of the pollution course of BHC remaining behind in food
木川寛, 鈴木幸夫, 河村太郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 115-116, 1984.

Japanese Article About analysis by GC-MS of a very small amount of chlordane in fishery products
貝瀬利一1), 渡辺重信1), 伊藤和敏1), 高橋秀一2), 中出悟2), 磯村正2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 117-117, 1984.

Japanese Article About the effect of the surfactant giving it to a chromosome aberration-induced effect
岸美智子, 佐藤修二, 堀口佳哉, 伊藤和敏
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 119-119, 1984.

Japanese Article The effect that divalent metal ions give to a detergent
小林勇, 倉塚太刀夫, 鈴木壮夫, 飯塚有夫
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 120-120, 1984.

Japanese Article Acetoacetate as the trihalomethane (THM) antecedent formed in a biological degradation process
伊藤伸一1), 内藤昭治1), 畝本力2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 120-121, 1984.

Japanese Article The water pollution situation of the household water purifier
鈴木妙子1), 玉崎悟2), 唐沢栄1)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 121-122, 1984.

Japanese Article The long-term water preservation method using the product made in polyethylene special storage container
鈴木妙子, 唐沢栄, 河村太郎, 矢野栄三
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 122-123, 1984.

Japanese Article About the drinking water management in the school institution
庄中孝一, 石渡和男, 市嶋正夫, 加藤光孝, 森雄一, 高橋武夫
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 123-124, 1984.

Japanese Article The quality of the water situation of the building tank water
磯田信一, 鈴木妙子, 山本親男, 唐沢栄
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 124-125, 1984.

Japanese Article About "the secular variation of the iron concentration in the drinking water in the specific building"
高橋弘1), 態田力2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 125-126, 1984.

Japanese Article It is (3) about ability for cryptic growth of Algae in Sagamiko
磯村康博, 青木節男, 佐々木真一, 天羽孝志
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 127-128, 1984.

Japanese Article Reproductive curve assay using the spectrophotometer of the AGP study
綿貫知彦1), 磯村康博2), 佐々木真一2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 128-130, 1984.

Japanese Article About the ATP of various microbes
磯村康博, 天羽孝志
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 131-132, 1984.

Japanese Article Development of the actual situation of the life waste water from miscellaneous sources and the effective processor
竹田茂, 桜井敏郎, 小川雄比古, 田所正晴
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 132-133, 1984.

Japanese Article Effect (the second report) of the cleaner for the restroom giving it to a separation contact aeration method septic tank
田所正晴, 桜井敏郎, 竹田茂, 小川雄比古
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 137-138, 1984.

Japanese Article Radioactivity investigation in the 1983 prefecture
小山包博, 高城裕之, 杉山英男, 石田育代
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 138-138, 1984.

Japanese Article Environmental assessment of uranium
杉山英男1), 小山包博1), 岩島清2), 山県登2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 139-139, 1984.

Japanese Article Fixed-quantity of the propionic acid in food
川名清子, 中岡正吉, 伊藤和敏
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 139-140, 1984.

Japanese Article Harmful mold pollution in the cleaned barley factory
高橋孝則, 尾上洋一, 森實, 長南茂樹
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 140-141, 1984.

Japanese Article About a Viridans type streptococcus of patients with MCLS
山井志朗1), 渡辺祐子1), 黒木俊郎1), 新川隆康1), 小原寧1), 大津英二2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (30): 141-143, 1984.