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Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts

Volume , Issue 39th / 1993
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article I-A-1. Endoscopic classification of surface type adenoma, the intramucosal carcinoma
岡本春彦, 谷達夫, 長谷川潤, 藤田みちよ, 島村公年, 村上博史, 滝井康公, 須田武保, 酒井靖夫, 畠山勝義
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 33-33, 1993.

Japanese Article I-A-2. Examination about the naked eye type classification of flatness or surface type large intestine tumor with the dip
平川雅彦1), 渕上忠彦1), 岩下明徳2), 䑓丸裕3)
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 33-33, 1993.

Japanese Article I-A-3. Endoscopic pathological examination of large intestine surface type tumor
岡政志1), 横田敏弘, 石堂達也, 斉藤大三, 横山正, 城戸正開, 細川浩一, 小川正純, 白尾国昭, 近藤仁, 山口肇, 小黒八七郎, 杉原健一2), 森谷宣晧, 石川勉3), 牛尾恭輔, 落合淳志4), 広橋説雄, 吉田茂昭5)
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 34-34, 1993.

Japanese Article I-A-4. Examination of the naked eye classification in surface type large intestine tumor
木庭郁朗1), 藤井隆広, 尾田恭, 朴成和, 大津敦, 宮田佳典, 吉田茂昭, 白井芳則2), 谷山新次, 新井竜夫, 小野正人, 横田敏弘3), 斉藤大三, 長谷部孝裕4), 広橋説雄
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 34-34, 1993.

Japanese Article I-A-5. Form classification of surface type large intestine tumor
松井隆明, 井上冬彦, 石戸浩之, 杉坂宏明, 三条明良, 丸山達志, 岩崎仁彦, 杉本泉, 竹内力, 鎌倉広俊, 成宮徳親, 田中照二, 村田聡*, 岩本公和*
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 35-35, 1993.

Japanese Article I-A-6. About the naked eye classification of the surface type large intestine early cancer
為我井芳郎, 佐藤薫隆, 向井佐志彦, 渡辺一彦, 森越栄太, 岩村太郎, 中山弘道, 後藤学, 平井恭二
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 35-35, 1993.

Japanese Article I-B-1. About problems - naked eye classification of the endoscopic diagnosis of surface type large intestine tumor, a qualitative diagnosis -
森川浩志, 平田一郎, 田中雅也, 野中親哉, 吉積宗範, 梅垣英次, 中川憲, 高尾雄二郎, 高田興, 林勝吉, 大柴三郎
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 36-36, 1993.

Japanese Article I-B-2. Problems in the form classification of surface dip type large intestine tumor
前納健二1), 藤谷幹浩1), 佐々木伸一1), 池延東男1), 白壁彦夫1), 池上雅博2), 下田忠和2)
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 36-36, 1993.

Japanese Article I-B-3. The naked eye classification of surface type large intestine tumor
津田純郎1), 北原健二1), 八尾建史1), 松井敏幸1), 八尾恒良1), 有馬純孝2), 岩下明徳3)
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 37-37, 1993.

Japanese Article I-B-4. Definition, the naked eye classification of surface type large intestine tumor
鶴田修, 有馬信之, 河野弘志, 藤崎一浩, 居石哲治, 池田英雄, 佐々木英, 豊永純, 谷川久一
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 37-37, 1993.

Japanese Article I-B-5. Examination of surface type large intestine tumor
中嶋孝司1), 工藤進英, 日下尚志, 松田巌, 三浦宏二, 高野征雄, 飯沼元2), 小野真一, 高木篤, 広田茂, 鈴木裕, 檜森昌門, 小林匡
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 38-38, 1993.

Japanese Article I-B-6. Examination of large intestine surfaces type tumor greatest dimension 15mm or more
安藤正夫, 松永厚生, 冨永現, 野村美樹子, 望月福治
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 38-38, 1993.

Japanese Article I-C-1. Morphometry of surface type large intestine tumor
久保田芳郎, 沢田俊夫, 洲之内広紀, 鈴木公孝, 渡辺聡明, 篠崎大, 鮫島伸一, 樋口芳樹, 津野ネルソン, 内山雅之, 坂口正高, 安藤秀彦, 武藤徹一郎
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 39-39, 1993.

