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Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts

Volume , Issue 43rd / 1995
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

English Article Natural History, Surveillance, Management and DNA Based Genetic Counseling in HNPCC (Lynch Syndromes)
Henry T.Lynch*, Tom Smyrk+, Stephen Lanspa#, Tom McGinn#, Jennifer Cavalieri*, Jane Lynch*
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 21-22, 1995.

Japanese Article I-1. One consideration about the growth extension of the large intestine villous tumor
後小路世士夫, 矢部清寿, 宮本洋寿, 佐藤雅昭1), 副島和彦2)
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 23-23, 1995.

Japanese Article I-2. Clinicopathologic examination of large intestine nodule colonization type tumor
横山正1, 横田敏弘, 平山敦, 斉藤大三, 渡辺寛, 石川勉2, 飯沼元, 牛尾恭輔, 杉原健一3, 赤須孝之, 森谷宣皓, 落合敦志4, 下田忠和, 吉田茂昭5
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 23-23, 1995.

Japanese Article I-3. Significance of the transanal endoscopic lower microsurgery (TEM) in the treatment of rectal Villous tumor
金平永二, 大村健二, 永里敦, 川西勝, 宮永太門, 春原哲之, 金泉秀典, 天谷奨, 小島一人, 渡辺洋宇
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 24-24, 1995.

Japanese Article I-4. About the method using the automatic anastomosis device for transanal local resection - operation under laparoscopy for large intestine villus-formed adenoma -
板橋道朗, 浜野恭一, 亀岡信悟, 進藤廣成, 今井俊一, 斉藤登, 荒武寿樹, 山中茂, 永田仁
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 24-24, 1995.

Japanese Article I-5. About significance of villous tumor in the large intestine mechanism of carcinogenesis by Adenoma-carcinoma sequence
金岡繁, 花井洋行, 金子栄蔵1), 藤田道也2), 安藤浩3), 小里俊幸, 馬場正三4)
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 25-25, 1995.

Japanese Article I-6. Clinicopathologic examination of the large intestine villous tumor of our hospital
西山保比古, 大谷剛正, 古川祐介, 井原厚, 国場幸均, 古波倉史子, 高橋俊毅, 比企能樹, 小林清典※, 五十嵐正広※, 勝又伴栄※
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 27-27, 1995.

Japanese Article I-7. Clinicopathologic examination of large intestine Villous tumor
新田篤, 斎藤俊博, 正宗良知, 国井康男
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 27-27, 1995.

Japanese Article I-8. Clinical features of Villous tumor
白戸博志, 佐藤裕二, 小橋重親, 高橋典彦, 篠原敏樹, 生田圭司, 波江野力, 山田俊二, 内野純一
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 28-28, 1995.

Japanese Article I-9. Clinicopathologic views of Villous tumor (tubulo-villous adenoma, villous adenoma)
柴野成幸, 難波美津雄, 渡辺理, 佐々木欣郎, 東宗徳, 砂川正勝
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 28-28, 1995.

Japanese Article I-10. The development situation of Villous Adenoma in this country
金澤曉太郎1), 江崎行芳2), 嶋田裕之3)
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 29-29, 1995.

Japanese Article I-11. Clinicopathologic examination of large intestine villous tumor
松田正和1), 長尾和治1), 馬場憲一郎1), 西村令喜1), 松岡由紀夫1), 福田誠1), 山下裕也1), 樋口章浩1), 佐伯隆人1), 池田敬二郎1), 上野美佳子1), 宮山東彦2), 石原明2)
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 29-29, 1995.

Japanese Article I-12. Clinicopathologic examination of the rectal villous tumor
冨田広, 須田武保, 佐々木正貴, 長谷川潤, 山崎俊幸, 岡田貴幸, 斉藤英俊, 酒井靖夫, 畠山勝義1), 味岡洋一2)
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 30-30, 1995.

Japanese Article I-13. Clinicopathologic examination in the Villous tumor excision case
冨崎真一, 友田政昭, 大野真司, 市吉裕二, 桑野博行, 杉町圭蔵
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 30-30, 1995.

Japanese Article I-14. Clinicopathologic examination of 27 large intestine chorioadenoma
川手進, 関根毅, 真船健一, 古川泰司, 鈴木成治, 坂本裕彦, 内田健二, 田中洋一, 武内脩, 須田雍夫, 山本邦男*1, 野津聡*2
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 31-31, 1995.

