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Kanagawa Public Health Journal

Volume , Issue 35 / 1989
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article "Recently - mainly on infection - AIDS attracting attention"
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 1-2, 1989.

Japanese Article Efforts Part 1 (plan, administration, enforcement) to the gathering of the making of health in Saiwai-ku
島内翔紀, 五十嵐京子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 1-1, 1989.

Japanese Article Efforts of the problems (9) health learning of the making of health in Hisaicho, Tsu
清田京子1), 佐藤久美子1), 座間尚子1), 井上正幸1), 三樹隆久1), 岩室紳也2), 山崎洋美2), 小野沢直子2), 内藤佳次2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 4-4, 1989.

Japanese Article The thing which supports 1 local action - - health behavior in the making of health
高橋尚子, 藤本末美, 三富京子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 5-5, 1989.

Japanese Article Expanse to 2 local action - - area in the making of health
高橋尚子, 藤本末美, 岡田ひろみ
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 6-6, 1989.

Japanese Article About acquisition of 3 local action - - information in the making of health
高橋尚子1), 藤本末美1), 石川正子1), 河野貞子2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 7-7, 1989.

Japanese Article Survey (followup) about the smoking of the female college student
猪又直美, 千葉祐子, 増島宏美, 毛利由香, 植松稔
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 11-11, 1989.

Japanese Article Activity of the doctor at public health center
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 15-15, 1989.

Japanese Article About the change of the super elderly people rate in 37 prefecture
西田道弘, 藤井信雄, 保坂泰久
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 19-19, 1989.

Japanese Article About the intractable disease consultation business in the Fujisawa public health center (the second report)
土平俊子, 小倉高志, 平弘恵, 千葉真弓, 笹川洋之助, 健康指導課
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 22-22, 1989.

Japanese Article About chlordane in drinking water in Kanagawa
宇都宮暁子, 長谷川一夫, 内藤昭治
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 26-26, 1989.

Japanese Article About examination of water results of the drinking well water in Yokohama-shi
山本親男, 荒井稔, 古谷桂子, 森本泰子, 磯田信一, 斉藤治子, 佐藤洋子, 河村太郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 27-27, 1989.

Japanese Article 1, 1, 2-trichloro -1 in Kanagawa, 2, groundwater contamination with 2-bird full Orr ethane (Freon 113)
伊藤伸一, 長谷川一夫, 節田節子, 内藤昭治
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 28-28, 1989.

Japanese Article Air low stock price in the middle of a day boiling point chlorine compound investigation using the diffusion type sampler
矢沢篤子, 佐藤洋子, 河村太郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 29-29, 1989.

Japanese Article Hygienic study of the indoor pool water
斉藤治子, 磯田信一, 森本泰子, 荒井稔, 古谷桂子, 山本親男, 佐藤洋子, 河村太郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 30-30, 1989.

Japanese Article One instance case of the soil pollution by the accident in the waste intermediate processing institution storage chamber (the ground)
惣田晃夫, 坂本広美, 福井博, 吉野秀吉, 淡路宣男
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 32-32, 1989.

Japanese Article About the elution of the toxic substance of oversized garbage crush things
吉野秀吉, 福井博, 惣田晃夫, 坂本広美, 淡路宣男
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 34-34, 1989.

Japanese Article Serum ceruloplasmin concentrations by the acute ozone exposure
池見好昭, 大森薫
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 35-35, 1989.

Japanese Article Cytotoxicity of the injection drug
早乙女京子1), 伊藤英幸1), 小林伸好1), 河村太郎1), 梅田誠2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 36-36, 1989.

Japanese Article The microbial contamination situation of the hand towel in the winter season and the summer for rent
伊東久美子1), 梅津千里1), 滝本幸雄1), 長信良1), 田中衛一1), 尾上洋一2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 37-37, 1989.

Japanese Article The onset situation of fluoride mouth rinsing and the enamel opaque
荒川浩久, 広川晃司, 山田弘倫, 木本一成, 平田幸夫, 佐藤仁美, 榎本加寿美, 飯塚喜一
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 38-38, 1989.

Japanese Article Problems of the oral temperature measurement
相原まり子1), 大森純子2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 40-40, 1989.

Japanese Article About a cause investigation of the tooth extraction in Kanagawa
松岡晃, 加藤増夫, 橋本弘, 根岸達郎, 柏木勝, 長野俊夫, 中原健雄, 風間潤
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 41-41, 1989.

Japanese Article About a gingival self-check study (the second report)
佐々木保博, 加藤増夫, 後藤勉, 根岸達郎, 小村和孝, 弥富尚文
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 42-42, 1989.

Japanese Article Try reservation medical examination
国本由紀子, 堀千波, 神園久子, 江村朋子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 49-49, 1989.

