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The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology

Volume , Issue 60 / 2017
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article The 60th Japanese Society of Gastroenterology Koshinnetsu Branch regular meeting greetings
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 1-1, 2017.

Japanese Article 1. One case of the superficial cancer of the esophagus complicated with a false diverticulum symptom in the esophagus obstacle following up
大渓隆弘1), 市川寛1), 橋本哲2), 羽入隆晃1), 宗岡悠介1), 石川卓1), 亀山仁史1), 若井俊文1)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 13-13, 2017.

Japanese Article 2. One case that a long-term complete response was obtained by DCF therapy for mediastinal lymph node metastasis multiple metastases to lung after cancer of the esophagus technique
勝見ちひろ, 番場竹生, 中川悟, 曾澤雅樹, 松木淳, 藪崎裕, 野上仁, 丸山聡, 野村達也, 瀧井康公, 土屋嘉昭
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 13-13, 2017.

Japanese Article 3. An example of Castleman disease discovered during a submucosal tumor of the stomach close inspection accidentally
中田祐紀, 河口賀彦, 平山和義, 土屋雅人, 赤池英憲, 市川大輔, 藤井秀樹
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 14-14, 2017.

Japanese Article 4. An example of the left gastroepiploic artery lump explosion that we were able to stop bleeding of by transcatheter mark artery embolization using Triple coaxial system, N-butyl-2 cyanoacrylate
大崎暁彦, 和栗暢生, 弥久保俊太, 木村淳史, 小川雅裕, 佐藤宗広, 相場恒男, 米山靖, 古川浩一, 五十嵐健太郎
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 14-14, 2017.

Japanese Article 5. One case of the stomach origin GIST given Non-exposed endoscopic wall-inversion surgery (NEWS)
會澤雅樹, 番場竹生, 野上仁, 松木淳, 丸山聡, 野村達也, 中川悟, 瀧井康公, 藪崎裕, 土屋嘉昭, 佐々木俊哉, 塩路和彦, 栗田聡, 青柳智也, 安住基, 西田浩彰, 本間慶一
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 15-15, 2017.

Japanese Article 6 (専). A case that followed a sudden outcome in Systemic Gas Embolism due to the afferent loop syndrome
梅林佑弥, 福成博幸, 川井洋輔, 青木真, 齋藤稔史, 渡邊明美, 設楽兼司, 林哲二
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 15-15, 2017.

Japanese Article 7. Examination about the thirteenth lymph node in the duodenal permeation gastric cancer
森岡伸浩, 番場竹生, 會澤雅樹, 松木淳, 中川悟, 藪崎裕
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 16-16, 2017.

Japanese Article 8 (研). Laparoscopic endoscopic joint surgery for the lumen growth type submucosal tumor of the stomach with the ulcer
山下裕美子, 新国恵也, 西村淳, 河内保之, 牧野成人, 川原聖佳子, 北見智恵, 角田知行, 須藤翔, 松本瑛生
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 16-16, 2017.

Japanese Article 9. One case of the mesenterial vein sclerosis that abdominal pain improved by cancellation of the Orengedokuto
栗林直矢, 大工原誠一, 菅沼孝紀, 高橋俊晴, 持塚章芳, 岡庭信司, 中村喜行
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 17-17, 2017.

Japanese Article 10 (専). A case of the severe ulcerative colitis who had the pyoderma gangrenosum
柳澤匠1), 日原優1), 原大地1),2), 佐藤幸一1), 鈴木宏1), 大野和幸1), 杉浦亜弓1), 小林惇一1), 齊藤博美1), 横田有紀子1), 伊東哲宏1), 平山敦大1), 丸山康弘1),3), 大工原誠一1), 市川雪1), 伊藤哲也1), 菅智明1), 田中榮司1)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 17-17, 2017.

Japanese Article 11. An example of rectal origin Neuroendocrine carcinoma with Tubulo-villous adenoma
稲場淳, 横澤秀一, 西条勇哉, 杉井絹子, 藤元瞳, 細川洋, 手島憲一, 山本智清, 新倉則和, 五十嵐亨, 薄田誠一, 清澤研道
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 18-18, 2017.

Japanese Article 12. Example that a recurrence became clear with a multiple pulmonary mass after rectal cancer EMR 19 years ago
青柳智也1), 安住基1), 栗田聡1), 塩路和彦1), 佐々木俊哉1), 加藤俊幸1), 成澤林太郎1), 西田浩彰2)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 18-18, 2017.

