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Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts

Volume , Issue 60th / 2004
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Mouth -1. The treatment result of the laparoscopic supporting lower large intestine resection and future problem
関本貢嗣, 大植雅之, 山本浩文, 池田正孝, 瀧口修司, 門田守人
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (60th): 23-23, 2004.

Japanese Article Mouth -2. Results of the Laparoscopic colon resection and current positioning
福長洋介, 東野正幸, 谷村愼哉, 西口幸雄, 池田克実, 岸田哲, 西川正博, 玉森豊, 中澤一憲, 尾方章人
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (60th): 23-23, 2004.

Japanese Article Mouth -3. The present situation of the Laparoscopic colon resection in our hospital
山口高史, 黒柳洋弥, 坂井義治, 西田久史, 大嶋野歩, 畑啓昭, 小泉欣也
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (60th): 24-24, 2004.

Japanese Article Mouth -4. Adaptation and results of the Laparoscopic colon resection
永仮邦彦, 木所昭夫, 福永正氣, 射場敏明, 杉山和義, 福永哲, 須田健, 吉川征一郎, 加藤久晶
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (60th): 24-24, 2004.

Japanese Article Mouth -5. Adaptation of the operation under laparoscopy for colon cancer
藤井正一1, 池秀之2, 齊藤修治2, 山岸茂2, 久保田香1, 市川靖史1, 大木繁男1, 嶋田紘1
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (60th): 25-25, 2004.

Japanese Article Mouth -6. Adaptation and positioning of the operation under laparoscopy for colon cancer
須田直史, 宮島伸宜
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (60th): 25-25, 2004.

Japanese Article Mouth -7. Skill in laparoscopic supporting bottom large intestine complete removal for long-term results of the laparoscopic supporting lower colon cancer surgery and ulcerative colitis merger large intestine tumor
渡邉聡明, 須並英二, 名川弘一
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (60th): 26-26, 2004.

Japanese Article Mouth -8. Adaptation of the laparoscopic surgery for colon cancer judging from long-term results is
有田道典, 岡島正純, 小川尚之, 倉吉学, 沖山二郎, 徳本憲昭, 栗原毅, 吉満政義, 石崎康代, 藤森正彦, 池田聡, 川堀勝史, 浅原利正
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (60th): 26-26, 2004.

Japanese Article Mouth -10. Adaptation and treatment result of the operation under laparoscopy for colon cancer
猪股雅史, 富永正幸, 當寺ヶ盛学, 松井容子, 泉公一, 白下英史, 衛藤剛, 石川浩一, 白石憲男, 北野正剛
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (60th): 27-27, 2004.

Japanese Article Mouth -11. The current situation and adaptation of the Laparoscopic colon resection for colon cancer
花井恒一1, 丸田守人1, 前田耕太郎1, 佐藤美信1, 升森宏次1, 小出欣和1, 松本昌久1, 佐藤禎1, 松岡宏1, 勝野秀稔1, 岡本規博1, 中村悟1, 古賀崇1, 石川太郎1, 船橋益夫1, 中野浩2, 宮川秀一1
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (60th): 28-28, 2004.

Japanese Article Mouth -12. Positioning judging from adaptation and results of the operation under laparoscopy for colon cancer
牧野博司, 榎本雅之, 植竹宏之, 朴成進, 田平秀昭, 石黒めぐみ, 杉原健一
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (60th): 28-28, 2004.

Japanese Article Mouth -13. Positioning and adaptation of HALS in the colon cancer surgery
板橋道朗, 亀岡信悟, 小川真平, 廣澤知一郎, 橋本拓造, 吉邑由佳, 平山亮一, 速水克
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (60th): 29-29, 2004.

Japanese Article Mouth -14. Follow up study of the operation under laparoscopy for colon cancer and the adaptation
佐瀬善一郎, 星野豊, 寺島雅典, 木暮道彦, 松山真一, 樫村省吾, 芳賀淳一郎, 後藤満一
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (60th): 29-29, 2004.