Japanese Article I-15. Examination of 22 large intestine villus-formed adenomas
設楽芳範, 竹之下誠一, 浅尾高行, 森永暢浩, 中村純一, 野口俊昭, 藤田欣一, 木村浩, 長町幸雄
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 31-31, 1995.

Japanese Article I-16. Clinicopathologic examination of 394 large intestine villus-formed tumors
天満祐子, 鈴木衛, 吉田勝俊, 井上雄志, 高柳泰宏, 安原清司, 高崎健
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 32-32, 1995.

Japanese Article I-17. About subclassification and pathology histology judging from the endoscopic image of the large intestine nodule colonization-like lesion
村上雅則1), 水上裕輔1), 渡二郎1), 折居裕1), 近藤信夫2), 里俤子1)
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 32-32, 1995.

Japanese Article I-18. Examination of large intestine villous tumor
碓井芳樹1), 岩垂純一1), 佐原力三郎1), 東光邦1), 奥田哲也1), 尾島博1), 山名哲郎1), 大堀晃裕1), 大塚新一1), 武田元信1), 山口時子1), 滝西安典1), 隅越幸男1), 近藤健司2), 北村成大3)
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 33-33, 1995.

Japanese Article I-19. Examination of large intestine tumor which showed a villose form
滝沢健次郎, 丸田守人, 黒水丈次, 内海俊明, 遠山邦宏, 佐藤美信, 奥村嘉浩, 升森宏次, 青山浩幸, 千田憲一
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 33-33, 1995.

Japanese Article I-20. Clinical examination of Villous tumor in our hospital
加藤正久, 安達実樹, 田村一雄, 並木一信, 須田一史, 冲永功太
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 34-34, 1995.

Japanese Article I-21. Examination of villous tumor
石田卓也, 池田栄一, 阪眞, 佐藤敏彦, 太田陽一
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 34-34, 1995.

Japanese Article I-22. Clinicopathologic examination of Villous tumor which we excised surgically
岡村修, 中森正二, 亀山雅男, 古河洋, 石川治, 甲利幸, 佐々木洋, 平塚正弘, 大東弘明, 中野博史, 安田卓司, 今岡真義, 岩永剛, 石黒信吾*
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 35-35, 1995.

Japanese Article I-23. Characteristic of large intestine Villous tumor
千葉俊哉, 松川正明, 菊地和人, 神谷尚志, 佐藤温, 藤森基次, 正慶修, 山本亘, 栗原稔
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 35-35, 1995.

Japanese Article I-24. Growth extension of the nodule colonization-like large intestine lesion judging from diachronic observation and invasive cancer coexistence case
石川勉1), 牛尾恭輔1), 宮川国久1), 飯沼元1), 中嶋秀麿1), 魚住淳1), 横田敏弘2), 横山正2), 落合淳志3), 下田忠和3), 赤須孝之4), 藤田伸4), 森谷宣皓4), 杉原健一4)
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 36-36, 1995.

Japanese Article I-25. Clinicopathologic examination of the nodule colonization-like lesion
宮北誠1, 菊山成博, 大石崇, 山高浩一, 清水和彦2
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 36-36, 1995.

Japanese Article I-26. Clinicopathologic examination of the side growth type nodule colonization-like lesion
岡本傳男1, 田中信治, 春間賢, 谷本達郎, 神原健二, 木村敏久, 小池則道, 平賀裕子, 国弘真己, 五石宏和, 青木理恵, 隅井雅晴, 吉原正治, 隅井浩治, 梶山梧朗, 嶋本文雄2
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 37-37, 1995.

Japanese Article I-27. Villous adenoma in our hospital and LST case
中島章恵, 岡本和美, 樋口太郎, 細井義行, 斎藤和好, 菅井有*, 中村眞一*
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 37-37, 1995.

Japanese Article I-28. Examination about the lesion including villous structure using the magnifying endoscope
今井靖, 寺井毅, 荻原達雄, 二瓶英人, 佐藤信紘
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 38-38, 1995.

Japanese Article I-29. Endoscopic examination of the nodule colonization-like lesion
勝亦重弘, 清水直樹, 土屋和彦, 井川守仁, 片山麻子, 杉浦弘和, 田口夕美子, 白鳥泰正, 窪田良彦, 堀向文憲, 宮岡正明, 斎藤利彦
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 38-38, 1995.

Japanese Article I-30. A diagnosis and treatment of the large intestine villous tumor
原口美明, 長濱徴, 林剛一, 岡村慎也, 武川悟, 榊原宣
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 39-39, 1995.

