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Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi
Volume , Issue 35 / 2013
English Article Japanese Article
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Send it to the official journal of a scientific society publication of - 41st Shikoku physical therapist society for the 41st Shikoku physical therapist society theme Awareness - established future image 中村武司 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 1-1, 2013. |
41st Shikoku physiotherapist Society theme Awareness [Toward the established vision of the future] 41st and finished the Shikoku physiotherapist Society 鍋坂信夫 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 2-2, 2013. |
Mayor of the 40th Congress of Shikoku physical therapy association society Prize 四国理学療法士学会 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 4-4, 2013. |
The 40th Congress of Shikoku physical therapy association prize for encouragement 四国理学療法士学会 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 5-5, 2013. |
Mayor of the 41st Shikoku physical therapist society society Prize 四国理学療法士学会 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 6-6, 2013. |
The 41st Congress of Shikoku physical therapy association prize for encouragement 四国理学療法士学会 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 7-7, 2013. |
I [Clinical noticed] 山口光國 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 10-15, 2013. |
II [Scientific noticed] 内山靖 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 18-26, 2013. |
I "history of oneself of the noticed as the physical therapist" 玉利光太郎 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 28-35, 2013. |
II "noticed and fall prevention study" 山田実 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 38-44, 2013. |
There be it for the stage by the prompt necessary for evaluation chart - task analysis and movement independence of the behavior moving movement 岡田一馬1), 山崎裕司2), 山崎倫1), 佐伯茂行1), 大森貴充1), 冨岡真光1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 46-47, 2013. |
One case of the use of KAFO which paid its attention to the stepladder hand of patients with putamen bleeding 松本猛1), 大西徹也1), 中島由美1), 井上和之1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 48-49, 2013. |
Application of DTI tensor methods in post-stroke functional prognosis evaluation : Temporal changes of white matter nerve fiber number and FA value by DTI 広瀬和仁1), 尾崎竜太2), 植松優菜1), 座間味知彦1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 50-51, 2013. |
Examination about the aim of patients with stroke predicted that at-home return is difficult 小川和幸1), 出口憲市2), 近藤心2), 柳澤幸夫3), 東田武志1), 福本常雄1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 52-53, 2013. |
Experience of the rehabilitation after the ITB therapy for the hemiplegia patients with the mild spasticity 光宗雅人1), 石丸由布子1), 田中寿知2) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 54-55, 2013. |
Examination of the factor which gives it to the at-home return of patients with cerebrovascular disorder 菅原健太郎1), 加藤英俊1), 大西徹也1), 中島由美1), 井上和之1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 56-57, 2013. |
Immediate effect after the exercise observation on walk of the stroke hemiplegia patients 山崎倫, 大森貴允, 岡田一馬, 冨岡真光, 脇本謙吾 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 58-59, 2013. |
[Report of rehabilitation cooperation with therapist absence clinic] : Through the cervical spinal cord disease patients admitted ADL capacity building 岡部晃弘1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 60-61, 2013. |
The health promotion model project in Imabari : Legs airy classrooms of reporting and future prospects 池田進太郎1), 山崎祐司2), 高瀬峰文2) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 62-63, 2013. |
Life alive Support Center Uerupa Kochi activity report 福島寿道1), 下元佳子1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 64-65, 2013. |
About the immediate effect of the dynamic stretch machine "Innerthigh" 手嶋麻美1), 仙波憲一1), 赤穂哲哉2), 高岡哲也2), 吉田宏史3), 島崎勝行4) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 66-67, 2013. |
The effect that aerobic training by the health class gives to an artery function 川村圭司1), 出口憲市2), 中村武司1), 福池映二1), 柳澤幸夫1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 68-69, 2013. |
Examination - from the crossing study in associated factor - ambulatory patient of the physical active mass in elderly people resident in an area and the ambulatory rehabilitation user 森川真也1)2), 玉利光太郎3), 谷口千明1), 得丸敬三4) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 70-71, 2013. |
Examination of the investigation of spinal column behavior flexibility and the walk of local elderly people of relationships and the walk instruction that there is an effect in immediately 榎勇人1), 石田健司1), 細田里南1), 芥川知彰1), 足立あかね1), 上野将之1), 室伏祐介1), 近藤寛1), 田中克宜1), 高橋みなみ1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 72-73, 2013. |
