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The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology

Volume , Issue 68 / 2021
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article The 68th Japanese Society of Gastroenterology Koshinnetsu Branch regular meeting 20th Japanese Society of Gastroenterology Koshinnetsu Branch specialist seminar 45th Japanese Society of Gastroenterology Koshinnetsu Branch education lecture greetings
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (68): 1-1, 2021.

Japanese Article 1. Examination of the gastric anisakiasis that we experienced in our hospital
五十嵐正人1, 田村康1, 高橋澄雄1, 佐藤祐一1, 青柳豊1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (68): 17-17, 2021.

Japanese Article 2-専. A case of palliative anisakiasis showing a gastric submucosal tumor-like morphology
岩垂隆諒1, 國本英雄1, 北畠央之1, 関亜矢子1, 越知泰英1, 原悦雄1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (68): 17-17, 2021.

Japanese Article 3-専. A case of gastrointestinal bleeding that was difficult to identify the source of bleeding
古屋圭一1, 石田剛士1, 吉田貴史1, 奥脇徹也1, 三浦優子1, 高岡慎弥1, 久野徹, 小林祥司1, 山口達也1, 榎本信幸1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (68): 18-18, 2021.

Japanese Article 4 - laboratory of. Example that α glucosidase inhibitors succeeded for latter term dumping syndrome after the total gastrectomy
河野絵理子1, 松村真生子1, 遠藤湧斗1, 桑原蓮1, 久場弘子1, 小島英吾1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (68): 18-18, 2021.

Japanese Article 5 - laboratory of. One case of the stomach teratoma that needed the differentiation with pancreatic tumor
羽山響1, 盛田景介1, 夏井大輝1, 野尻俊介1, 渡邉貴之1, 小林雄司1, 高綱将史1, 吉川成一1, 三浦努1, 竹内学1, 薄田浩幸2
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (68): 19-19, 2021.

Japanese Article 6-専. A case of horizontal duodenal adenoma for which laparoscopic-endoscopic joint surgery (LECS) using a transcolonic mesenteric approach was useful
吉田和矢1, 得丸重夫1, 宮川雄輔1, 北沢将人1, 中村聡1, 小山誠1, 山本悠太1, 山崎史織1, 宮下遼平1, 岩谷勇吾2, 副島雄二1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (68): 19-19, 2021.

Japanese Article 7. 1 autopsy case of the duodenal stricture
馬場幸恵1, 山本力1, 小林聡1, 久保田大輔1, 中村直樹1, 篠原直宏2
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (68): 20-20, 2021.

Japanese Article 8-専. A case of primary peritoneal cancer diagnosed with duodenal stenosis
水上瑛仁1, 赤池英憲1, 河口賀彦1, 仲山孝1, 林嗣博1, 平山和義1, 庄田勝俊1, 白石謙介1, 古屋信二, 中山裕子1, 細村直弘1, 雨宮秀武1, 川井田博充1, 井上慎吾1, 河野寛1, 市川大輔1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (68): 20-20, 2021.

Japanese Article 9-専. A case of gastrolithiasis in which duodenal ileus and small intestinal ileus occurred during the course of migration and calculus dissolution therapy was effective.
見本雄一郎1, 進藤邦明1, 白勢大門1, 若尾聡士1, 小澤俊一郎1, 末木良太1, 出雲渉2, 曽田均2, 土屋雅人2, 佐藤公1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (68): 21-21, 2021.

Japanese Article 10-専. A case of enteritis due to immune-related adverse events after administration of pembrolizumab for bladder cancer
上條優真1, 徳竹康二郎1, 池内浩志1, 竹内菜緒1, 小林惇一1, 柴田壮一郎1, 柴田景子1, 伊藤哲也1, 丸山雅史1, 藤澤亨1, 森宏光1, 松田至晃1, 和田秀一1, 今尾哲也1, 雫田禧雅1, 里見英俊, 伊藤以知郎1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (68): 21-21, 2021.

