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Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi
Volume , Issue 41 / 2021
English Article Japanese Article
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The 24th Shizuoka physical therapist association greetings 加藤倫卓 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 1-1, 2021. |
Send it to the holding of the greetings 24th Shizuoka physical therapist association 和泉謙二 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 2-2, 2021. |
Greetings to congratulatory address 24th Shizuoka physical therapist association holding 岡庭隆門 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 3-3, 2021. |
To celebrate the holding of the congratulatory address 24th Shizuoka physical therapist association 泉千花子 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 4-4, 2021. |
An evaluation and kinesitherapy of elderly patients who had the heart disease 高橋哲也 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 38-38, 2021. |
With the basic knowledge of the muscular workout, actually 市橋則明 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 39-39, 2021. |
I. How to read article: critical appraisal (critical examination) II. Of the clinical studies plan, actually 山本良平 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 42-42, 2021. |
We practice it and wear long-lived invention DIY (Do it yourself) every day 久保明 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 44-44, 2021. |
Femoral neck/trochanter part bone fracture 川角謙一 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 46-46, 2021. |
Aspiration pneumonia 俵祐一 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 47-47, 2021. |
Cerebral hemorrhage 渡邉勉 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 48-48, 2021. |
The said occupation species to think about from the "importance of the cooperation" past, the present, other types of job cooperation 磯野靖夫 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 50-50, 2021. |
From the situation of the acute phase hospital 新屋順子 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 50-50, 2021. |
From a convalescent viewpoint 塚本琢也 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 51-51, 2021. |
From the situation of the life period 藤原潤 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 51-51, 2021. |
About promotion of a relation and rehabilitation type of job cooperation, the multi-type of job cooperation of the physical therapist to care prevention business 矢野透 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 54-54, 2021. |
An evaluation and treatment for the central nerve disease to take in advanced technology 飯尾晋太郎 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 55-55, 2021. |
The actual situation and problem of the rehabilitation of patients with heart failure that it showed from SURUGA-CARE Study 渡邊大輔1)2), 戸田真弘2), 鬼頭和也2), 小野田博繁2), 藤山啓太2), 森雄司2), 加藤倫卓2) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 56-56, 2021. |
About the competition return to the sports after the lower limbs locomotorium injury 齊藤和快 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 57-57, 2021. |
O-1. 1-year-old chiari malformation that we introduced cough assistance (MI-E) with the machine into, one case of the hydrocephalus children patient 鈴木暁1), 稲員惠美1), 北村憲一1), 山本広絵1), 甲斐美香1), 小出郁也1), 真野浩志2) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 60-60, 2021. |
O-2. An effective example of the physical therapy intervention in the in-hospital sudden change 千葉修平1), 平野友太1), 榑松美里1), 水谷久美1), 浅田馨2), 大林正和2), 松島曉2) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 60-60, 2021. |
O-3. Examination of the factor predicting the limit of the activities of daily living at discharge in patients with heart failure that a left ventricular ejection fraction was kept 鬼頭和也1), 森雄司1), 森本大輔1), 森勝俊1), 加藤倫卓2), 田邊潤3) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 61-61, 2021. |
O-4. About a factor affecting the days from the hospitalization of patients with heart failure to a rehabilitation start 森雄司1), 加藤倫卓2), 森本大輔1), 鬼頭和也1), 森勝俊1), 田邊潤3) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 61-61, 2021. |
O-5. About the factor associated with the heart failure self-care behavior standard European at the discharge in patients with chronic cardiac insufficiency from heart failure multicenter study SURUGA-CARE study in ... Shizuoka ... 戸田真弘1,2), 鬼頭和也2), 森雄司2), 渡辺大輔2), 小野田博繁2), 藤山啓太2), 加藤倫卓2) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 62-62, 2021. |
O-6. About the difference in immediate effect in the change - diseases of the self-efficacy at walk before and after the underwater exercise of our hospital - 市野将大, 宮健史, 山本篤史 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 62-62, 2021. |
O-7. Can you evaluate the ability for step for fall evasion in Ten Step Test? 大河原健伍1,2), 武昂樹1), 芦澤遼太1), 中川理浩1), 本田浩也1), 山下和馬3), 吉本好延4) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 63-63, 2021. |
