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The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology

Volume , Issue 71 / 2022
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article The 71st Japanese Society of Gastroenterology Koshinnetsu Branch regular meeting 93rd Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society Koshinnetsu Branch regular meeting combination regular meeting 23rd Japanese Society of Gastroenterology Koshinnetsu Branch specialist seminar 48th Japan digestive organ disease studies Koshinnetsu Branch education lecture greetings
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 1-1, 2022.

Japanese Article "Learning and Practice to Train Surgeons"
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 26-27, 2022.

Japanese Article S-1. We tie clinical practice and foundations: We aim at the digestive organ physician who is translational
木村岳史1, 梅村武司1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 28-28, 2022.

Japanese Article S-2. The digestive organ internal medicine specialist education system in the Saku medical center
工藤晶治1, 比佐岳史1, 江郷晶1, 宮坂尚樹1, 伊藤唯1, 西山秀1, 山田崇裕1, 大瀬良省三1, 友利彰寿1, 福島秀樹1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 28-28, 2022.

Japanese Article S-3. We tell surgery, the surgical charm to a young physician
河口賀彦1, 赤池英憲1, 庄田勝俊1, 白石謙介1, 古屋信二1, 中山裕子1, 細村直弘1, 雨宮秀武1, 河野寛1, 井上慎吾1, 川井田博充1, 市川大輔1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 29-29, 2022.

Japanese Article S-4. Securing of young physician measures wanting to be digestive organ surgery
増田雄一1, 清水明1, 北沢将人1, 窪田晃治1, 野竹剛1, 大野康成1, 本藤奈緒1, 三田篤義1, 副島雄二1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 29-29, 2022.

Japanese Article W1-1. The current situation of the robot support lower large intestine resection in our hospital and the future prospects
滝口光一1, 古屋信二1, 平山和義1, 白石謙介1, 川村知輝1, 林孝朗1, 小澤貴臣1, 樋口雄大1, 松岡宏一1, 山本淳史1, 庄田勝俊1, 赤池英憲1, 細村直弘1, 河口賀彦1, 雨宮秀武1, 川井田博充1, 市川大輔1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 34-34, 2022.

Japanese Article W1-2. Examination of 13 robot support low price bowels surgery introduction early days in our hospital
北沢将人1, 得丸重夫1, 中村聡1, 小山誠1, 宮崎暁1, 本藤奈緒1, 片岡将宏1, 瀬原田魁1, 副島雄二1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 34-34, 2022.

Japanese Article W1-3. Examination of the robot support Laparoscopic colon resection case in our hospital
安留道也1, 中本叫泰1, 岡知美1, 遠藤樹希1, 矢嶋文1, 池亀昂1, 渡邊英樹1, 大森隼人1, 鷹野敦史1, 木村亜矢子1, 井上正行1, 古屋一茂1, 羽田真朗1, 宮坂芳明1, 飯室勇二1, 中込博1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 35-35, 2022.

Japanese Article W1-4. It is results of the ultrasonic endoscope guide lower drainage for pancreatic fistula, the pancreatic abscess after the operation in our hospital
西山秀1, 比佐岳史1, 工藤彰治1, 山田崇裕1, 大瀬良省三1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 35-35, 2022.

Japanese Article W1-5. Endoscopic hand-sewn stitch for the stomach ESD ulcer
高橋亜紀子1, 小山恒男1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 36-36, 2022.

Japanese Article W1-6. Superficial duodenal epithelial neoplasm, endoscopic treatment for duodenal tumor including NETG1
浅川幸子1, 小嶋裕一郎1, 村田智祥1, 安部彰規1, 中島京子1, 天野博之1, 廣瀬純穂1, 細田健司1, 望月仁1, 小山敏雄2, 小俣政男1,3
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 36-36, 2022.

Japanese Article W1-7. It is examined the clinical course of the non-surgery case after the large intestine stenting for primary colon cancer in our hospital
小澤俊一郎1, 古屋圭一1, 見本雄一郎1, 白勢大門1, 若尾聡士1, 末木良太1, 進藤邦明1, 土屋雅人1, 佐藤公1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 37-37, 2022.

Japanese Article W1-8 消. A case of unresectable intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma treated with transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) and heavy ion radiotherapy
内山敦司1, 上村博輝1, 木村莉菓1, 佐藤千紘1, 木村究1, 渡邉雄介1, 高橋一也1, 五十嵐聡1, 寺井崇二1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 37-37, 2022.

Japanese Article W1-9. Examination of the treatment support of the percutaneous radiofrequency wave cauter therapy for the liver malignant tumor in our hospital
石川達1, 五十嵐崇徳1, 山崎駿1, 小林隆昌1, 佐藤聡史1, 岩永明人1, 佐野知江1, 横山純二1, 本間照1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 38-38, 2022.