Japanese Article 11-専. A case of ulcerative colitis with intussusception without neoplastic lesions
小玉絵理奈1, 野澤優次郎1, 本間照1, 森岡伸浩2, 武者信行2, 西倉健3, 根本健夫4, 小林隆昌1, 安住基1, 佐野知江1, 岩永明人1, 石川達1, 吉田俊明1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (68): 22-22, 2021.

Japanese Article 12-専. A case of laparoscopic-assisted total colectomy and ileorectal anastomosis for Crohn's disease of the large intestine, which was difficult to treat medically
宮下遼平1, 宮川雄輔1, 北沢将人1, 小山誠1, 得丸重夫1, 中村聡1, 本藤奈緒1, 江原毅人1, 宮崎暁1, 平山敦大1, 長屋匡信1, 岩谷勇吾1, 副島雄二1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (68): 22-22, 2021.

Japanese Article 13. One case that developed paranasal mycosis by chronic administration of Infliximab
天野博之1, 小嶋裕一郎1, 安倍晃規1, 中島京子1, 廣瀬純穂1, 浅川幸子1, 細田健司1, 鈴木洋司1, 望月仁1, 小山敏雄2, 小俣政男1,3
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (68): 23-23, 2021.

Japanese Article 14-専. A case of unresectable colorectal cancer liver metastasis treated with combination treatment with BRAF inhibitor
宮崎遥可1, 小林由夏1, 五十嵐崇徳1, 堀亜洲1, 中野応央樹1, 岡宏充1, 本田穣1, 佐藤明人1, 佐藤祐一1, 富所隆1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (68): 23-23, 2021.

Japanese Article 15. Men with 1 case thought to be the early period of antimitochondrial M2 antibody (AMA-M2)-positive autoimmune hepatitis which developed in acute hepatitis two years after the pulmonary thromboembolism onset
松崎豊1, 安達翔太2, 松本航2, 雄山澄華2, 齊藤博美2, 西条勇哉2, 藤元瞳2, 小豆畑康児3, 伊藤信夫3, 五十嵐享2, 新倉則和2, 薄田誠一2, 清澤研道2
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (68): 24-24, 2021.

Japanese Article 16 - laboratory of. One patient who had a diagnosis of Budd-Chiari syndrome due to protein C deficiency with intractable ascitic fluid
菊池夏望1, 廣瀬純穂1, 安部晃規1, 中島京子1, 天野博之1, 浅川幸子1, 小嶋裕一郎1, 望月仁1, 小俣政男1,2
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (68): 24-24, 2021.

Japanese Article 17-専. Examination of irAE liver disorder in our hospital
山崎駿1, 大崎暁彦1, 横山華子1, 水戸將貴1, 渡邉雄介1, 佐藤宗広1, 田覚健一1, 相場恒男1, 古川浩一1, 和栗暢生1, 橋立英樹2
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (68): 25-25, 2021.

Japanese Article 18-専. A case of hyperthyroidism with TSH receptor antibody positivity during the course of acute hepatitis E
牧直哉1, 杉浦亜弓1, 奥村太規1, 小林浩幸1, 若林俊一1, 山下裕騎1, 山崎智生1, 城下智1, 梅村武司1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (68): 25-25, 2021.

Japanese Article 19 - laboratory of. An example of the very rare round ligament of liver abscess
加藤淳1, 小川洋1, 遠藤沙織1, 本間照1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (68): 26-26, 2021.

Japanese Article 20. An example of the pyrogenic liver abscess that recurred revival ectopically in a short term
遠山潤1, 岡部省吾1, 落合田鶴枝1, 渡辺千尋1, 鈴木正史1, 保坂稔1, 柴修吾2, 川島健司2, 岡本廣挙2, 深澤敏雄2
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (68): 26-26, 2021.

Japanese Article 21. Report of eight severe alcoholic hepatitis in our hospital
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (68): 27-27, 2021.

Japanese Article 22-専. A case of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) after long-term SVR of chronic hepatitis C discovered due to intratumoral hemorrhage
中島大地1, 一條哲也1, 中村直1, 北原桂1, 須藤貴森1, 樋口和男1, 松崎豊1, 山崎智生2, 窪田晃治3, 副島雄二3
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (68): 27-27, 2021.