O-8. Mental practice and examination - using electroencephalographic - simple electroencephalograph concerned 梅野和也, 中村浩一 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 63-63, 2021. |
O-9. The case that devised a load exercise before the artificial leg making aiming at the early crutch walking independence of the right thigh amputee 北矢大典, 鈴木琢弥, 齋藤琢也, 山田麻惠, 小笠原美沙, 榊原一真, 福川竜也, 神谷康貴, 中原紗也加, 岡田史郎 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 64-64, 2021. |
O-10. One case - of inspection - putamen bleeding of the physical therapy effect based on a point of view of the kinematics 中村佳奈1), 栗田泰成2) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 64-64, 2021. |
O-11. Coma Recovery Scale-Revised reflects the change of patients with disturbance of consciousness milder than Glasgow coma scale 北野貴之1), 新屋順子1), 水谷敦史2) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 65-65, 2021. |
O-12. Practice of Constraint-induced movement therapy by the ambulatory rehabilitation 榑林可純1), 桐山和也1), 本田浩也1,2), 吉本好延3) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 65-65, 2021. |
O-13. Examination of the timing of the switch operation of electronic control knee brakes (GS Knee) by the difference in degree of the motor palsy 青島健人1), 海野真1), 塚本敏也2) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 66-66, 2021. |
O-14. Introduction - case report ... of MI-E for the tracheotomized seriously disabled child repeating infection 北村憲一, 鈴木暁, 山本広絵, 甲斐美香, 小出郁也, 稲員惠美 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 66-66, 2021. |
O-15. Changes in motor development are more important than delayed cervical determination for early signs of developmental disability in infancy 一之瀬大資, 中村都, 清水雄介, 満冨一彦 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 67-67, 2021. |
O-16. Examination of the factor associated with the physical active mass of need of nursing care elderly people 武昂樹1,2), 芦澤遼太2), 山下和馬3), 大河原健伍2), 本田浩也2), 中川理浩2), 吉本好延4) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 67-67, 2021. |
O-17. Examination of the factor associated with the chronic pain in need of nursing care elderly people 本田浩也1,2), 桐山和也1), 榑林可純1), 芦澤遼太2), 山下和馬3), 武昂樹2), 大河原健伍2), 中川理浩2), 吉本好延4) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 68-68, 2021. |
O-18. Analysis - by the needs investigation for the local inclusion care ward and the semistructured interview to a section manager of problem extraction - our hospital 清水祐樹, 山下淳一, 清水さつき Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 68-68, 2021. |
O-19. Efforts - for the territory expansion of practice report - care prevention promotion leader in the healthy lecture hosted by a public hall 小原智永1,2), 小林敦郎1,3), 加藤倫卓1,4) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 69-69, 2021. |
O-20. Examination of the factor to affect the activities of daily living of the means of our hospital ambulatory rehabilitation user 古橋芳美, 山下仁, 近藤修司 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 69-69, 2021. |
O-21. Relations of a characteristic and the physical fitness test in the salon in the A city 渡邉太樹1), 小野和春1), 大嶋恭平1), 鈴木研登1), 尾熊洋子1) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 70-70, 2021. |
O-22. The effect that living-in-garden time gives at gene locus time in infants going to kindergarten in children garden 齊藤萌子, 山本滉大, 豊島流星, 飯田勇気, 渡邊姫佳, 中野聡子 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 70-70, 2021. |
O-23. Efforts of the introduction to the municipalities about the silver rehabilitation exercises instruction person training business in Shizuoka 安間稔泰, 葛谷憲彦, 永澤加世子, 加藤倫卓 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 71-71, 2021. |
O-24. It is consideration ... from ... questionary survey about the relation of the rehabilitation specialist job in municipalities in Shizuoka 田中俊輔1,2), 川村浩二3), 三田久載4) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 71-71, 2021. |
O-25. Efforts of the "pelvic care for postpartum women" using the exercise instruction program classroom 菊地麻友美1,2), 川合旬美2), 山本智子2), 原田真帆2), 伊藤早季2), 小林敦郎2) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 72-72, 2021. |
O-26. Examination about the early ambulation effect of Fit Cure-Spine(TM) on patients with backbone vertebral body bone fracture 鈴木健吾1), 新屋順子1), 土屋忠大1), 中神孝幸1), 山田哲也1), 小松洋亮1), 鈴木夏美1), 岩瀬敏樹2), 甲山篤1,2), 小林祥2) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 72-72, 2021. |
O-27. The case that came back to its normal life by physical therapy mainly on the pain control for the prolonged pain after the clavicle fracture 佐久間俊輔1), 金原一宏2), 有薗信一2), 河合洋輔1), 河瀬智文2,3), 足立功浩4), 俵祐一2), 田中真希2), 寺田和弘1) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 73-73, 2021. |
O-28. One case that lumbar dysfunction was treated according to the clinical reasoning, and a symptom remitted 比嘉勝利 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 73-73, 2021. |