Japanese Article I-31. A diagnosis and treatment of the Villous Tumor and nodule colonization lesion
斉藤幸夫, 森田博義, 田村潤, 西尾洋介, 露久保辰夫, 田辺友紀男, 桐原勇次郎, 上村志伸, 小堀鴎一郎
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 39-39, 1995.

Japanese Article I-32. Clinical evaluation of the proctoscopic lower tumor resection
荒木靖三, 磯本浩晴, 辻義明, 吉田正, 松本敦, 緒方裕1), 諸富立寿1), 白水和雄1), 掛川暉夫1)
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 40-40, 1995.

Japanese Article I-33. Adaptation and problems of the endoscopic mucosal resection of the nodule colonization-like large intestine lesion
松浦昭, 澤木明, 白井正人, 鈴木隆史, 中村常哉, 小林世美1), 大橋計彦2)
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 40-40, 1995.

Japanese Article I-34. Examination of the advanced cancer case of villous tumor
山本聖一郎, 寺本龍生, 渡邊昌彦, 川野幸夫, 川本清, 酒井信行, 西堀英樹, 藤井俊哉, 千葉洋平, 北島政樹
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 41-41, 1995.

Japanese Article I-35. Examination of large intestine Villous tumor 18
金沢孝満1), 石神浩徳1), 小林亮1), 谷若弘一1), 平松毅幸1), 大井俊孝1), 位田保之1), 原宏介1), 富山次郎1), 糸山進次2), 福里利夫2)
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 41-41, 1995.

Japanese Article I-36. Examination of rectal villous tumor which required surgical resection
権藤延久, 吉川麗月, 池内浩基, 野田雅史, 柳秀憲, 荘司康嗣, 楠正人, 山村武平, 宇都宮讓二
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 42-42, 1995.

Japanese Article I-37. Histology and regimen of "the chorioadenoma"
倉本秋, 味村俊樹, 小林薫, 小林正則, 酒井滋, 大原毅, 西田茂*
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 42-42, 1995.

Japanese Article I-38. Examination of the villous tumor in our hospital and nodule colonization-like lesion surgery case
新居利英1), 植村一仁1), 小原啓1), 池田由加利1), 濱田朋倫1), 小原充裕1), 村永誠一1), 澤口裕二1), 藤沢純爾1), 村上雅則2), 折居裕2)
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 43-43, 1995.

Japanese Article I-39. Adaptation and results of the local excision for lower rectal Villous Tumor
矢野秀朗, 沢田俊夫, 洲之内広紀, 正木忠彦, 尾野雅哉, 渡辺聡明, 大島秀男, 武藤徹一郎
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 43-43, 1995.

Japanese Article I-40. Surgery results of large intestine villous tumor
三嶋秀行, 柳生俊夫, 吉川宣輝
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 44-44, 1995.

Japanese Article I-41. Of Villous tumor is clinical, pathological examination
杉山保幸, 辻恭嗣, 加藤元久, 鷹尾博司, 国枝克行, 梅本敬夫, 宮喜一, 深田代造, 佐治重豊
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 44-44, 1995.

Japanese Article I-42. Examination of large intestine Villous tumor in our hospital
片野素信, 中田一郎, 岡本光順, 小西栄, 田崎太郎, 渡辺睦弥, 植竹正彦, 鮫島博之, 伊藤浩, 薗田善之, 渡辺善徳, 後藤悦久, 生方英幸, 松本文和, 佐藤茂範, 田渕崇文, 相馬哲夫, 西川貴之, 永山佳央
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 45-45, 1995.

Japanese Article I-43. Surgical treatment of rectal villous tumor
高橋慶一, 森武生, 安野正道
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 45-45, 1995.

Japanese Article I-44. Examination of the large intestine Villous tumor 40 lesion
久留宮康浩, 服部龍夫, 小林陽一郎, 宮田完志, 深田伸二, 湯浅典博, 亀井桂太郎, 林祐次, 江畑智希, 瀬古浩, 小出恭裕, 鷲津潤爾
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 46-46, 1995.

Japanese Article I-45. Examination of rectal Villous tumor (including the nodule colonization type) 18
西川徹, 藤井久男, 石川博文, 山本克彦, 吉川周作, 森田敏裕, 中野博重
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 46-46, 1995.

Japanese Article I-46. Examination of early rectal cancer with the cilia structure
佐藤晋, 小柳泰久, 中島厚, 加藤孝一郎, 和田敏史, 馬島亨, 有馬正明, 寿美哲生, 坂本啓彰, 和田建彦
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 47-47, 1995.

