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The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology

Volume , Issue 70 / 2022
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article The 70th Japanese Society of Gastroenterology Koshinnetsu Branch regular meeting 22nd Japanese Society of Gastroenterology Koshinnetsu Branch specialist seminar 47th Japanese Society of Gastroenterology Koshinnetsu Branch education lecture greetings
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 1-1, 2022.

Japanese Article 1-専. A case of sclerosing hepatic hemangioma with concomitant heart disease
登内孝文1, 上村博輝1, 堀亜洲1, 木村莉菓1, 渡邉雄介1, 高橋一也1, 五十嵐聡1, 寺井崇二1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 15-15, 2022.

Japanese Article 2-専. Experience of liver transplantation for hepatopulmonary syndrome complicated by severe interstitial pneumonia
宮尾将文1, 大野康成1, 黒岩雄大1, 増田雄一1, 三田篤義1, 野竹剛1, 窪田晃治1, 清水明1, 副島雄二1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 15-15, 2022.

Japanese Article 3 - laboratory of. Example that caused disturbance of consciousness from UTIs
後藤苗子1, 依田宏貴1, 金子裕太1, 大澤玲於奈1, 小宮山泰之1, 中岫奈津子1, 高田ひとみ1, 村岡優1, 鈴木雄一朗1, 佐藤光明1, 井上泰輔2, 前川伸哉1, 榎本信幸1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 16-16, 2022.

Japanese Article 4-専. A case of anti-gp210 antibody-positive primary biliary cholangitis
小澤由季1, 奥村太規1, 木村岳史1, 岩垂隆諒1, 小林浩幸1, 若林俊一1, 山下裕騎1, 杉浦亜弓1, 城下智1, 梅村武司1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 17-17, 2022.

Japanese Article 5-専. Two cases of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) with interstitial pneumonia after receiving atezolizumab and bevacizumab (ATZ+BEV) combination therapy after radiotherapy
森優喜1, 雨宮史武1, 谷本裕太1, 竹中優美1, 安村智生1, 田中佳祐1, 門倉信1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 17-17, 2022.

Japanese Article 6. An example of the nivolumab-related sclerosing cholangitis that occurred during cancer of the esophagus treatment
熊木大輔1, 唐千晴1, 兼古祐輔1, 横山邦彦1, 佐藤公俊1, 森田慎一1, 船越和博1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 18-18, 2022.

Japanese Article 7. One case of the hepatic hydrothorax associated with the diaphragm traffic symptom
柳澤匠1,2, 黒沢晃伸1, 池内浩志1, 岩波直弥1, 北川奈美1, 小澤真希子1, 木村岳史2, 小山佳紀3, 小出直彦3, 濱野英明1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 18-18, 2022.

Japanese Article 8-専. A case in which IPMC appeared after AIP and required total pancreatectomy
藤田楓1, 堀内一太郎1, 鎌倉雅人1, 近藤翔平1, 柳澤匠1, 田中友之1, 中村晃1, 小口貴也1, 野竹剛2, 上原剛3, 副島雄二2, 梅村武司1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 19-19, 2022.

Japanese Article 9-専. A Case of Residual Pancreatic Recurrence Five Years After Pancreatic Metastasis of Renal Cell Carcinoma and Re-excision
麻相田卓雄1, 清水明1, 窪田晃治1, 野竹剛1, 池原智彦1, 黒岩雄大1, 本郷悠太1, 中村健也1, 副島雄二1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 19-19, 2022.

Japanese Article 10-専. A case of resection of primary pancreatic lymphangioma
山本直哉1, 得丸重夫1, 北沢将人1, 中村聡1, 小山誠1, 山本悠太1, 本藤奈緒1, 宮崎暁1, 片岡将宏1, 瀬原田魁1, 副島雄二1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 20-20, 2022.

Japanese Article 11. An example of the pancreatic cyst-related lesion
雄山澄華1, 藤元瞳1, 西条勇哉1, 松本航1, 安達翔太1, 五十嵐亨1, 清澤研道1, 新倉則和1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 20-20, 2022.