O-29. After the characteristic and the operation at discharge to be associated with walking ability after the proximal thighbone bone fracture technique in our hospital at the discharge of patients about the course from two weeks 澤孝大朗, 田中俊輔, 小田心太朗, 山崎一史, 老川大介 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 74-74, 2021. |
O-30. It is results after the operation of the total knee prosthesis single condyle replacement in our hospital 池村進吾 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 74-74, 2021. |
O-31. 1 case of the old heart failure that it shifted from visit rehabilitation to an outpatient, and showed improvement of the frailty 瀬古博正1), 小野慎太郎1), 加藤倫卓2) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 75-75, 2021. |
O-32. It is examined the factor associated with the delay of the getting up of patients after the procedures 松永香1), 大沢翔太1), 千崎史顕1), 森雄司1), 鬼頭和也1), 内藤裕治2), 加藤倫卓3), 高瀬三貴子1) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 75-75, 2021. |
O-33. Intervention to coronary arteries before operation for patients with low cardiac output syndrome with the high-grade stenosis 真杉美春, 小野田博繁 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 76-76, 2021. |
O-34. Clinical features in severe sepsis that needed artificial respiration management 宮澤佑治1), 新屋順子1), 杉浦正将3), 小笠原隆2) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 76-76, 2021. |
O-35. Competitive review of the post-operative rehabilitation progress of a middle and old age person and elderly people in the Stanford type A acute aortic dissection 森本大輔1), 森雄司1), 鬼頭和也1), 森勝俊1), 加藤倫卓2) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 77-77, 2021. |
O-36. About distance walked and a walking rate in the everyday life of the person with late effects of cerebral stroke 中野渉 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 77-77, 2021. |
O-37. Example that kinesitherapy based on somatosensory stimulation was effective for dizziness after the Wallenberg syndrome 豊田祐多1), 工藤貴司1), 芦澤遼太1), 播井宏充1), 池田圭介2) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 78-78, 2021. |
O-38. One case that presented thalamic bleeding right hemiplegia given the condition of a patient interpretation from brain imaging 阿部雄也, 磯野千夏, 渡邉勉 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 78-78, 2021. |
O-39. One case of the multiple system atrophy that was able to contribute to breathing maintenance and Quality of Death where were in a state for breathing rehabilitation using MI-E for fatal hypoxemia 石井啓太 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 79-79, 2021. |
O-40. The case that intervened, and led to home discharge that paid its attention to sense input for a vestibular function drop after subarachnoid hemorrhage 内藤祐馬 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 79-79, 2021. |
O-41. Examination of epidemiology and the bone union rate by the vertebral body high rank of the fresh lumbar vertebrae disaggregation 三宅秀俊, 杉山貴哉, 田中拓充, 氷見量, 石川徹也 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 80-80, 2021. |
O-42. Characteristic of the line train of ankle torque in the drop jump landing front jump movement and the triceps surae muscle 金承革, 坂田健太, 石垣文也, 青戸優和, 植村奏音, 瀬戸ほのか Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 80-80, 2021. |
O-43. Case - that we paid our attention to the run characteristics of the line for one case - ankle dorsiflexion range of motion limit that presented distal left fibula edge bone fracture and the left flexor digitorum longus muscle tendon rupture and approached it 石川良太, 石井光治, 土川大介 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 81-81, 2021. |
O-44. Policy to be able to connect to the kinesitherapy for a case of bilateral gonarthrosis 河合洋輔1), 金原一宏2), 佐久間俊輔1), 河瀬智文2,3), 足立功浩4), 寺田和弘1) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 81-81, 2021. |
O-45. Relations of competition return level and Functional Movement ScreenTM of patients with lumbar vertebrae disaggregation 山崎一史1), 小田心太朗1), 川合弘基1), 老川大介1), 鈴木義司2) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 82-82, 2021. |
O-46. 1 case of the old chronic cardiac insufficiency that visited the guide, and rehabilitated measure of Short Physical Performance Battery 小野慎太郎1), 瀬古博正1), 加藤倫卓2) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 82-82, 2021. |
O-47. Examination of the effect of treatment of the walk aid to the stroke hemiplegia patients during convalescent rehabilitation hospital hospitalization 竹村正規, 堤友宏, 星野友昭, 中屋敷勝真, 曲田友昭 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 83-83, 2021. |
O-48. The case that showed improvement by intervention and the use by the multi-type of job of positive negative pressure body outside type respirator for CO2 retention due to dyspnea 辻岡徹, 高尾昌資, 山内克哉 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 83-83, 2021. |
O-49. Investigation of a setup and the effect of the comprehensive heart rehabilitation in our hospital 小野田博繁, 縄田隆三, 中嶋敦生, 山根康嗣, 河合王明, 山本真弓 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 84-84, 2021. |