Japanese Article 23-専. A case of hepatocellular carcinoma diagnosed by endoscopic ultrasonographic fine needle aspiration for lymphadenopathy of unknown primary lesion
池内浩志1, 高裕信1, 竹内菜緒1, 小林惇一1, 柴田壮一郎1, 柴田景子1, 徳竹康二郎1, 伊藤哲也1, 丸山雅史1, 藤澤亨1, 森宏光1, 松田至晃1, 和田秀一1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (68): 28-28, 2021.

Japanese Article 24 - laboratory of. One case of the huge liver tumor which occurred in a young woman
川村碩人1, 大澤玲於奈1, 鈴木雄一朗1, 芦澤浩1, 小宮山泰之1, 加藤亮1, 高田ひとみ1, 中岫奈津子1, 村岡優1, 辰巳明久1, 井上泰輔1, 前川伸哉1, 清水辰哉2, 大石直輝3, 雨宮秀武4, 市川大輔4, 榎本信幸1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (68): 28-28, 2021.

Japanese Article 25-専. A case of malignant peritoneal mesothelioma in the form of a liver tumor
松原幹1, 古川浩一1, 大崎暁彦1, 横山華子1, 安住里映1, 河久順志1, 田覚健一1, 佐藤宗広1, 和栗暢生1, 橋立英樹2
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (68): 29-29, 2021.

Japanese Article 26. One case that caused a liver damage and the irregular expansion of the intrahepatic bile duct and cyst-formed periphery cholangiectasis after the lung cancer chemotherapy
國本英雄1, 岩垂隆諒1, 北畠央之1, 関亜矢子1, 越知泰英1, 原悦雄1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (68): 29-29, 2021.

Japanese Article 27-専. A case of common hepatic aneurysm with biliary bleeding leading to hemorrhagic shock
安部晃規1, 廣瀬純穂1, 中島京子1, 天野博之1, 浅川幸子1, 小嶋裕一郎1, 望月仁1, 小俣政男1,2
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (68): 30-30, 2021.

Japanese Article 28. Drug-related nephropathic one case that developed after cholangitis treatment
久場弘子1, 小島英吾1, 河野絵理子1, 遠藤湧斗1, 桑原蓮1, 松村真生子1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (68): 30-30, 2021.

Japanese Article 29 - laboratory of. One case that was regarded as the multiple localized autoimmune pancreatitis that racked their brains about a diagnosis
内藤大智1, 小林雄司1, 吉川成一1, 夏井大輝1, 野尻俊介1, 渡邉貴之1, 盛田景介1, 高綱将史1, 三浦努1, 竹内学1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (68): 31-31, 2021.

Japanese Article 30 - laboratory of. One case of the severe pancreatitis that was complicated with extensive necrosis in the course, and evolved into necrotising pancreatitis
大澤いくみ1, 廣瀬純穂1, 安部晃規1, 中島京子1, 天野博之1, 浅川幸子1, 小嶋裕一郎1, 望月仁1, 小俣政男1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (68): 31-31, 2021.

Japanese Article 31. One case of pancreatic duct type IPMN operated on after image follow for 11 years
児玉亮1, 井田真之1, 中嶋太郎1, 横田有紀子1, 三枝久能1, 牛丸博泰1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (68): 32-32, 2021.

Japanese Article 32. One case of pancreas serous cyst tumor which is the huge which caused varicose vein ruptured
中嶋太郎1, 児玉亮1, 井田真之1, 翠川創1, 横田有紀子1, 三枝久能1, 牛丸博泰1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (68): 32-32, 2021.

Japanese Article 33-専. A case of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor in which main pancreatic duct infiltration could be visualized preoperatively
井田真之1, 児玉亮1, 中嶋太郎1, 横田有紀子1, 三枝久能1, 牛丸博泰1, 牧野睦月1, 川口研二1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (68): 33-33, 2021.

English Article E-1. Early-stage gastric mixed neuroendocrine-non-neuroendocrine neoplasm (MiNEN)
加古里子1, 岩谷勇吾1, 宮澤鷹幸1, 長屋匡信1, 中村聡2, 太田浩良3, 梅村武司1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (68): 35-35, 2021.