Japanese Article 12-専. Significance of blood IL-6 measurement in acute pancreatitis
中島京子1, 廣瀬純穂1, 村田智祥1, 安部晃規1, 天野博之1, 浅川幸子1, 細田健司1, 望月仁1, 小嶋裕一郎1, 小俣政男1,2
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 21-21, 2022.

Japanese Article 13. Significance of blood IL-6 measurement in the acute cholangitis
廣瀬純穂1, 村田智祥1, 安部晃規1, 中島京子1, 天野博之1, 浅川幸子1, 細田健司1, 小嶋裕一郎1, 望月仁1, 小俣政男1,2
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 21-21, 2022.

Japanese Article 14. Examination of the gallbladder drainage enforcement case of the endoscopic transnipple
中嶋太郎1, 三枝久能1, 井田真之1, 横田有紀子1, 児玉亮1, 牛丸博康1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 22-22, 2022.

Japanese Article 15. One case of intrahepatic bile duct stenosis that showed specific pathological finding
奥脇徹也1, 深澤佳満1, 深澤光晴1, 高野伸一1, 高橋英1, 長谷川浩之1, 川上智1, 早川宏1, 原井正太1, 島村成樹1, 吉村大1, 今川直人1, 榎本信幸1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 22-22, 2022.

Japanese Article 16 - laboratory of. One case of the IPMN merger pancreas yellow granulomatous inflammation that a cystic lesion disappeared suddenly, and became the solid lesion
清水優斗1, 長谷川浩之1, 深澤光晴1, 高野伸一1, 川上智1, 深澤佳満1, 早川宏1, 原井正太1, 島村成樹1, 吉村大1, 今川直人1, 榎本信幸1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 23-23, 2022.

Japanese Article 17-専. A case of pancreatic cancer complicated with ulcerative colitis requiring differentiation from type 2 autoimmune pancreatitis
小林義明1, 児玉亮1, 小澤由季1, 井田真之1, 横田有紀子1, 三枝久能1, 牛丸博泰1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 23-23, 2022.

Japanese Article 18. One case of unresectable inslinoma (G3) where medical treatment was successful for blood sugar control
高裕信1, 伊藤哲也1, 畔上周子1, 高橋芳之1, 小林惇一1, 柴田景子1, 柴田壮一郎1, 徳竹康二郎1, 丸山雅史1, 藤澤亨1, 森宏光1, 松田至晃1, 和田秀一1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 24-24, 2022.

Japanese Article 19. Two cases of the pancreatic cancer given an examination for oncogene panel
古川浩一1, 横山直行2, 伊藤和彦3, 橋立英樹4, 島田能史5, 坂田純5, 若井俊文5
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 24-24, 2022.

Japanese Article 20-専. A case of gastric ectopic pancreatitis confirmed by endoscopic ultrasonography-guided fine-needle aspiration (EUS-FNA)
村田智祥1, 廣瀬純穂1, 安部晃規1, 中島京子1, 天野博之1, 浅川幸子1, 細田健司1, 小嶋裕一郎1, 望月仁1, 小俣政男1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 25-25, 2022.

Japanese Article 21-専. A Case of Stage IV Gastric Cancer with Remarkable Response to Nivo+SOX Therapy
川村知輝1, 河口賀彦1, 赤池英憲1, 庄田勝俊1, 平山和義1, 滝口光一1, 白石謙介1, 古屋信二1, 樋口雄大1, 芦沢直樹1, 中山裕子1, 小澤貴臣1, 山本淳史1, 細村直弘1, 雨宮秀武1, 川井田博光1, 井上慎吾1, 市川大輔1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 25-25, 2022.

Japanese Article 22-専. Use of anti-EGFR antibody in first-line treatment for unresectable colorectal cancer
吉田耕太郎1, 小林由夏1,2, 宮崎遥可1, 杉田萌乃1, 中野応央樹1, 岡宏充1, 本田穣1, 佐藤明人1, 高村昌昭1, 富所隆1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 26-26, 2022.

Japanese Article 23 - laboratory of. One case of the small intestine hemangioma that we had a diagnosis with anemia, and surgical resection was performed
西山紘貴1, 盛田景介1, 吉川成一1, 土井智裕1, 夏井大輝1, 神保遼1, 永山逸夫1, 小林雄司1, 高綱将史1, 三浦努1, 竹内学1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 26-26, 2022.

