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The Study of Physical TherapyNagano

Volume , Issue 47 / 2018
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Activity report of the town planning-like valley project living laboratory which does not move an inch at 40% of aging rates either
The Study of Physical TherapyNagano (47): 2-4, 2018.

Japanese Article Look at characteristic and function prognostic comparison - rear of patients with proximal thighbone bone fracture of our hospital with the therapy; mark observational study -
中條祥帆, 萩原成人, 中村慶佑, 上阪望, 高橋明日香, 長澤祐哉, 朝倉恵梨, 小倉舞鈴, 佐々木友紘, 保坂正人
The Study of Physical TherapyNagano (47): 5-7, 2018.

Japanese Article The JHEQ evaluation in one week is a use after examination - operation of the predictor of the outcome judgment in the clinical path after the total hip replacement technique in our hospital for two weeks; or -
櫻井進一*, 原瞳**, 内藤佑美*, 竹之内礼***, 金井優作**, 花岡真史*, 林有理*
The Study of Physical TherapyNagano (47): 8-11, 2018.

Japanese Article Change of the distance between a coronoid process and the greater tubercle by the change of the position of the arms
The Study of Physical TherapyNagano (47): 12-14, 2018.

Japanese Article Relations of distance and the articulus humeri ROM between a coronoid process and the greater tubercle
土田真司, 花岡直美, 田邊尚子
The Study of Physical TherapyNagano (47): 15-18, 2018.

Japanese Article Estimated model of the leg press using the supersonic wave image's greatest elevation weight
伊藤満*, 須江慶太*, 小林幸乃*, 百瀬公人**
The Study of Physical TherapyNagano (47): 19-22, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination of the factor influencing outcome ahead of the nutritional status patients in the hospital with poor thighbone proximal part bone fracture for acute phase
The Study of Physical TherapyNagano (47): 23-25, 2018.

Japanese Article Nutritional status and body properties in the proximal thighbone bone fracture conservative therapy and function prognostic association
小倉舞鈴, 萩原成人, 中村慶佑, 宮澤望, 高橋明日香, 長澤祐哉, 松島祥帆, 朝倉恵梨, 佐々木友紘, 保坂正人
The Study of Physical TherapyNagano (47): 26-28, 2018.

Japanese Article After the calcaneus fracture technique examination - of investigation - clinical path of the course and the walk acquisition ratio of the load time of the patients
高沢百香*, 伊藤悠紀*, 牛山直子*, 黒部恭史*, 百瀬公人**
The Study of Physical TherapyNagano (47): 29-32, 2018.

Japanese Article About the disorder properties according to the item of the track-and-field athlete in the period of growth
高山晃司, 岩谷友倫
The Study of Physical TherapyNagano (47): 33-35, 2018.

Japanese Article A change and one consideration of FIM and LSA by the presence or absence of fall of patients with neurologic intractable disease in being at home
益永匠, 白木小百合, 鈴木修
The Study of Physical TherapyNagano (47): 36-37, 2018.

Japanese Article One case that tested the effect of the mechanical cough assistance device on seriously disabled child person who repeated pneumonia
白崎牧子*, 岡崎瞬*, 松岡大悟*, 磯村隆充*, 田中明莉*, 麻場鈴代*, 清水美由紀*, 山崎摩弥*, 遠藤則夫*, 小林博一**, 倉田研児***, 武井洋一****
The Study of Physical TherapyNagano (47): 38-40, 2018.

Japanese Article About the effect that had patient with lacunar infarction - asymptomatic cerebral vascular lesion which suffered from improvement of the walking ability -
The Study of Physical TherapyNagano (47): 41-44, 2018.

Japanese Article Effect inspection of the lower limbs type for the HAL(R) medical care that we provided for a neurologic intractable disease in outpatient department
松岡大悟*, 岡崎瞬*, 磯村隆充*, 麻場鈴代*, 白崎牧子*, 田中明莉*, 遠藤則夫*, 小林博一**, 中村昭則***, 武井洋一***
The Study of Physical TherapyNagano (47): 45-47, 2018.

Japanese Article Prediction and measures of one case - excessive telescoping that we produced excessive telescoping after the thighbone trochanter part bone fracture technique, consideration - about the risk management
小河内博貴, 大槻美奈子, 藤本惠実, 生田敬思
The Study of Physical TherapyNagano (47): 48-52, 2018.

Japanese Article Examination - based on one case - "expert consensus - based on early stage rehabilitation - grounds in the intensive care" who utilized the multi-type of job collaboration, and tried ambulatory exercise under the respirator wearing
酒井聖, 中山康利, 宮澤祥太, 大槻美奈子
The Study of Physical TherapyNagano (47): 53-56, 2018.

Japanese Article Be accompanied a stage, and, for patients with severe Pusher phenomenon, stroke with the left unilateral spatial neglect, the program setting that did pays its attention to intervention to one case - fault disregard side, fault paralysis side that was effective for symptom improvement; and -
唐澤卓馬, 池上正斗
The Study of Physical TherapyNagano (47): 57-60, 2018.

Japanese Article One case that we gave physical therapy for both articulus humeri contractures who had diabetes, and an articulus humeri function improved
御子柴和也, 高橋友明, 雫田研輔, 田島泰裕, 松葉友幸, 石垣範雄, 畑幸彦
The Study of Physical TherapyNagano (47): 61-64, 2018.

Japanese Article One case that led to a discharge using the slippers which a physical therapist processed for the pressure sore of both calcaneal regions
俵伊吹*, 佐藤佑耶*, 清水幸子*, 水上みどり*, 島田武仁*, 鏑木武*, 須野原祐一**
The Study of Physical TherapyNagano (47): 65-67, 2018.

Japanese Article One case that low back pain relieved by the self-management
The Study of Physical TherapyNagano (47): 68-70, 2018.