Japanese Article I-47. 2 excision case of rectal villous adenoma which presented blood CEA high level
徳原真, 堀孝吏, 平田泰, 菊一雅弘, 坂本昌義, 久保琢自, 丸山雄二
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 47-47, 1995.

Japanese Article I-48. Is located with rectum, a sigmoid colon, is one patient of villous tumor with m cancer widely
佐々木裕茂, 林勝知, 千賀省始, 鬼束惇義, 広瀬一
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 48-48, 1995.

Japanese Article I-49. One case of descending colon Villous tumor (carcinoma in adenoma) with liver metastases
佐野晴美, 土屋敦雄, 滝田賢一, 佐藤久芳, 安藤善郎, 吉田典行, 阿部力哉
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 48-48, 1995.

Japanese Article I-50. Two cases of the rectal chorioadenoma which presented Depletion syndrome
瀬谷知子1, 金沢義一2, 恩田昌彦2, 田中宣威2, 古川清憲2, 高崎秀明2, 吉村和泰2, 森山雄吉1, 横井公良1, 鳥羽昌仁2, 横山滋彦2, 菅隼人2
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 49-49, 1995.

Japanese Article I-51. Biological grade of villous tumor which we examined from p53 protein expression
綿谷正弘, 家田真太郎, 待寺則和, 藤本喜代成, 肥田仁一, 久保隆一, 犬房春彦, 進藤勝久, 安富正幸
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 49-49, 1995.

Japanese Article I-52. It is distribution of the P53 protein of colon cancer with the villus form macroscopically
内藤春彦, 佐々木廸郎, 近藤啓史, 後藤田明彦, 大島隆宏, 橋本卓, 竹内恭, 藤田昌宏*
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 50-50, 1995.

Japanese Article I-53. Clinical examination of villous adenoma in our hospital
山本重孝, 山崎芳郎, 桑田圭司, 山崎元, 畑中信良, 西田幸弘, 坂口太一, 李千万, 小林晏*, 山崎大*
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 50-50, 1995.

Japanese Article I-54. Examination in the large intestine villous tumor 58 lesion
平井恭二, 渋谷哲男, 内山喜一郎, 鈴木章一, 酒井欣男, 田中茂夫, 松本光司*, 山田宣孝*
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 51-51, 1995.

Japanese Article I-55. Clinicopathologic examination for the large intestine nodule colonization-like lesion
中川州幸, 高田秀穂, 川西洋, 森田美佳, 越路みのり, 吉田良, 岩本慈能, 岡村成雄, 田中完児, 吉岡和彦, YOGENDRA P SINGH, 日置紘士郎, 渡辺敏彦, 田中順*, 丸岡正典*, 井上恭一*, 岡村明治**, 螺良愛郎***
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 51-51, 1995.

Japanese Article I-56. Comparison with histomorphometry---tubular tumor of villose tumor which presented so-called nodule colonization state
熊谷二朗, 中村恭一
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 52-52, 1995.

Japanese Article I-57. Clinicopathologic examination of Villous tumor
丸山敬二1,2), 椙村春彦1), 遠藤豊1), 馬塲正三2), 喜納勇1)
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 52-52, 1995.

Japanese Article I-58. Comparison about the surface phenotype of large intestine chorioadenoma cells and tubular adenoma cells and the proliferative capacity
松下能文1, 白濱浩1, 米澤傑1, 矢沢伸2, 佐藤栄一1
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 53-53, 1995.

Japanese Article I-59. Analysis of the K-ras mutation in the gene in villous component of large intestine adenoma
大西直, 冨田尚裕, 門田卓士, 大植雅之, 高見康二, 佐々木昌也, 山本浩文, 伊沢光, 池田公正, 島野高志, 門田守人
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 53-53, 1995.

Japanese Article I-60. Examination of the K-ras mutation in Villous adenoma
中野和夫, 柳沢昭夫, 加藤洋
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 54-54, 1995.

Japanese Article I-61. Clinicopathologic characteristic of Villous tumor
八尾隆史1), 菅尾頼明, 佐々木達, 桜木博章, 恒吉正澄, 岩下明徳2)
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 54-54, 1995.

Japanese Article I-62. It is examination about the expression in EGF, EGFR in the cancerization of the chorioadenoma
天野ちの, 折居正之, 高橋浩, 田澤秀樹, 中野修, 佐藤邦夫, 佐藤俊一1)
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 55-55, 1995.

