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Kanagawa Public Health Journal

Volume , Issue 36 / 1990
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article "- about childhood solid malignant tumor - particularly neuroblastoma"
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 1-3, 1990.

Japanese Article The making of our health
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 2-2, 1990.

Japanese Article Support the making of I report Ninomiya-machi health spread committee activity
豊坂恵利子1), 松木喬1), 中山善子1), 佐藤亜由美1), 鈴木瑞香1), 松村久代2), 田口清2), 山田悦子2), 石井文子2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 3-3, 1990.

Japanese Article For the independent activity of the making of II report Ninomiya-machi health spread committee
松本廣子1), 寺山秀子1), 吉野英子1), 二宮町健康づくり普及委員1), 松村久代2), 田口清2), 山田悦子2), 石井文子2), 松木喬3), 中山善子3), 豊坂恵利子3), 佐藤亜由美3), 鈴木瑞香3)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 4-4, 1990.

Japanese Article About the current situation and the problem of the making of III report Ninomiya-machi health spread committee activity
田口清1), 松村久代1), 山田悦子1), 石井文子1), 松木喬2), 中山善子2), 豊坂恵利子2), 佐藤亜由美2), 鈴木瑞香2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 5-5, 1990.

Japanese Article ... to try it, and to learn through a multi-example with - urinary tract care of the present office education of the visiting nurse
宮川るみ1), 末吉幸子1), 岩崎ミツエ2), 佐藤七津美3)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 6-6, 1990.

Japanese Article Through the support of the public health nurse for patients with ALS
彦根倫子, 安藤ヒロ子, 小澤加代子, 時田美穂子, 菊間博子, 小山恵子, 水島紅葉
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 7-7, 1990.

Japanese Article Attempt of the home care support to children with muscular dystrophy symptom
橋爪悦子1), 長谷川進1), 小梶末子1), 石井千恵子1), 岩崎ミツエ1), 斎藤初代1), 竹内啓1), 北原稔1), 瀬川真紀1), 原由美子1), 矢口理恵1), 笹川洋之助2), 和泉裕子2), 小枝恵美子2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 8-8, 1990.

Japanese Article Public health nurse activity (the fourth report) in the shopping department store
伊吹マサ, 西坂喜久恵
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 9-9, 1990.

Japanese Article The life actual situation and problems of the home care person after the hospital discharge
高杉真子1), 川口麗子1), 青木壽子1), 鈴木勢津子1), 高橋祐子1), 三島丘子1), 篠江千恵2), 近藤美智子3)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 10-10, 1990.

Japanese Article About conditions to surround the care of the demented old man
大竹ひろ子, 鈴木純子, 植木ひろ子, 海法澄子, 猿田貴美子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 12-12, 1990.

Japanese Article Utilize ... alcohol constitution judgment test to think about health education appropriate drinking; and ...
白鳥順子1), 長谷川進1), 小梶末子1), 石井千恵子1), 岩崎ミツエ1), 鎌田慶子1), 斎藤初代1), 橋爪悦子1), 相田夕佳1), 北原瑞恵1), 川上佳緒里1), 重松美智子1), 和泉裕子2), 佐藤七津美2), 島崎民子2), 根本和子2), 高橋美也子2), 渡辺秀子2), 小枝恵美子2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 16-16, 1990.

Japanese Article Support the health class of the person of lifestyle diseases high risk group; and notice ... from ... Wataridashincho 1.2 chome health class
酒井昭, 鷹野裕子, 山田論, 上原和彦, 長村真理子, 前村里美, 保健予防課
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 17-17, 1990.

Japanese Article Conduct a healthy walking lesson (the first report)
赤間静子, 田中幸吉, 本橋修, 植木茂年, 佐間田三七江, 水野亮子, 南谷美千代
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 18-18, 1990.

Japanese Article Practice report I of "the social skills training" in the Taino public health center life skill classroom
落合万智子1), 福田美与子1), 細田トシ子1), 田野井祐子1), 小野沢直子1), 関正道1), 岡田澄恵2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 19-19, 1990.

Japanese Article Problems 1 of the measurement of body temperature with the electronic thermometer. The current situation of the measurement of body temperature
相原まり子1), 大森純子2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 20-20, 1990.

Japanese Article The eating habits investigation (2) of infants
榎本喜美江1), 迫和子2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 21-21, 1990.