Japanese Article The effect that a juvenile expectant mothers classroom gives in motherly consciousness
田口美智子, 鈴木純子, 星野ゆう子, 大竹ひろ子, 田口良子, 山多美代子, 海法澄子, 猿田貴美子, 木村元子, 加藤久美子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 50-50, 1989.

Japanese Article Questionnaire to the husband in the pre-natal class
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 51-51, 1989.

Japanese Article The eating habits investigation (1) of infants
柏木紀子1), 榎本喜美江1), 家永紀子2), 長田新一2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 53-53, 1989.

Japanese Article Intercomparison analysis of the radionuclide out of the food by the gamma ray spectrometry
飯島育代1), 高城裕之1), 荒井香陽子2), 木川寛2), 竹沢英二3), 山田高志3)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 55-55, 1989.

Japanese Article Cesium - 134 in food, 137 concentrations
高城裕之1), 飯島育代1), 杉山英男1), 小山包博1), 池谷修2), 笠間保一2), 広武豊2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 56-56, 1989.

Japanese Article "Uranium in food"
大屋日登美, 小山包博
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 57-57, 1989.

Japanese Article About anthraquinones in a Rheum sibiricum
大森清美1), 岸美智子1), 堀口佳哉1), 渡辺重信1), 成松次郎2), 林英明2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 58-58, 1989.

Japanese Article Simple analytical procedure of the Ney carbagin by the high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
堀孝美, 渡部健二朗, 木川寛, 河村太郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 59-59, 1989.

Japanese Article Simultaneous analytical procedure of the carbamate system pesticide of food by the high performance liquid chromatography
貫山道子, 谷孝之, 渡辺重信
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 60-60, 1989.

Japanese Article Plasma progesterone density of fatting cow
橋爪廣美1), 久保園英史1), 中島孝郎1), 小田和則2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 61-61, 1989.

Japanese Article Fact-finding of nitric acid, nitrous acid in kimchi and secondary amine
岸弘子, 中村昌道, 中岡正吉, 渡辺重信
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 62-62, 1989.

Japanese Article Residual investigation of the set pesticide of the registration reservation standard
井上茂1), 貫山道子1), 貝瀬利一1), 渡辺貞夫1), 谷孝之1), 渡辺重信1), 県食品衛生課食品科学班2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 63-63, 1989.

Japanese Article Hygienic study of the arsenic compound in the seafood
貝瀬利一, 谷孝之, 堀口佳哉, 渡辺重信
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 64-64, 1989.

Japanese Article The heavy metal of fishery products and level of polychlorinated biphenyl
柳内志保子, 多田隈恵子, 藤本玲子, 中沢美子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 65-65, 1989.

Japanese Article 1 total intake such as trichloroethylene, the tetrachloroethylene, and the like in the everyday life
宮田忠由, 浅倉倫子, 磯田信一, 北爪稔, 林正孝, 木川寛, 河村太郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 66-66, 1989.

Japanese Article Analytical procedure and findings of the benzoepin in farm products
田中康夫, 細井志郎, 渡部健二朗, 木川寛, 河村太郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 68-68, 1989.

Japanese Article Autogenic training class in the public health center
西明美, 土平俊子, 石橋幸滋
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 69-69, 1989.

Japanese Article In the public health center living guidance classroom is a person with schizophrenia alone
小池尚志, 伊東知津子, 柳沢和子, 桜井素子, 石原幸夫
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 70-70, 1989.

Japanese Article Development and activity evaluation of the demented old man daycare in the public health center
小林信子, 酒井昭, 松村幸子, 桜井裕子, 渡辺周子, 大山順子, 塩見正信
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 72-72, 1989.

Japanese Article About urinalysis, the illumination in the inhabitants examination venue
川崎市衛生局・保健所1), 安室恵2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 75-75, 1989.

Japanese Article Examination (liver function test) of the normal in the periodic health check-up
市川和由1), 宮内喬子1), 八木沢勝美1), 五十嵐すみ子1), 本田武義2), 山本秀雄2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 76-76, 1989.

Japanese Article The rotaviral detection situation in the examination for meat hygiene
秋山雅彦1), 寺西大1), 久島昌平1), 松阪龍雄2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 77-77, 1989.

Japanese Article About a mass outbreak of chickenpox found in a certain nursery school in Yokohama-shi
鳥羽和憲1), 曽田研二1), 岩崎礼子2), 舩田松代2), 入江英博2), 小林枝美3)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 78-78, 1989.

Japanese Article About the genital herpes virus detection situation in Kawasaki-shi
春山長治1), 大場初義1), 五十嵐忠男1), 和田明1), 斎藤充司2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 79-79, 1989.

Japanese Article Viral isolation from patients with aseptic meningitis of 1988
斎藤隆行, 近藤真規子, 渡邊寿美, 中塚繁, 小田和正
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 80-80, 1989.