Japanese Article 24. One case of the duodenal GIST which had difficulty in pancreas neuroendocrine tumor and differentiation
馬場幸恵1, 新川嘉紀1, 中村直樹1, 久保田大輔1, 小林聡1, 山本力1, 篠原直宏2, 青木諒介3, 田中宏和3, 篠原剛3, 山田博之3, 藤森芳郎3
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 27-27, 2022.

Japanese Article 25 - laboratory of. Usefulness of the in-hospital standard for the diverticula of colon bleeding of our hospital
倉澤悠海1, 松村真生子1, 寺島慶太1, 深澤晶1, 遠藤湧斗1, 桑原蓮1, 小島英吾1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 27-27, 2022.

Japanese Article 26 - laboratory of. The ulcerative colitis that mucous membrane healing was obtained after using tofacitinib and biological drug three drugs
長坂洸和1, 小嶋裕一郎1, 村田智祥1, 安部彰規1, 中島京子1, 天野博之1, 廣瀬純穂1, 浅川幸子1, 細田健司1, 望月仁1, 小山敏雄2, 小俣政男1,3
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 28-28, 2022.

Japanese Article 27-専. Use of biologics for Crohn's disease and examination of the characteristics of secondary failure cases
小島康輔1, 圓谷俊貴1, 鈴木庸弘1, 合志聡1, 佐藤知巳1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 28-28, 2022.

Japanese Article 28-専. A case of IgG4-associated mesenteric panniculitis complicated by advanced gastric cancer and difficult to diagnose
五十嵐崇徳1, 山崎駿1, 小島雄一1, 小林隆昌1, 安住基1, 佐藤聡史1, 野澤優次郎1, 佐野知江1, 岩永明人1, 横山純二1, 石川達1, 本間照1, 吉田俊明1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 29-29, 2022.

Japanese Article 29. One patient who was treated effectively with infliximab for the irAE enterocolitis with the immune checkpoint inhibitor
佐藤幸一1,2, 石黒翔子1, 小田切みずき1, 原田真衣子1, 齊藤博美1, 藤森尚之1, 森田進1, 藤森一也1, 滋野俊1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 29-29, 2022.

Japanese Article 30. One case of the peritoneal mesothelioma which we suffered from a diagnosis and were able to diagnose by an examination peritoneoscope
岩垂隆諒1, 永田祐介1, 清水祐樹1, 木村俊大1, 平林正裕1, 鈴木宏1, 國本英雄1, 北畠央之1, 関亜矢子1, 越知泰英1, 原悦雄1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 30-30, 2022.

Japanese Article 31 - laboratory of. One case of the childhood Meckel diverticulosis that it was diagnosed with GI bleeding and excised surgically
朝比奈佳毅1, 天野博之1, 村田智祥1, 安部晃規1, 中島京子1, 廣瀬純穂1, 浅川幸子1, 細田健司1, 小嶋裕一郎1, 望月仁1, 小俣政男1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 31-31, 2022.

Japanese Article 32-専. Two cases of intestinal obstruction due to anal stenosis due to chronic anal fissure
深澤晶1, 松村真生子1, 倉澤悠海1, 寺島慶太1, 遠藤湧斗1, 桑原蓮1, 小島英吾1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 31-31, 2022.

Japanese Article 33-専. Examination of colorectal stent placement in our hospital
桑原蓮1, 松村真生子1, 倉澤悠海1, 寺島慶太1, 深澤晶1, 遠藤湧斗1, 小島英吾1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 32-32, 2022.

Japanese Article 34-専. A case of intra-abdominal solitary fibrous tumor requiring differentiation from GIST
土井智裕1, 小林雄司1, 吉川成一1, 夏井大輝1, 神保遼1, 永山逸夫1, 盛田景介1, 高綱将史1, 三浦努1, 竹内学1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 32-32, 2022.

