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Kanagawa Public Health Journal

Volume , Issue 4 / 1956
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Progress of the public health engineering in these days
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 1-3, 1956.

Japanese Article Assay of the atmospheric sulfurous acid gas
菅野三郎, 福井昭三, 依田八重, 池田陽男, 小野芳夫
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 4-4, 1956.

Japanese Article About performance ground environmental hygiene investigation results in Yokohama-shi
千野純男1), 菊池公明1), 笹生春治2), 河村太郎2), 渡部愛2), 菅野三郎2), 小野芳夫2), 遠矢泰典2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 4-5, 1956.

Japanese Article About the environmental hygiene of the public housing (comparative measurement, the first findings of the room air condition in a steel reinforced concrete apartment and the wooden house)
千野純男1), 菊池公明1), 笹生春治1), 河村太郎1), 小熊秀雄1), 渡部愛1), 木村宏2), 菅野三郎3), 小野芳夫3), 遠矢泰典3)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 5-6, 1956.

Japanese Article About the pollution of the well in Odawara-shi (III) (about the groundwater distribution of the former city area)
和田裕, 岩田義徳
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 7-8, 1956.

Japanese Article About distribution of Proteae detected than well water
中村一成, 和田裕
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 8-8, 1956.

Japanese Article About management and the quality of the water change of the well in the bed district
大生静男, 島村保司, 戸川弘, 鶴典子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 8-8, 1956.

Japanese Article Zushi-shi human waste digestion investigates a function of measuring up (public health engineering relations)
武藤暢夫1), 遠矢泰典2), 小野芳夫2), 宮崎久子2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 9-9, 1956.

Japanese Article Function investigation (parasite relations) of the Zushi-shi human waste digestion tank
原田文雄, 石井襄二
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 9-10, 1956.

Japanese Article Study of the simple flush lavatory
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 10-11, 1956.

Japanese Article About a pollution status investigation by the discharge to sea disposal of the human waste in the Tokyo heads of a bay (about the first report basics investigation)
上野武, 坂野薫, 鈴木五郎, 長信良, 大浦仁
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 11-12, 1956.

Japanese Article About stability of underwater nitrogen (the first report)
清水利貞, 鈴木孝次, 鶴典子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 12-12, 1956.

Japanese Article Study (the third report) of the fast composting disposal of the city useless thing
児玉威1), 遠矢泰典1), 小野芳夫1), 武藤暢夫2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 12-13, 1956.

Japanese Article About sterilization of the pooled water by the combination of silver nitrate and sodium hypochlorite
菅野三郎1), 瓜生一郎1), 依田八重1), 長南茂樹1), 大道貞男1), 森下一男2), 高松和幸2), 高橋輝一郎2), 飯塚孝雄2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 13-13, 1956.

Japanese Article Study on efficiency of various statistics investigations by the use of hall sort card
白戸三郎, 諸星勧
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 13-14, 1956.

Japanese Article Theory type of the complement binding reaction
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 14-15, 1956.

Japanese Article About Sulfa agent sensitivity of the Shigella isolate
米山磐, 中平百合子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 15-15, 1956.

Japanese Article In Slide test about bacteria of serum of Sh.dysenteriae and one to cohere
佐竹登美1), 田中恒1), 中村一成1), 米山盤2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 16-16, 1956.

Japanese Article About bacterial types of Escherichia coli derived from normal human feces
宮崎久子, 吉田忠
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 16-16, 1956.

Japanese Article About a biochemical property of Proteus
中平百合子, 米山磐
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 17-17, 1956.

Japanese Article Bacteria search results report (the first report) in the diphtheria mass outbreak
林秀1), 伊藤潔1), 前田実1), 山口末治1), 伊東幸雄1), 宮田忠1), 山田建次郎2), 児玉威3), 吉田忠3), 米山磐3), 矢込堅太郎3)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 17-18, 1956.

Japanese Article Follow-up (the first report) of the Schickprobe in the elementary school
林秀1), 伊藤潔1), 前田実1), 平野義雄1), 山田健次郎2), 金杉徳治2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 19-20, 1956.

Japanese Article If correspond to diphtheria bacteria; about bactericidal reaction of penicillin
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 20-20, 1956.

Japanese Article About the Izumi fever that occurred in Isogo-ku, Yokohama-shi
安沢三武郎1), 鈴木治水1), 千野純男2), 時任直人2), 鍵和田滋3), 六郷政寛3)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 21-21, 1956.

Japanese Article About influenza that occurred in Segasaki, Kanazawa-ku Elementary School
斎藤正男, 吉村令司
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 21-24, 1956.

Japanese Article Epidemiologic survey about the high blood pressure of intraluminal adults
杉原正造, 玉城寵義
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 24-25, 1956.