Japanese Article A radioactive cesium intake and internal exposure from the diet after the Chernobyl accident
荒井香陽子, 木川寛, 河村太郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 23-23, 1990.

Japanese Article Effect investigation of the Chernobyl nuclear plant accident during the food contamination radioactivity
前垣秀美, 小林勇, 江島英一
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 24-24, 1990.

Japanese Article Problems in the gamma ray spectrometry of the food
高城裕之1), 飯島育代1), 荒井香陽子2), 木川寛2), 大友知佳3), 竹沢英二3)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 25-25, 1990.

Japanese Article Intercomparison analysis (2) of the radionuclide out of the food by the gamma ray spectrometry
飯島育代1), 荒井香陽子2), 大友知佳3), 高城裕之1), 木川寛2), 竹沢英二3)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 26-26, 1990.

Japanese Article Quantity of neutral fat and quantity of vitamin A of the pig lightening liver
長田操, 橋爪廣美, 小橋隆, 三浦敏雄, 沢谷広志, 加藤豊久, 吉田三郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 29-29, 1990.

Japanese Article The separation situation and property of the staphylococcus aureus in the pig carcass and edible meat center
久島昌平, 寺西大, 丘頭征介, 沢谷広志, 加藤豊久, 吉田三郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 30-30, 1990.

Japanese Article We abandon the nature in the cow and investigate a Lloyd hormone concentration
橋爪廣美, 小橋隆, 三浦敏雄, 沢谷廣志, 加藤豊久, 吉田三郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 31-31, 1990.

Japanese Article The test result of the hormone drug for the residual fatting in beef and application to analytical procedure using LC/MS
渡部健二朗, 堀孝美, 木川寛, 河村太郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 32-32, 1990.

Japanese Article Shift fact-finding such as the dog and cat roundworms (larva), and the like in the liver of a cow and the pig
石原旬1), 相川勝弘1), 久島昌平1), 兵頭征介1), 元井醇一1), 沢谷広志1), 加藤豊久1), 吉田三郎1), 小池剛2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 33-33, 1990.

Japanese Article Number of living bacteria estimate of the pig uncooked meat by the microbial calorimeter
佐藤善博, 金子精一, 森實
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 34-34, 1990.

Japanese Article About the improvement of the food microbe management system of the multi-kind large quantities supplier
石川忍, 小林勇, 江島英一
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 35-35, 1990.

Japanese Article About food poisoning singularity of outbreak
高橋正弘, 金子精一, 村上賢二
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 36-36, 1990.

Japanese Article Proposal about the salmonella food poisoning
折原直美, 鈴木秀勝, 後藤功, 最勝寺裕子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 37-37, 1990.

Japanese Article Examination of the colorimetry assay of the tetramine out of the conch using the ion association-related reagent
田中幸生, 森脇直子, 藤井令子, 小川時彦, 森悦男, 斉藤充司
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 40-40, 1990.

Japanese Article The pollution actual situation of trybutyle tin, the fishery products with the triphenyl tin compound and the daily meal
堀孝美, 渡部健二朗, 木川寛, 河村太郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 41-41, 1990.

Japanese Article Examination of the simple assay of the underwater pesticide using the solid-phase sampling
節田節子, 伊藤伸一, 内藤昭治
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 42-42, 1990.

Japanese Article LAS and effect of the complex to give to an algal increase
宇都宮暁子1), 内藤昭治1), 綿貫知彦1), 富田勲2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 43-43, 1990.

Japanese Article Sterilizer PCNB and the related compounds which were detected in farm products
細井志郎, 田中康夫, 木川寛, 河村太郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 44-44, 1990.

Japanese Article About an outbreak of influenza in Kanagawa (1989 through 1990)
渡邉寿美, 斉藤隆行, 近藤真規子, 小田和正
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 45-45, 1990.

Japanese Article Influenza that was prevalent in Yokohama-shi in the winter season in 1989/90 year
小島基義, 野村泰弘, 竹内利江, 小林伸好
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 46-46, 1990.

Japanese Article The outbreak of influenza situation in Kawasaki-shi from 1989 through 1990
春山長治, 赤尾昭, 福田依美子, 飛田吉生
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 47-47, 1990.

Japanese Article The antibody acquisition situation after the hepatitis B vaccination
石川英二, 中村匡
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 48-48, 1990.