Japanese Article 13. Difference in right-sided colon cancer and left-sided colon cancer judging from comprehensive cancer mutation in the gene analysis
島田能史1), 亀山仁史1), 市川寛1), 永橋昌幸1), 田島陽介1), 中野麻恵1), 中野雅人1), 坂田純1), 小林隆1), 八木亮磨1),2), 野上仁2), 丸山聡2), 瀧井康公2), 若井俊文1)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 19-19, 2017.

Japanese Article 14 (専). A case that underwent ileocecal resection in Spigel hernia incarceration
青木真, 福成博幸, 川井洋輔, 齋藤稔史, 梅林佑弥, 渡邊明美, 設楽兼司, 林哲二
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 20-20, 2017.

Japanese Article 15. One case of rectal cancer which became resectable by a radiation and chemotherapy
小山佳紀1), 小出直彦1), 檀原一仁1), 加賀谷丈紘1), 宮澤鷹幸2), 中澤仁美2), 加賀谷結華2), 丸山真弘2), 飯嶌章博2), 松下大秀3), 下条久志4)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 20-20, 2017.

Japanese Article 16. Two cases that mFOLFOX6+Panitumumab therapy was provided for progress colon cancer with unresectable frequent occurrence liver metastases, and Conversion therapy was enabled
外池祐子1), 川原聖佳子2), 北見智恵2), 牧野成人2), 西村淳2), 河内保之2), 新国恵也2), 佐藤知巳3), 富所隆3)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 21-21, 2017.

Japanese Article 17 (専). A case of long-term response with mFOLFOX6+Pmab, 5-FU / I-LV+Pmab therapy after resection of the primary tumor for ascending colon cancer and multiple liver metastases
北濱卓実, 五明良仁, 有吉佑, 岡田一郎, 秋田倫幸, 斉藤拓康, 池野龍雄, 宮本英雄
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 21-21, 2017.

Japanese Article 18 (専). A case that produced severe hepatic dysfunction during adjuvant chemotherapy after colon cancer technique by Uracil / Tegafur (UFT) +Folinate (LV)
松本瑛生, 川原聖佳子, 須藤翔, 角田知行, 西村淳, 河内保之
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 22-22, 2017.

Japanese Article 19. Highly intractable ascitic example that racked its brains about a diagnosis
早川雅人1), 五十川正人1), 田村康1), 冨樫忠之1), 五十嵐正人1), 高橋澄雄1), 青柳豊1), 大矢洋2), 栗山英之3), 内藤眞4)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 22-22, 2017.

Japanese Article 20 (研). A case of the peritoneum mesothelioma which needed small intestinal cancer and differentiation
坪川史人1), 野澤優次郎1), 高昌良1), 佐藤裕樹1), 今井径卓1), 岩永明人1), 佐野知江1), 関慶一1), 石川達1), 本間照1), 吉田俊明1), 山田沙季2), 武者信行2), 根本健夫3), 武田敬子3), 西倉健4), 石原法子4)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 23-23, 2017.

Japanese Article 21 (専). A case of the malignant peritoneal mesothelioma which we diagnosed by EUS-FNA
横山邦彦1), 中村厚夫1), 渡邉順1), 佐藤祐一1), 八木一芳2)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 23-23, 2017.

Japanese Article 22 (研). A case of the cytomegalovirus enteritis that developed in normal adults
土谷浩気1), 吉田智彰2), 横山純二2), 高橋一也2), 冨永顕太郎2), 林和直2), 本田穣2), 橋本哲2), 佐藤祐一2), 寺井崇二2), 梅津哉3)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 24-24, 2017.

Japanese Article 23 (研). A case that detained metallic stent for small intestinal obstruction due to the cancerous peritonitis
熊谷優, 吉川成一, 高綱将史, 長島藍子, 渡邉順, 山田聡志, 三浦努, 竹内学
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 24-24, 2017.

Japanese Article 24 (研). A male case in which estrogen therapy was effective for severe anemia due to hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (Osler-Weber-Rendu disease)
廣瀬智重, 徳竹康二郎, 佐藤幸一, 宮島正行, 木村岳史, 丸山雅史, 藤澤亨, 森宏光, 松田至晃, 和田秀一
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 25-25, 2017.

Japanese Article 25 (専). Therapeutic effect of Elbasvir + Grazoprevir on chronic liver disease type C
大島俊夫, 佐藤光明, 中岨奈津子, 松田秀哉, 村岡優, 鈴木雄一朗, 中山康弘, 井上泰輔, 前川伸哉, 坂本穣, 榎本信幸
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 26-26, 2017.

