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Okayamaken Bosei Eisei

Volume , Issue 33 / 2017
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Foreword
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (33): 1-1, 2017.

Japanese Article Efforts in Team STEPPS and the Okayama University Hospital lap product mother and the child center
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (33): 9-11, 2017.

Japanese Article It is ... for the support that does not have the present conditions of the maternal and child care of Okayama and a break from all over problem - pregnancy
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (33): 12-13, 2017.

Japanese Article Investigation about the mobile addiction
川口恵美, 天川慧美, 松浦啓乃, 比名朋子, 阿部由美
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (33): 14-15, 2017.

Japanese Article Focus on examination - education of the factor to bring up the parent readiness of the adolescent university student; and -
水口由紀子1), 中新美保子2), 井上信次3)
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (33): 16-17, 2017.

Japanese Article The effect that the nurture manner of the pubertal parent gives to the resilience of the university student
佐々木麻裕1), 佐藤亜紀子2), 兼久早希2), 白井喜代子3)
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (33): 18-19, 2017.

Japanese Article The effect that the nurture manner of the parent gives to an adolescent communication skill
塩田莉子1), 入江早紀1), 山口紘実2), 白井喜代子3)
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (33): 20-21, 2017.

Japanese Article Change of the mother's milk-secreting quantity of mother whom pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome developed in
福島江美, 多田克彦, 真壁文恵
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (33): 22-23, 2017.

Japanese Article Consciousness to "the relationship with the gender identity disorders person concerned" and "understanding, the reception" in the university student
大西沙紀1), 北川温子1), 児玉舞雪1), 上田あゆか1), 日笠麻友子1), 大林恵1), 中塚幹也2-5)
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (33): 24-25, 2017.

Japanese Article Consciousness for treating "the sexual minority" in the teacher by a class
北川温子1), 大西沙紀1), 上田あゆか1), 大林恵1), 児玉舞雪1), 日笠麻友子1), 中塚幹也2-5)
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (33): 26-27, 2017.

Japanese Article Association between love description and real love in the mass media where a university student received
児玉舞雪1), 上田あゆか1), 大林恵1), 大西沙紀1), 北川温子1), 日笠麻友子1), 中塚幹也2-5)
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (33): 28-29, 2017.

Japanese Article Knowledge and consciousness of the university student about "the pregnancy, the delivery in the teens"
大林恵1), 上田あゆか1), 大西沙紀1), 北川温子1), 児玉舞雪1), 日笠麻友子1), 中塚幹也2-5)
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (33): 30-31, 2017.

Japanese Article Juvenile pregnancy, example ... which mother supported to grant experience-based - graduation from high school of the mother of the women who gave birth and both delivery
福原里奈1), 中新美保子2)
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (33): 32-33, 2017.

Japanese Article About the difference of the opinion between departments manifested by other courses joint simulation
妻鳥桃子1), 牧尉太2), 早田桂2), 飯守美和1), 小野夕貴1), 山村香織1), 高取佐智子1), 増山寿2), 平松祐司2)
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (33): 34-35, 2017.

Japanese Article It is introduction ... of the bleeding check seat for cooperation of the perinatal first aid under inside the hospital, the prefecture in ... emergency cesarean operation simulation and OKAYAMA maternal transport, after giving birth
牧明日可1), 牧尉太2), 妻鳥桃子1), 山村香織1), 高取佐智子1), 早田桂2), 増山寿2), 平松祐司2)
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (33): 36-37, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination - ever literature examination - of the care to father who lost children for the perinatal period from 1990 through 2015
乾菜実1), 合田典子2), 礒本千愛1)
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (33): 38-39, 2017.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the legally-ordered autopsy information in the health guidance of expectant mothers for the prevention of the unexpected infants sudden death
石原万実1), 宮石智2), 守屋文夫2,3)
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (33): 40-41, 2017.

Japanese Article Cognition and behavior of the body related to Pregnancy-induced hypertension or Pregnancy-induced hypertension associated with the pregnancy course of a suspected pregnant woman
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (33): 42-43, 2017.

Japanese Article College students' consciousness of women working in pregnancy, child rearing
上田あゆか1), 児玉舞雪1), 大西沙紀1), 大林恵1), 北川温子1), 日笠麻友子1), 中塚幹也2-5)
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (33): 44-45, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination about the work of women after the parental leave and the domestic coexistence tangle
中村佳恵1), 田中友紀1), 大井伸子2)
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (33): 46-47, 2017.

Japanese Article Examination about the inflection situation of the mother and child health handbook
礒本千愛1), 合田典子2), 岸本長代3), 乾菜実1), 滝川節子2)
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (33): 48-49, 2017.

Japanese Article The actual situation of the stress at work during pregnancy in women with infertility
日笠麻友子1), 大林恵1), 児玉舞雪1), 北川温子1), 上田あゆか1), 大西沙紀1), 中塚幹也2-5)
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (33): 50-51, 2017.

Japanese Article A flow in the infertility gives the support with the grief process of the husband at having a baby born dead
秦久美子1), 大平光子2), 中塚幹也3,4)
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (33): 52-53, 2017.

Japanese Article Effect of the nipple care by the nipple shield on pinch test-positive nipple
木戸奈美子, 友杉由香, 大柳考, 山内英明
Okayamaken Bosei Eisei (33): 55-62, 2017.