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Kyushu Pharmacy Bulletin

Volume , Issue 69 / 2015
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article For a condition of a patient elucidation of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and the neuropathy, Construction and analysis of the motoneuron Schwann cells lesion model
Kyushu Pharmacy Bulletin (69): 1-5, 2015.

Japanese Article The effect that the cephem-based antimicrobial with the N-methyltetrazolethiol group gives to anticoagulant ability of the warfarin
馬場安里*2, 中川博雄*2, 室高広*2, 樋口則英*2, 中村忠博*2, 佐々木均*2, 北原隆志*2
Kyushu Pharmacy Bulletin (69): 7-10, 2015.

Japanese Article The influence the environment in the convection drying storage exerts on bacteria detection of school lunch tableware
手嶋無限*2, 中尾瑠美子*2, 中村優*2, 上田展也*2, 永野道子*2, 元岡憲治*2, 藤木和*2, 永友康雄*2, 七嶋和孝*2, 井手陽一*2, 松尾英俊*2
Kyushu Pharmacy Bulletin (69): 11-14, 2015.

Japanese Article Practical Application of Ordering System for Simple Suspension Method using Computerized Medical Records System.
陸丸幹男*2, 重松明美*2, 鳥越繁治*3, 森一生*2
Kyushu Pharmacy Bulletin (69): 15-18, 2015.

Japanese Article Properties of matter evaluation of the thickness water using the commercial thickness adjustment food
湯川美穂*2, 池田浩人*2, 萩原里美*2, 杉本唯衣*2, 湯川栄二*3, 安藝初美*2
Kyushu Pharmacy Bulletin (69): 19-24, 2015.

Japanese Article The case that evaded a cholinergic adverse event of distigmine bromide with suspected association that it was poor in a decreased renal function and a diet intake by the intervention of the pharmacist
植木哲也*2,3,5, 毛利由佳*3, 坂本佳子*3, 長井惠子*3, 橋口靖*2,3, 中嶋弥穂子*4, 中嶋幹郎*5
Kyushu Pharmacy Bulletin (69): 25-28, 2015.

Japanese Article Attitude survey of the healthcare worker about the dosage form of the fentanyl fast acting property preparation
山田真裕*2,3, 植木哲也*2, 大場秀夫*3, 光安博志*3, 栗田睦美*3, 竹内彰一*3, 江淵寿美*3, 二階堂綾子*3, 橋口靖*2, 眞鍋治彦*3
Kyushu Pharmacy Bulletin (69): 29-32, 2015.

Japanese Article The example that a remarkable change of color resulted from compounding of medicines an aspirin die aluminate combination lock and the package of etilefrine hydrochloride tablets
米澤健*2,3, 堤順子*2, 小林啓子*2, 飛永たまみ*2
Kyushu Pharmacy Bulletin (69): 33-36, 2015.

Japanese Article Efforts ... to become a drugstore, the pharmacist who settled in setup - area of the at-home support special department in the pharmacy service under health insurance drugstore
寺田央子*2,3, 白石和也*3, 武藤友美*3, 増田麻美子*3, 白羽根苑子*2, 徳永仁*5, 高村徳人*5, 佐藤英樹*2, 黒木慎也*4
Kyushu Pharmacy Bulletin (69): 37-40, 2015.

Japanese Article Comparison between the different ward of the pharmaceutical intervention in drug control instruction duties
植木哲也*2,3,5, 坂本佳子*3, 長井惠子*3, 橋口靖*2,3, 中嶋弥穂子*4, 中嶋幹郎*5
Kyushu Pharmacy Bulletin (69): 41-46, 2015.

Japanese Article Survey - Fukuoka throughout the prefecture drugstore questionnaire ... for regional alliances reinforcement in the foreign chemotherapy
鮫島千織*2, 杉本奈緒美*2, 井上富夫*2, 西原豊*2, 宮谷英記*2, 有吉俊二*2, 山澤理恵子*2, 大竹弘之*2, 原口亨*2, 竹本伸輔*2, 藤野哲朗*2
Kyushu Pharmacy Bulletin (69): 47-51, 2015.

Japanese Article The School Pharmacist Work Report in Okinawa Prefecture -Fact to be made clear by the Result for Measurement of Sound Level-
Kyushu Pharmacy Bulletin (69): 53-56, 2015.

Japanese Article Research of the effect in the interactive reporting by a ward exclusive duty pharmacist and the at-home insurance pharmacist visiting
川崎美紀*2, 井上千賀子*2, 田代ともみ*2, 大矢圭祐*2
Kyushu Pharmacy Bulletin (69): 57-62, 2015.

Japanese Article Questionary survey of ward drug duties in Kyushu Yamaguchi District
祖川倫太郎*2,3, 持永早希子*2,3, 前田美由紀*2,3, 竹森幸子*2,3, 古野龍也*2,3, 江本晶子*2,3, 田崎正信*2,3, 藤戸博*2,3
Kyushu Pharmacy Bulletin (69): 63-66, 2015.

Japanese Article Participation situation investigation of the pharmacist for the antimicrobial proper use in Kyushu Yamaguchi District
甲斐晃弘*2,6, 徳永仁*3,6, 高村徳人*3,6, 黒木教彰*2,6, 興梠靖幸*2,6, 田中恵美*2,6, 岩瀬祥枝*2,6, 橋口志帆*2,6, 三代朗子*4,6, 佐藤智加子*4,6, 奥村学*5,6, 岩切智美*5,6, 有森和彦*5,6
Kyushu Pharmacy Bulletin (69): 67-71, 2015.

Japanese Article About the role of the pharmacist in the team approach in medical care
池田龍二*2,3, 下堂薗権洋*2,3, 新田美奈*2,3, 井上和啓*2,3, 武田泰生*2,3
Kyushu Pharmacy Bulletin (69): 73-76, 2015.