Japanese Article W2-1 消. Influence of age and frailty on surgical outcome of perihilar cholangiocarcinoma
中村健也1, 清水明1, 窪田晃治1, 野竹剛1, 増尾仁志1, 吉澤隆裕1, 細田清孝1, 坂井紘紀1, 池原智彦1, 林輝1, 安川紘矢1, 梅村謙太郎1, 蒲池厚志1, 本郷悠太1, 黒岩雄大1, 副島雄二1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 40-40, 2022.

Japanese Article W2-2 消. Prognosis after liver resection for elderly hepatocellular carcinoma
雨宮秀武1, 林孝朗1, 山本淳史1, 細村直弘1, 川井田博充1, 庄田勝俊1, 中山裕子1, 白石謙介1, 古屋信二1, 赤池英憲1, 河口賀彦1, 井上慎吾1, 市川大輔1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 40-40, 2022.

Japanese Article W2-3 消. Treatment strategies and issues for very elderly pancreatic cancer
池内浩志1, 児玉亮1, 小澤由季1, 小林義明1, 横田有紀子1, 三枝久能1, 牛丸博泰1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 41-41, 2022.

Japanese Article W2-4 消. Study of treatment for elderly patients with unresectable pancreatic cancer in our hospital
北原桂1, 樋口和男1, 須藤貴森1, 一條哲也1, 中村直1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 41-41, 2022.

Japanese Article W2-5 消. Examination of chemotherapy indication for elderly pancreatic cancer using geriatric functional evaluation
竹中優美1, 門倉信1, 谷本裕太1, 森優喜1, 田中佳祐1, 雨宮史武1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 42-42, 2022.

Japanese Article W2-6 消. Esophageal ESD for elderly superficial esophageal cancer and its issues
久野徹1, 小林祥司1, 大高雅彦1,2, 石田剛士1, 高岡慎弥1, 吉田貴史1, 山口達也1, 榎本信幸1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 42-42, 2022.

Japanese Article W2-7. The current situation and problem of the endoscopic stratum submucosum detachment technique for the esophagus superficial cancer of the elderly aged 75 or over
宮澤鷹幸1, 岡村卓磨1, 岩谷勇吾1, 長屋匡信1, 梅村武司1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 43-43, 2022.

Japanese Article W2-8. The present situation of the super elderly people acute cholangitis practice and future problem
河久順志1, 佐藤宗広1, 田覚健一1, 和栗暢生1, 古川浩一2
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 43-43, 2022.

English Article 1 消. A case of perforated duodenal diverticulitis treated conservatively, associated with superior mesenteric artery syndrome
神保遼1, 盛田景介1, 土井智裕1, 夏井大輝1, 熊谷優1, 小林雄司1, 高綱将史1, 吉川成一1, 竹内学1, 三浦努1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 47-47, 2022.

English Article 2 消. Massive empyema with Edwardsiella tarda in a patient with liver cirrhosis : a case report
水戸將貴1, 木村成宏1, 山崎華子1, 神保遼1, 小島雄一1, 荒生祥尚1, 林和直1, 土屋淳紀1, 寺井崇二1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 47-47, 2022.

English Article 3 消. Bleeding from collateral vessels during gastrostomy exchange : a rare case treated with percutaneous transhepatic occlusion
奥村太規1, 木村岳史1, 宮澤鷹幸1, 塚原嘉典2, 長屋匡信1, 梅村武司1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 48-48, 2022.

Japanese Article 1 内専. A case of raspberry-like crypt epithelial gastric cancer in Helicobacter pylori (HP) uninfected stomach
石井壮一1, 佐藤祐一1, 田村康1, 五十嵐正人1, 高橋澄雄1, 青柳豊1, 内藤眞2
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 51-51, 2022.

Japanese Article 2 内専. A case of Killian-Jamieson diverticulum with dysphagia successfully treated with septum incision
土井智裕1, 高綱将史1, 夏井大輝1, 神保遼1, 永山逸夫1, 熊谷優1, 盛田景介1, 小林雄司1, 三浦努1, 吉川成一1, 高橋奈央2, 竹内学1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 51-51, 2022.

Japanese Article 3 内専. A case of collision cancer between differentiated gastric cancer and fundic gland-type gastric cancer in a case of H. pylori infection
堀亜洲1, 小林正明1, 富吉圭1, 丹羽佑輔1, 高橋祥史1, 今井径卓1, 塩路和彦1, 渡邉玄2
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 52-52, 2022.

Japanese Article The laboratory of 4. One case of hyperplastic polyps repeating a recurrence after the endoscopic mucosal resection
矢ケ崎萌1, 高橋英1, 早川宏1, 深澤佳満1, 赤澤祥弘2, 須貝英光2, 三澤明彦1, 鈴木修2, 井上泰輔1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 52-52, 2022.

Japanese Article The laboratory of 5. One case that underwent endoscopic stratum submucosum detachment technique (ESD) for a wide range of multiple early gastric cancer which occurred in familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP)
山本瀬里1, 吉田貴史1, 久野徹1, 山下洸司1, 石田剛士1, 高岡慎弥1, 小林祥司1, 山口達也1, 榎本信幸1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 53-53, 2022.