Japanese Article I-C-2. About a definition, a classification of the surface type large intestine early cancer
和田了, 平井周, 大谷花世, 桑原紀之, 須田耕一
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 39-39, 1993.

Japanese Article I-C-3. Examination about the naked eye classification of surface type large intestine tumor
折居裕, 太田智之, 渡二郎, 村上雅則1), 佐藤裕二, 澤口裕二, 藤沢純爾2), 近藤信夫3)
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 40-40, 1993.

Japanese Article I-C-4. Pathological examination of surface type large intestine tumor
池上雅博1), 下田忠和1), 藤谷幹浩2), 小井戸薫雄1), 江頭由太郎1), 新井弥生1)
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 40-40, 1993.

Japanese Article I-C-5. Judging from size and the naked eye form of definition - adenoma, early cancer of the surface type large intestine epithelial neoplasm -
味岡洋一, 渡辺英伸, 片桐耕吾, 小林正明, 前尾征吾, 吉田光宏
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 41-41, 1993.

Japanese Article I-C-6. About examination - of large intestine tumor particularly surface type tumor -
櫻井浩人, 蓬莱隆雄, 岡本倫明, 石井洋光, 池内浩基, 野田雅史, 柳秀憲, 荘司康嗣, 楠正人, 山村武平, 宇都宮譲二
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 41-41, 1993.

Japanese Article I-D-1. Definition of surface type large intestine tumor
長廻紘1), 田中良基, 佐藤秀一, 杉山茂樹, 藤盛孝博2), 河南智晴3)
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 42-42, 1993.

Japanese Article I-D-2. Comparison between cancer tissue diagnosis standard - surface type and upheaval type cancer - that we saw than large intestine sm cancer
三富弘之1), 中英男1), 西山保比古1), 上杉秀永1), 五十嵐正広2), 勝又伴栄2), 国場幸均3), 工藤康生3), 大谷剛正3)
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 42-42, 1993.

Japanese Article I-D-3. Analysis of the tissue construction of large intestine dip type adenoma: Significance of pericryptal fibroblast (PCF) in the comparison with upheaval type adenoma in particular
八尾隆史, 恒吉正澄
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 43-43, 1993.

Japanese Article I-D-4. Expression of P53 in surface type large intestine tumor
益満博1), 張堂康司1), 鈴木陽子1), 中井呈子1), 東馨1), 山田耕三1), 中井呈子1), 東馨1), 山田耕三1), 野本一夫1), 矢沢知海1), 大倉康男2), 西澤護2)
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 43-43, 1993.

Japanese Article I-D-5. Grade and cell shape of surface type large intestine tumor judging from expression of p53
門田卓士, 冨田尚裕, 中西弘幸, 福永睦, 福田和弘, 山本浩文, 島野高志, 森武貞
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 44-44, 1993.

Japanese Article I-D-6. Examination of surface type large intestine tumor
田口夕美子, 片山麻子, 小林智子, 渡辺浩一, 土屋和彦, 井川守仁, 白鳥泰正, 堀口潤, 窪田良彦, 勝亦重弘, 堀向文憲, 宮岡正明, 斉藤利彦
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 44-44, 1993.

Japanese Article II-A-1. Examination about the nerve-sparing surgery-style convalescence for rectal cancer
林勝知1), 林昌俊, 伊藤英夫, 片桐義文, 松友寛和, 宮田知幸, 千賀省始, 飯田辰美, 下川邦泰2), 広瀬一1)
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 45-45, 1993.

Japanese Article II-A-2. Problems in the nerve-sparing technique adaptation for rectal cancer
近藤正男, 白戸博志, 大沢昌平, 大島隆宏, 高橋典彦, 小川秀彰, 益子博幸, 大森一吉, 澤口裕二, 近藤征文, 内野純一
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 45-45, 1993.

Japanese Article II-A-3. Examination of local recurrence in the rectal amputation and male sexual dysfunction
篠原央, 大西英胤, 米川甫, 栗原博明, 櫻井与志彦, 竹内透, 古川俊治
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 46-46, 1993.

Japanese Article II-A-4. Are radical cure characteristics obtained by an autonomic nerve preserving operation?
鮫島隆志, 山田一隆, 長谷茂也, 杜禎紀, 丹羽清志, 鮫島淳一郎, 石沢隆, 島津久明
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 46-46, 1993.

