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Kanagawa Public Health Journal

Volume , Issue 67 / 2021
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article In the 67th Kanagawa public sanitation association holding
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (67): 2-2, 2021.

Japanese Article The current situation of new coronavirus infection (COVID-19)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (67): 12-12, 2021.

Japanese Article Measures and the future of the new coronavirus infection in Kanagawa
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (67): 13-13, 2021.

Japanese Article Role to fulfil of the vaccine in new coronavirus infection measures
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (67): 14-14, 2021.

Japanese Article "The news of the new coronavirus infection judging from the Internet media"
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (67): 15-15, 2021.

Japanese Article No. 1. About relationships such as the number, and the like of the institutions supporting a medical institution and home care specialized in a ratio and treatment at home of the home death in Kanagawa
江頭勇紀1), 渡邊亮2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (67): 17-19, 2021.

Japanese Article No. 2. Consideration of the reward system to the administration actual situation of the medical treatment day care nursing care business
大場紅莉, 石原美和
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (67): 20-21, 2021.

Japanese Article No. 3. Crisis management as the administrative dietician learning from a new coronavirus infection epidemiologic survey
能條絢加, 望月朋美, 長谷川美千代
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (67): 22-23, 2021.

Japanese Article No. 4. Of young women get thinner; an approach of the and healthy problem improvement
守屋由美*, 長谷川未帆子*, 田中和美2*
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (67): 24-25, 2021.

Japanese Article No. 5. Than a member of support - 2020 Yamato-shi eating habits improvement promotion situation grasp questionnaire to the Yamato-shi eating habits improvement promotion council in the corona evil ...
井上志保, 渋谷奈津美
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (67): 26-27, 2021.

Japanese Article No. 6. About the correspondence of 4 death examples that had a diagnosis of a new coronavirus infection with examination for antigen "positive" at emergency conveyance
田坂雅子, 西田統, 渡邉直行
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (67): 28-29, 2021.

Japanese Article No. 7. It is ... from the response to statistical examination - new model coronavirus infection using the infection surveillance system in the basic infection information center
関戸晴子, 木村睦未1), 川村太一2), 大塚優子3)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (67): 30-31, 2021.

Japanese Article No. 8. Examination of the new coronavirus infection measures manual in the A nursery school
中村由佳, 松永早苗, 石原美和
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (67): 32-33, 2021.

Japanese Article No. 9. New coronavirus infection mass outbreak prophylactic approach in the Hiratsuka health welfare office
熊谷有香, 近内美乃里1), 富岡順子, 杉山真理, 加藤愛子, 荒川久美, 大関佳奈波, 長谷部結郁, 上野亜矢子2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (67): 34-34, 2021.

Japanese Article No. 10. The development of new coronavirus infection trend in Yokohama-shi, and the like
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (67): 35-36, 2021.

Japanese Article No. 11. COVID-19 cluster example and response of the foreign worker in the Hiratsuka health welfare office intraluminal company
荒川久美, 大関佳奈波, 加藤愛子, 杉山真理, 富岡順子, 山田佳江, 高宮聖子, 長岡正
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (67): 37-38, 2021.

Japanese Article No. 12. About the making of system of the local medical treatment support group home medical treatment group prefecture community health nurse in the new coronavirus infection
農澤沙央里, 横溝由佳, 宮崎晃子, 中山直子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (67): 39-40, 2021.

Japanese Article No. 13. New coronavirus infection (COVID-19)-adaptive duties management and system construction
弘中千加1), 古塩節子, 本間ゆかり, 柴田元子2), 内山純子3), 北岡英子4)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (67): 41-42, 2021.

Japanese Article No. 14. The access situation of the Yokohama City Inst. of Health web page in the corona evil
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (67): 43-44, 2021.

Japanese Article No. 15. Review of the hospital infection measures in a general scan room
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (67): 45-46, 2021.

Japanese Article No. 16. Problem - in an overview and the introduction of one consideration - ISO remote inspection guideline about the internal check enforcement for securing of reliability for food hygiene laboratories, and the like
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (67): 47-48, 2021.

Japanese Article No. 17. Examination made with the nourishment support system from health examination for young children
鈴木美紀, 清水陽子, 森田晴子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (67): 49-50, 2021.

Japanese Article No. 18. About the virus fractional culture of the new coronavirus infection in Sagamihara-shi
井村香織, 金沢聡子, 播磨由利子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (67): 51-52, 2021.

English Article No.19. Study on the Participation of Physical Therapists in Health Management in Yokohama
Masaki Yamamasu1), Yuka Kimura, TakatoshiAndo
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (67): 53-56, 2021.