Japanese Article Trend of influenza in Kanagawa of 1988
渡邊寿美, 斎藤隆行, 近藤真規子, 中塚繁, 小田和正
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 82-82, 1989.

Japanese Article It is examination about the pathogenicity of K51 E.coli 01
中戸川由香, 小川正之, 岡田京子, 小宮雄次郎, 須藤始代, 大久保吉雄, 五十嵐忠男, 和田明
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 83-83, 1989.

Japanese Article About the infection antibody possession situation of the student nurse as preventive measures against hospital infection
小島幸司1), 太田節子1), 中村節子2), 鈴木まゆみ2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 84-84, 1989.

Japanese Article Comparison between killifish and nature as the mosquito larva natural enemy fish in the Oryzias latipes
佐藤英毅, 高橋牧雄, 五十嵐忠男, 和田明
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 85-85, 1989.

Japanese Article The extermination experiment of the midge population that is unsusceptible in an organic phosphorus-based insecticide
佐藤英毅, 高橋牧雄, 五十嵐忠男, 和田明
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 86-86, 1989.

Japanese Article The extermination study for the cockroach of eating poison agent - boric acid dumpling -
金山彰宏, 広瀬恵子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 87-87, 1989.

Japanese Article Observation (2) gallstones and biliary cancer of the clinical epidemiology of the biliary cancer
井上怜子1), 伊藤義彦2), 多羅尾和郎2), 飯田萬一3), 平山雄4)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 88-88, 1989.

Japanese Article About Samukawa-machi cancer prophylaxis promotion business (the fifth report) lung cancer examination
田中利彦1), 神山健1), 大竹ひろ子1), 對島清一2), 三好勝比古2), 杉崎柳子2), 石井ひろ子2), 柄沢貴子2), 佐藤建3), 岡本直幸4)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 89-89, 1989.

Japanese Article About a characteristic of Samukawa-machi cancer prophylaxis promotion business (the sixth report) cancer screening consultation group and the non-consultation group
岡本直幸1), 田中利彦2), 神山健2), 大竹ひろ子2), 佐藤建3), 對馬清一4), 三好勝比古4), 杉崎柳子4), 石井ひろ子4), 柄沢貴子4)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 90-90, 1989.

Japanese Article About Samukawa-machi cancer prophylaxis promotion business (the seventh report) health education
佐藤建1), 寒川町がん予防対策推進委員会2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 91-91, 1989.

Japanese Article Activities of the meeting knowing Samukawa-machi cancer prophylaxis promotion business (the eighth report) Samukawa cancer
杉崎柳子1), 對馬清一1), 三好勝比古1), 石井ひろ子1), 柄沢貴子1), 岡本直幸2), 田中利彦3), 神山健3), 大竹ひろ子3), 佐藤建4)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 92-92, 1989.

Japanese Article Fact-finding of the anorexia nervosa
佐野誠, 遠藤まゆみ, 勝俣佳也, 熊坂祝久, 三浦優子, 笹尾保, 松木秀明
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 93-93, 1989.

Japanese Article About the edible meat product which made gaseousness with B.G.L.B. fermentation pipe, and became negative in E.M.B. nutrient medium
宮手浩1), 相模原保健所検査課2), 津久井保健所衛生課3)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 96-96, 1989.

Japanese Article Effect on actual situation of dentistry of the dementia old man and dementia
長田新一1), 福田順一2), 岩田ジェームス太一3)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 97-97, 1989.

Japanese Article About the fact-finding of the dysentery amoeba (the first report)
小田原保健所1), 足柄上保健所2), 衛生研究所衛生部感染症対策班3), 後藤功1)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 98-98, 1989.

Japanese Article Prediction of the ultimate biological degradation of the surfactant in the environmental ecosystem
伊藤伸一1), 内藤昭治1), 畝本力2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 99-99, 1989.

Japanese Article Mutagenesis of the chlorination polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon
森康明, 内藤昭治
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 100-100, 1989.

Japanese Article We investigate content such as sodium, and the like in a processed food
山田利治, 平山クニ, 中村昌道, 中岡正吉, 渡辺重信
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 102-102, 1989.

Japanese Article About a reagent affecting food additives analysis
川名清子, 中村昌道, 中岡正吉, 渡辺重信
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 103-103, 1989.

Japanese Article Examination of the phosphate preparation processing distinction in freshness vegetables
津田洋子, 片山聡子, 宝井辰紀, 桐ケ谷忠司, 上條昌彌, 木川寛, 河村太郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 104-104, 1989.

Japanese Article Environmental research accompanied with the asbestos containment construction
北爪稔, 林正孝, 佐藤洋子, 河村太郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 105-105, 1989.

Japanese Article Effect measurement and nutrition education of the self-eating habits check law of our hospital outpatient
大石厚子1), 加藤義明, 井上怜子2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (35): 106-106, 1989.