Japanese Article Effect of the living together family giving it to antibody possession on herpes simplex virus
鳥羽和憲, 市川誠一, 曽田研二
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 49-49, 1990.

Japanese Article About the blood circulation disorder of the fundi retina in the group medical examination
小松五郎1), 高木都1), 天羽栄作2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 53-53, 1990.

Japanese Article Attempt of the fundoscopy in the health enhancement consultation
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 54-54, 1990.

Japanese Article Examination of the dry filter paper blood FreeT4 assay for cretinism mass screening
市嶋正夫1), 山賀一典1), 山上祐次1), 森雄一1), 高橋武夫1), 春木英一2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 55-55, 1990.

Japanese Article Neuroblastoma mass screening second report in Yokohama-shi
山田幸子1), 木下洋子1), 方波見千年1), 森雄一1), 高橋武夫1), 春木英一2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 56-56, 1990.

Japanese Article Neuroblastoma study implementation report
山本陽子, 志村富美子, 川添理香子, 湯川利恵, 石川香, 山室実
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 57-57, 1990.

Japanese Article Examination of neuroblastoma example report
川添理香子, 志村富美子, 山本陽子, 湯川利恵, 石川香, 山室実
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 58-58, 1990.

Japanese Article Comparison between Samukawa-machi cancer prophylaxis promotion business (the ninth report) public inhabitants and member of meetings knowing cancer (about a primary prophylaxis)
三好勝比古1), 對馬清一1), 杉崎柳子1), 柄沢貴子1), 佐糖建2), 田中利彦3), 神山健3), 大竹ひろ子3), 岡本直幸4), 森尾眞介5)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 59-59, 1990.

Japanese Article Comparison between Samukawa-machi cancer prophylaxis promotion business (the tenth report) public inhabitants and member of the meeting knowing cancer (about the second prevention)
田中利彦1), 神山健1), 大竹ひろ子1), 対馬清一2), 杉崎柳子2), 柄沢貴子3), 三好勝比古3), 佐藤建3), 岡本直幸4), 森尾眞介5)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 60-60, 1990.

Japanese Article Aging comparison (a primary prophylaxis and the second prevention) of Samukawa-machi cancer prophylaxis promotion business (the eleventh report) public inhabitants
佐藤建, 対馬清一, 三好勝比古, 杉崎柳子, 柄沢貴子, 田中利彦, 神山健, 大竹ひろ子, 岡本直幸, 森尾真介
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 61-61, 1990.

Japanese Article Fact-finding about the passive smoking
三沢京子, 松木秀明, 春日斉
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 64-64, 1990.

Japanese Article The emergence of scattering cedar pollen count and patients with hay fever
林正孝1), 北爪稔1), 佐藤洋子1), 河村太郎1), 佐分利保雄2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 65-65, 1990.

Japanese Article About antigenicity of the Italian ryegrass pollen
宮原智江子, 佐藤修二, 土井佳代, 大森清美, 岸美智子, 小儀國太郎, 堀口佳哉, 渡辺重信, 吉田芳哉, 小田和正
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 66-66, 1990.

Japanese Article Metal quantity out of the tissue by the chronic ozone exposure
池見好昭, 大森薫
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 67-67, 1990.

Japanese Article Chromosome aberration inducibility of 3-chloro-4-(dichloromethyl)-5-hydroxy-2(5H)-furanone (MX)
伊藤英幸, 早乙女京子, 小林伸好, 佐藤洋子, 河村太郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 69-69, 1990.

Japanese Article A cause and measures of the functional disorder of the septic tank by the glycosuria
田所正晴, 桜井敏郎, 小川雄比古
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 70-70, 1990.

Japanese Article From the visit investigation of the mother and the child of the foreign family register
酒井昭, 鷹野裕子, 吉井徳子, 佐藤加奈子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 71-71, 1990.

Japanese Article Of the public health center to the mother and the child of the foreign family register wrestle
酒井昭, 鷹野裕子, 吉井徳子, 金高福代
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 72-72, 1990.

Japanese Article Problems in the health guidance surrounding expectant mothers of the foreign family register in Kawasaki-shi
川崎市衛生局助産婦研修会1), 保健指導課2), 新堀千恵子3)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 73-73, 1990.

