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Kanagawa Public Health Journal

Volume , Issue 6 / 1958
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Experience of the high pressure fluoroscopy with the portable type device
山本一郎, 佐久間正, 細田襄
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 1-1, 1958.

Japanese Article About the actual situation of the pet dog in Yokohama-shi
山田秀一1), 田中博2), 横浜市衛生局公衆衛生課食品獣疫係3)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 1-2, 1958.

Japanese Article About the fact-finding of the registration dog in the Nakahara health jurisdiction
杉原正造, 稲見勲, 川副武, 伊東吉男, 大畑吉春, 松本良夫
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 2-2, 1958.

Japanese Article About a healthy investigation first report hypertensive hardening-related disease of the elderly
西山勇1), 田村元1), 大島連1), 大槻吉夫1), 滝田已代子1), 大陽光子1), 外谷碩子1), 杉田暉道2), 小倉行雄2), 津田忠美2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 3-4, 1958.

Japanese Article About the skin disease of the healthy investigation second report old man of the elderly and a disease of the otolaryngology
西山勇, 大島連, 田村元, 田中トシ子, 田中シズエ
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 4-4, 1958.

Japanese Article About a permeation degree of the healthy investigation third report syphilis of the old man
田村元1), 西山勇1), 大島連1), 大津昇一1), 本田まさ子1), 今宮貴知1), 影山和夫2), 津田忠美2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 4-4, 1958.

Japanese Article About the body function of the healthy investigation fourth report old man of the elderly
西山勇, 大島連, 田村元, 大陽光子, 滝田已代子, 田中トシ子, 本田正子, 田中シズエ, 二見茂子, 中村ゆき, 外谷碩子, 今宮貴知
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 4-5, 1958.

Japanese Article Effect of the healthy investigation fifth report parasite possession of the old man
西山勇, 大島連, 田村元, 大津昇一, 西村佳太道, 二見茂子, 中村ゆき
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 5-5, 1958.

Japanese Article About the menstruation marriage that we saw than an old man investigation
西山勇, 大島連, 田村元, 滝田已代子, 大場光子, 外谷碩子, 田中トシ子, 田中シズエ, 中村ゆき, 二見茂子, 本田まさ子, 今宮貴和
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 5-6, 1958.

Japanese Article About the mouse in the Tsurumi district and the parasitism flea particularly Xenopsylla cheopis
羽山卓郎1), 堀内孝雄1), 千野純男2), 杉山貞一2), 原田文雄3), 石井襄二3)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 6-7, 1958.

Japanese Article A septic tank and mosquito of the building
杉山貞一, 小林和夫
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 7-7, 1958.

Japanese Article About the time change of the problems (V) sulfurous acid gas concentration of the air pollution with poisonous gases
菅野三郎, 池田陽男, 福井昭三, 小野芳夫
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 8-8, 1958.

Japanese Article About relations with problems (VI) sulfurous acid gas concentration and the climatic condition of the air pollution with poisonous gases
菅野三郎, 池田陽男, 福井昭三, 小野芳夫
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 8-9, 1958.

Japanese Article Assay of the sulfur oxide by the problems (VII) hydrogen peroxide chloraNeil acid barium method of the air pollution with poisonous gases
菅野三郎, 池田陽男, 福井昭三, 落合昭吾
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 9-10, 1958.

Japanese Article Assay of the sulfur oxide by the problems (VIII) lead peroxide barium chloranilate method of the air pollution that the poisonous gases stop by
菅野三郎, 福井昭三, 池田陽男, 落合昭吾
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 10-11, 1958.

Japanese Article About "public health center management"
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 12-12, 1958.

Japanese Article About tuberculosis communication visit business (the first report)
高橋武夫1), 鈴木功2), 成田功3), 志村至厚3), 奥村怜子3), 佐藤松枝3), 岩永光代3), 村上まさ子3), 瓦葺安楽子3), 嶋スミ3), 川原峰子3)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 12-13, 1958.

Japanese Article Report about the actual situation grasp course of patients with report tuberculosis
石川泰子, 高津高代, 木村泰子, 上野陽子, 守矢サク, 中野アイ, 荒井ニシキ, 谷口照子, 土門洋子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 13-13, 1958.

Japanese Article About 1957 Minami-ku, Yokohama-shi district tuberculosis medical examination
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 13-14, 1958.