Japanese Article II-A-5. Treatment result of the autonomic nerve preserving operation for rectal cancer
上野雅資1), 太田博俊1), 関誠1), 岡田祐二1), 中村浩1), 木下雅雄1), 畦倉薫1), 山田博文1), 西満正1), 柳澤昭夫2), 加藤洋2)
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 47-47, 1993.

Japanese Article II-A-6. Examination of the surgery technique of rectal cancer wall Invasion depth pm or less
井上雄志, 鈴木衛, 渡辺和義, 吉田勝俊, 亀山健三郎, 高柳泰宏, 羽生富土夫
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 47-47, 1993.

Japanese Article II-B-1. Examination about perineural lymph node metastases in lower rectal cancer
川本清, 寺本龍生, 渡邊昌彦, 捨田利外茂夫, 加瀬卓, 長谷川博俊, 藤田伸, 郭宗宏, 川野幸夫, 北島政樹
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 48-48, 1993.

Japanese Article II-B-2. Examination about the pelvic nerve permeation in rectal cancer
鈴木啓子, 亀岡信悟, 中島清隆, 進藤廣成, 板橋道朗, 浜野恭一
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 48-48, 1993.

Japanese Article II-B-3. Than examination - histologic views and short term convalescence of the metastasis-positive case to autonomic nerve neighborhood tissue -
前田耕太郎, 橋本光正, 片井均, 酒井章次, 洪淳一, 山本修美, 細田洋一郎, 堀部良宗*
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 49-49, 1993.

Japanese Article II-B-4. Anatomical examination about the nerve-sparing technique of rectal cancer
猪又雄一, 柵山年和, 高村誠二, 秋山俊晃, 大西健夫, 一志公夫, 千葉井基泰, 黒田徹, 吉田忍, 高橋正人, 千葉秀明, 高橋宣胖
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 49-49, 1993.

Japanese Article II-B-5. Examination of the nerve-sparing lymph node dissection that assumed charcoal for rectal cancer an index
政所節夫, 神代龍之介, 前川隆文, 秀島輝, 酒井憲見, 山崎繁通, 田中幸一, 高松哲也, 松添大助
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 50-50, 1993.

Japanese Article II-B-6. Nerve-sparing surgery-style convalescence and the merits and demerits
諸富立寿, 磯本浩晴, 三浦一秀, 岩永宏樹, 大北亮, 荒木靖三, 緒方裕, 白水和雄, 掛川暉夫
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 50-50, 1993.

Japanese Article II-C-1. Autonomic nerve preserving operation postoperative functional disorder and convalescence
椿昌裕, 呉鉄仁, 安野正道, 松本日洋, 兼信正明, 谷畑英一, 岡部聡, 遠藤光夫
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 51-51, 1993.

Japanese Article II-C-2. Female sexual dysfunction after the rectal cancer autonomy nerve-sparing surgery
佐藤知行, 小西文雄, 斎藤幸夫, 瀬川了, 仙波真吾, 小島正幸, 冨樫一智, 古田一裕, 片岡孝, 岡田真樹, 柏木宏, 宇賀神浩人, 金澤曉太郎
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 51-51, 1993.

Japanese Article II-C-3. Examination of the autonomy nerve-sparing surgery judging from quality of life and vital reaction
中村純一, 竹之下誠一, 浅尾高行, 設楽芳範, 野口俊昭, 高橋稔, 藤田欣一, 木村浩, 長町幸雄
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 52-52, 1993.

Japanese Article II-C-4. Evaluation of an urination function after the nerve-sparing technique and the sexual function
高橋慶一, 森武生, 高橋孝
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 52-52, 1993.

Japanese Article II-C-5. It is the examination about the urination function after the nerve-sparing surgery-style operation
上岡路明, 臼杵尚志, 大田徹哉, 小笠原豊, 金谷欣明, 江田泉, 岡田淳, 松原淳, 川島邦裕, 紀計二, 山下和城, 大住省三, 平井俊一, 小松原正吉, 清水信義
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 53-53, 1993.

Japanese Article II-C-6. Evaluation - by urination disorder - questionnaire after the nerve-sparing surgery for rectal cancer
亀山雅男, 中森正二, 今岡真義, 岩永剛, 福田一郎1
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 53-53, 1993.