Muscle sense of ankle and effect on sole - ankle that a perception search problem gives to ability for standing position posture adjustment immediately, comparison - in the plantar most moving passage sensation of pressure 森垣浩一1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 74-75, 2013. |
One discussion for hip joint extorsion 3 in the new empty hand muscular strength technique 逢坂幸佳1)2) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 76-77, 2013. |
Reproducible inspection of the gait evaluation using the accelerometer of the personal digital assistant 兵頭勇己1), 小笠原正2) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 78-79, 2013. |
Analysis of the mental rotation correct answer rate in elderly people, young people 小野川ちひろ1), 竹林秀晃2) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 80-81, 2013. |
The effect of face mask wearing is given to the cardiorespiratory : Comparison of the normal pressure decrease oxygen environment and the normal oxygen environment 片山訓博1), 大倉三洋1), 甲藤史拡1), 宗石憲昇1), 永田林太郎1), 藤本哲也2) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 82-83, 2013. |
Problem properties and association of joint position adjustment and the line output adjustment in the flattery problem 竹林秀晃1), 滝本幸治1), 森岡周3), 宮本謙三1), 井上佳和1), 岡部孝生1), 宮本祥子1), 宅間豊1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 84-85, 2013. |
Problem properties of the lower limbs tapping due to the isometric muscular contraction 滝本幸治1,2), 竹林秀晃1), 宮本謙三1), 宅間豊1), 井上佳和1), 宮本祥子1), 岡部孝生1), 椛秀人3) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 86-87, 2013. |
Rehabilitation to acute heart failure patients in our hospital : Factors related to discharge when walking ability 中屋雄太1), 西本和弘1), 池田俊太郎2), 清水秀晃2), 宇賀小百合2), 片山訓博3) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 88-89, 2013. |
Start early ambulation two hours after after cardiovascular surgery technique 出永智香子1), 前田秀博1), 工藤入淑子恵2), 入江博之3) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 90-91, 2013. |
Indication of the withdrawal propriety of patients became a ventilator management in respiratory and cardiovascular ward : Based on the course of success 小田峻也1), 津川義弘1), 木村啓介1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 92-93, 2013. |
Be in charge of a Patient 1 case of Guillain-Barre syndrome that suffered from the secession, breathing, the utterance from a respirator 鷹尾茂延1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 94-95, 2013. |
Comparison - at examination - exercise tolerance, a respiratory function, the BMI of the factor associated with the acute exacerbation evasion in patients with COPD 宮崎慎二郎1), 片岡弘明1), 石川淳1), 北山奈緒美1), 三好里梨子1), 高橋仁美2) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 96-97, 2013. |
Examination about the difference of Hold Relax and Contract Relax 上甲祐介1), 吉田宏史2)3) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 98-99, 2013. |
For physical function test of redcord exercise participants : Relevance of physical function tests and fall 坂本大樹1), 加地和正1), 山中祥二1), 阿部大樹1), 永易大典2) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 100-101, 2013. |
It is ... for the spread of questionary survey - disorder prevention of the disorder prevention for the National High School Baseball Championship member 越智仁紀1)2) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 102-103, 2013. |
Morphological features of badminton players : Follow-up results of 2-year 橋本祐司1), 田村靖明1), 三野弘樹1), 土橋孝之1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 104-105, 2013. |
2012 elementary and junior high school locomotorium examination business report in Ehime 渡部瑞恵1), 山内正雄1), 水間恒1), 西尾祐二1), 山下亜紀子1), 久門未沙紀1), 一色崇徳1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 106-107, 2013. |
[The investigation of severity and background factors in our hospital of carpal tunnel syndrome : Around the EMG test] 兼好達也1), 仲渡和正1), 高井一志1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 108-109, 2013. |
The effectiveness that exercise observation gives to learning of the ambulation activity 池上大輝1), 竹林秀晃2), 滝本幸治2), 山本知弘1), 野田昌志1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 110-111, 2013. |
Effects of the affected load training using body weight part relieving device on walking ability : Single Case Study 大森貴允1), 佐伯茂行1), 山崎倫1), 岡田一馬1), 冨岡真光1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 112-113, 2013. |
One discussion of the hip joint behavior flexibility at use of long leg brace 大西徹也1), 井上和之1), 菅原健太郎1), 中島由美1), 松本猛1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 114-115, 2013. |
Walking ability improvement case using GaitSolution Design properties 高橋保雅1), 亀岡仁美1), 広瀬聖悟1), 一ノ宮哲朗1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 116-117, 2013. |
