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Journal of Rehabilitation Practice

Volume , Issue 7 / 2007
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article In the Kinki district bulletin publication
Mikio Sumita
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (7): 1-1, 2007.

Japanese Article Rehabilitation of dementia
Kazuo Abe
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (7): 5-12, 2007.

Japanese Article Tentative plan of the stroke rehabilitation regional alliances pass
Tetsuo Koyama 1), Kazuhisa Domen 2)
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (7): 13-19, 2007.

Japanese Article Than 1 high institution investigation of countermeasure to a fee-for-service system (2006) in the convalescent rehabilitation ward administration and future problem - bones, joint disease ratio -
Hiroshi Murao 1), Jun Yamaguchi 1), Osamu Saito 2)
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (7): 20-22, 2007.

Japanese Article A theory and clinical application of Closed Kinetic Chain
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (7): 23-25, 2007.

Japanese Article Japan-U.S. rehabilitation comparison
Kiyokazu Yoshida
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (7): 26-27, 2007.

Japanese Article About a lecture 1 higher nervous function support project - particularly problem - to rehabilitation medical care
Masanori Nagaoka
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (7): 28-28, 2007.

Japanese Article Across recent topic - dysphagia and posture - children region of the rehabilitation over lecture 2 cerebral infantile palsy -
Toyoko Kanda
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (7): 28-28, 2007.

Japanese Article From evidence - care prevention for lecture 3 rehabilitation medicine to a rehabilitation program -
Katsunori Kondo
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (7): 28-28, 2007.

Japanese Article A diagnosis and treatment of the peripheral vessels lesion which lecture 1 is seen in every day
Toshihiko Shibata
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (7): 29-29, 2007.

Japanese Article The lecture 2 artificial leg early wearing method
Chen Takaaki
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (7): 29-29, 2007.

Japanese Article Matters that require attention in the lower extremity orthosis prescription in the lecture 3 rehabilitation
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (7): 29-29, 2007.

Japanese Article Problem - of rehabilitation - stroke rehabilitation for lecture 1 reinstatement
Toshihiro Toyonaga
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (7): 30-30, 2007.

Japanese Article Approach - of rehabilitation - top-down and the bottom up of the lecture 2 unilateral spatial neglect
Sumio Ishiai
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (7): 30-30, 2007.

Japanese Article Pressure sore management of the lecture 3 spinal cord injury injured
Takeshi Nakamura
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (7): 30-30, 2007.

Japanese Article Development of the lecture 1 community rehabilitation
Goro Aisaka
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (7): 31-31, 2007.

Japanese Article Light topography of the lecture 2 brain
Ichiro Miyai
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (7): 31-31, 2007.

Japanese Article Rehabilitation of lecture 3 dysphagia
Tomoyuki Honda
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (7): 31-31, 2007.

Japanese Article Rehabilitation of challenge - malignant tumor (cancer) to the region where lecture 1 is new
Tetsuya Tsuji
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (7): 32-32, 2007.

Japanese Article About the medical safety management system found to a lecture 2 medical institution
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (7): 32-32, 2007.

Japanese Article Mainly on rehabilitation - trauma-related brachial plexus injury after the lecture 3 arms nerve reconstruction
Ryosuke Kakigi
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (7): 32-32, 2007.

Japanese Article Network construction between a lecture 1 acute phase, the hospital taking convalescent rehabilitation
Goro Aisaka
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (7): 33-33, 2007.

Japanese Article Only as for the lecture 2 higher nervous function, it is a person
Atsushi Yamadori
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (7): 33-33, 2007.

Japanese Article Evolution - from significance and pit fall - eating deglutition rehabilitation of the rehabilitation of the lecture 3 aspiration pneumonitis to deglutition breathing rehabilitation
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (7): 33-33, 2007.

Japanese Article Application to evaluation - rehabilitation of the intracerebral nerve fiber with the lecture 1 MRI diffusion weighted image
Takeo Kondo
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (7): 34-34, 2007.

Japanese Article A theory and clinical application of lecture 2 Closed kinetic chain
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (7): 34-34, 2007.

Japanese Article One which is good in this lecture 3 Japan and the United States rehabilitation comparison - mother country Japan or Japanese rehabilitation -
Kiyokazu Yoshida
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (7): 34-34, 2007.

Japanese Article Rehabilitation - present conditions and problems - of lecture 1 dementia
Kazuo Abe
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (7): 35-35, 2007.

Japanese Article For the at-home therapy in the lecture 2 nerves intractable disease
Bunji Kimura
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (7): 35-35, 2007.

Japanese Article Lecture 1 locomotorium rehabilitation - evaluation and action -
Kiyoshi Kita
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (7): 36-36, 2007.

Japanese Article Background of the lecture 1 rehabilitation fee-for-service system revision
Kazuhisa Domen
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (7): 36-36, 2007.

Japanese Article Role of the rehabilitation medical care in the lecture 1 regional medicine cooperation
Kiyo Takahashi
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (7): 37-37, 2007.

Japanese Article From the viewpoint of disorder and problem - comprehensive rehabilitation about lecture 2 osteoporosis -
Jun Yamaguchi
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (7): 37-37, 2007.

Japanese Article Action of the childhood rehabilitation in the lecture 1 national growth medical center
Hideju Takahashi
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (7): 38-38, 2007.

Japanese Article A lecture 2 child with a disability and the family support
Yuriko Iemori
Journal of Rehabilitation Practice (7): 38-38, 2007.