Japanese Article II-D-1. Nerve-sparing comparison of case preoperative irradiation group to be able to put, the non-irradiation group
近藤公一, 斎藤典男, 布村正夫, 幸田圭史, 小田健司, 新藤寛, 竹内修, 花ヶ崎和夫, 早田浩明, 寺戸孝之, 尾崎和義, 菅谷芳樹, 更科広実, 中島伸之
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 54-54, 1993.

Japanese Article II-D-2. The nerve-sparing surgery-style merits and demerits (combination of nerve-sparing technique and preoperative irradiation therapy) for rectal cancer
馬島亨, 木村幸三郎, 小柳泰久, 青木達哉, 中島厚, 加藤孝一郎
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 54-54, 1993.

Japanese Article II-D-3. Preoperation high temperature, chemistry, irradiation therapy (HCR therapy) of rectal cancer in consideration of nerve-sparing technique
安達洋祐, 森正樹, 三森功士, 松嶋哲哉, 定永倫明, 渡辺雅之, 池部正彦, 桑野博行, 杉町圭蔵
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 55-55, 1993.

Japanese Article II-D-4. Nerve-sparing technique for rectal cancer using the ultrasonic knife
安達亙, 柴田均, 小池祥一郎, 塩原栄一, 梶川昌二, 金子源吾, 黒田孝井, 飯田太
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 55-55, 1993.

Japanese Article II-D-5. Examination of 48 rectal cancer given nerve-sparing technique
美濃睦水, 河本知二, 山本真也, 田中聰
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 56-56, 1993.

Japanese Article II-D-6. Adaptive limit of the nerve-sparing surgery for rectal cancer
森武生, 高橋慶一, 稲田一雄, 友野範雄, 高橋孝
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 56-56, 1993.

Japanese Article II-P-A-1. Results of the autonomic nerve preservation side dissection for rectal cancer
平井孝, 加藤知行
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 59-59, 1993.

Japanese Article II-P-A-2. Effect to give to nerve-sparing surgery-style local recurrence
粟野友太, 奥山和明, 小出義雄, 木下弘寿, 石島秀紀, 舟波裕, 松下一之, 磯野可一
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 59-59, 1993.

Japanese Article II-P-A-3. Adaptation and problems of the rectal cancer nerve-sparing surgery type
橋爪正, 高橋秀, 朝倉靖夫, 高橋賢一, 三上勝也, 福眞秀美, 盛田真伸, 小舘昭示, 西沢諒一
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 60-60, 1993.

Japanese Article II-P-A-4. Examination of perineural invasion in colon cancer
川上和彦1), 小里俊幸1), 中井勝彦1), 馬塲正三1), 松田保秀2), 安藤浩2)
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 60-60, 1993.

Japanese Article II-P-A-5. Examination of the local recurrence case after pelvic nerve-sparing abdominoperineal resection of rectum (APR)
内藤春彦, 佐々木廸郎, 五十嵐究, 近藤啓史, 浅間俊之
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 61-61, 1993.

Japanese Article II-P-B-1. Examination of the autonomic nerve preserving operation case
曽我浩之, 土井原博義, 横山伸二, 棚田稔, 栗田啓, 多幾山渉, 佐伯英行, 高嶋成光
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 61-61, 1993.

Japanese Article II-P-B-2. Evaluation of the Rb rectal cancer side one side dissection
渡辺敏, 藤田昌宏, 渡辺一男, 本田一郎, 山本宏, 高山亘, 山田滋, 広川雅之, 吉富秀幸
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 62-62, 1993.

Japanese Article II-P-B-3. Examination of recurrent case after the rectal cancer nerve-sparing technique
筒井光広, 佐々木寿英, 加藤清, 佐野宗明, 梨本篤, 土屋嘉昭, 牧野春彦
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 62-62, 1993.

Japanese Article II-P-B-4. Examination about the nerve-sparing surgery-style adaptation for rectal cancer
西村元一, 佐藤貴弘, 黒阪慶幸, 吉光裕, 神野正博, 米村豊, 三輪晃一, 宮崎逸夫, 山口明夫*
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 63-63, 1993.