O-50. Effect - single case study - that High - Flow Nasal Cannula gives for the exercise of patients with interstitial pneumonia duration 柳田頼英1), 伊藤恭平1), 大曲正樹1), 山本敦也1), 町口輝1), 和久田雅史1), シュレスタ 耀マン1), 俵祐一2), 有薗信一2) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 84-84, 2021. |
O-51. Pilot study - about the pre-rear prediction of relationship - walking ability with the days that we needed for the fasting blood sugar band and walk independence in the early stage after the operation of patients with femoral neck fracture who had diabetes 池島直貴, 山下和馬, 西村真吾, 山下裕太郎, 山下浩史, 徳増来斗, 川嶋雄哉, 久木貴寛, 有賀隆裕, 蓮井誠 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 85-85, 2021. |
O-52. We work and report day care nursing facility (rehabilitation specialization type day service) training of the convalescent staff 伊藤英利, 石間勇樹, 大畑桃子, 青木拓也, 稲富知沙 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 85-85, 2021. |
O-53. About one case after the Total Knee Arthroplasty which Double Knee Action improved 中本留海1), 栗田泰成2) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 86-86, 2021. |
O-54. It is ... for a leader educating from examination - this of leader upbringing for new face education 山田國友, 溝口航, 佐藤翠, 小山内隆 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 86-86, 2021. |
O-55. Physical therapy the both calves amputee's experience about the transferring 牧野泰枝 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 87-87, 2021. |
O-56. Examination of the effective exercise program in the care prevention classroom 宮上純貴1), 土田将之2), 佐野聖次3) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 87-87, 2021. |
O-57. Characteristic of the physical activity of the infants who paid their attention to gene locus behavior 中野聡子 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 88-88, 2021. |
O-58. About the characteristic of physical pain carriers in the business trip type identification health guidance of our hospital 太田夏美 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 88-88, 2021. |
O-59. About an effect and the exercise continuation of the prophylactic classroom for the urinary incontinence 永澤加世子, 末広夏帆 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 89-89, 2021. |
O-60. It was seen from the questionary survey in efforts ... "Care manager and rehabilitation specialist job information exchange meeting" of the multi-type of job cooperation promotion as "Shizuoka sphere community rehabilitation wide area support center" 天野浩也1,2), 石野泰央1,2), 田中幸平1,2) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 89-89, 2021. |
O-61. The effect that electrical stimulation by the EMS (Electrical Muscle Stimulation) gives in the muscle fatigue of the triceps brachii muscle 塚本裕真, 青木俊樹, 杉浦咲子, 永橋里紗, 高橋佳希, 塚本敏也 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 90-90, 2021. |
O-62. Histories of treatment for the case that presented articulus humeri contractures after the musculus subscapularis singularity injury 早瀬有美加1), 山本浩貴1), 青山倫久1), 錦野匠一2) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 90-90, 2021. |
O-63. One case that became the home discharge using Iritani-type arch support for long-term lying in bed and instability of prosthetic knee due to the left leg paralysis 西島晃一1), 齋藤俊2), 小松正彦2) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 91-91, 2021. |
O-64. The effect that Back gait gives in a ratio of progress walk phase category 秋山莉那1), 鈴木教靖1), 大石敏也1), 平柳美岬1), 市村真樹2) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 91-91, 2021. |
O-65. The effect that degree of leaning exercise under the environment that emphasized bearing information before and after pelvis gives the behavior flexibility of the spinal column 鈴木千穂, 高木亮輔, 菅沼顕 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 92-92, 2021. |
O-66. Pay the attention to the functional decline of one TKA postoperative case - hip which racked its brains about improvement of the knee extension range of motion; and ... 大畑雅哉1), 山本浩貴1), 青山倫久1), 錦野匠一2) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 92-92, 2021. |
O-67. The case that the function of the paralysis side finger was maintained for a long term by daily consciousness pickles 浅野志織 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 93-93, 2021. |
O-68. Examination ... by the study ... adults healthy subject of the power to pedal it, and to be crowded necessary for "foot we row it wheelchair" drive 佐久間誠司, 福島一雄 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 93-93, 2021. |
O-69. Relationship of the bottom end of epicondyle disorder and the FFD in the period of growth elbow judging from our hospital baseball elbow examination 狩野拓海, 土屋享平 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 94-94, 2021. |
O-70. One case that cured for the lumbar spine degeneration sliding symptom who had the lumbar vertebrae compression fracture, and approached it 齋藤俊1), 西島晃一2) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 94-94, 2021. |
O-71. Three cases of the fresh lumbar vertebrae disaggregation that was able to evaluate a change of the flexibility prospectively from before onset 氷見量, 杉山貴哉, 三宅秀俊, 田中拓充, 石川徹也 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 95-95, 2021. |
