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Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi
Volume , Issue 34 / 2012
English Article Japanese Article
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Send it to the official journal of a scientific society publication of the 40th Congress of Shikoku physical therapy association 鍋坂信夫 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 1-1, 2012. |
Finish the 40th Shikoku physical therapist congress 定松修一 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 2-2, 2012. |
Mayor of the 39th Shikoku physical therapist society society Prize 宮崎慎二郎, 上池浩一 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 3-3, 2012. |
The 39th Shikoku physical therapist society prize for encouragement 森下誠也, 山中祥二 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 4-4, 2012. |
Recent knowledge ... in regenerative therapy and physical therapy - knee joint surgery 越智光夫 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 6-7, 2012. |
Prospects of association of (Corp.) Japan physical therapist in the future 半田一登 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 10-11, 2012. |
For strategic realization of association of (Corp.) Japan physical therapist 山口和之 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 12-13, 2012. |
Relation of exercise and the physical therapist in I sports 藤井保貴 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 16-19, 2012. |
II physical therapist and medical safety measures 平井覚 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 20-23, 2012. |
A preoperative walk pattern remains after UKA technique in two weeks 刈谷友洋1), 森田伸1), 田仲勝一1), 内田茂博1), 伊藤康弘1), 藤岡修司1), 板東正記1), 山田英司2), 有馬信男1,3), 山本哲司1,3) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 26-27, 2012. |
About association of the rotation range of motion of FTA and the hip joint in the gonarthrosis 沖勇弥1), 近藤正太1), 児玉祥子1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 28-29, 2012. |
The change of the exercise image before and after the artificial knee joint replacement and relations of the body function 板東正記, 森田伸, 田仲勝一, 内田茂博, 伊藤康弘, 藤岡修司, 刈谷友洋, 小林裕生, 有馬信男, 山本哲司 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 30-31, 2012. |
About an association between advanced age THA case postoperative ability for center of gravity lateral move and early walking ability 後藤田晶1), 板橋雅彦1), 三上浩2) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 32-33, 2012. |
It is a one case who had the nerve damage for a dislocation of shoulder bone fracture 高井一志, 川瀬範久, 仲渡和正, 原亘弘, 木村啓介 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 34-35, 2012. |
Association between orthopedic medical check and symptom in the junior high student footballer 加藤達也1), 田村靖明1), 吉田浩通2), 三笠洋明3) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 36-37, 2012. |
In patients with measurement - lower limbs disease of the lower limbs gross muscular strength by the handheld dynamometer - 池澤剛輔1), 宮内博雄1), 権丈賢1), 吉田修1), 山本圭二1), 楠瀬一正1), 吉田理起1), 杉本愛2), 吉田恵1), 伊藤一法1), 植田紘史1), 池田悟子1), 野村正太3), 野崎咲希1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 38-39, 2012. |
Using examination - foot tapping problem about the condition to continue accurate periodic motion - 滝本幸治1,2), 竹林秀晃1), 宮本謙三1), 宅間豊1), 井上佳和1), 宮本祥子1), 岡部孝生1), 椛秀人3) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 40-41, 2012. |
Relations with age changes of the ability for power adjustment in the ankle plantar flexion group of muscles for the incremental load to sole and the posture adjustment 太場岡英利1), 宮田修平1), 小松勝人2) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 42-43, 2012. |
Control properties of afferent, the eccentric contraction in the eye-mark flattery problem 竹林秀晃1), 滝本幸治1), 森岡周3), 宮本謙三1), 井上佳和1), 岡部孝生1), 宮本祥子1), 宅間豊1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 44-45, 2012. |
Analysis of the electromyogram study of the non-drive leg in the single leg ergometer drive 藤山祐司1), 重島晃史2), 岩崎史明1), 高芝潤1), 前田秀博1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 46-47, 2012. |