Japanese Article About the multiple tuberculosis family actual situation
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 26-27, 1956.

Japanese Article Statistical consideration of the tuberculosis patient survey
安沢三武郎, 鈴木治水
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 31-31, 1956.

Japanese Article Tuberculosis (the second report) of Ashigarakami-gun, Kanagawa intraluminal inhabitants
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 31-32, 1956.

Japanese Article One consideration about tuberculosis examination results of Taisho Elementary School
西山勇, 大島連, 田村元
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 32-33, 1956.

Japanese Article Epidemiology of the Yokohama-shi schoolchild tuberculosis
渡部光雄1), 豊永大勇1), 上田久2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 33-33, 1956.

Japanese Article Results of the school tuberculosis group medical examination in these 6 years
杉原正造1), 酒井昭1), 玉城寵義1), 上杉昌子1), 瓜生治子1), 亀田通夫1), 藤谷寛美1), 青木整2), 中村正一2), 斎藤一義2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 33-34, 1956.

Japanese Article Patient serum response to tubercle bacillus polysaccharide antigen (response change before and after the direct delivery therapy)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 34-34, 1956.

Japanese Article An example of the idiopathic pneumothorax which caused collapse of lung
谷山幸男, 前田茂穂, 篠原貞男
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 34-34, 1956.

Japanese Article About exposed dose result of a measurement of the X-ray technician in the comparative long term
広石全司1), 佐藤長三郎2), 花井雄2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 34-35, 1956.

Japanese Article About the investigation of so-called feeble child (the first report)
小野基雄1), 山本茂子2), 伊吹まさ2), 小野口正市3), 小野小春3), 山中栄吉3), 植松鋭治3)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 36-36, 1956.

Japanese Article About the evaluation of the school oral hygiene state
藤原忠喜, 森憲清, 加藤増夫
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 36-36, 1956.

Japanese Article About a change of the infants health consultation situation in the public health center and the growth
斎藤正男, 武田雛子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 36-37, 1956.

Japanese Article About the growth situation of intraluminal infants
小宮山新一, 金城寿恵子, 小浜泰子, 柏木和子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 37-38, 1956.

Japanese Article About the development course and prophylaxis of the food poisoning due to the certain halophilic bacteria
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 38-39, 1956.

Japanese Article Study on pathogenic halophilic bacteria (about an antigen property of Pseudomonas parahemolytica)
滝川巌, 中橋勇次郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 39-39, 1956.

Japanese Article About the natto poisoning that occurred in Yokosuka-shi
木本浩, 岡田順
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 39-40, 1956.

Japanese Article A preservation test (the first report) of the milk in the market (particularly about correlation, the relations with the environmental hygiene study)
長南茂樹1), 小野芳夫1), 柴田幸生1), 青山巌2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 40-41, 1956.

Japanese Article About ice making by the chlorine sterilization (the second report)
手中進, 浅田忠昌
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 41-42, 1956.

Japanese Article Work out fish meat; a study on preservation of the product
松野幹夫1), 川戸欣之助1), 鍵本忠春1), 瓜生一郎2), 武原文三郎2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 43-44, 1956.

Japanese Article About the spread of enriched rice in Odawara-shi and the actual situation
平野進1), 永田叔子2), 鈴木淳子2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 44-44, 1956.

Japanese Article About nourishment knowledge and the taste of the inpatient
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 44-45, 1956.

Japanese Article About upbringing of one group of the reclamation village
鈴木功, 小沼和子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 45-46, 1956.

Japanese Article About the lunch nutrition survey results of the junior high school student in Kanazawa-ku
斎藤正男, 吉村令司, 下山テル子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 47-47, 1956.

Japanese Article Birth control measures in Minami-ku, Yokohama-shi
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 47-48, 1956.

Japanese Article Birth control of the welfare household in Kawasaki-shi
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 48-49, 1956.

Japanese Article About a birth control questionnaire
高田美正, 渡辺俊
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 49-50, 1956.

Japanese Article About the contraction of a disease of the city grass roots and the treatment
依田源次, 大手裕, 香取和子, 島田美津子, 小浜泰子, 柏木和子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 50-51, 1956.

Japanese Article About the manufacturing method and the nourishment of the genuine soft-boiled chicken egg
鈴木五郎, 島田節子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 51-51, 1956.

Japanese Article About culture of the chlorella by the use of the study on resources scientific disposal of city waste articles (the first report) useless thing digestion processing exhaust
児玉威, 武藤暢夫, 遠矢泰典
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 51-51, 1956.

Japanese Article Tuberculosis (the first report) of Ashigarakami, Kanagawa part intraluminal inhabitants (abstract)
白戸三郎1), 川久保玲子1), 片平重次2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (4): 51-52, 1956.