Pay the attention to total steps for -1 day about 1 cervical myelopathy postoperative case given gait training intervention for the purpose of active improvement; and - 大畑浩1), 川村壮一郎1), 坂本諒1), 竹内史乃1), 筒井香央里1), 松本明子1), 柏智之2) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 118-119, 2013. |
About association of the lower abdominal muscle function and walking ability in the spinal compression fracture case 中澤伸哲1), 小畠啓伸1), 渡邉彩花1), 窪内郁恵1), 薦田昭宏1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 120-121, 2013. |
Examination of running of the isokinetic knee joint muscular strength in the knee anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction 池野祐太郎1), 福田航1), 五味徳之2) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 122-123, 2013. |
In an attempt to Red code to the shoulder joint disease : For shoulder joint CKC exercise 加地和正1), 山中祥二1), 阿部大樹1), 坂本大樹1), 永易大典2) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 124-125, 2013. |
For bone mineral density measurements in foreign RA patients : Secular change and the evolution of osteoporosis treatment from 2006 for 6 years 阿部敏彦1), 平石志保1), 武智政公1), 門田三生1), 濱田章弘1), 中村江里1), 山本晴城1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 126-127, 2013. |
After total knee replacement examination - from the psychological side of examination - postoperative pain about the uneasiness in the case and the algetic relationship 岡田知也1), 中尾聡志2), 西上智彦3) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 128-129, 2013. |
Examination - using - Mental chronometry of a drop and the body function of the exercise image after the artificial knee joint replacement concerned 板東正記1), 森田伸1), 田仲勝一1), 内田茂博1), 伊藤康弘1), 藤岡修司1), 刈谷友洋1), 小林裕生1), 有馬信男1)2), 山本哲司1)2) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 130-131, 2013. |
The need of the physical therapy for quality of life improvement of the Total Hip Arthroplasty patients 吉田宏史1), 木口大輔2)3), 定松修一1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 132-133, 2013. |
About association of the active mass (at a discharge) main after a walker, T cane duration of use and preoperation, the operation of patients who received one side THA in our hospital at a walk level and a discharge 清川展行1), 蓮井里美1), 森本哲史1), 藤内勝之1), 浅海浩二2) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 134-135, 2013. |
It is examined the factor for the walk poor prognosis case of the patients after proximal thighbone bone fracture technique 島田高幸1), 薦田昭宏1), 橋本聡子1), 埜下亜矢1), 窪内郁恵1), 田口博之1), 鍋島佑輔1), 河野麻衣1), 黒田祐子1), 西山敦1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 136-137, 2013. |
ADL prediction - at convalescence predictive - convalescent hospital discharge at acute phase hospital discharge in the thighbone trochanter part bone fracture case 津野良一1), 細川美鈴1), 谷岡博人1), 濱窪隆1), 三宮真紀1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 138-139, 2013. |
It is tested the temperature change around the bone at supersonic wave irradiation for para-life tissue 藏本翼1), 仲渡和正1), 高井一志1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 140-141, 2013. |
Examination - of the icing effect by the excellent unpleasantness of effective - low temperature stimulus of the hand part icing in the total knee replacement case 中尾聡志1), 西上智彦2), 岡田知也3), 明崎禎輝4), 村山大樹1), 中平智1), 岩崎洋子1), 松田芳郎5) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 142-143, 2013. |
Uneasy element about the risk management in the new face rehabilitation staff of our hospital 岩崎史明1), 高芝潤1), 本久雄一1), 田中健太郎1), 前田秀博1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 144-145, 2013. |
In the bed which a nurse receives about the introduction effect of the rehabilitation sheet 西森大地1), 増田一基1), 都築宏正1), 木口大輔1), 田内秀樹1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 146-147, 2013. |
How is the simulated patient study before training taken by a student? 逢坂幸佳1)2), 高橋謙一1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 148-149, 2013. |
Study on characteristic of the English expression in the learned book specialized in physical therapy 宮本祥子1), 五百蔵高浩2), 宮本謙三1), 宅間豊1), 井上佳和1), 竹林秀晃1), 岡部孝生1), 滝本幸治1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 150-151, 2013. |
The case that the NST intervention in the medical treatment ward succeeded 東大和生1), 近澤宏明2), 浜田伸一3) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 152-153, 2013. |
Association of body function and the oral cavity function nutritional status in institution residents 鈴江正基1), 平澤小百合1,2), 高木賢一1), 佐藤央一(ST)2), 柳澤幸夫3), 松尾善美4) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 154-155, 2013. |
About an association between nutrition index and moving movement in foreign haemodialysis patients 柿原稔永1), 南田義孝1), 藤川智広1), 飯間優1), 三村真士1), 金場佑衣1), 山田英司2), 川原和彦3) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 156-157, 2013. |
Effect of the muscular workout on elderly patients who presented with disuse atrophy 冨岡真光1), 山崎倫1), 岡田一馬1), 大森貴允1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 158-159, 2013. |