Japanese Article It is ... from a continuous relation to the support - mothers' class OG society to become the base of the community childcare
北原瑞恵, 長谷川進, 小梶末子, 石井千恵子, 岩崎ミツエ, 鎌田慶子, 斎藤初代, 橋爪悦子, 相田夕佳, 川上佳緒里, 重松美智子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 74-74, 1990.

Japanese Article Through the enforcement of the child care classroom in the area
鈴木かおり1), 健康指導課1), 石井康子2), 杉崎房恵3), 稲垣智佳子3)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 75-75, 1990.

Japanese Article Efforts to the new mothers' class
松崎和江, 古谷章恵, 栗城佳司子, 延岡玲子, 千野たき子, 平弘恵, 田口良子, 志賀愛子, 畠中晴美, 黒川理恵子, 佐々木眞壽美, 井上郁子, 日極有紀子, 中丸由美子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 76-76, 1990.

Japanese Article The antiDia antibody which it detected by a pregnant woman irregularity test for antibodies
仲澤佐代子, 露木和徳, 鈴木正樹
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 77-77, 1990.

Japanese Article It is ... about the construction of ... dentistry health administration system about promotion of the office dentistry health
内一實, 加藤増夫, 橋本弘, 小村和孝, 清水要子, 矢崎昌, 白勢康夫, 菊池厚志
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 80-80, 1990.

Japanese Article Dentistry health measures model investigation (the second report)
風間潤, 加藤増夫, 後藤勉, 根岸達郎, 柏木勝, 小笠原正男, 藤田勝
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 81-81, 1990.

Japanese Article About the safety of the repellent for the animal
佐藤修二, 宮原智江子, 堀口佳哉, 渡辺重信
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 83-83, 1990.

Japanese Article The occurrence of trombiculiasis situation in Kanagawa of the 1989 fall
片山丘1), 原みゆき1), 古屋由美子1), 吉田芳哉1), 小田和正1), 林茂利2), 松岡道子2), 県保健予防課3)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 84-84, 1990.

Japanese Article Day lap activity of Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus and the Armigeres subalbatus
廣瀬恵子, 金山彰宏
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 85-85, 1990.

Japanese Article Transdaily fluctuations of the physics and chemistry of the commercial life female oyster
衛生検査課1), 伊藤理美子2), 石井照悦2), 山田紀子3), 食品衛生課4), 専門監視班5)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 87-87, 1990.

Japanese Article Quick analytical procedure of TBHQ(tert-butylhydroquinone) in food
津田洋子1), 片山聡子2), 宝井辰紀2), 桐ケ谷忠司2), 上条昌彌2), 木川寛2), 河村太郎2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 88-88, 1990.

Japanese Article Sensitivity for various insecticides of the midge chironomus yoshimatui larva resulting in Kawasaki-shi
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 89-89, 1990.

Japanese Article Ground around Kawasaki-shi and cedar pollen sampling results (1990) in the sky
佐藤英毅1), 飯塚郁夫1), 吉田学2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 90-90, 1990.

Japanese Article Cs-134, Cs-137 concentrations in food
高城裕之, 飯島育代
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 91-91, 1990.

Japanese Article About the photobleaching characteristics of the fluorescent brightener
辻清美, 内藤昭治
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 93-93, 1990.

Japanese Article The resolution by the light of the underwater halogenation polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon
森康明, 内藤昭治
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 94-94, 1990.

Japanese Article Comparison of the assay of the low boiling point organic chlorine-containing compounds of tap water
磯田信一, 森本泰子, 荒井桂子, 荒井稔, 斎藤治子, 山本親男, 佐藤洋子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 96-96, 1990.

Japanese Article Examination of the follow for the caries children contracting a disease in the 1 year, 6 months old child dental health examination
長島聡美, 大山公一
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 97-97, 1990.

Japanese Article About the local dentistry health care activity in the Misaki public health center (the third report)
長島聡美, 大山公一, 桜井雅子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 98-98, 1990.

Japanese Article Chromosome search of children patient et al. with suspected Down's syndrome
早乙女京子, 伊藤英幸, 小林伸好
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 100-100, 1990.

Japanese Article It is ... from the comparison with effect - Koshien experience school and the first round trouble school to ability for sports of teeth and the eating habits
長田新一, 関正道, 洲崎淳二
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (36): 101-101, 1990.