Japanese Article II-P-B-5. Examination about the convalescence of the rectal cancer nerve-sparing technique enforcement case
深澤公朗, 河野仁志, 松浦弘, 中村輝久
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 63-63, 1993.

Japanese Article II-P-C-1. Lower rectal pm cancer and nerve-sparing surgery
佐々木一晃, 八木橋厚仁, 唐沢学洋, 田中浩, 高坂一, 小出真一, 荒谷純, 清水研吾, 筒井完*, 平田公一
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 64-64, 1993.

Japanese Article II-P-C-2. About adaptation of the nerve-sparing surgery in rectal cancer
五井孝憲, 山口明夫, 出口正秋, 竹内一雄, 広瀬和郎, 関弘明, 礒部芳彰, 中川原儀三
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 64-64, 1993.

Japanese Article II-P-C-3. Examination from merits and demerits - 5-year survival rate of the autonomic nerve preserving operation in progress lower part rectal cancer (stage II III IV)
森田隆幸, 早川一博, 中村文彦, 鳴海俊治, 鈴木純, 南木浩二, 今充
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 65-65, 1993.

Japanese Article II-P-C-4. Examination of nerve-sparing surgery eligibility criteria judging from the local recurrence case after the rectal cancer healing resection
松田正和, 長尾和治, 馬場憲一郎, 西村令喜, 松岡由紀夫, 上野洋一, 山下裕也, 樋口章浩, 宮本大典, 池辺宗三人, 宮山東彦, 石原明
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 65-65, 1993.

Japanese Article I-P-A-1. About the radiological finding of surface type large intestine tumor
松川正明, 栗原稔, 竹本達哉, 平嶋正直, 菊地和人1), 志賀俊明, 西沢護2)
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 66-66, 1993.

Japanese Article I-P-A-2. Classification by the extended electronic endoscope evidence of large intestine surface type tumor
川合重夫1), 吉永圭吾1), 嘉和知靖之1), 岩間毅夫1), 三島好雄1), 今城真人2)
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 66-66, 1993.

Japanese Article I-P-A-3. Association between naked eye type and grade of atypism coefficient of surface type large intestine tumor
村田望, 藤巻英二, 折居正之, 中村義明, 磯貝圭輝, 藤野靖久, 佐藤邦夫, 佐藤俊一1), 菅井有2), 菅井俊3)
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 67-67, 1993.

Japanese Article I-P-A-4. Examination of surface type large intestine tumor
堀内寛人1), 増田英樹1), 谷口利尚1), 林成興1), 中村陽一1), 渡辺賢治1), 藤井雅志1), 田中隆1), 平井貴志2), 栗原竜一2), 田代義教2), 金田伸章2), 相沢敏晴2), 荒川泰行2)
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 67-67, 1993.

Japanese Article I-P-A-5. About the difference in examination - preoperation diagnosis of the surface type early colon cancer case and histopathological views -
冨木裕一, 長濱徴, 勝浦康光, 岡村慎也, 原口美明, 榊原宣
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 68-68, 1993.

Japanese Article I-P-B-1. Examination of the IIa type large intestine early cancer
久保隆一, 喜多岡雅典, 藤本喜代成, 中村正人, 肥田仁一, 犬房晴彦, 綿谷正弘, 進藤勝久, 安富正幸
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 68-68, 1993.

Japanese Article I-P-B-2. Examination of the large intestine IIa lesion
吉川周作, 山本雅敏, 中嶋寿, 藤井久男, 佐道三郎, 内藤梓, 森田敏裕, 西川徹, 中野博重
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 69-69, 1993.

Japanese Article I-P-B-3. Clinicopathologic examination of the nodule colonization-like lesion of the large intestine
高田秀穂1, 吉岡和彦1, 川西洋1, 森田美佳1, 岡村成雄1, 田中完児1, 日置紘士郎1, 丸岡正典2, 城和宏2, 井上恭一2, 岡村明治3
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 69-69, 1993.

Japanese Article I-P-B-4. Surface type large intestine tumor: Four cases of the nodule colonization-like large intestine lesion
岩垣博巳, 日伝晶夫, 野中泰幸, 高田茂実, 木村臣一, 根津真司, 田中紀章, 折田薫三
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 70-70, 1993.