O-72. Relation rehabilitation of the neurologic intractable disease to show from the expert therapist's experience at the end of life 影山晃暉1), 松下太一1), 松村剛志2) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 95-95, 2021. |
O-73. How should go as change - working full time physical therapist of the role in our hospital area inclusion care ward; - 石月亜由美1), 尾熊洋子1), 齊藤路子2) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 96-96, 2021. |
O-74. The setup of the ICU exclusive duty team and the efforts 水谷久美1), 千葉修平1), 榑松美里1), 淺田馨2), 大林正和2), 松島暁2) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 96-96, 2021. |
O-75. The case report which treated a diffusion type shock wave out of the body for the soft tissue flexibility drop that resulted from a quadriceps femoris muscle tear 鈴木敏彦 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 97-97, 2021. |
O-76. Relations of the fixation point analysis at objective structured clinical examination and start movement observation 佐藤博紀, 田中幸平, 鈴木りえ, 近藤吏 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 97-97, 2021. |
O-77. Case of the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease that led to behavior modification by having clarified an aim 河島浩大 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 98-98, 2021. |
O-78. About problems of the home end-of-life care in the chronic respiratory failure terminal phase 北野桂介, 新谷里香, 櫻井悦子 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 98-98, 2021. |
O-79. It is the relation of the physical therapist for the deglutition dysfunction after the stroke in the convalescent rehabilitation ward 村松優仁 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 99-99, 2021. |
O-80. The effect that the serum albumin at early rehabilitation start in ICU patients gives in a walk acquisition rate 阿妻伸幸, 渡邊大輔, 鳥屋優太, 河原一剛, 宮下春紀 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 99-99, 2021. |
O-81. 1 case that intervened palliative for an end-stage idiopathic fibroid lung 鈴木亮馬, 藤原充, 櫻田隆悟, 鈴木千恵美, 河島徹, 満冨一彦 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 100-100, 2021. |
O-82. One humeral consideration for the diachondylar fracture elbow flexure excursion restrictions that occurred postoperatively 杉山貴生1), 山本浩貴1), 青山倫久1), 錦野匠一2) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 100-100, 2021. |
O-83. Right shoulder wide area rotator cuff tear one case - shoulder that presented articulus humeri curvature movement restrictions postoperatively draw back, and pay the attention to the activity of the around the articulus humeri line for movement; and - 石井光治1), 小倉跡夢2) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 101-101, 2021. |
O-84. Muscular strength recovery process after the nerve grafting for the femoral nerve palsy that occurred after the retroperitoneal tumor enucleation 花島渉, 戸田真弘, 山内克哉 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 101-101, 2021. |
O-85. It is ... for health care service - 2020 Tokyo Olympics Paralympics meet of the READY STEADY TOKYO - bicycle race test event 尾瀬翔1,2), 山田國友1,2), 河野隆志2), 小林敦郎2) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 102-102, 2021. |
O-86. One consideration ... that we experience a tendency and the multi-type of job cooperation at the meeting about the medical support activity in the 101st whole country High School baseball championship Shizuoka Games in ... now 内田雄也1,2), 山崎一史1,3), 甲賀英敏1,4), 河野隆志1), 小林敦郎1) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 102-102, 2021. |
O-87. The effect that a single resistance training gives in artery stiffness 天野広大, 佐藤遼馬, 三輪田若菜, 加藤倫卓 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 103-103, 2021. |
O-88. Examination of the effect on early ambulation by the heart failure pass introduction 鳥屋優太1), 渡邊大輔1), 河原一剛1), 阿妻伸幸1), 森尾眞衣1), 宮下春紀1), 杉下美久2), 小島吾子2), 谷津翔一朗3), 塩澤知之3) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 103-103, 2021. |
O-89. After transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVI), does the motor function at discharge reach to a preoperative level? 高塚俊行1), 小野田博繁1), 小柳慎介1), 山根康嗣1), 佐藤俊史1), 杉山和寛1), 村田耕一郎2) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 104-104, 2021. |
O-90. About an effect and a tendency of the exercise instruction for patients with type 2 diabetes during education hospitalization 徳増来斗, 山下裕太郎, 山下浩史, 増田惠子, 池島直貴, 後藤良重 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 104-104, 2021. |
O-91. About the characteristic of patients with chronic cardiac insufficiency that showed aggravation of the nutritional status during hospitalization 森勝俊1), 森雄司1), 森本大輔1), 鬼頭和也1), 加藤倫卓2) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 105-105, 2021. |
F-1. For the walk independence of patients with one case - right putamen bleeding that planned human trunk function improvement from posture conversion through the movement in a floor - 宮崎幸樹 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 105-105, 2021. |