Japanese Article 26. An example of the chronic hepatitis C that showed a rise in serum AMY value during antiviral therapy
長谷川浩之1), 進藤邦明1), 末木良太1), 志村和政1), 曽田均1), 安村友敬1), 小澤俊総1), 中村暢樹2)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 26-26, 2017.

Japanese Article 27 (専). A case that caused HBV reactivation during chemoradiation treatment for the progress cancer of the esophagus
今川直人1), 雨宮史武1), 島村成樹1), 石田剛士1), 久野徹1), 辰巳明久1), 門倉信1), 榎本信幸2)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 27-27, 2017.

Japanese Article 28 (研). A case of the hepatocellular carcinoma merger C type cirrhosis that liver function recovered after liver transplant registration
三浦優子, 中山康弘, 松田秀哉, 村岡優, 鈴木雄一朗, 佐藤光明, 井上泰輔, 前川伸哉, 坂本穣, 榎本信幸
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 27-27, 2017.

Japanese Article 29. Intractable ascitic two cases due to the cirrhosis that ascitic filtration concentration re-IV infusion law and paracentesis were effective
児玉亮1), 三枝久能1), 牛丸博泰1), 中村裕紀2)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 28-28, 2017.

Japanese Article 30 (専). 2 Cases of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Associated with Primary Biliary Cholangitis in Non-cirrhotic Stage
山下裕騎, 杉浦亜弓, 木村岳史, 城下智, 日原優, 藤森尚之, 山崎智生, 丸山康弘, 柴田壮一郎, 市川雪, 伊藤哲也, 小松通治, 梅村武司, 松本晶博, 田中榮司
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 28-28, 2017.

Japanese Article 31 (研). A case of dermatomyositis during molecular targeted drug treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma
手塚雅登1), 吉澤要1), 滋野俊1), 藤森一也1), 福澤慎哉1), 森田進1), 久保田大輔1), 小口美抄枝2), 下島恭弘3)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 29-29, 2017.

Japanese Article 32. An example of the hepatocellular carcinoma which gave sorafenib after the multiple DEB-TACE enforcement, and developed a liver abscess
福島秀樹, 古武昌幸, 工藤彰治, 山田崇裕, 大瀬良省三, 桃井環, 篠原知明, 友利彰寿, 比佐岳史
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 29-29, 2017.

Japanese Article 33 (研). A case of the acute cholecystitis complicated with false cholelithiasis with the ceftriaxone administration
ベトリッジ クリストファー心1), 島田清太郎1), 中田直克1), 金山雅美1), 月城孝志1), 康山俊学1), 河合俊輔2), 大澤宗士2), 田澤賢一2), 山岸文範2), 樋口清博1)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 30-30, 2017.

Japanese Article 34 (研). Study of the gallbladder perforation 6 cases in our hospital
小関洋平1), 高綱将史1), 熊谷優1), 長島藍子1), 渡邉順1), 吉川成一1), 山田聡志1), 三浦努1), 永井佑2), 庭野稔之2), 堅田朋大2), 内藤哲也2), 皆川昌広2), 長谷川潤2), 谷達夫2), 島影尚弘2), 竹内学1)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 30-30, 2017.

Japanese Article 35. One case of the malignant melanoma which occurred for hemorrhagic cholecystitis
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 31-31, 2017.

Japanese Article 36 (研). A case of the intrabiliary papillary tumor that contrasting sonography was useful for a preoperation diagnosis
末廣祥子1), 冨永顕太郎2), 上村顕也2), 酒井規裕2), 安住里英2), 五十嵐聡2), 林和直2), 坂牧僚2), 水野研一2), 寺井崇二2), 大橋拓3), 坂田純3), 若井俊文3), 近藤修平4), 岩渕三哉5)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 31-31, 2017.

Japanese Article 37 (研). A case of ramified IPMN which cancerated during the follow-up of approximately six years, and progressed rapidly
小沢幸恵1), 樋口和男1), 須藤貴森1), 北原桂1), 一條哲也1), 中村直1), 張淑美2)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 32-32, 2017.

Japanese Article 38. An example of the alcohol induced pancreatitis that caused right pleural fluid retention
小口貴也, 高橋芳之, 渡邊一弘, 小林正和, 太田裕志, 武川建二
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 32-32, 2017.