English Article E-2-専. A case of pancreatic pseudocyst-portal vein fistula with infected walled off necrosis
前田悠一郎1, 林和直2, 戸田遼2, 若林拓哉3, 木村究2, 水戸將貴2, 小島雄一2, 小川光平2, 荒生祥尚2, 木村成宏2, 五十嵐聡2, 土屋淳紀2, 徳永麻美4, 佐藤知巳5, 寺井崇二2
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (68): 35-35, 2021.

Japanese Article Safe medical care and infection measures to bring up by team approach in medical care
濱野英明, 比佐岳史
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (68): 36-36, 2021.

Japanese Article S-1. About the current situation of the patients support using PFM in our hospital
山田崇裕1, 比佐岳史1, 福島秀樹1, 友利彰寿1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (68): 36-36, 2021.

Japanese Article S-2. Efforts of the team approach in medical care for the chemotherapy time HBV reactivation
小林由夏1,2, 外池祐子2, 五十嵐崇徳1, 堀亜州1, 中野応央樹1, 岡宏充1, 本田穣1, 佐藤明人1, 佐藤祐一1, 富所隆1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (68): 37-37, 2021.

Japanese Article Treatment strategy of the progress hepatocellular carcinoma in the immune therapy era
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (68): 38-39, 2021.

Japanese Article The current situation of the pancreatic cancer practice in our hospital
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (68): 41-42, 2021.

Japanese Article Light treatment of cancer
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (68): 43-44, 2021.

Japanese Article A diagnosis and treatment of viral hepatitis (ABCDE)
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (68): 45-46, 2021.

Japanese Article The front line of the combined modality therapy for the pancreatic cancer
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (68): 47-48, 2021.

Japanese Article W-1-1. Usefulness of the guide wire loop formation method at metallic stent obstruction
若尾聡士1, 小澤俊一郎1, 末木良太1, 佐藤公1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (68): 49-49, 2021.

Japanese Article W-1-2. Usefulness of the clip method for the cannulation difficulty case
小林聡1, 中村直樹1, 馬場幸恵1, 久保田大輔1, 山本力1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (68): 49-49, 2021.

Japanese Article W-1-3. Usefulness of ultrasonic endoscope underwear splinter aspiration (EUS-FNA) using the Shark Core(TM) FNB exchange system
越知泰英1, 中村晃1, 原悦雄1, 関亜矢子1, 北畠央之1, 國本英雄1, 近藤翔平1, 堀内一太郎1, 岩垂隆諒1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (68): 50-50, 2021.

Japanese Article W-1-4. Styptic treatment and treatment strategy for the endoscopic papillotomy afterbleeding
深澤佳満1, 深澤光晴1, 高野伸一1, 進藤浩子1, 高橋英1, 長谷川浩之1, 川上智1, 早川宏1, 倉富夏彦, 原井正太1, 吉村大1, 島村成樹1, 今川直人1, 榎本信幸1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (68): 50-50, 2021.

Japanese Article W-1-5. One case of the intravascular stent graft jejunum penetration that the endoscopic hemostasis by the Two devices in one channel method was effective
伊藤哲也1, 佐野周生2, 池内浩志1, 竹内菜緒1, 小林惇一1, 柴田壮一郎1, 柴田景子1, 徳竹康二郎1, 丸山雅史1, 藤澤亨1, 森宏光1, 松田至晃1, 和田秀一1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (68): 51-51, 2021.

Japanese Article W-1-6. As compared with treatment result - Conventional EMR of Underwater EMR for superficial non-Vater's papilla duodenum tumor (SNADET) in our hospital -
橋上遣太1, 岩谷勇吾1, 原大地1, 高橋芳之1, 宮澤鷹幸1, 平山敦大1, 岡村卓磨1, 長屋匡信1, 梅村武司1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (68): 51-51, 2021.

Japanese Article W-2-1. Usefulness of the digestive organ sarcopenia disease practice in the community hospital
上村博輝1,2, 小島雄一1,2, 高橋一也1,2, 高綱将史1,2, 平野正明3, 政二文明3, 藤田一3, 辻村恭憲4, 小林太一4, 寺井崇二1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (68): 52-52, 2021.