F-2. Progress report of 1 case that presented human trunk ataxia and a labile walk by the severe heat stroke of young people 加藤丈典1), 新屋順子1), 土屋忠大1), 甲山篤2), 水谷敦史3) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 106-106, 2021. |
F-3. For the walk acquisition using one case - walk aid (walker with the indoor wheel) which developed spinal cord injury by a cervical spine epidural abscess - 大畑洋人, 花田高彬, 吉村将志 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 106-106, 2021. |
F-4. Pay the attention to histories of treatment - behavior movement for the purpose of the pressure sore aggravation prevention of patients with syringomyelia; and - 堀池航也 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 107-107, 2021. |
F-5. Examination - by - convalescent rehabilitation ward inpatient that the limit of the arms in the walk increases walk unrest characteristics 秋山大地, 山下和馬, 山下裕太郎, 石川祐佳, 岩崎五典, 横山美智子, 辻村みのり Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 107-107, 2021. |
F-6. Examination of the effect of treatment one month after the Autologous Protein Solution (APS) therapy enforcement for the severe gonarthrosis 竹下肇1), 渥美隼弥1), 荻野峻佑1), 高橋正哲2) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 108-108, 2021. |
F-7. Examination of the function factor one-month after the APS therapy enforcement for patients with severe gonarthrosis in our hospital 小杉千尋1), 一安絢香1), 伊藤学1), 高橋正哲2) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 108-108, 2021. |
F-8. The case that we performed aggressive human trunk muscle strengthening exercise after the femur fracture, and improvement of the walking ability was obtained 阿井義訓 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 109-109, 2021. |
F-9. About the change of the body composition meter before and after the Total Knee Arthroplasty in our hospital 田中英雄, 池田翔一, 鈴木悠, 中村健吾, 齊藤和快 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 109-109, 2021. |
F-10. Effect - of cooperation and the family instruction with role - at-home staff of the respite hospitalization in the neurologic intractable disease 高塚麻莉子, 伊藤茜, 松下太一 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 110-110, 2021. |
F-11. For disuse atrophy by one case - long term lying in bed that the improvement of the mind and body function was seen in by less intensive exercise - 石川祐佳, 山下裕太郎, 石川利江, 阿部流星 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 110-110, 2021. |
F-12. The effect that introduction of the harness conference in the convalescent ward gives for prescription time of the ankle foot orthosis with plastic shoe insert and the FIM gain of the stroke hemiplegia patients 新美成美 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 111-111, 2021. |
F-13. About the characteristic of the home discharged patients in the local inclusion care bed of our hospital 佐古あかり, 宮上純貴 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 111-111, 2021. |
An F-14. The effect that one-month exercise gives in labor dysfunction and the occupation stress of the rehabilitation-related type of job 伊藤瑠美1), 小島健1), 矢部広樹2), 伊藤学1) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 112-112, 2021. |
An F-15. One case - that the rising movement training that was conscious of treatment approach - heel contact for the cerebral hemorrhage hemiplegia patients aiming at the acquisition of the bare foot walk in bathroom was connected for improvement of the talipes equinovarus 長屋和花 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 112-112, 2021. |
An F-16. One case that aimed at the gene locus maintenance acquisition using the weight relief device for a drop, the case that presented severe quadriplegia of the awakening degree by brain stem hemorrhage 前島悠汰, 星野友昭, 竹村正規 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 113-113, 2021. |
F-17. Motor learning effect by the difference in feedback method 松下将也, 横山侑也, 宮健史 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 113-113, 2021. |
F-18. Case - that we became bedridden with approach - aspiration pneumonia for patients with Lewy bodies type dementia 浅原俊介 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 114-114, 2021. |
F-19. Pay the attention to the solidity of case - human trunk which the right pontine infarction develops, and accepted a drop of the endurance from an effort-like walk; and ... 細川千沙希, 高林佑介, 杉山基 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 114-114, 2021. |
F-20. The case that performed breathing rehabilitation for a severe COPD case conveyed from a medical treatment type hospital, and became the home discharge シュレスタ 耀マン, 大曲正樹, 伊藤恭兵, 山本敦也, 柳田頼英, 町口輝, 新村阿矢野, 井口大平, 田尾美空, 和久田雅史 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 115-115, 2021. |
F-21. Relation ... of PT on the basis of case ... multi-type of job cooperation that presented the multiple metastases to bone at elevated risk for the bone fracture 河合花恵, 辻昌伸 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 115-115, 2021. |
