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The Study of Physical Therapy¡¦Nagano

Volume , Issue 43 / 2014
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article For rehabilitation to be required at the end of life
The Study of Physical Therapy¡¦Nagano (43): 3-7, 2014.

Japanese Article Acquisition of practical walking left hemiplegia patients with disabilities severe sensation : Perception and balance of the support surface
å°æž—秀, 望月佳代å­, 増澤尚樹
The Study of Physical Therapy¡¦Nagano (43): 8-11, 2014.

Japanese Article The case that awakening was able to plan by CPAP therapy introduction for patients with severe left hemiplegia with disturbance of consciousness
å·æ‘裕å­*, 糟谷俊典*, é’木俊樹*, 横å·å‰æ™´**
The Study of Physical Therapy¡¦Nagano (43): 12-14, 2014.

Japanese Article Rod adaptation approach to a unilateral spatial neglect case
The Study of Physical Therapy¡¦Nagano (43): 15-16, 2014.

Japanese Article Experience the rehabilitation of one case - long term that came to have difficulty with posture maintenance by brain stem infarction; and ...
The Study of Physical Therapy¡¦Nagano (43): 17-20, 2014.

Japanese Article The case that TKA detected swelling in ankle postoperatively, and prescribed an insole
The Study of Physical Therapy¡¦Nagano (43): 21-23, 2014.

Japanese Article Patients presenting with pain by knee osteoarthritis : Focusing on pain relief by the insole use
塚原悠介, 大窪惇希, æ¤è°·å²³éƒŽ
The Study of Physical Therapy¡¦Nagano (43): 24-26, 2014.

Japanese Article Can the outcome of injured elderly patients predict at home proximal thighbone bone fracture by on admission data?
平林隆å®*, 牛山直å­*, 伊藤悠紀*, 多賀将ä»*, 百瀬公人**
The Study of Physical Therapy¡¦Nagano (43): 27-30, 2014.

Japanese Article About VAS and the FFD of the chronic low back pain disease, association of HBD
The Study of Physical Therapy¡¦Nagano (43): 31-31, 2014.

Japanese Article Inspection ... of human trunk side deviation at the standstill standing position and the change of the ipsilateral articulus humeri flexure angle and the operation from the hand region using oral ... taping
The Study of Physical Therapy¡¦Nagano (43): 32-33, 2014.

Japanese Article The case that presented posture instruction to patients with periarthritis scapulohumeralis that presented a night pain
寺島ä¿å¥ˆç¾Ž*, 大窪惇希, å°æž—è«­å², å‰å·å‹ç†
The Study of Physical Therapy¡¦Nagano (43): 34-36, 2014.

Japanese Article Approach with the aim of walking acquisition for severe left paralyzed patients : Through facilitation of anti-gravity activities by sensory input
The Study of Physical Therapy¡¦Nagano (43): 37-40, 2014.

Japanese Article After subarachnoid hemorrhage, pay the attention to case - posture control who had a frontal lobe symptom and the corpus callosum bleeding; and ...
町田é–, é‡æ¾ç†
The Study of Physical Therapy¡¦Nagano (43): 41-44, 2014.

Japanese Article Conduct questionary survey about the use situation of the visit rehabilitation service for the care manager
The Study of Physical Therapy¡¦Nagano (43): 45-48, 2014.

Japanese Article 2013 fact-finding of the visit rehabilitation in Nagano
å°å¯ºå’Œä¼¸*, 鈴木修**
The Study of Physical Therapy¡¦Nagano (43): 49-52, 2014.

Japanese Article The case that arch support therapy was effective for peritendinitis Achillie
The Study of Physical Therapy¡¦Nagano (43): 53-55, 2014.

Japanese Article Kinesitherapy for tendon run disorder and edema which occurred after wrist arthrodesis
鈴木厚太, 大窪惇希, å°æž—è«­å², å‰å·å‹ç†
The Study of Physical Therapy¡¦Nagano (43): 56-58, 2014.

Japanese Article Case - acute phase physical therapy ... which accepted exercise, sensory disturbance of the left thigh nerve field for the stent graft implantation complications of the abdominal aorta explosion
手塚啓佑, å°æž—亨
The Study of Physical Therapy¡¦Nagano (43): 59-62, 2014.

Japanese Article Case - convalescence physical therapy ... that the stent graft implantation complications after the abdominal aortic aneurysm explosion showed exercise, sensory disturbance of the left thigh nerve field
The Study of Physical Therapy¡¦Nagano (43): 63-64, 2014.

Japanese Article Efforts of the foreign heart rehabilitation in our hospital
å°é ˆç”°æµç¾Ž, 大見朋哲, 木下è–
The Study of Physical Therapy¡¦Nagano (43): 65-66, 2014.