Japanese Article I-63. Examination of the drug-resistant factor expression in Villous tumor
須藤一郎, 河野仁志, 永末直文, 長岡三郎*
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 55-55, 1995.

Japanese Article II-1. Examination about an HNPCC case in our hospital and the colon cancer family history
市川大輔1, 山口俊晴1, 橋本直哉2, 中谷浩久1, 保島匡和1, 北村和也1, 萩原明於1, 山根哲郎1, 沢井清司1, 稲澤讓治2, 阿部達生2, 高橋俊雄1
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 57-57, 1995.

Japanese Article II-2. Examination of the hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer case
星野豊, 寺島信也, 今野明, 児山新, 大堀剛男, 浅和定徳, 遠藤幸男, 井上仁, 元木良一
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 57-57, 1995.

Japanese Article II-3. Examination of the hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer
高柳泰宏, 鈴木衛, 吉田勝俊, 井上雄志, 安原清司, 天満祐子, 高崎健
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 58-58, 1995.

Japanese Article II-4. Examination of hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer in our hospital
澤村明廣, 山口佳之, 坂本憲昭, 峠哲哉
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 58-58, 1995.

Japanese Article II-5. Epidemiological examination in the cancer family history of patients with colon cancer
森本秀樹, 小野寺久, 井上弘, 今村正之, 前谷俊三*
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 59-59, 1995.

Japanese Article II-6. Examination of the hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC)
関健一郎, 斎藤貢, 五井孝憲, 山口明夫, 中川原儀三
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 59-59, 1995.

Japanese Article II-7. Clinicopathologic examination of the HNPCC case in the Chiba cancer center
里見大介, 藤田昌宏, 渡辺敏, 渡辺一男, 本田一郎, 山本宏, 山田滋, 神宮和彦
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 60-60, 1995.

Japanese Article II-8. Clinical examination of the HNPCC case
奥村嘉浩, 黒水丈次, 丸田守人, 内海俊明, 遠山邦宏, 佐藤美信, 滝沢健次郎, 升森宏次, 青山弘幸, 千田憲一
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 60-60, 1995.

Japanese Article II-9. Examination of the development case in the colon cancer family
西村元一, 伏田幸夫, 藤村隆, 杉山和夫, 神野正博, 米村豊, 三輪晃一, 宮崎逸夫, 山口明夫*
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 61-61, 1995.

Japanese Article II-10. Clinicopathology of hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer
中村隆志, 高橋雅俊, 片岡昭彦, 岡田邦明, 石津寛之, 益子博幸, 小川秀彰, 横山良司, 近藤征文
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 61-61, 1995.

Japanese Article II-11. Examination of the hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer case in our hospital
岡本政広, 増山喜一, 横山義信, 南村哲司, 山本克弥, 勝山新弥, 竹森繁, 新井英樹, 田沢賢次, 藤巻雅夫
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 62-62, 1995.

Japanese Article II-12. Clinical examination of the hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer
二見喜太郎, 立石訓己, 山崎宏一, 西田哲朗, 古藤剛, 立石修三, 稲田繁充, 大河原建也, 高橋宏, 長谷川修三, 喜多村邦弘, 東大二郎, 有馬純孝
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 62-62, 1995.

Japanese Article II-13. Examination of the HNPCC case in our hospital in these 15 years
遠山芳樹, 樋口哲郎, 井上淳, 西岡良薫, 石田秀行, 山崎拓造, 福成博幸, 北郷邦昭, 吉永圭吾, 岩間毅夫, 三島好雄
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 63-63, 1995.

Japanese Article II-14. Examination of the development case in the colon cancer family
大堀晃裕1), 岩垂純一1), 佐原力三郎1), 東光邦1), 奥田哲也1), 碓井芳樹1), 尾島博1), 山名哲郎1), 大塚新一1), 武田元信1), 山口時子1), 滝西安典1), 隅越幸男1), 北村成大2)
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 63-63, 1995.

Japanese Article II-15. Examination of the secondary cancer in the HNPCC case
大城辰雄1), 友田博次1), 足立英輔1), 馬場秀夫1), 鴻江俊治1), 瀬尾洋介1), 斎藤貴生1), 松岡秀夫2)
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 64-64, 1995.

Japanese Article II-16. Examination of the development case in the colon cancer family
豊島隆, 桃野哲, 中川国利, 臼井律郎, 佐々木陽平
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 64-64, 1995.