F-22. The interstitial pneumonia case that was able to notice possibility of the social participation by visit instruction at a discharge 古山佳実, 井手寛和, 河合愛子, 佐藤圭, 則次祐美, 杉田勝也, 籠池康太, 服部勇輝, 福川竜也 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 116-116, 2021. |
F-23. Example that suffered from the at-home return acquisition to patients with chronic cardiac insufficiency with the multiple organ failure 清昇平1), 原修1), 西川仁1), 小澤建太1), 森脇秀明2) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 116-116, 2021. |
F-24. Case of the B-K amputation that presented with chronic kidney disease by diabetes, but left internal use control by kinesitherapy 後藤大和 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 117-117, 2021. |
F-25. Visual feedback pays its attention to effective case - pain and a sense of fear of the movement for patients who received TKA; and ... 中野皓喜, 梁川美月, 佐野光浩, 鈴木将胤, 岩本純一 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 117-117, 2021. |
F-26. Pay the attention to a relationship with characteristic - each time of the range of motion change after preoperation of the Total Knee Arthroplasty in our hospital; and - 小林昂央, 土屋享平, 馬場健太 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 118-118, 2021. |
F-27. After the Total Hip Arthroplasty, pay attention to the effect, pain occurrence movement by the line activity after case - technique that presented a sacroiliac joint disorder by repetition of the work in a half sitting; and - 伊藤朋花, 太田誠 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 118-118, 2021. |
F-28. Pay the attention to - articulus humeri extorsion angle about an infraspinatus muscle line thickness difference in the articulus humeri external rotation exercise; and - 太田和希, 大谷浩一, 原修, 佐野亮, 小澤建太, 佐藤貴浩 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 119-119, 2021. |
F-29. Stand toward reinstatement for a long time, and, after the right total hip replacement, work pays its attention to one necessary case - standing position attitude; and ... 青島充希, 遠藤雄佑, 高林佑介, 杉山基 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 119-119, 2021. |
F-30. Through the case that presented good use of aspiration risk sheet - aspiration pneumonia in the rehabilitation ward for our hospital convalescence - 岩崎五典, 山下和馬, 山下裕太郎, 山下浩史, 永田晴之, 中村麻衣子, 秋山恭延 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 120-120, 2021. |
F-31. The heart sarcoidosis patients one case that produced muscle weakness by inpatient care, but showed improvement in exercise tolerance 金子花観1), 増田貴行1), 戸田真弘1), 生駒剛典2), 諏訪賢一郎2) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 120-120, 2021. |
F-32. One ... of the patients whom case - Legionnaires' pneumonia that achieved efforts home return by the multi-type of job cooperation developed in 松浦奈都実, 鈴木基文, 松浦有沙, 千葉修平 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 121-121, 2021. |
F-33. One case of the cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis that dyspnea was relieved by education for patients and kinesitherapy in a short term, and ADL improved 土井ななみ, 山下裕太郎, 金田崇佑, 伊本健人, 山下浩史 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 121-121, 2021. |
F-34. 1 case that presented with orthostatic hypotension that it was hard to control, but became available for home discharge without activity restrictions 野尻拓1), 増田彩乃1), 西郷和史2), 増田紘將1) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 122-122, 2021. |
F-35. One case of the dilated cardiomyopathy that the exercise prescription which assumed METs an index was effective for motor function maintenance 山田凌平, 渡邊大輔, 鳥屋優太, 河原一剛, 阿妻伸幸, 宮下春紀 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 122-122, 2021. |
F-36. 1 case of all Total Knee Arthroplasty that fall anxiety complex strongly suffered from physical therapy 日置大智1), 新屋順子1), 小松洋亮1), 甲山篤2) Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 123-123, 2021. |
F-37. Pay the attention to one case - walking speed that underwent spinal fusion for backbone kyphoscoliosis; and ... 太田典子 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 123-123, 2021. |
F-38. The case that aimed for independence of a start and the standing position maintenance for quantity of assistance reduction of the restroom movement 鷲野颯 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 124-124, 2021. |
F-39. A person pays the attention to the security of case - momentum that acquired independent gait independence via rehabilitation Hospital for convalescence in the prime of life that opportunistic infections are caused by leukemia, and became all basic movement assistance; and ... 大石裕己, 花田高彬, 増田紘將 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 124-124, 2021. |
F-40. Case of the Parkinson's disease which suffered from improvement of the wheelchair gene locus posture 赤池優希, 谷口徹, 小山内隆 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 125-125, 2021. |
