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The Study of Physical Therapy¡¦Nagano

Volume , Issue 32 / 2003
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Relations of lower limbs extension muscular strength and the ADL in stroke hemiplegic patients
Shigeyuki Iwashita *, Minako Oya *, Akihisa Yoshikawa *, Koya sheath or *, Rie Mochizuki *, Kunishige Miyakawa *, Shunichi Iio *, Yoneyama public welfare *, Risa Nishio *
The Study of Physical Therapy¡¦Nagano (32): 25-26, 2003.

Japanese Article ON/OFF in mentation, the motor function of the Parkinson's disease patients
矢野ç†æµ, 臼井弥生
The Study of Physical Therapy¡¦Nagano (32): 30-32, 2003.

Japanese Article Cognitive exercise therapy - for one case - trunk which presented severe sensory disturbance by bilateral thalamic hemorrhage
Tomoyuki Mizuno *
The Study of Physical Therapy¡¦Nagano (32): 33-35, 2003.

Japanese Article Change of the tidal air in each procedure of the breathing physical therapy for neonates
Hideki Kihara *, Tomohiko Nakamura **
The Study of Physical Therapy¡¦Nagano (32): 36-37, 2003.

Japanese Article Rotator cuff of shoulder tear postoperative isokinetic muscular strength evaluation
Tomoaki Takahashi *, **, Yoshihiko Hata *, ***, å”澤é”å…¸ *, **
The Study of Physical Therapy¡¦Nagano (32): 39-40, 2003.

Japanese Article Clinical path for the femoral neck fracture in our hospital
倉島尚男*, 出å£æ­£ç”·**
The Study of Physical Therapy¡¦Nagano (32): 41-42, 2003.

Japanese Article Contracted - of the hospitalization by the change of action - rehabilitation program of this hospital for the femoral neck fracture of elderly people
Mao Okuda *, **, é’æœ¨å•“æˆ *, **, 大見朋哲 *, **, Makoto Aruga *, **, Shino Inukai *, **, Yuki Nakao *, **, Junko Ota *, **, Kanmi Hara *, ***, Takako Sato *, ***, Hiroyuki Kitagawa *, ***
The Study of Physical Therapy¡¦Nagano (32): 43-46, 2003.

Japanese Article Assistance quantity change (with an FIM score) - in ADL change - suture removal time, one month before and after the operation in patients with femoral neck fracture after surgery
Yuki Nakao *, **, é’æœ¨å•“æˆ *, **, 大見朋哲 *, **, Makoto Aruga *, **, Shino Inukai *, **, Mao Okuda *, **, Junko Ota *, **, Kanmi Hara *, ***, Takako Sato *, ***, Hiroyuki Kitagawa *, ***
The Study of Physical Therapy¡¦Nagano (32): 47-50, 2003.

Japanese Article Examination about the atrabiliary degree of the patients at physical therapy initiation
Hiroe Masahiro *, ç”°å°»å‹ *
The Study of Physical Therapy¡¦Nagano (32): 51-53, 2003.

Japanese Article Shoulder range of motion and night pain
Kazuya Oguchi *, Shigenori Yamagishi *, Ventral horn Shigehiko *, Daisuke Miyamoto *, Megumi Wakui *, Ichikawa or * to break
The Study of Physical Therapy¡¦Nagano (32): 55-56, 2003.

Japanese Article Change of the wheelchair prescription in this hospital before and after the nursing care insurance enforcement
Mina Shinohara *, Yoichi Maruyama *, Junko Kuriki *, Tomoki Furuta *, Takizawa Mitsue *, Hiromi Tanaka *, Yusuke Katagiri *, Morimiya Satoko *, Koji Okamura **
The Study of Physical Therapy¡¦Nagano (32): 57-58, 2003.

Japanese Article The actual situation of the modular type wheelchair by the care insurance loan
æ»æ²¢å¼¥æµ*,***, 丸山陽一*,***, 栗木淳å­*,***, å¤ç”°å¤§æ¨¹*,***, 田中å®ç¾Ž*,***, 篠原美奈*,***, 片æ¡è£•ä»‹*,***, 森宮è¡å­*,***, 庄原ç†æµ*,****, 岡æ‘幸治**
The Study of Physical Therapy¡¦Nagano (32): 59-61, 2003.

Japanese Article In order to get to say "Na's a good hot water.": The introduction of life independence tub to the Long-Term Care Health Facility
The Study of Physical Therapy¡¦Nagano (32): 62-64, 2003.

Japanese Article Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers activity report in the Thailand packet disabled child home
Mika Maruyama
The Study of Physical Therapy¡¦Nagano (32): 65-65, 2003.

Japanese Article Experience of the exercise therapy for the obese patients who had a diagnosis of syndrome X
Yasuko Yamagishi *, Masamichi Morimoto *, Tomomi Nishina *
The Study of Physical Therapy¡¦Nagano (32): 67-68, 2003.

Japanese Article <case report> two Angers Le Mans syndromes
The Study of Physical Therapy¡¦Nagano (32): 71-72, 2003.

Japanese Article Low back pain investigation for the care staff
花岡ã„ãšã¿*,******, å…玉雄二**,******, åŠç”°ç§€ä¸€***,******, ä½ã€…木åƒçµµ****,******, 木æ‘貞治*****,******
The Study of Physical Therapy¡¦Nagano (32): 73-75, 2003.