Japanese Article 39 (研). A case of the IgG4-related sclerosing cholangitis that suffered from differentiation with the hepatic portal region cholangiocarcinoma
鎌倉雅人1), 芦原典宏1), 栗林直矢1), 倉石康弘1), 北野真希子1), 中村晃1), 渡邉貴之1), 伊藤哲也1), 村木崇1), 越知泰英2), 宮川眞一3), 田中榮司1)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 33-33, 2017.

Japanese Article 40. 1 excision case of the serum IgG4 where had difficulty in preoperation diagnosis-negative autoimmune pancreatitis
桃井環, 比佐岳史, 工藤彰治, 山田崇裕, 大瀬良省三, 篠原知明, 友利彰寿, 福島秀樹, 古武昌幸
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 33-33, 2017.

Japanese Article 41 (研). A case of autoimmune pancreatitis with multiple pancreatic cysts eliminated and reduced by steroid treatment
池見雅俊1), 河久順志1),2), 荒生祥尚1), 阿部寛幸1), 高橋一也1),2), 渡邉順1),3), 寺井崇二2)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 34-34, 2017.

Japanese Article 42 (研). A case of IgG4-related retroperitoneal mass treated with a diagnosis of Gauzeoma after pancreatic surgery
長谷川順紀1), 桑原明史1), 坪野俊広1), 山田沙季1), 田中亮1), 小川洋1), 武者信行1), 酒井靖之1), 石原法子1), 渡辺史郎2)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 34-34, 2017.

Japanese Article 43. An example of gallbladder origin neuroendocrine system cancer (NEC) which was complicated with pancreas, bile duct junction abnormality, and established a tissue type in EUS-FNA for lymph node metastases
有賀諭生, 柴田理, 熊木大輔, 横尾健, 山川雅史, 平野正明, 船越和博
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 35-35, 2017.

Japanese Article 44. Effect on laparoscopic cholecystectomy by the gallbladder drainage method
皆川昌広1), 内藤哲也1), 長谷川潤1), 谷達夫1), 島影尚弘1), 吉川成一2), 竹内学2), 山田聡2)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 36-36, 2017.

Japanese Article 45 (専). A case of the pancreas duodenum aneurysm ruptured that was given as possible artery embolization using N-butyl-2 cyanoacrylate
木村淳史, 大崎暁彦, 五十嵐健太郎, 弥久保俊太, 小川雅裕, 佐藤宗広, 相場恒男, 米山靖, 古川浩一, 和栗暢生
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 36-36, 2017.

Japanese Article 46 (専). A case of Alcoholic liver disease merger Groove ancreatitis with the bleeding that separated TAE, median arcuate ligament
齋籐稔史, 福成博幸, 川井洋輔, 青木真, 梅林佑弥, 渡邊明美, 設楽兼司, 林哲二
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 37-37, 2017.

Japanese Article 47 (専). 2 cases of metastasis of the pancreas neuroendocrine tumor and paraganglioma which it was hard to differentiate
大澤玲於奈1), 進藤浩子1), 深澤光晴1), 高野伸一1), 高橋英1), 廣瀬純穂1), 川上智1), 深澤佳満1), 松田秀哉1), 芦沢浩1), 佐藤公1), 細村直弘2), 川井田博充2), 榎本信幸1)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 37-37, 2017.

Japanese Article 48. An example of the pancreas tumor-related cyst
藤元瞳, 新倉則和, 雄山澄華, 稲場淳, 杉井絹子, 西条勇哉, 細川洋, 横澤秀一, 手島憲一, 山本智清, 五十嵐亨, 薄田誠一, 清澤研道
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 38-38, 2017.

Japanese Article 49. One case that combined modality therapy succeeded for invasive pancreatic duct cancer postoperative metastases to lung recurrence
滝沢一泰, 廣瀬雄己, 石川博補, 田島陽介, 中野麻恵, 中野雅人, 坂田純, 亀山仁史, 小林隆, 若井俊文
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 38-38, 2017.

Japanese Article "An MRI diagnosis and preoperation chemoradiotherapy for lower progress rectal cancer"
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 42-43, 2017.

Japanese Article For ": future cancer medical care"
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 48-49, 2017.

Japanese Article Mainly on the battle front - alimentary system cancer stem cell casualties mechanism of fundamental researches of advanced radiotherapy - heavy particle treatment for cancer
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 54-55, 2017.

Japanese Article Endoscopic low invasive treatment for gastrointestinal tumor
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 56-57, 2017.

Japanese Article Microscopic endoscopic diagnosis with the AI function
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (60): 58-59, 2017.