Using an age changes - "peripheral area / rectangular area" of the dynamic balance ability under the double problem value - 平島賢一1), 小嶋裕1), 畠中泰司1), 鶯春夫1), 田頭勝之1), 山田英司1), 岡崎大資1), 平野康之1), 近藤慶承1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 48-49, 2012. |
Introduction of the study support project in the Ehime physical therapist society 木口大輔1)2), 吉田宏史1)3), 曽我孝1)4), 土居誠治1)5), 中川誠一1)6), 山内正雄7), 田内秀樹2) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 50-51, 2012. |
Efforts - of the Great East Japan Earthquake Tokushima disaster support team participation report - Tokushima physical therapist society 伊槻圭祐1), 中村武司2), 東田武志1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 52-53, 2012. |
Participate in Great East Japan Earthquake disaster support activity 田中克宜1), 室伏祐介1), 大石大1), 榎勇人1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 54-55, 2012. |
About efforts of the Ehime physical therapist society in the world diabetes D 伊東孝洋1)3), 高岡達也1)3), 定松修一2)3) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 56-57, 2012. |
Invention - of the kinesitherapy that included - history of life about the approach method of the at-home chronic obstructive pulmonary disease case that suffered from kinesitherapy 中澤千枝1), 別府美幸1), 吉良健司1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 58-59, 2012. |
Questionary survey about the visit rehabilitation under Kochi 橋本竜也, 片山憲, 東大和生, 竹正哲也, 原田清, 原芽, 門田裕一, 佐々木秀幸, 松村雅史, 池上司, 宮内秀明, 真鍋美佐, 竹内浩美, 坂本明仁, 日野工 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 60-61, 2012. |
About the effectiveness of the antagonist muscle stimulation after the skeletal muscle stretch 住井良利, 近藤正太, 樋上恭平 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 62-63, 2012. |
For practical trainer activities in women's football : Aiming to establish a long-term consistent leadership 大橋周平 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 64-65, 2012. |
We work on the 49th Ehime marathon medical support and report it 上甲大河1)2), 伊東孝洋1)3), 大橋周平1)4), 越智仁紀1)5), 中尾聡志1)6), 中川誠一1)8), 成田甲子郎1)7), 吉田宏史1)3) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 66-67, 2012. |
About disorder properties and the characteristic of the beginner marathon runner 成田甲子朗1)2), 伊東孝洋1), 中尾聡志1), 吉田宏史1), 越智仁紀1), 大橋周平1), 上甲大河1), 中川誠一1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 68-69, 2012. |
Medical support report in the National High School Baseball Championship Ehime meeting 中川誠一1)2), 伊東孝洋1)3), 内田勝之4), 越智仁紀5), 近藤正太6), 定松修一3), 上甲大河7), 成田甲子朗6), 山内正雄8), 吉田宏史1)3), 小倉好正9), 二神弘明9) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 70-71, 2012. |
Comparison - in motion study - expert of the instep kick and the non-expert 上池浩一1), 林宏司1), 天崎亮太1), 森孝久2) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 72-73, 2012. |
Immediate effect and course - single case study - of the weight relief treadmill walk training for the person with imperfection cervical cord injury 眞鍋智帆, 長尾哲也 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 74-75, 2012. |
Effect comparison between brain activated rehabilitation and kinesitherapy for dementia 越智一平1), 森川真也2) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 76-77, 2012. |
Compare a conclusion, other associated items with the quantity of examination - hematoma of the function convalescence predictor in the thalamic bleeding at a discharge; and - 小田峻也1), 露口明宏1), 木村啓介1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 78-79, 2012. |
Compare long leg brace prescription situation - past and present in our hospital; and - 大西徹也1), 菅原健太郎1), 井上和之1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 80-81, 2012. |
The life space of patients with at-home stroke influences a change of the ability for everyday life activity 浜岡克伺1), 吉本好延1), 橋本豊年1), 佐藤厚2) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 82-83, 2012. |
- prospective cohort study - that we can predict the fall of patients with ambulant at-home stroke with a question paper 市川祐生1), 吉本好延1), 浜岡克伺1), 橋本豊年1), 佐藤厚2) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 84-85, 2012. |
