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Okayamaken Bosei Eisei

Volume , Issue 30 / 2014
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Foreword
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (30): 1-1, 2014.

Japanese Article Screening method for the postpartum depression (mood disorders)
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (30): 9-14, 2014.

Japanese Article The actual situation of the excellent feelings that the pregnant woman using the comfort standard has for a gestation period
天川慧美1), 杉浦絹子2)
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (30): 15-16, 2014.

Japanese Article Analysis of the problem that the artificial abortion in welfare receipt women contains
比名朋子, 三宅真由美, 小野由起1), 中井祐一郎2), 下屋浩一郎2), 浅田淳一3)
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (30): 17-18, 2014.

Japanese Article Delivery place choice factor of mother having infants
黒田茜1), 杉浦絹子2)
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (30): 19-20, 2014.

Japanese Article Through the example of the obstetrical outpatient department and regional alliances midwifery system user
阿部由美, 三宅真由美, 川口恵美, 比名朋子, 水畑忍
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (30): 21-22, 2014.

Japanese Article About the determination of pregnancy continuation will using the delivery plan
上村茂仁, 福原ひろ子, 森分裕香
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (30): 23-24, 2014.

Japanese Article It is shaken infants and is conscious of the obstetric staff to a syndrome (Shaken Baby Syndrome)
藤村奈保子, 大廣香織, 大村真世, 川田有佳里, 角田佳志恵, 富田真未, 片岡久美恵1), 中塚幹也1)
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (30): 25-26, 2014.

Japanese Article In-hospital obstetrical system in the university student, early mother and the child contact (kangaroo-care), recognition of Iku men
富田真未, 大廣香織, 大村真世, 川田有佳里, 角田佳志恵, 藤村奈保子, 片岡久美恵1), 中塚幹也1)
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (30): 27-28, 2014.

Japanese Article Consciousness of the university student for genetic testing (NIPT) before birth of the intactness
角田佳志恵, 大村真世, 大廣香織, 川田由佳里, 富田真未, 藤村奈保子, 片岡久美恵1), 中塚幹也1)
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (30): 29-30, 2014.

Japanese Article Outlook on affirmative child care that mother of infants holds
粟津友美子1), 杉浦絹子2)
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (30): 31-32, 2014.

Japanese Article Study on quality of life of mother taking care of her baby in children with atopic dermatitis
松浦啓乃1), 中新美保子2)
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (30): 33-34, 2014.

Japanese Article Mental and physical change - positive change in the menstruation outskirts period of mother taking care of her baby in infants and negative change―
鳴滝真萌1), 杉浦絹子2)
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (30): 35-36, 2014.

Japanese Article The conversation situation about the nature in the home of mother and the daughter - Fact-finding to a primiparous pregnant woman -
水津裕子1), 杉浦絹子2)
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (30): 37-38, 2014.

Japanese Article Consciousness of the university student to "donating a gamete"
大村真世, 大廣香織, 川田有佳里, 角田佳志恵, 富田真未, 藤村奈保子, 片岡久美恵1), 中塚幹也1)
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (30): 39-41, 2014.

Japanese Article Investigation about the recognition of "gender identity disorders"
大廣香織, 大村真世, 川田有佳里, 角田佳志恵, 富田真未, 藤村奈保子, 片岡久美恵1), 中塚幹也1)
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (30): 42-43, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination of the factor which has an influence on the mother's milk rate of the cesarean operation case in our House
清水茜, 久保絢子, 多田克彦, 有道順子
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (30): 44-45, 2014.

Japanese Article The actual situation and digestive organ symptom of the intake according to a nutrient, the food group during the go to the actual place training of the student nurse
森岡美衣1), 岡崎愉加2), 赤刎紗知3), 原田恵里香4)
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (30): 46-47, 2014.

Japanese Article The effect that feeding behavior during the go to the actual place training of the student nurse gives to an intake according to a nutrient, the food group
原田恵里香1), 岡崎愉加2), 森岡美衣3), 赤刎紗知4)
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (30): 48-49, 2014.

Japanese Article Intake according to the situation and a nutrient, the food group of stress and the sleep during the go to the actual place training of the student nurse
赤刎紗知1), 岡崎愉加2), 原田恵里香3), 森岡美衣4)
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (30): 50-51, 2014.

Japanese Article We rub it with the gauze and wipe it, and once is effective in a little water removal that attached to skin
井上紗奈1), 草刈典子2), 白井喜代子3)
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (30): 52-53, 2014.

Japanese Article Literature examination about diabetes and the pregnant living guidance
川口恵美, 三宅真由美, 阿部由美
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (30): 54-55, 2014.

Japanese Article Consciousness to having knowledge and children about the pregnancy in the high school student
川田有佳里, 大村真世, 大廣香織, 角田佳志恵, 富田真末, 藤村奈保子, 片岡久美恵1), 中塚幹也1)
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (30): 56-57, 2014.