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Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA

Volume , Issue 36 / 2023
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Foreword I and you and prefectural person society
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (36): 1-1, 2023.

Japanese Article The Trendelenburg's gait case after the total hip replacement produces the drop of the eccentric contraction for hip joint abduction
藤田努1)2), 濱井敏3)4), 岡澤和哉1), 奈須勇樹1), 原大介4), 川原慎也4), 池村聡4), 本村吾朗4), 川口謙一4), 中島康晴4)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (36): 7-16, 2023.

Japanese Article The condition of a patient X biomechanics of the knee joint disease
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (36): 17-23, 2023.

Japanese Article - to reconsider condition of a patient X biomechanics - gait disturbance of a foot part, the ankle disease from the viewpoint of biomechanics
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (36): 24-32, 2023.

Japanese Article - to make use of knowledge of reconsideration - biomechanics of the orthopedics disease in the physical therapy of the glenohumeral joint disorder
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (36): 35-39, 2023.

Japanese Article Reconsideration of the physical therapy for the person with cognitive functional decline
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (36): 40-46, 2023.

Japanese Article We scientize chronic pain
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (36): 47-51, 2023.

Japanese Article We scientize the body function of patients with heart disease
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (36): 52-56, 2023.

Japanese Article What is the role of a registered physical therapist?
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (36): 59-62, 2023.

Japanese Article It is the walking association in patients between hip joint extension angle and low back pain after the Total Hip Arthroplasty
山添貴弘1), 谷口侑紀1), 緒方悠太1), 久米慎一郎2), 大川孝浩2), 志波直人3)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (36): 65-69, 2023.

Japanese Article The continuous health education and exercise instruction by the multi-type of job for elderly people living in an area and monitoring effect of the physical active mass
林雄李1), 鈴木裕也2), 池永千寿子2), 熊谷謙一2), 野口裕貴2), 加納啓輔2), 内田博之2), 小柳靖裕3)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (36): 73-80, 2023.

Japanese Article Examination of reliability and the validity of the muscle of leg measurement of the force using the small digital scale
平山史朗1), 坂口翔平1), 田村太輝1), 高田一希1), 島袋公史2), 坂田修治1), 渡邉英夫1)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (36): 81-87, 2023.

Japanese Article Electromyographic study of multiple hip abductor muscle training using closed kinetic chain
緒方政寿1), 有働大樹2), 鈴木裕也3), 野口裕貴3), 加納啓輔3)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (36): 88-94, 2023.

Japanese Article Analysis - for the group which does not have body function at discharge of patients with proximal elderly people thighbone bone fracture changing hospitals, comparisons such as functions, and the like of the psyche and association - serious merger disease from acute phase to the convalescent hospital
島仲秀介1), 松田憲亮2), 高野吉朗2), 香田重治1), 平田靖典1), 下村拓也1), 江頭陽介3), 中村駿佑1)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (36): 95-101, 2023.

Japanese Article Examination of the factor about the fever of the patients who received chemotherapy in the blood neoplastic disease
広田桂介1), 神谷俊次1), 橋本成矢1), 橋田竜騎2), 馬場恵理子1), 大津山樹理3), 長藤宏司4), 松瀬博夫1)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (36): 102-108, 2023.

Japanese Article About a factor associated with autonomy, the motility in the rehabilitation practitioner investigation - using - Japanese edition Utrecht work engagement standard
宇野健太郎1), 田中恩2), 藤嶋厚志1)
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (36): 109-114, 2023.

Japanese Article Recognition for the association between low back pain and labor performancer of ward nursing, the care staff and the preventive exercise for low back pain
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (36): 115-121, 2023.