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The Study of Physical TherapyNagano

Volume , Issue 45 / 2016
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article One case of the left shoulder arthropathy that automatic elevation was enabled, and activities of daily living improved remarkably
三村遼子, 高橋友明, 雫田研輔, 田島泰裕, 前田翔子, 石垣範雄, 畑幸彦
The Study of Physical TherapyNagano (45): 2-5, 2016.

Japanese Article One case that reverse type artificial shoulder joint replacement was performed in for a right shoulder wide area rotator cuff tear
笹平絵梨, 前田翔子, 雫田研輔, 田島泰裕, 高橋友明, 石垣範雄, 畑幸彦
The Study of Physical TherapyNagano (45): 6-8, 2016.

Japanese Article One case that suffered from acquisition of the automatic flexural movement in after rotator cuff tear technique though articulus humeri excursion was good
前田翔子, 雫田研輔, 高橋友明, 三村遼子, 田島泰裕, 石垣範雄, 畑幸彦
The Study of Physical TherapyNagano (45): 9-11, 2016.

Japanese Article Effect of the Fujimi-machi public elderly people keep-fit class
多賀将仁*, 牛山直子*, 伊藤悠紀*, 黒部恭史*, 百瀬公人**
The Study of Physical TherapyNagano (45): 12-14, 2016.

Japanese Article A Case of Dilated Cardiomyopathy with Improved Exercise Tolerability
望月崇, 小林亨
The Study of Physical TherapyNagano (45): 15-18, 2016.

Japanese Article Do the excursion of effect on periarthritis scapulohumeralis - glenohumeral joint of the ultrasonic diathermy in hope of a warm temperature effect to an index; and ...
岡崎瞬*, 有賀一朗*, 松岡大悟*, 磯村隆充*, 玉井敦*, 小林博一**
The Study of Physical TherapyNagano (45): 19-22, 2016.

Japanese Article 1 case that became the bilateral Syme amputation after frostbite
桑原美智子*, 有賀一朗*, 松岡大悟*, 岡崎瞬*, 玉井敦*, 高沢彰**, 小林博一*
The Study of Physical TherapyNagano (45): 23-24, 2016.

Japanese Article The case that did not lead to pain reduction by physical therapy after Total Knee Arthroplasty
The Study of Physical TherapyNagano (45): 25-27, 2016.

Japanese Article The case that drift of the last part of walk standpoint relieved than the intervention to a foot part
山際美紀, 林ひろみ
The Study of Physical TherapyNagano (45): 28-30, 2016.

Japanese Article Pay the attention to aspiration pneumonia prophylactic - spinal column alignment, neck neighborhood line activity; and -
The Study of Physical TherapyNagano (45): 31-33, 2016.

Japanese Article Experience the physical therapy of the avascular necrosis femoral head symptom in acknowledgment of extensive grit crush injury
鷲尾歩美*, 田畑可奈子*, 内堀純一**
The Study of Physical TherapyNagano (45): 34-37, 2016.

Japanese Article Use experience of the balance exercise assist for the patients who showed disease insight and a will drop by traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage
中島茉美, 青木郁弥, 小松一輝, 兼子貴至, 加藤譲司, 清水康裕
The Study of Physical TherapyNagano (45): 38-41, 2016.

Japanese Article The best case of the person with young cerebral damage that became the restroom movement independence when it passed after injury for seven years
岡村勇希, 泉從道, 林田美江
The Study of Physical TherapyNagano (45): 42-44, 2016.

Japanese Article One case that examined an effect of the short-term concentrated kinesitherapy on Parkinson's disease
有賀一朗*, 岡崎瞬*, 後藤恵子*, 松本優喜子*, 武井洋一**, 大原愼司**
The Study of Physical TherapyNagano (45): 45-48, 2016.

Japanese Article Reliability of the hip joint flexure extension range of motion measurements that assumed a basic axis the parallel lines with the bed
常田亮介*, 三澤加代子*, 川内翔平*, 井戸芳和*, 百瀬公人**, 加藤博之*
The Study of Physical TherapyNagano (45): 49-53, 2016.

Japanese Article Changes over time of the patella just above circumference of the patient after total replacement surgery in our hospital
鷲見太一, 北原美佳, 武村彩乃, 久保田香恵, 玉置裕子, 池田裕貴, 平沢さとみ
The Study of Physical TherapyNagano (45): 54-56, 2016.

Japanese Article It is the comparison according to the occupation of the articulus humeri range of motion in the patients after rotator cuff of shoulder tear technique
松岡大悟*, 有賀一朗*, 岡崎瞬*, 磯村隆充*, 玉井敦*, 小林博一**
The Study of Physical TherapyNagano (45): 57-60, 2016.

Japanese Article One case - that approach from the initial onset to physical therapy - reach movement for the bilateral hemiplegia that repeated a recurrence, and passed for a long term led to gait improvement
加納拓馬, 清水美知留
The Study of Physical TherapyNagano (45): 61-63, 2016.

Japanese Article It is a history of treatment using Gait Judge System for an example of patients with stroke that presented severe sensory disturbance
古山幸太, 矢澤俊二
The Study of Physical TherapyNagano (45): 64-66, 2016.

Japanese Article Intervention - from posture stability and hypertonus reduction on the rising movement acquisition - non-paralysis side of patients with severe left hemiplegia to paralysis side exercise canalization
The Study of Physical TherapyNagano (45): 67-68, 2016.

Japanese Article About the present conditions of the for a short term temporary hospitalization (respite) of patients with our hospital ALS, a role of PT
湯澤喜作, 桜井和美
The Study of Physical TherapyNagano (45): 69-71, 2016.

Japanese Article Case that made it difficult to move the center of gravity towards the non-paralyzed side - Aiming at gait from improvement of upper limb elevation movement -
川手惇平, 清水伸一
The Study of Physical TherapyNagano (45): 72-74, 2016.