Is the charge system that there are how many people in the physical therapist team in the convalescent rehabilitation ward an ideal? 岡部晃弘 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 86-87, 2012. |
Examination of the at-home return factor in the patients with cancer rehabilitation 近藤心1), 中村友香1), 高田信二郎1), 安井夏生1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 88-89, 2012. |
Usefulness of the objective muscle of leg measurement of the force in patients with old respiratory illness 加嶋憲作1), 馬渕勝1), 中谷京宗1), 山本令沙1), 山崎裕司2) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 90-91, 2012. |
Present conditions investigation of the thorax outside squeeze technique for bronchial asthma status epilepticus 叶義將1), 濱田麻紀子2), 大野久志1), 菊地基之1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 92-93, 2012. |
Preoperation risk score sheet making and examination of the postoperative pulmonary complication case 萩森康孝1), 濱田綾1), 菊池健蔵1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 94-95, 2012. |
About the association of deglutition and the expiration function usefulness second report - of the longest expiration duration measurement for - dysphagia 大森幸美 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 96-97, 2012. |
The effect that shortening of the pectoralis minor muscle gives to costal movement 田野聡1), 鶯春夫2), 高岡克宜1), 松村幸治1), 田岡祐二1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 98-99, 2012. |
Examination of the factor which has an influence on the quality of life of patients with gonarthrosis 内田茂博1), 森田伸1), 田仲勝一1), 伊藤康弘1), 藤岡修司1), 板東正記1), 刈谷友洋1), 小林裕生1), 山田英司2), 有馬信男3), 山本哲司3) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 100-101, 2012. |
Present condition report about the total knee prosthesis plastic surgery from the point of view according to the model 宮内博雄1), 吉田修1), 山本圭二1), 吉田理起1), 権丈賢1), 楠瀬一正1), 伊藤一法1), 植田紘史1), 吉田恵1), 池田悟子1), 池澤剛輔1), 野崎咲希1), 野村正太2), 杉本愛3) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 102-103, 2012. |
Pay the attention to results and examination - bone fracture type and range of motion exercise of the aftercare after the operation after the patella fracture; and - 小林一平, 川瀬範久, 仲渡和正, 高井一志 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 104-105, 2012. |
Examination of the objective assessment of the difference between right and left of the walking time variable in stroke hemiplegia walking : Comparison with stroke hemiplegia patients and healthy adult women 重島晃史1,2), 半田健壽3), 藤原孝之2,3), 小駒喜郎4), 小松弘典5), 熊谷匡紘5), 川畑志乃5), 森国裕5), 川島隆史5) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 106-107, 2012. |
Relations with a foot part shape and the walk foot pressure center of the lower extremity orthosis 相原一輝1), 加納宏美1), 関耕二2), 川渕正敬1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 108-109, 2012. |
Relations with laterality and Physiological Cost Index of the step time in the stroke hemiplegic gait 小松弘典1), 重島晃史2)3), 熊谷匡紘1), 森国裕1), 川畑志乃1), 松村文雄1), 半田健壽4), 藤原孝之3)4), 小駒喜郎5) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 110-111, 2012. |
Focusing on the non-paralyzed side lower limb function of the two cases that showed the right hemiplegia : Towards the ERROR operating independence 荒谷英彦1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 112-113, 2012. |
The effect that bad posture in the wheelchair gene locus gives to a respiratory function and cough power 安宅佑興1), 藤井保貴1), 高橋謙一2) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 114-115, 2012. |
Report second about the activity of the breathing care support team in our hospital 山田耕平, 桑嶋博史, 多田善則 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 116-117, 2012. |
The activity of the breathing care team and future problem 濱田綾1), 萩森康孝1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 118-119, 2012. |
One case that we presented with atelectasis for chemical pneumonia, and breathing rehabilitation was useful 柳澤幸夫1)2), 松尾善美3), 中村武司1), 長谷加容子4), 堀内宣昭4) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 120-121, 2012. |
