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The Study of Physical Therapy¡¦Nagano

Volume , Issue 51 / 2022
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Is it possible to estimate exercise tolerance from the five-rise test in patients with heart disease?
石田昂彬*,**, 山本周平**, 三澤加代å­**, 常田亮介***, 酒井康æˆ**, 矢嶋å²æµ****, 樋å£æ™ºå­*****, 池上章太**, 堀内åšå¿—**
The Study of Physical Therapy¡¦Nagano (51): 1-6, 2022.

Japanese Article Association between grip strength and maximum extension weight of single-leg horizontal leg press in healthy young women - A pilot study for estimating maximum extension weight from grip strength in the elderly -
河西優太*, å±±å£èœæ‘˜*, 黒部æ­å²*, 牛山直å­*, 百瀬公人**
The Study of Physical Therapy¡¦Nagano (51): 7-12, 2022.

Japanese Article It is ... using attempt - human trunk two points 3 axis acceleration sensor of the physical therapy intervention that used the qualitative evaluation for patients with lumbar spinal canal stenosis with the intermittent claudication and a quantitative evaluation together
岡崎瞬*, è»æ‘å…‰*, è©åŽŸæ—©çŸ¢é¦™*, 伊藤万里*, å°æž—åšä¸€**
The Study of Physical Therapy¡¦Nagano (51): 13-18, 2022.