Japanese Article 35. One case of the parasitism myoma that presented the growth of the rectal mucous membrane lower tumor state
瀬原田魁1, 北沢将人1, 得丸重夫1, 中村聡1, 小山誠1, 本藤奈緒1, 宮崎暁1, 片岡将宏1, 山本直哉1, 副島雄二1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 33-33, 2022.

Japanese Article 36-専. Examination of postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy regimen for colorectal cancer Stage II / III in our hospital
廣井颯1, 川原聖佳子1, 大岩智1, 大渓隆弘1, 仲野哲矢1, 田中亮1, 新国恵也1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 33-33, 2022.

Japanese Article W-1. The change and problem of the treatment for esophageal varices
小林祥司1, 山口達也1, 高岡慎弥1, 久野徹1, 榎本信幸1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 37-37, 2022.

Japanese Article W-2 消. Treatment results and prognosis by selecting EIS/EVL according to hemodynamics
小川和也1, 薛徹1, 小島雄一1, 川田雄三1, 木村成宏1, 寺井崇二1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 37-37, 2022.

Japanese Article W-3 消. Treatment course of gastric varices using Histoacryl
安部晃規1, 小嶋裕一郎1, 村田智祥1, 中島京子1, 天野博之1, 廣瀬純穂1, 浅川幸子1, 細田健司1, 望月仁1, 小俣政男1,2
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 38-38, 2022.

Japanese Article W-4. 3 cases that was given endoscopic tissue adhesive infusion technique for the varicose vein ruptured that occurred in the episode of care of the malignant tumor
宮坂尚樹1, 福島秀樹1, 工藤彰治1, 山田崇裕1, 友利彰寿1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 38-38, 2022.

Japanese Article W-5 消. Endoscopic treatment of gastric antrum telangiectasia (GAVE) in our hospital
須藤貴森1, 樋口和男1, 北原桂1, 一條哲也1, 中村直1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 39-39, 2022.

Japanese Article W-6 消. Treatment strategy for gastric varices in our hospital (concurrent BRTO, PSE combination therapy)
大崎暁彦1, 福島直弥1, 登内孝文1, 古山海斗1, 熊谷優1, 安住里映1, 河久順志1, 田覚健一1, 佐藤宗広1, 和栗暢生1, 古川浩一2
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 39-39, 2022.

Japanese Article W-7 消. A case of esophageal varices that was difficult to control by percutaneous transhepatic portal collateral embolization (PTO) and partial splenic artery embolization (PSE)
小林隆昌1, 石川達1, 五十嵐崇徳1, 山崎駿1, 佐藤聡史1, 佐野知江1, 岩永明人1, 横山純二1, 本間照1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 40-40, 2022.

Japanese Article W-8 消. Two cases of portal hypertension successfully treated with intrahepatic AP shunt occlusion
金子祐太1, 村岡優1, 大澤玲於奈1, 小宮山泰之1, 高田ひとみ1, 中岫奈津子1, 鈴木雄一朗1, 佐藤光明1, 井上泰輔2, 前川伸哉1, 榎本信幸1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 40-40, 2022.

Japanese Article W-9 消. Treatment for portal hypertension complicated after liver transplantation
三田篤義1, 大野康成1, 窪田晃治1, 増田雄一1, 野竹剛1, 吉澤一貴1, 黒岩雄大1, 中村健太1, 本郷悠太1, 清水明1, 副島雄二1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 41-41, 2022.

English Article E-1. Gastric cancer after Helicobacter pylori eradication for nodular gastritis in an adolescent
宮澤仁美1, 岡村卓磨1, 澤口洋視1, 橋上遣太1, 原大地1, 宮澤鷹幸1, 平山敦大1, 岩谷勇吾1, 長屋匡信1, 岩谷舞2, 神田慎太郎3, 小泉知展3, 梅村武司1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 45-45, 2022.

English Article E-2. A case of ulcerative colitis complicated due to pancreatitis caused by 5-aminosalicylic acid
寺島慶太1, 松村真生子1, 倉澤悠海1, 深澤晶1, 遠藤湧斗1, 桑原蓮1, 小島英吾1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 45-45, 2022.

