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Kanagawa Public Health Journal

Volume , Issue 66 / 2020
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article In Kanagawa public health bulletin No. 66 editing
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (66): 2-2, 2020.

Japanese Article "The Kanagawa model" who confronts a new coronavirus infection
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (66): 12-13, 2020.

Japanese Article It is ... about the approach of the Sagamihara-shi public health center continuing up to the present day after ... infection onset from the new front line for coronavirus
鈴木仁一, 吉田健一, 池田祐美
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (66): 14-17, 2020.

Japanese Article Examination of the descriptive epidemiology of the COVID-19 outbreak in Yokosuka-shi
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (66): 18-18, 2020.

Japanese Article About the initial correspondence of Odawara health welfare office Ashigarakami center and the prefectural diamond Princess number new model coronavirus infection example with the Ashigarakami Hospital
渡邉直行, 岩渕敬介, 吉江浩一郎, 加藤佳央, 吉田哲雄, 牧田浩行
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (66): 19-20, 2020.

Japanese Article About the development of new coronavirus infection situation in Sagamihara-shi
播磨由利子, 金沢聡子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (66): 21-21, 2020.

Japanese Article Antigen, antibody technique of the new coronavirus
山岡悠太郎1,2, 宮川敬1, 梁明秀1
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (66): 22-25, 2020.

Japanese Article Crisis of a health delivery system in Kanagawa and the medical collapse to approach, and to come
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (66): 26-27, 2020.

Japanese Article Approach to the new coronavirus infection in the nonprofit foundation Kanagawa dental association
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (66): 28-32, 2020.

Japanese Article Efforts of the radiological technologist for the new coronavirus
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (66): 33-33, 2020.

Japanese Article Support report of the (public corporation) Kanagawa hospital pharmacist society in the diamond Princess number
國分洋, 小村裕子, 山田裕之, 喜古康博, 小池博文, 稲葉健二郎, 金田昌之, 佐村優, 田村英樹, 林誠一, 白井裕二, 川邉桂, 大沼弘和, 佐藤真理子, 瀬川誠, 谷川浩司, 宮崎悠, 盛川敬介, 矢倉尚幸, 金田光正
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (66): 34-34, 2020.

Japanese Article About new coronavirus infection prophylaxis measures in the Kanagawa dental hygienist society and efforts of the trust business (the first report)
岡本香, 三浦千賀子, 薄井信子, 石井真奈美, 添田静香, 竹山淳子, 法木忍, 打矢純子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (66): 35-35, 2020.

Japanese Article Approach as the agreement company with Kanagawa in the corona evil
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (66): 36-37, 2020.

Japanese Article Infection measures ... of standard precautions - welfare for the elderly institution
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (66): 38-41, 2020.

Japanese Article Measures (maternal and child care) to people at elevated risk for the aggravation of the new coronavirus infection
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (66): 42-47, 2020.

Japanese Article Approach ... meal, exercise, social participation ... of "the mibyou improvement" in the new corona evil
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (66): 48-50, 2020.

Japanese Article No. 1. The investigation that making and the inflection of the community health nurse activity (wheel track 6 number) of Kanagawa relate to
彦根倫子, 富岡順子1), 小野聡枝2), 関野有貴子3), 古塩節子, 弘中千加4), 露木美和子5), 宮崎晃子6), 津島志津子7), 磯崎夫美子8), 重松美智子9), 田中智子10), 高宮聖子, 八木下しのぶ11), 中丸由美子12)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (66): 52-53, 2020.

Japanese Article No. 2. The way of the reporting based on health literacy in the childcare from the pregnancy for the women who did not assume Japan a mother country: Example report
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (66): 54-55, 2020.

Japanese Article No. 3. About research about the school dental health in the special support school
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (66): 56-57, 2020.

Japanese Article No. 4. About efforts for the Yokosuka-shi 3 years old child caries affected individual decrease (report)
佐々木雅子1), 松本好史2), 内山直子1), 山田里美1), 高橋邦子1), 川瀬優子1), 橘小由里1), 金子沙樹1)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (66): 58-59, 2020.

Japanese Article No. 5. Approach - first report - - summary and questionnaire results (from the viewpoint of the health welfare office dentistry job) ... to the dentistry health education in the child consultation center temporary protection place
荒井優希1), 大山公一1), 富岡順子1), 大貫茉莉2), 隈井めぐみ2), 谷村めぐみ2), 望月真里子3), 田村彩4)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (66): 60-61, 2020.

Japanese Article No. 6. Change (from a viewpoint of the child consultation center community health nurse) ... of approach - second report - - child to the dentistry health education in the child consultation center temporary protection place and the staff
望月真里子1), 荒井優希2), 大山公一2), 富岡順子2), 大貫茉莉3), 隈井めぐみ3), 谷村めぐみ3), 田村彩4)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (66): 62-63, 2020.

Japanese Article No. 7. The current situation and problem of the efforts of the preoperative oral check system poor at general anesthesia
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (66): 64-65, 2020.

Japanese Article No. 8. Examination of the approach of oral frailty measures in Fujisawa-shi
金桝太郎, 熊谷美穂, 三澤洋子, 相原陽子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (66): 66-67, 2020.

Japanese Article No. 9. About a summary of the health guidance to protect kidney and the future prospects
鈴木由実子, 春山恵子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (66): 68-69, 2020.

Japanese Article No. 10. Basic investigation about the working support for patients with intractable disease
鈴木仁一1, 江口尚2, 中村淳代1
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (66): 70-71, 2020.

Japanese Article No. 11. About the approach of diabetes measures in Kanagawa
渡邊朋也, 津島志津子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (66): 72-72, 2020.

Japanese Article No. 12. About development of the frailty prevention business in Yokosuka-shi
岸昌親, 秋山知子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (66): 73-74, 2020.

Japanese Article No. 13. Examination of the heavy metal analysis of middle domestic production vegetables using a heat block method deacidification system
桑原千雅子, 内山陽介
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (66): 75-75, 2020.

Japanese Article No. 14. Approach of the vegetables intake promotion of the young generation in connection with restaurants, and the like
野中爽, 小林佳代, 福留啓子, 亀本慶子, 三澤洋子, 相原陽子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (66): 76-77, 2020.

Japanese Article No. 15. Examination about the lifestyle of the person of specific health guidance pertinence with the smoking
石本早紀*1, 長谷川未帆子*1, 渋谷奈津美*1, 田中和美*2
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (66): 78-79, 2020.

Japanese Article No. 16. It is ... from a comparison of ... 2006 and 2018 about the nourishment management situation of the feeding facility which we saw from standardized feeding facility instruction
川瀬理絵, 川畑明日香, 高崎詩野, 中塚さおり, 栗原幸子, 桜井雅子, 上月康子, 市川佳世
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (66): 80-81, 2020.

Japanese Article No. 17. Examination of the molecular epidemiologic analytical method of the Legionella pneumophila
中嶋直樹, 大屋日登美
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (66): 82-83, 2020.

Japanese Article No. 18. Basic study on laboratory testing in rash-related diseases such as measles, the rubella, and the like
鈴木理恵子, 日紫喜隆行, 櫻木淳一, 高崎智彦
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (66): 84-86, 2020.