Japanese Article Mouth -15. The current situation of the laparoscopic surgery for colon cancer in our hospital
所忠男1, 井上潔彦1, 吉藤竹仁1, 肥田仁一1, 犬房春彦1, 塩崎均1, 奥野清隆1, 安富正幸2
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (60th): 30-30, 2004.

Japanese Article Mouth -16. Introduction of the clinical path to the operation under laparoscopy for large intestine tumor
斉田芳久, 炭山嘉伸, 長尾二郎, 中村寧, 中村陽一, 浦松雅史, 片桐美和
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (60th): 30-30, 2004.

Japanese Article Mouth -17. As colon cancer pre-operative examination about usefulness of CT-Colonography (CTC)
佐伯泰愼, 野崎良一, 山田一隆, 高野正博
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (60th): 31-31, 2004.

Japanese Article Mouth -18. The fact of the colon cancer preoperation diagnosis using 3D-CT and the usefulness
永田浩一, 遠藤俊吾, 辰川貴志子, 山口祐二, 日高英二, 出口義男, 竹内司, 大塚和朗, 石田文生, 樫田博史, 田中淳一, 工藤進英
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (60th): 31-31, 2004.

Japanese Article Mouth -19. From cells observation - Contact Endoscopy in the living body in colon cancer development - of Endo-Cytoscopy System
大植雅之, 関本貢嗣, 山本浩文, 池田正孝, 安井昌義, 福永浩紀, 高山治, 瀬下巌, 畑泰司, 藤江裕二郎, 門田守人
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (60th): 32-32, 2004.

Japanese Article Mouth -20. Usefulness of the magnifying endoscope in the Invasion depth diagnosis of early colon cancer
小林望1, 斎藤豊1, 松田尚久1, 池松弘朗1, 浦岡俊夫1, 大竹陽介1, 中島健1, 藤井隆広2
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (60th): 32-32, 2004.

Japanese Article Mouth -21. Large intestine sm carcinomatous infiltration degree diagnosis using EUS
趙栄済, 小川真実, 本田真希, 森川宗一郎, 釜口麻衣, 貴田雅也, 酒田宗博, 宮田正年, 上田モオセ, 宇野耕治, 田中聖人, 安田健治朗, 中島正継
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (60th): 33-33, 2004.

Japanese Article Mouth -22. High-resolution MRI, comparison between contrasting CT and preoperation diagnosis ability of the colonic enema about lymph node metastases in the mesorectum of rectal cancer
末永光邦1, 大矢雅敏1, 上野雅資1, 畦倉薫1, 佐藤貴弘1, 大山繁和1, 山口俊晴1, 武藤徹一郎1, 有賀明子2, 山田恵子2, 河野敦2, 木下博勝1,3, 加藤洋3
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (60th): 33-33, 2004.

Japanese Article Mouth -23. CT and possibility - of rectal cancer lymph node metastatic diagnosis - presence diagnosis ability improvement by the MRI and the qualitative diagnosis
小川真平, 板橋道朗, 廣澤知一郎, 橋本拓造, 亀岡信悟
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (60th): 34-34, 2004.

Japanese Article Mouth -24. In the ligament by the thin slice CT in the lower rectal cancer case and side lymph node preoperation diagnosis
矢野秀朗, 桐原勇次郎, 高島純哉, 齋藤幸夫
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (60th): 34-34, 2004.

Japanese Article Mouth -25. Lymph node metastatic diagnosis in the pelvis of rectal cancer in the MR imaging using Pancreatic QD paired array coil
飯沼元1, 内山菜智子1, 宮川国久1, 立石宇貴秀1, 村松幸男1, 佐竹光夫1, 森山紀之1, 赤須孝之2, 森谷宜皓2
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (60th): 35-35, 2004.

Japanese Article Mouth -26. Metastatic lymph node diagnosis using a pigment in colon cancer or the RI
西村元一1, 宮下知治1, 木南伸一1, 藤村隆1, 太田哲生1, 三輪晃一1, 横山邦彦2
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (60th): 35-35, 2004.

Japanese Article Mouth -27. CT, MRI in the preoperation diagnosis of the rectal cancer extension, examination of the video diagnosis precision improvement by comparison and the preoperation punch biopsy combination of the rectal echo
三好正義, 橋口陽二郎, 上野秀樹, 藤本肇, 上野力, 小林宏寿, 前島純典, 小片武, 長昌秀年, 梶原由規, 小俣二郎, 望月英隆
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (60th): 36-36, 2004.