English Article E-3. A case of severe acute liver failure with multiple hemorrhagic pancreatitis
神保遼1, 荒生祥尚1, 山崎華子1, 水戸將貴1, 小島雄一1, 木村成宏1, 小林雄司2, 林和直1, 土屋淳紀1, 寺井崇二1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 46-46, 2022.

English Article E-4. A case of conversion surgery for Stage III primary hepatocellular carcinoma following favorable response to atezolizumab and bevacizumab combination therapy (ABC).
中岫奈津子1, 前川伸哉1, 大澤玲於奈1, 小宮山泰之1, 高田ひとみ1, 村岡優1, 鈴木雄一朗1, 佐藤光明1, 井上泰輔1, 三島江平2, 若林剛2, 榎本信幸1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 46-46, 2022.

Japanese Article P-1. Endoscopic drainage strategy for the hepatic portal region domain cholangiocarcinoma in our hospital
近藤翔平1, 中村晃1, 小口貴也1, 梅村武司1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 49-49, 2022.

Japanese Article P-2. Examination of the usefulness of inside stent in the nonresected hepatic portal region cholangiocarcinoma in our hospital
児玉亮1, 井田真之1, 横田由紀子1, 三枝久能1, 牛丸博泰1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 49-49, 2022.

Japanese Article P-3 消. Examination of TRBO-related factors after SEMS placement for malignant distal bile duct stricture due to pancreatic cancer
門倉信1, 谷本裕太1, 森優喜1, 竹中優美1, 安村智生1, 田中佳祐1, 雨宮史武1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 50-50, 2022.

Japanese Article P-4. Positioning of the ultrasonic endoscope lower liver drainage for malignant biliary tract stenosis in our hospital
西山秀1, 坂田正梧1, 伊藤唯1, 工藤彰治1, 比佐岳史1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 50-50, 2022.

Japanese Article P-5 消. Ingenuity to improve the treatment results and safety of EUS-BD
原井正太1, 深澤光晴1, 今川直人1, 吉村大1, 島村成樹1, 早川宏1, 深澤佳満1, 川上智1, 長谷川浩之1, 榎本信幸1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 51-51, 2022.

Japanese Article P-6 消. Results of Endoscopic Treatment for Malignant Biliary Stenosis in Postoperative Reconstructed Bowel at Our Hospital
佐藤宗広1, 河久順志1, 福島直弥1, 登内孝文1, 古山海斗1, 熊谷優1, 安住里映1, 大崎暁彦1, 田覚健一1, 古川浩一2, 和栗暢生1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 51-51, 2022.

Japanese Article P-7 消. Usefulness of balloon endoscopic biliary drainage for malignant biliary stricture in postoperative bowel reconstruction
名古屋拓郎1, 寺井崇二1, 林和直1, 五十嵐聡1, 小川光平1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 52-52, 2022.

Japanese Article P-8. The current situation of the biliary tract drainage in the duodenal stenting case
塩路和彦1, 丹羽祐輔1, 高橋祥史1, 今井径卓1, 小林正明1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 52-52, 2022.

Japanese Article P-9 消. A trial of new preoperative liver function evaluation considering the policy of preoperative biliary drainage and heterogeneity for perihilar cholangiocarcinoma in our department
野竹剛1, 清水明1, 窪田晃治1, 池原智彦1, 黒岩雄大1, 中村健也1, 本郷悠太1, 副島雄二1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 53-53, 2022.

Japanese Article P-10 消. Search for druggable mutations using brushing cytology specimens for malignant biliary stricture
天野博之1, 廣瀬純穂1, 村田智祥1, 安部晃規1,2, 中島京子1, 浅川幸子1,2, 細田健司1, 小嶋裕一郎1, 望月仁1,2, 大山広2,3, 弘津陽介2, 小俣政男1,2,4
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 53-53, 2022.

Japanese Article - to regard an optimal solution as a hepatocellular carcinoma treatment - tumor state in the compound immune therapy era from a drug characteristic
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 62-62, 2022.

Japanese Article About a molecular biologic characteristic of SARS coronavirus 2
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 67-67, 2022.

Japanese Article Chemotherapy of the liver pancreas domain
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 69-69, 2022.

Japanese Article Chylopoietic disease and genome
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (70): 71-71, 2022.