Japanese Article The present situation (as of a 33.6 end) of patients with tuberculosis by the new registration vote
小宮山新一, 依田源次, 佐藤千多子, 真子たい, 宮崎ふみ子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 14-15, 1958.

Japanese Article Health care results (the first report) of observation intraluminal infants of the person of infants clinic visit to an office health condition by the use of hall sort card
白戸三郎, 竜岡要, 森川末子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 15-16, 1958.

Japanese Article Population dynamics and annual change of the epidemic
佐々木忠正, 山本貞義, 南方純恵, 松田千賀子, 山下朔子, 奥津トシ子, 石川美代子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 16-17, 1958.

Japanese Article About the problems of the public health nurse activity that we saw than the actual situation of the farming and mountain village inhabitants health
白戸三郎1), 青木キヨ1), 森川末子1), 関信夫2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 17-18, 1958.

Japanese Article Generalization of the hygiene section
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 18-18, 1958.

Japanese Article About the quality of the water and the pollution case of the river in the Odawara health jurisdiction
小野沢隆重, 和田裕
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 18-19, 1958.

Japanese Article About water supply fact-finding results in the Hiratsuka health jurisdiction
高口保明, 高橋賢従, 大生静男, 大野茂
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 19-20, 1958.

Japanese Article About cleaning business fact-finding
林秀1), 関本一雄1), 内田三郎1), 武藤暢夫2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 20-22, 1958.

Japanese Article About a basic investigation of the mouse extermination and the enforcement results
林秀1), 関本一雄1), 内田三郎1), 県各保健所2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 22-23, 1958.

Japanese Article About fly life investigation enforcement results under Kanagawa
原田文男1), 羽端徳豊2), 鈴木長谷雄3), 島村保司4), 小室八郎5), 原太入司6)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 23-24, 1958.

Japanese Article Generalization of the environmental hygiene section
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 24-24, 1958.

Japanese Article About the examination according to the method according to the medium according to contents according to the public of the health education activity
林秀, 橋本善彦, 神戸三男
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 24-25, 1958.

Japanese Article Examination for the enforcement method of the health administration practitioner training
林秀, 橋本善彦, 神戸三男
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 25-25, 1958.

Japanese Article About the question contents of the people in the place of the health education
林秀, 橋本善彦, 神戸三男
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 25-25, 1958.

Japanese Article About "the effect measurement of the new town planning health general class" in Minami-ku, Yokohama-shi
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 26-27, 1958.

Japanese Article Consideration about 2-3 of the public health problem judging from clinical practice
松野金治, 佐々木寿雄
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 27-27, 1958.

Japanese Article Mind step of -10 year about the change of the quantity of my public health center duties; and -
佐々木忠正, 熊谷廉平, 河原田真一, 井上房江, 山元貞義, 神蔵嘉子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 27-28, 1958.

Japanese Article Finish the chairmanship of the health education section of "the public health center management"
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 28-29, 1958.

Japanese Article About a COD assay of the seawater and the measurement results
大田裕1), 渡辺伊吉1), 依田八重2), 早川亮太2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 29-30, 1958.

Japanese Article Antiseptic experiment of the pooled water by the combination of the study (V) electrolysis chlorine sterilizer of the antiseptic effect by the silver ion and the silver ion
長南茂樹1), 依田八重1), 早川亮太1), 菅野三郎1), 瓜生一郎1), 高松和幸2), 高橋喜一郎2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 30-30, 1958.

Japanese Article About a mass outbreak of the Escherichia coli-related enterocolitis that occurred in the Yokosuka Marine Self Defense Force, and the like
児玉威1), 宮本泰1), 中村一成1), 河合幽子1), 財前明子1), 田村正2), 岡田順2), 木本浩2), 桜井栄蔵2), 広木彦吉3), 鶴水隆3), 小酒井望4), 小張一峰5)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 31-31, 1958.

Japanese Article Lysin administration results for the weak child
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 31-32, 1958.

Japanese Article About the fatal and home insecticide of two children suggestive of the chronic arsenic poisoning with the insecticide
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 32-33, 1958.

Japanese Article About quantity of Na in food and Cl meeting-containing
飯田稔, 照内淳也
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 33-33, 1958.

Japanese Article About Proteinase in the Lactobacillus bulgaricus culture (the first report)
千野純男, 田中徹, 飯島義男
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 33-34, 1958.