Japanese Article I-P-B-5. Examination of surface type cancer in the early colon cancer surgery case
別宮慎也, 望月英隆, 長谷和生, 横山幸生, 吉村一克, 栗原浩幸, 吉積司, 宇都宮勝之, 長田俊一, 玉熊正悦
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 70-70, 1993.

Japanese Article I-P-B-6. Examination of surface type colon cancer which we watched than a sectioned surface form
川合寛治, 山岸久一, 園山輝久, 小道広隆, 小田俊彦, 大森浩二, 城野晃一, 植木孝宣, 谷岡保彦, 小林義典, 谷向茂厚, 岡隆宏
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 71-71, 1993.

Japanese Article I-P-C-1. Examination of surface type early colon cancer in our hospital
藤本直幸, 藤好建史, 高木幸一, 江藤公則, 菊池隆一, 中山慶明, 紀伊文隆, 田中聡也, 我喜屋出, 大湾朝尚, 野崎良一, 高野正博
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 71-71, 1993.

Japanese Article I-P-C-2. Pathological examination of the surface type large intestine early cancer
有馬良一1, 吉川宣輝2, 柳生俊生2
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 72-72, 1993.

Japanese Article I-P-C-3. Clinicopathologic examination of the large intestine surface type early cancer
池原照幸, 奥野匡宥, 西口幸雄, 加藤保之, 新田敦範, 前田清, 永井裕司, 大平雅一, 池田光慶, 乾嗣昌, 妙中直之, 山本嘉治, 曽和融生
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 72-72, 1993.

Japanese Article I-P-C-4. Clinicopathologic examination of surface type large intestine tumor and the nodule colonization lesion judging from an excision case
中崎隆行, 中越享, 石川啓, 澤井照光, 富田正雄
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 73-73, 1993.

Japanese Article I-P-C-5. A diagnosis and treatment strategy of the surface type large intestine early cancer
石本喜和男, 谷村弘, 村上浩一, 永井祐吾, 馬庭芳朗, 内山和久, 梅本善哉
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 73-73, 1993.

Japanese Article I-P-C-6. The naked eye classification and surgical treatment of the surface type large intestine early cancer
吉田和弘, 今井博之, 岩本末治, 牟礼勉, 笠井裕, 藤森恭孝, 忠岡好之, 小牧隆夫, 木元正利, 山本康久
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 74-74, 1993.

Japanese Article I-P-D-1. Examination of surface type early colon cancer
松崎弘明, 山村卓也, 及川博, 菊池賢治, 瀬尾圭亮, 花井彰, 小笹貴夫, 赤石治, 橋詰倫太郎, 片山憲恃
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 74-74, 1993.

Japanese Article I-P-D-2. Examination of surface type colon cancer
冨田冨士夫, 松下昌弘, 谷卓, 北林一男, 秋山高儀, 桐山正人, 斉藤人志, 小坂健夫, 喜多一郎, 高島茂樹
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 75-75, 1993.

Japanese Article I-P-D-3. Examination of surface type large intestine tumor in our hospital
中田一郎1), 由翆珍, 渡辺睦弥, 片野素信, 植竹正彦, 鮫島博之, 伊藤浩, 薗田善之, 小松崎薫, 生方英幸, 後藤悦久, 渡辺善徳, 松本文和, 湯本二郎, 佐藤茂範, 田淵崇文, 相馬哲夫, 中野徹2), 西川貴之
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 75-75, 1993.

Japanese Article I-P-D-4. Six cases of surface type early colon cancer
加藤博之, 芳賀駿介, 森正樹, 高橋直樹, 遠藤俊吾, 吉松和彦, 勝部隆男, 湖山信篤, 梶原哲郎
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 76-76, 1993.

Japanese Article I-P-D-5. Clinicopathologic examination of early colon cancer
浅沼拓, 椎葉健一, 斉藤善広, 大越崇彦, 小関広明, 三浦康, 佐藤正幸, 右田隆之, 横田隆, 松野正紀
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 76-76, 1993.

Japanese Article I-P-D-6. Examination of surface type large intestine tumor which we treated with an endoscope
秋山七千男, 長谷部浩亨, 三枝好幸, 柳衛宏宣, 吉崎巖, 武田泰隆, 藤井裕三, 美甘晋介, 江里口正純
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (39th): 77-77, 1993.