Inspection of the coexistence validity of the balance Wii board which we were based on external with the measurements with the center of gravity unrest meter 兵頭勇己1), 鶴埜益巳2) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 122-123, 2012. |
About the change of the muscle temperature and relations of the knee extension muscular strength 小林裕生1), 森田伸1), 田仲勝一1), 内田茂博1), 伊藤康弘1), 藤岡修司1), 板東正記1), 刈谷友洋1), 田中聡2), 金井秀作2), 有馬信男3), 山本哲司3) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 124-125, 2012. |
Search - of the individual factor of the case to be treated effectively with icing to the examination - hand region of the icing effect to the hand part 中尾聡志1), 西上智彦2), 岡田知也1), 明崎禎輝3), 村山大樹1), 中平智1), 岩崎洋子1), 松田芳郎4) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 126-127, 2012. |
The features of outdoor ambulatory orthopedic disease elderly patients with motor function : Around the relatively easy to perform evaluation item 大畑浩1), 川村壮一郎1), 坂本諒1), 西森史乃1), 筒井香央里1), 松本明子1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 128-129, 2012. |
An investigation for our hospital heart rehabilitation establishment and future problem 高瀬峰文, 山崎祐司, 今岡賢俊 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 130-131, 2012. |
The effect that a difference of the footwear gives to the walk-related factor of patients with heart disease for the hospitalization period 石川卓也, 西森大地, 渡部潤一 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 132-133, 2012. |
After the thoracotomy in our hospital cardiovascular surgery about the course in the hospital of the case tendency - of - long-term hospitalization case 管原崇1), 桑嶋博史1), 多田善則1), 藤澤和弘1), 本田透2) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 134-135, 2012. |
About the physical therapy enforcement situation for the DPC heart failure case in our hospital 井上純一, 久保輝明, 川瀬範久, 高石篤志 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 136-137, 2012. |
In the bed of the old spinal compression fracture case approach - using the training device to the disuse prevention by exercise - lying in bed 百田雅治1), 木口大輔2), 首藤貴1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 138-139, 2012. |
Experience of the physical therapy of the case that Bicompartmental UKA was performed in for gonarthrosis 伊藤康弘1), 森田伸1), 田仲勝一1), 内田茂博1), 藤岡修司1), 板東正記1), 刈谷友洋1), 小林裕生1), 山本哲司2), 有馬信男2), 真柴賛2) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 140-141, 2012. |
Comparison - by the lumbar vertebrae position of the possibility -3 pattern of the transversus abdominis muscle induction by the multifidus muscle training 井手裕一朗, 近藤正太, 樋上恭平, 沖勇弥 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 142-143, 2012. |
For bone mineral density measurements in foreign RA patients : Comparison during the first visit and 6 months evaluation item 阿部敏彦1), 平石志保1), 武智公政1), 門田三生1), 濱田章弘1), 中村江里1), 山本晴城1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 144-145, 2012. |
Pay the attention to the laterality of the variable at examination - walk time of the validity of the visual evaluation in the walk of the stroke hemiplegia patients and the reliability; and - 熊谷匡紘1), 重島晃史2)3), 森国裕1), 小松弘典1), 川畑志乃1), 松村文雄1), 半田健壽4), 藤原孝之3)4), 小駒喜郎5) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 146-147, 2012. |
Relevance of attention function and physical function in community-dwelling elderly : Focusing on fall 渡邉沙織1), 森川真也2), 谷口千明2) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 148-149, 2012. |
Awakening - of the active attention for - somatosensory information with nonenity for the left unilateral spatial neglect 岩井和人1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 150-151, 2012. |
Examination in the self-portrait description of children with autistic spectrum disorder and same-age fixed form development children 横野志帆1), 海部忍1)2), 日岡明美1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (34): 152-153, 2012. |