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Journal of Rehabilitation Practice

Volume , Issue 5 / 2005
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article In the Kinki district bulletin publication
Mikio Sumita
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (5): 1-1, 2005.

Japanese Article A study of the validity of the care certification in stroke patients[Machine Translation] (脳卒中症例における要介護認定の妥当性についての検討)
小西英樹1), 橋本務1), 島田永和2)
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (5): 4-6, 2005.

Japanese Article For clinical usefulness of PWV measurement for cerebral infarction hemiplegia cases[Machine Translation] (脳梗塞片麻痺症例に対するPWV測定の臨床的有用性について)
小西英樹1), 橋本務1), 島田永和2)
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (5): 7-9, 2005.

Japanese Article Effects of abdominal pressure load during head up tilt in healthy subjects is given to the carotid artery blood flow[Machine Translation] (健常者におけるhead up tilt時の腹圧負荷が頚動脈血流量に与える影響)
中村健1), 田島文博1), 池田篤志2)
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (5): 10-13, 2005.

Japanese Article The latest evidence of lecture 1 cerebral infarction treatment
Nakagawa teachings of Buddha
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (5): 14-14, 2005.

Japanese Article Acupuncture needle moxibustion as the alternative medicine in the lecture 2 rehabilitation domain
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (5): 15-15, 2005.

Japanese Article Higher brain function study with the lecture 3 noninvasive cerebral function image
Hidenao Fukuyama
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (5): 16-16, 2005.

Japanese Article A lecture 1 substitute nutrient and eating, deglutition rehabilitation
Toshiro Kisa
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (5): 17-17, 2005.

Japanese Article Regulation of body fluid in lecture 2 elderly people and the person with a disability
Fumihiro Tajima
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (5): 17-17, 2005.

Japanese Article Problems of we saw from a lecture 3 rehabilitation specialist, in connection with a team approach
Masaki Tanaka
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (5): 17-17, 2005.

Japanese Article We review lecture 1 physiotherapy
Fumihiro Tajima
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (5): 18-18, 2005.

Japanese Article Neuropsychological test of the lecture 1 frontal lobe dysfunction
Haruo Kashima
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (5): 19-19, 2005.

Japanese Article Trend of the childhood rehabilitation judging from lecture 2 evidence
Hideju Takahashi
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (5): 19-19, 2005.

Japanese Article Walk instruction for walk properties and health maintenance of lecture 3 elderly people
Kenji Ishida
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (5): 19-19, 2005.

Japanese Article Lecture 2 memory impairment, an evaluation and rehabilitation of the accomplishment dysfunction
Kanmi Hara
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (5): 20-20, 2005.

Japanese Article A lecture 1 artificial leg and quality of life
Tobimatsu Yoshiko
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (5): 21-21, 2005.

Japanese Article To enhance a lecture 2 skeletal muscle function; - basics and clinical -
Yuichi Umezu
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (5): 21-21, 2005.

Japanese Article Comparison - of the specialist in thing - Japan and the United States rehabilitation expected in the lecture 3 United States by a specialist in rehabilitation
Kiyokazu Yoshida
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (5): 21-21, 2005.

Japanese Article About lecture 1 breathing physical therapy and the effect
Kan Toshimitsu
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (5): 22-22, 2005.

Japanese Article Function prognostic value of the lecture 2 stroke
Satoru Saeki
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (5): 22-22, 2005.

Japanese Article Problem in a characteristic and the administration of the system of the lecture 3 convalescent rehabilitation ward
Hiroshi Murao
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (5): 22-22, 2005.

Japanese Article Fall prevention of lecture 1 elderly people
Ritsuo Kuroyanagi
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (5): 23-23, 2005.

Japanese Article The latest treatment and rehabilitation of the lecture 2 articular rheumatism
Saura Ryuichi
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (5): 23-23, 2005.