Japanese Article Mouth -28. Usefulness and limit of CT in the rectal cancer preoperation stage diagnosis and MRI and EUS
有井一雄, 瀧藤克也, 横山省三, 松田健司, 東口崇, 冨永敏治, 奥喜全, 山上裕機
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (60th): 36-36, 2004.

Japanese Article Mouth -29. Usefulness of the CT in the colon cancer preoperation diagnosis
鈴木友宜1, 宮本英典1, 山口達郎1, 松本寛1, 高橋慶一1, 森武生1, 鎌田憲子2, 田中智香子2
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (60th): 37-37, 2004.

Japanese Article Mouth -30. Usefulness of the PET for the colon cancer distant metastasis
小杉千弘1,2, 齋藤典男2, 幸田圭史1, 小野正人2, 杉藤正典2, 伊藤雅昭2, 佐藤和典2, 西沢雄介2, 小田健司1, 清家和裕1, 清水公雄1, 外岡亨1, 西村真樹1, 宮崎勝1
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (60th): 37-37, 2004.

Japanese Article Mouth -31. Significance of FDG-PET in the colon cancer preoperation diagnosis
井出宗則, 山口悟, 坪井香保里, 堤荘一, 浅尾高行, 桑野博行
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (60th): 38-38, 2004.

Japanese Article Mouth -32. Usefulness of the SPIO contrasting MRI in the colon cancer liver metastases diagnosis
古畑智久1, 秦史壮1, 西森英史1, 前佛均1, 鶴間哲弘1, 沖田憲司1, 石山元太郎1, 佐々木一晃2, 平田公一1
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (60th): 38-38, 2004.

Japanese Article Mouth -33. It is results after the adaptation of the laparoscopic supporting lower large intestine excision for colon cancer and the long-term operation
小島正幸1, 岡田真樹1, 宮倉安幸1, 鯉沼広治1, 堀江久永1, 紫籐和久1, 佐藤知行1, 永井秀雄1, 河村裕2, 小西文雄2
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (60th): 39-39, 2004.

Japanese Article Mouth -34. The current situation and the prospects of the laparoscopic colon cancer surgery
奥田準二, 山本哲久, 西口完二, 近藤圭策, 菅敬治, 辰巳嘉章, 谷川允彦
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (60th): 39-39, 2004.

Japanese Article Mouth -35. A treatment result and adaptation of the operation under laparoscopy for colon cancer
石井良幸, 渡邊昌彦, 長谷川博俊, 西堀英樹, 青木成史, 矢部信成, 柳在勲, 岡林剛史, 落合大樹, 高野正太, 浅原史卓, 鶴田雅士, 北島政樹
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (60th): 40-40, 2004.

Japanese Article Mouth -36. Examination of the adaptation expansion of laparoscopy-assisted operation in colon cancer
國場幸均, 根本一彦, 中村隆俊, 佐藤武郎, 井原厚, 大谷剛正, 渡邊昌彦
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (60th): 40-40, 2004.

Japanese Article Mouth -37. Adaptation and problem judging from the present situation of the laparoscopic colon cancer surgery in our hospital
松田圭二, 安達実樹, 荒井武和, 矢後尋志, 大見琢磨, 白京訓, 野澤慶次郎, 味村俊樹, 小平進, 冲永功太
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (60th): 41-41, 2004.

Japanese Article Mouth -38. Laparotomy colon cancer surgery aiming at low infestation
池永雅一, 三嶋秀行, 柏崎正樹, 増田慎三, 平尾素宏, 武田裕, 藤谷和正, 沢村敏郎, 辻仲利政
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (60th): 41-41, 2004.

Japanese Article Mouth -39. Examination about the adaptation of the operation under laparoscopy for colon cancer
橋口陽二郎, 柿原稔, 上野秀樹, 三好正義, 小林宏寿, 藤本肇, 上野力, 前島純典, 望月英隆
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (60th): 42-42, 2004.