F-41. One ... which promoted the rebuilding of the balance strategy of the case - fault paralysis side lower limbs that presented with putamen bleeding, and presented severe hemiplegia, the control of the human trunk, and aimed at the walk acquisition in the ankle foot orthosis with plastic shoe insert 石崎築, 曲田友昭 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 125-125, 2021. |
F-42. 1 case of patients with cervical cord injury that suffered from getting up by low blood pressure at rest in addition to orthostatic hypotension 稲葉亮太, 磯野靖夫, 藤山啓太 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 126-126, 2021. |
F-43. One case that was given the gait training with the rehabilitation assistant separately from rehabilitation with PT 小宮山静, 磯野千夏, 渡邉勉 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 126-126, 2021. |
F-44. About an assistance position and an instruction of case - rising movement of the severe hemiplegia of the right thalamic bleeding that presented a rollback - 松下尚樹 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 127-127, 2021. |
F-45. Case - that we paid our attention to edge gene locus toward physical therapy intervention and problem - ADL independence for the boys who presented with spina bifida 山下刀夢 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 127-127, 2021. |
F-46. The case that realized importance of the in front of discharge visit instruction of the patients who left the hospital at home at a hospital for acute phase again 舩木啓太, 磯野靖夫, 庄司陽介, 藤山啓太 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 128-128, 2021. |
F-47. Histories of treatment for the patients who were injured by distal thighbone edge bone fracture, and presented with significant gonycampsis restrictions 山本雅一, 花田高彬, 増田紘將 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 128-128, 2021. |
F-48. It is ... for walking ability acquisition to go to importance - day service of the lower limbs alignment global assessment in the super elderly patients who presented with the left thighbone trochanter part bone fracture 水野千秋 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 129-129, 2021. |
F-49. Example - that case - ward ADL which bloody bone fusion was performed in for the right femoral neck fracture improved an independence degree, but intervention for IADL, the quality of life reacquisition suffered from it at a discharge 今井康太, 花田高彬, 竹村正規 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 129-129, 2021. |
F-50. One case that the elbow outside ache improved by treatment being aware of fascia of upper extremity sequence 高橋隆三郎 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 130-130, 2021. |
F-51. For patients with dementia, pay the attention to movement in case - start when approach in consideration of a learned behavior theory suffered from; and - 長崎博行 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 130-130, 2021. |
F-52. Pay attention to IADL in the supporter required and associated - domestic work of the mind and body function; and - 瀬川友祐, 橋本郁美, 大橋壮紀, 永田琢己, 佐伯秀一, 加藤訓久 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 131-131, 2021. |
F-53. One case that planned gait improvement for reinstatement 大沼由樹, 磯野千夏, 渡邉勉 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 131-131, 2021. |
F-54. Problem of the home discharge support that we were able to see by follow-up 大倉美樹 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 132-132, 2021. |
F-55. Well-known - of the frailty by report - eleven check about the frailty prophylactic activity at the place of the local commute in Ito-shi 中川元希, 西村洋 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 132-132, 2021. |
F-56. After the left total hip replacement, long-distance stairs going up and down pays its attention to movement for home return in one necessary case - start; and ... 後藤健, 高林佑介, 杉山基 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 133-133, 2021. |
F-57. About relations with laterality and the movement side in the problem to use multiple organs at the same time 小鷹樹, 佐藤元紀, 森達真, 上田楓, 苅谷充涼, 中野渉 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 133-133, 2021. |
F-58. Effect on lower limbs circulation of the neuromuscular disease electrical stimulation therapy for the triceps surae muscle 本間雄登, 原有生, 鈴木健規 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 134-134, 2021. |
F-59. Efforts ... for the quantity of histories of treatment - transferring assistance reduction for the disuse atrophy of patients with super old spinal cord injury 佐々木風香 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 134-134, 2021. |
F-60. The case that did not lead to quantity of transferring assistance reduction though we underwent rehabilitation and were under the medical treatment 3-month after the crisis of cerebral apoplexy 横畑孝誠 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 135-135, 2021. |
F-61. The effect that the exercise image of the healthy subject gives for physical abilities recognition and a performance 西尾英治, 加賀翼, 山下淳一 Sizuoka-ken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi (41): 135-135, 2021. |