Japanese Article II-17. Family system of HNPCC that showed cancerization to clinical features of HNPCC and 13 close relatives
菊池光伸, 金村栄秀, 舛井秀宣, 竹内信道, 小金井一隆, 山口茂樹, 江口和哉, 池秀之, 大木繁男, 嶋田紘
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 65-65, 1995.

Japanese Article II-18. Clinicopathologic examination of the hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC Heredltary Non-Polyposis Colorectal Cancer or less)
鶴町哲也, 松原宏昌, 坂本昭雄, 小出義雄, 今関英男, 菱川悦男, 落合武徳, 磯野可一
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 65-65, 1995.

Japanese Article II-19. Examination of the hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer case
村上浩一, 谷村弘, 石本喜和男, 山出尚久, 梅本善哉, 嶋本哲也, 湯川裕史, 正木和人
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 66-66, 1995.

Japanese Article II-20. Examination of hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer
木島寿久, 菅村健二, 牧野正人, 木村修, 貝原信明
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 66-66, 1995.

Japanese Article II-21. Clinicopathologic examination of the hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC) case
中田雅支, 山岸久一, 園山輝久, 糸井啓純, 上田祐二, 堀井淳史, 林隆志, 鶴田淳, 藤信明, 岡隆宏
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 67-67, 1995.

Japanese Article II-22. Examination of the development case in the colon cancer family
西口幸雄, 池原照幸, 長山正義, 池田光慶, 浅井毅, 矢田克嗣, 前田清, 小川正文, 井上透, 曽和融生
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 67-67, 1995.

Japanese Article II-23. Examination of the HNPCC12 case in our hospital
酒井正, 壬生隆一, 石川幹真, 大畑佳裕, 田中雅夫
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 68-68, 1995.

Japanese Article II-24. Examination of the HNPCC case in the classroom
佐々木一晃, 和田好正, 西森英史, 山本雅明, 高坂一, 平田公一
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 68-68, 1995.

Japanese Article II-25. The families analysis of the hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer case in our classroom and clinicopathologic examination
樋口太郎, 岡本和美, 中島章恵, 細井義行, 斎藤和好
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 69-69, 1995.

Japanese Article II-26. Clinical examination of the HNPCC case
宋靖鋼1,2, 尹太明1, 大野直人1, 豊田悟1, 大塚正彦1, 池内健二1, 片山隆市1, 高尾良彦1, 穴澤貞夫1, 伊坪喜八郎1
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 69-69, 1995.

Japanese Article II-27. Clinicopathologic examination of the hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC)
伊藤卓, 森田隆幸, 飯沼俊信, 中村文彦, 今充
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 70-70, 1995.

Japanese Article II-28. Examination of the HNPCC case
高野定, 小川道雄, 加古博史, 赤木純児, 芳賀克夫, 山本真一, 桑原暢宏, 松村富二夫, 宮本大典
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 70-70, 1995.

Japanese Article II-29. Comparison of an HNPCC case and the non-HNPCC case
川崎健太郎1), 中江史朗1), 中村毅1), 吉岡広1), 池川隆一郎1), 宮村一雄1), 岩谷慶照1), 鈴木知志1), 成田晃一1), 多淵芳樹2), 今西築3), 斎藤洋一1)
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 71-71, 1995.

Japanese Article II-30. Examination of the hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC) case
遠藤俊吾, 加藤博之, 高橋直樹, 吉松和彦, 橋本雅彦, 芳賀駿介, 梶原哲郎
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 71-71, 1995.

Japanese Article II-31. Clinicopathologic examination of HNPCC in our hospital
山崎俊幸, 酒井靖夫, 下山雅朗, 畠山悟, 長谷川潤, 冨田広, 岡田貴幸, 須田武保, 畠山勝義
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 72-72, 1995.

Japanese Article II-32. Examination of the HNPCC case
石川文彦, 更科広実, 斎藤典男, 布村正夫, 幸田圭史, 滝口伸浩, 寺戸孝之, 早田浩明, 尾崎和義, 菅谷芳樹, 江沢英史, 近藤英介, 知久毅, 鈴木弘文, 若月一雄, 吉村光太郎, 古川留魅子, 安富淳, 中島伸之
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 72-72, 1995.

Japanese Article II-33. Examination of Hereditary Non-Polyposis Colorectal Cancer (HNPCC)
小笹貴夫, 松崎弘明, 三宅啓史, 菊池賢治, 及川博, 花井彰, 瀬尾圭亮, 赤石治, 月川賢, 山村卓也, 山口晋
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 73-73, 1995.

