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Kanagawa Public Health Journal

Volume , Issue 42 / 1996
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article A case registry and community health
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 1-4, 1996.

Japanese Article Diet experience and relations of the mental and physical symptom, lifestyle
佐藤順子, 大森純子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 1-1, 1996.

Japanese Article A lifestyle and lifestyle evaluation of the university student
大森純子, 佐藤順子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 2-2, 1996.

Japanese Article Temporary nursing at home evaluation in the Odawara health jurisdiction
星野ゆう子1), 立石泰子1), 小野光子1), 渡部俊子1), 伊藤早苗1), 広田ひとみ1), 八木下しのぶ1), 妹尾万里1), 山岡明美1), 山崎麻理子1), 橘川佳江1), 門松真由美2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 3-3, 1996.

Japanese Article About importance of the improvement support of the housing circumstances by the multi-type of job
星野朋子1), 吉田優2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 5-5, 1996.

Japanese Article About the death traffic accident of elderly people in Kanagawa
相原弼徳1), 相原まり子2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 6-6, 1996.

Japanese Article Reducing effect (the first report) by the nutrition education
寄崎靖子1), 三角政子1), 富山明子1), 岩瀧典生1), 井上怜子2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 7-7, 1996.

Japanese Article About the actual situation of bone density and the lifestyle in Kanagawa
松浦さおり, 京極浩, 伴野裕生, 高垣茂子, 荒川佳子, 松本尚子, 新田美穂, 伊藤久史
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 8-8, 1996.

Japanese Article About the efforts of the smoking cessation classroom in the public health center
河島夏美, 大川原ゆう子, 小林利彰
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 9-9, 1996.

Japanese Article Attempt of the smoking cessation instruction of the smoking student by the cooperation with the high school
大類芳子1), 鈴木和子2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 10-10, 1996.

Japanese Article Effect of the lifestyle to give it to the staff medical examination results
鷲塚千恵子1), 加藤博1), 上山眞照1), 後藤久子1), 足立光夫1), 井上怜子2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 12-12, 1996.

Japanese Article Mental health of the workplace
小川副代, 平弘恵, 相田貞志
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 13-13, 1996.

Japanese Article The eating habits and physical strength and caries in the junior high student
黒羽加寿美, 下井戸さよ, 川村和章, 木本一成, 荒川浩久, 飯塚喜一
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 15-15, 1996.

Japanese Article Comparison between study II. dental college student and brushing power of the worker about the brushing pressure
鈴木美紀子, 岩瀬寧, 山崎朝子, 山口和巳, 平田幸夫, 荒川浩久, 飯塚喜一
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 16-16, 1996.

Japanese Article About the oral health environment of children (the first report) mainly on consciousness, the behavior of the protector for - sweet food -
速見勝彦, 大谷仁, 根岸達郎, 柏木勝, 白勢康夫, 中原健雄, 大田益雄, 米山周一, 藤田和巳, 安藤富夫
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 17-17, 1996.

Japanese Article About the oral health environment of children about the caries affection of the (the second report) juvenile permanent tooth
増井峰夫, 大谷仁, 橋本弘, 小村和孝, 内一寛, 河原武彦, 菊池厚志, 大矢享, 鈴村佑子, 本間秀文, 磯部雅秀
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 18-18, 1996.

Japanese Article About the detection method of the contact allergen
宮澤眞紀, 佐藤修二, 宮原智江子, 岸美智子, 中岡正吉
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 19-19, 1996.

Japanese Article About the preservative of additive-free cosmetics
大森清美1), 土井佳代1), 小島尚1), 岸美智子1), 中岡正吉1), 神奈川県薬務課2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 20-20, 1996.

Japanese Article About an effect of the kinesitherapy for the lifestyle diseases prevention
京極浩, 松浦さおり, 荒川佳子, 伴野裕生, 高垣茂子, 伊藤久史
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 21-21, 1996.

Japanese Article Approach ... 1 of the house remodeling consultation in Joyamachou
奥秋洋恵1), 岩壁優子1), 升井孝子1), 永田千鶴子1), 岩室紳也2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 22-22, 1996.

Japanese Article Impaired glucose tolerance and lifestyle diseases risk factor in the adults in Kanazawa, Yokohama-shi public health center medical examination testee
土田賢一1), 渡嘉敷真哲1), 鈴木峻1), 高橋秀明2), 富田千秋3), 水嶋春朔4), 曽田研二4)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 24-24, 1996.

Japanese Article Local difference of the death due to biliary system tumor in Kanagawa
五十嵐隆, 松井三明, 岡部とし子, 浦野勉, 鹿島勇治, 張瑞軍, 土井陸雄
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 26-26, 1996.

Japanese Article About throughout the prefecture lung cancer death trend
田中利彦1), 岡本直幸2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 28-28, 1996.

Japanese Article Experience of the lung cancer examination by the computer tomography
田中利彦1), 谷口浩一1), 田中耕策1), 山田耕三2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 29-29, 1996.

Japanese Article Effect of the acute nitrogen dioxide exposure to give to a female hypertensive spontaneous rat
池見好昭1), 北爪稔1), 矢澤篤子1), 長岡登1), 逢坂文夫2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 30-30, 1996.

Japanese Article Change of the heating underwater antiseptic by-product material
菅谷なえ子, 伊藤英幸, 桜井克巳, 荒井桂子, 磯田信一, 山本親男
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 31-31, 1996.

Japanese Article Solvent findings of the waterproof spray
長谷川一夫, 宇都宮暁子, 節田節子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 32-32, 1996.

Japanese Article Analysis and the actual situation of the pyrethroids system pesticide in household articles
宇都宮暁子, 長谷川一夫, 節田節子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 33-33, 1996.