Making of the tongue swallowing prevention harness 森下誠也1), 中川和也2) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 160-161, 2013. |
Example - of children with effect - Sotos' syndrome to give the ability that visual attention and perception, a judgment posture control 森下聖子1), 玉井太至1), 石井摩耶1), 今西健斗1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 162-163, 2013. |
approach to motor development that has opened from intervention in the visual perception of chondrodysplasia punctata children 石井摩耶, 森下聖子, 今西健人, 玉井太至 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 164-165, 2013. |
Through patients with cerebral palsy associated with electric wheelchair manufacture 志村裕子1), 十川秀樹1), 大西晶子1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 166-167, 2013. |
Effect of the original rehabilitation on gait disturbance, spinal column forward bending of Parkinson's disease 澤田侑貴1), 植村直子1), 泰地治男1), 川道幸司1), 有井敬治2), 川村和之2), 三ツ井貴夫2) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 168-169, 2013. |
It is ... about the effect that we draw back, and center of gravity balance of examination - standing position of the foot gives to posture in patients with Parkinson's disease 泰地治男1), 植村直子1), 川道幸司1), 有井敬治2), 川村和之2), 三ツ井貴夫2) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 170-171, 2013. |
About the effect of the rising operation practice from the floor : As a workaround after the fall fall in visit rehabilitation 今井隆雄1), 長尾哲也1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 172-173, 2013. |
Clinical application of simple formulas locus attitude auxiliary tool that focuses on the pressure by sitting redistribution : From the corresponding high-level cervical spinal cord injury patients who underwent the sciatic artery flap surgery 田中健太郎1), 細川忠2), 高芝潤1), 前田秀博1), 赤松順3) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 174-175, 2013. |
About pediatric support in the visit rehabilitation 西川まり子1), 下元佳子1), 岡崎明美1), 廣戸優尊1), 本間和哉1), 安藝晴菜1), 高尾佳奈代1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 176-177, 2013. |
Future challenges and current status of visiting rehabilitation in Kagawa Prefecture : It is considered From opinion from other occupations 田岡知代1), 前田匡史2), 苧坂邦彦3) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 178-179, 2013. |
Examination about the early function recovery after the total knee replacement for the elderly aged 75 or over 久門未沙紀1), 山内正雄1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 180-181, 2013. |
Examination of an operation side load rate and the total trace head in the standstill standing position movement before and after the total knee replacement 藤内勝之1), 蓮井里美1), 清川展行1), 森本哲史1), 浅海浩二2) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 182-183, 2013. |
Comparison ... according to comparison - component of the range of motion course after the total knee replacement 森本哲史1), 蓮井里美1), 清川展行1), 藤内勝之1), 浅海浩二2) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 184-185, 2013. |
Comparison - with change - normal elderly people of UKA preoperation, the postoperative motor function 小林裕生1), 森田伸1), 田仲勝一1), 内田茂博1), 伊藤康弘1), 藤岡修司1), 刈谷友洋1), 板東正記1), 伊藤義広2), 有馬信男3), 山本哲司3) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 186-187, 2013. |
Change of a walk function and the motor function 3-month after total knee prosthesis single condyle replacement 刈谷友洋1), 森田伸1), 田仲勝一1), 内田茂博1), 伊藤康弘1), 藤岡修司1), 板東正記1), 小林裕生1), 有馬信男2), 山本哲司2) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 188-189, 2013. |
It is examined ... coronal plane center of gravity movement about the diachronic change of the load rate after the total hip replacement 蓮井里美1), 森本哲史1), 藤内勝之1), 清川展行1), 浅海浩二2) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 190-191, 2013. |
Usefulness of the metastases to bone measures system 重見篤史1), 中田英二1,2), 杉原進介1,2), 菊内祐人1), 藤田智彦1), 冨永律子1), 岩田織江1), 青木裕美1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 192-193, 2013. |
Usefulness of the breast cancer ADL measures system 青木裕美1), 中田英二1,2), 杉原進介1,2), 菊内祐人1), 藤田智彦1), 冨永律子1), 岩田織江1), 重見篤史1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 194-195, 2013. |
It is the perioperative rehabilitation progress of the patients after the digestive organ procedures that we saw according to a progression of cancer degree 松本治平2), 島田恭介1), 藤山祐司2), 岩崎史明1), 田中健太郎1), 高芝潤1), 前田秀博1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 196-197, 2013. |
Progress and the effect that rehabilitation intervention gives to quality of life on patients with end-stage cancer 近藤心, 大澤俊文, 中村友香, 江西哲也, 加藤真介 Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 198-199, 2013. |
The EBMT risk score high risk needs the muscle weakness prevention from an early stage 木口大輔1), 名和由一郎2), 田内秀樹1), 鴻上繁1) Shikoku Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakkaishi (35): 200-201, 2013. |