Japanese Article II-34. Clinical examination of HNPCC
山内祥弘, 白水和雄, 諸富立寿, 緒方裕, 赤木由人, 原田嘉和, 山内健嗣, 磯本浩晴*, 荒木靖三*
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 73-73, 1995.

Japanese Article II-35. Examination about a clinicopathologic characteristic of HNPCC and the convalescence
岩本一亜, 望月英隆, 上野秀樹, 山本哲久, 玉熊正悦
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 74-74, 1995.

Japanese Article II-36. Examination of the HNPCC case in our hospital
今井博之, 山本康久, 小沼英史, 伊木勝道, 岩本末治, 木元正利, 角田司
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 74-74, 1995.

Japanese Article II-37. Clinicopathologic examination of the HNPCC case
小池淳一, 辻田和紀, 三木敏嗣, 窪田覚, 船橋公彦, 後藤友彦, 永澤康滋, 小林一雄, 柳田謙蔵, 吉雄敏文
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 75-75, 1995.

Japanese Article II-38. Examination of the hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer case in our hospital
森山重治, 小野監作, 大塚康吉, 川上俊爾, 古谷四郎, 辻尚志, 山田真人, 内藤稔, 池田英二, 大西洋一, 小西寿一郎
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 75-75, 1995.

Japanese Article II-39. About an HNPCC case in our hospital
金川泰一朗, 岡島邦雄, 磯崎博司, 水谷均, 豊田昌夫, 西野弘志, 渡辺一三, 村上茂樹
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 76-76, 1995.

Japanese Article II-40. The current situation of HNPCC in our hospital
今井俊一, 板橋道朗, 進藤廣成, 亀岡信悟, 浜野恭一
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 76-76, 1995.

Japanese Article II-41. Clinicopathologic examination of 17 hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer (HNPCC)
林一郎, 増田英樹, 谷口利尚, 林成興, 中村陽一, 渡辺賢治, 堀内寛人, 阿部幸洋, 玉井諭, 山岸緑, 近藤俊彦, 青木久幸, 藤井雅志, 岩井重富, 田中隆
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 77-77, 1995.

Japanese Article II-42. Prognostic examination of the HNPCC case
柳生俊夫, 吉川宣輝, 三嶋秀行
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 77-77, 1995.

Japanese Article II-43. Clinical examination of the hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC)
谷畑英一1, 多田雅典1, 岡部聡1, 遠藤光夫1, 湯浅保仁2
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 78-78, 1995.

Japanese Article II-44. 1 family thought to be CANCER FAMILY SYNDROME
石山純司, 宮島伸宜, 大滝修司, 石川泰郎, 春日井尚, 加納宣康, 山川達郎
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 78-78, 1995.

Japanese Article II-45. 1 family of the hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer
北條正久, 石井良幸, 森紀久朗, 小原誠, 大作昌義, 綿引洋一, 小坂昭夫
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 79-79, 1995.

Japanese Article II-46. 1 family of the hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC)
平野晃一, 源利成, 山下要, 溝口雅之, 野村英弘, 藤岡央, 川島篤弘, 表和彦, 太田孝仁, 磨伊正義
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 79-79, 1995.

Japanese Article II-47. Experience of HNPCC 1 families
丸山博英, 徳永勝, 増田慎三, 瀧口修司, 宇都宮健弘, 天野正弘, 関本貢嗣, 立石秀郎, 衣田誠克, 古川順康, 弥生恵司, 岡村純
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 80-80, 1995.

Japanese Article II-48. One case of hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer (HNPCC) which we operated for for multiple colon cancer at six times of different time
菅野圭一, 岡野孝雄, 竹吉泉, 小川哲史, 佐藤啓宏, 大和田進, 森下靖雄
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 80-80, 1995.

Japanese Article II-49. Examination of the hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer case
渡辺靖夫, 篠原央, 郭宗宏, 米川甫, 栗原博明, 古川俊治, 長谷川健
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 81-81, 1995.

Japanese Article II-50. 3 families of HNPCC that we showed in our hospital
森岡大介, 木内幸之介, 千葉泰彦, 森脇義弘, 山内毅, 山本雅由, 石山暁, 小尾芳郎, 高橋利通, 鬼頭文彦, 福島恒男
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 81-81, 1995.