Japanese Article Hygienic study (its 1) of the fermented milk
田中博1), 増田敬三1), 飯島義雄2), 新村藤夫2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 34-34, 1958.

Japanese Article About a defectiveness edible food color
田中博1), 島田武1), 田中徹2), 河村太郎2), 渡部愛2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 34-35, 1958.

Japanese Article Food poisoning case with boiled beans
田中博1), 増田敬三1), 奥山義光2), 新村藤夫2), 田口資生3), 瓜生一郎3)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 35-36, 1958.

Japanese Article Study on pathogenic halophilic bacteria Pseudomoas enterits
滝川巌, 中橋勇次郎, 永岡清子, 武内良一郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 36-36, 1958.

Japanese Article Examination of the coliform test derived from food
米山百合子, 田中恒, 和田裕
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 36-37, 1958.

Japanese Article About three staphylococcal food poisoning that occurred under the prefecture
宮本泰1), 河合幽子1), 中村一成1), 財前明子1), 佐竹登美2), 小川雅弘2), 和田裕2), 田中恒2), 川崎市衛生試験所3), 川崎市中原保健所4), 横浜市鶴見保健所5)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 37-37, 1958.

Japanese Article About vitamin B1 reinforcement of the Chinese noodle
早川亮太, 池田陽男
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 37-38, 1958.

Japanese Article Study of the food hygienics of the fish meat artifact
武原文三郎1), 田口資生1), 長南茂樹1), 瓜生一郎1), 相沢隆三2), 安藤省吾2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 38-38, 1958.

Japanese Article Study on fast composting disposal fourth report (mainly on atmolysis) of the city waste pitching a camp
児玉威1), 武藤暢夫1), 遠矢泰典1), 植村奨2), 高橋和夫2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 39-39, 1958.

Japanese Article About use of Desoxycholate agar in the examination for environmental hygiene
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 39-40, 1958.

Japanese Article About a staphylococcus derived from original milk
津田忠美1), 田村元2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 40-40, 1958.

Japanese Article Distribution and clinical practice of antibiotic (TC-system) tolerance Shigella in Yokohama-shi
星野重二, 森田豊敏, 佐藤岩夫
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 40-41, 1958.

Japanese Article About two infections related tos staphylococcus
宮手多助1), 宮崎久子1), 真壁忝士2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 41-42, 1958.

Japanese Article Under Escherichia coli more discrete than study on distribution first report non-feces materials of Escherichia coli
屋宮文章, 町田喜美子, 羽端徳豊, 石渡進, 吉田克己, 高田玲, 出川昭, 勝山忠好, 林宏, 木下義彦, 秋山昭一
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 42-42, 1958.

Japanese Article About the Escherichia coli permanent post characteristics in the study on distribution second report human body intestinal tract of Escherichia coli
屋宮文章1), 出川昭1), 秋山昭一1), 吉田忠2), 宮崎久子2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 42-42, 1958.

Japanese Article Under bacterial types of Escherichia coli derived from a study on distribution third report human feces service of Escherichia coli
秋山昭一1), 吉田忠2), 宮崎久子2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 42-43, 1958.

Japanese Article Study on sensitivity of T.P.I.test
宍戸昌夫1), 影山和夫2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 43-43, 1958.

Japanese Article About the disagreement of the STS for syphilis results in the routine laboratory test
加藤喜美子1), 田口資生1), 矢込堅太郎1), 大住亨1), 滝沢金次郎1), 宮崎久子2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 43-44, 1958.

Japanese Article About recent dysentery drug resistance study results (about one primarily dysenteric mass epidemic bacteria)
宮本泰, 中村一成, 財前明子, 河合幽子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 44-44, 1958.

Japanese Article Choice by the Bacitracin sensitivity of A group hemolytic streptococcus
宮本泰, 小竹巌, 落合昭吾, 桜井治江
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 44-45, 1958.

Japanese Article About hemolytic streptococcus scarlatinal and derived from nephritis
児玉威, 宮本泰, 小竹巌, 落合昭吾, 桜井治江
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 45-45, 1958.

Japanese Article About prevention of quality drop of boiled beans
武原文三郎1), 田口資生1), 長南茂樹1), 瓜生一郎1), 松野幹夫2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 45-46, 1958.

Japanese Article Study on vitamin B12 (forecast)
武原文三郎1), 瓜生一郎1), 稲垣和宏2), 鳥居由紀子2), 関田伝2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (6): 46-47, 1958.