Japanese Article About tick allergen measures investigation business in Yokohama-shi
佐藤宏士1), 平成7年度ダニアレルゲン対策作業部会2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 34-34, 1996.

Japanese Article Examination of the quantity of tick allergen assay in house dust
北爪稔, 矢澤篤子, 池見好昭, 金山彰宏, 露木和徳, 長岡登, 鳥羽和憲
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 35-35, 1996.

Japanese Article Temperature-humidity environment of the bedclothing and the fungal grass
矢澤篤子, 北爪稔, 池見好昭
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 36-36, 1996.

Japanese Article Tendency to capture of the cedar pollen in the sky around Kawasaki-shi and the ground
佐藤英毅1), 青山林作1), 佐久間貞1), 大村敏郎1), 中山博2), 大川東三2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 37-37, 1996.

Japanese Article HBV antigen, the antibody possession situation (summary for 15 years)
江成典子, 倉田満, 青木芳和
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 38-38, 1996.

Japanese Article The detection of the small round structured virus from food poisoning-like gastroenteritis and infectious gastroenteritis
原みゆき, 古屋由美子, 片山丘, 吉田芳哉
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 39-39, 1996.

Japanese Article About an outbreak of influenza in Kanagawa (1995 through 96 season)
渡邉寿美, 斎藤隆行, 近藤真規子, 林孝子, 今井光信
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 40-40, 1996.

Japanese Article 1995/96 influenza outbreak in Yokohama-shi
川上千春, 宗村徹也, 七種美和子, 野口有三, 小林伸好, 鳥羽和憲
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 41-41, 1996.

Japanese Article Pathology, epidemiological analysis of the arthritic type hog erysipelas
寺西大, 古川一郎, 長谷川幸江, 尾上洋一, 森實
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 42-42, 1996.

Japanese Article The scrub typhus occurrence situation in Kanagawa for the past 10 years
片山丘, 原みゆき, 古屋由美子, 吉田芳哉
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 43-43, 1996.

Japanese Article About the detection situation of the O157 in Kawasaki-shi
小嶋由香, 小川正之, 関口忠男, 松尾千秋, 本間幸子, 植田葉子, 佐久間貞, 大村敏郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 44-44, 1996.

Japanese Article The recent characteristic capture ups and downs in the Culicidae imago of Kawasaki-shi
佐藤英毅1), 佐久間貞1), 中山博2), 大川東三2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 45-45, 1996.

Japanese Article About childhood allergic disease measures business (the first report)
阪口利子1), 松村久代1), 石井千恵子1), 内田純子1), 斉藤初代1), 岡崎真寿美1), 小野美代子1), 彦根倫子1), 重松美智子1), 深井史子1), 加藤和子1), 長谷川嘉春1), 寺道由晃1), 菊間博子2), 鏑木支平2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 46-46, 1996.

Japanese Article Step ... from activity (the fifth report) - start of the meeting "meeting of the Tomoshiri grass" of the family having a demented old man of 4 years
中山満枝1), 金井規夫1), 彦根倫子2), 大平友子2), 山梨弘幸3), 加藤健司3)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 50-50, 1996.

Japanese Article As for the pubertal eating habits, and the like, it is questionnaire findings
相原さち子, 鳥海美代子, 露木史枝, 鈴木良子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 51-51, 1996.

Japanese Article Through a child care seminar to think about local child care support, the practice of the child care group exchange meeting
高岡孝江, 島内翔紀, 森荘一, 大類芳子, 重永幾代, 鈴木宣子, 竹内知子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 52-52, 1996.

Japanese Article About pH to give it to survival characteristics of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (following EHEC) O157:H7, a NaNO2, NaCl concentration and a heating condition
古川一郎, 寺西大, 長谷川幸江, 尾上洋一, 森實
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 55-55, 1996.

Japanese Article Effect of environment, the epidemiology factor on food poisoning development
高橋正弘, 森實
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 56-56, 1996.

Japanese Article Five years (from results of lunches) of the microbial management of the you co-op
井上誠, 小林勇
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 57-57, 1996.

Japanese Article Pesticide residue fact-finding of the baby food
清水亮子, 田中康夫, 細井志郎, 水野惇雄
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 58-58, 1996.

Japanese Article The use actual situation of the coloring agent of ark shells
濟田清隆, 松本幸一郎, 桐ヶ谷忠司, 渡部健二朗, 水野惇雄
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 59-59, 1996.

Japanese Article Pesticide residue findings (the Heisei 2-7 year) of a distribution farm import in Kanagawa and the processed food
中村久美子1), 渡邊裕子1), 藤巻照久1), 渡辺貞夫1), 貫山道子1), 谷孝之1), 中岡正吉1), 県食品衛生課・監視情報班2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 61-61, 1996.

Japanese Article About the results of the questionnaire about the pregnant eating habits
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 62-62, 1996.

Japanese Article Organotin compound remaining findings (1985 through 1995) in distribution marine products fishery products in Kanagawa
中村久美子1), 藤巻照久1), 貫山道子1), 渡辺貞夫1), 谷孝之1), 中岡正吉1), 県食品衛生課・監視情報班2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 63-63, 1996.

Japanese Article The actual situation of the chlorination effect in the domestic wasted water processing institution
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 64-64, 1996.

Japanese Article About the removal of underwater volatile organic compounds by the boiling
長谷川一夫, 宇都宮暁子, 節田節子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 65-65, 1996.

Japanese Article Radioactivity investigation 1995 - in Kanagawa
小山包博1), 飯島育代1), 桑原千雅子1), 高城裕之2), 県食品衛生課3), 県環境衛生課4)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (42): 66-66, 1996.