Japanese Article II-51. Three branch families of the Tokugawa house system of HNPCC
後藤精俊1), 日伝晶夫1), 合地明1), 松原長秀1), 岩垣博巳1), 田中紀章1), 折田薫三1), 竹内仁司2), 小長英二2), 佐々木明3)
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 82-82, 1995.

Japanese Article II-52. Examination of 1 family of HNPCC that colon cancer developed for four generations and abnormality of the genes
塚本文音(1), 高見元敞, 辻仲利政, 高田俊明, 室谷昌弘, 花田正人(2), 梁幾勇, 冨田尚裕, 門田卓士(3)
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 82-82, 1995.

Japanese Article II-53. 1 family of the hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer
福浦竜樹, 松本好市, 鈴木宏志
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 83-83, 1995.

Japanese Article II-54. Examination of the hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer case
竹林勇二, 山田一隆, 山本誠司, 長谷茂也, 丹羽清志, 鮫島隆志, 有村耕一, 中馬豊, 木ノ下藤郎, 松下兼裕, 石沢隆, 愛甲孝
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 83-83, 1995.

Japanese Article II-55. Expression of the gene instability found in cancer nest of the hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC)
安野正道1), 森武生1), 高橋慶一1), 鄭子文2), 宮木美知子3), 小西元子3), 村岡正敏3), 矢ノ下玲3), 田中貴代子3)
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 84-84, 1995.

Japanese Article II-56. Examination of the hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer case of our hospital
中原雅浩1), 岡島正純1), 有田道典1), 小林理一郎1), 正岡良之1), 小島康知1), 豊田和広1), 中塚博文1), 浅原利正1), 土肥雪彦1), 横崎宏2), 安井弥2), 田原榮一2)
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 84-84, 1995.

Japanese Article II-57. Examination about characteristic - - of the large intestine tumor-related lesion in the HNPCC case particularly adenoma and Genetic Instability
渡辺聡明1), 沢田俊夫1), 小西元子2), 洲之内広紀1), 正木忠彦1), 尾野雅哉1), 鮫島伸一1), 篠崎大1), 津野寛和1), 樋口芳樹1), 坂口正高1), 内山雅之1), 安藤秀彦1), 石丸悟正1), 古川洋一1), 堀信一1), 宮木美知子2), 武藤徹一郎1)
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 85-85, 1995.

Japanese Article II-58. genetic instability in the digestion ductal carcinoma including hereditary colon cancer
日比健志, 伊藤勝基, 伊藤浩明, 中村肇, 平井敦, 笠井保志, 秋山清次, 高木弘
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 85-85, 1995.

Japanese Article II-59. Examination about microsatellite instability in colon cancer
仙波真吾, 柏木宏, 岡本朋, 小西文雄, 金澤曉太郎, 塚本俊彦*
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 86-86, 1995.

Japanese Article II-60. Chromosome instability in hereditary colon cancer
澤井照光, 内川徹也, 田川泰, 中越享, 綾部公懿
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 86-86, 1995.

Japanese Article II-61. Comparison of K-ras mutation in HNPCC and general colon cancer
伊東功, 貞広荘太郎, 安田聖栄, 向井正哉, 石田秀樹, 徳永信弘, 木村富彦, 鈴木俊之, 田島知郎, 三富利夫
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 87-87, 1995.

Japanese Article II-62. DNA ploidy and mutation in the gene in HNPCC
土屋敦雄, 野水整, 音田正光, 佐野晴美, 大木進司, 滝田賢一, 佐藤久芳, 安藤善郎, 吉田典行, 阿部力哉
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 87-87, 1995.

Japanese Article II-63. Analysis of new biological factors to prescribe convalescence of HNPCC (Hereditary Non-Poiyposis Colorectal Cancer)
高木幸一1), 福島ゆかり1), 本田晃子1), 杣源一郎1),2), 高野正博1)
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 88-88, 1995.

Japanese Article II-64. About spreading colon cancer of the WF-Osaka rat
宮本誠, 今木正文, 赤井啓二
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 88-88, 1995.

Japanese Article II-65. Diagnosis before onset in HNPCC families using DNA of oral mucosa cells
落合秀人, 中村穣志, 安藤浩, 川上和彦, 馬塲正三, 常吉俊宏*, 中村祐輔**
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 89-89, 1995.

Japanese Article II-43-B. Convalescence of HNPCC
藤田伸, 赤須孝之, 杉原健一, 森谷宜皓, 牛尾恭輔
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (43rd): 90-90, 1995.