Japanese Article 6 内専. A case of ectopic pancreas that was difficult to differentiate from duodenal adenoma
牧直哉1, 菅智明1, 安藤皓一郎1, 芦原典宏1, 林健次郎1, 小松通治1, 太田裕志1, 武川建二1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 53-53, 2022.

Japanese Article 7 内専. A case of duodenal hamartoma treated by endoscopic mucosal resection
村田智祥1, 小嶋裕一郎1, 安倍晃規1, 中島京子1, 天野博之1, 廣瀬純穂1, 浅川幸子1, 細田健司1, 望月仁1, 小山敏雄2, 小俣政男1,3
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 54-54, 2022.

Japanese Article The laboratory of 8. One patient who was able to diagnose ectopic gastric mucosa in the Meckel diverticulum by the small intestine endoscope
昆和希1, 高綱将史1, 土井智裕1, 夏井大輝1, 神保遼1, 熊谷優1, 盛田景介1, 小林雄司1, 吉川成一1, 三浦努1, 谷達夫2, 薄田浩幸3, 竹内学1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 54-54, 2022.

Japanese Article 9 内専. A case of Trisomy8-associated enterocolitis with serial endoscopic observations before the onset of myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS)
畔上周子1, 藤澤亨1, 高裕信1, 高橋芳之1, 小林惇一1, 柴田景子1, 柴田壮一郎1, 徳竹康二郎1, 伊藤哲也1, 森宏光1, 松田至晃1, 和田秀一1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 55-55, 2022.

Japanese Article 10 内専. A case of ulcerative colitis-associated advanced cancer for which endoscopic diagnosis was difficult
武井理紗1, 平山敦大1, 澤口洋視1, 橋上遣太1, 原大地1, 宮澤仁美1, 宮澤鷹幸2, 岡村卓磨1, 岩谷勇吾3, 長屋匡信2, 北沢将人4, 山下名帆5, 岩谷舞5, 梅村武司1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 55-55, 2022.

Japanese Article 11 内専. A case of acute hemorrhagic rectal ulcer with repeated arterial bleeding and difficulty in hemostasis
清水祐樹1, 中島大地1, 佐々木信和1, 栗林直矢1, 高橋俊晴1, 岡庭信司1, 中村喜行1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 56-56, 2022.

Japanese Article 12 内専. A case of recurrence of follicular lymphoma pointed out as colonic submucosal tumor
唐千晴1, 兼古祐輔1, 横山邦彦1, 佐藤公俊1, 熊木大輔1, 森田慎一1, 船越和博1, 小堺貴司2, 酒井剛3, 寺井崇二4
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 56-56, 2022.

Japanese Article The laboratory of 13. An example of the drug-related autoimmune hepatitis by the low, striped bamboo extract
梶原江里子1, 日原優1, 野沢祐一1, 井上勝朗1, 西村好裕2, 丸山敦史1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 57-57, 2022.

Japanese Article The laboratory of 14. One case of acidophilic cholangitis that was able to observe a characteristic bile duct image with cholangioscope
花野薫1, 河久順志1, 佐藤宗広1, 福島直弥1, 登内孝文1, 古山海斗1, 安住里映1, 大崎暁彦1, 田覚健一1, 和栗暢生1, 古川浩一2, 橋立英樹3
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 57-57, 2022.

Japanese Article 15 内専. A Case of Traumatic Pancreatic Injury with Rupture of the Main Pancreatic Duct and Successful Endoscopic Pancreatic Drainage for Pancreatic Fistula
関田博昭1, 近藤翔平1, 堀内一太郎1, 鎌倉雅人1, 柳澤匠1, 田中友之1, 中村晃1, 小口貴也1, 梅村武司1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 58-58, 2022.

Japanese Article The laboratory of 16. 1 autopsy case of the pancreatic cancer which died of GI bleeding due to the gastroduodenal artery rupture
西村慎也1, 池内浩志1, 児玉亮1, 小澤由季1, 小林義明1, 横田有紀子1, 三枝久能1, 牛丸博泰1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 58-58, 2022.

Japanese Article 17 消専. A case of eosinophilic esophagitis caused by sublingual immunotherapy against ticks, which improved after discontinuation of the drug
古屋圭一1, 若尾聡士1, 見本雄一郎1, 白勢大門1, 小澤俊一郎1, 末木良太1, 進藤邦明1, 佐藤公1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 59-59, 2022.

Japanese Article 18 消専. A case of acute necrotizing esophagitis
兼古祐輔1, 唐千晴1, 横山邦彦1, 佐藤公俊1, 熊木大輔1, 森田慎一1, 船越和博1, 寺井崇二2
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 59-59, 2022.

Japanese Article 19 消一般. Three cases of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma that were refractory to first-line treatment and were successfully treated with nivolumab as second-line chemotherapy
高橋祥史1, 小林正明1, 堀亜州1, 富吉圭1, 丹羽佑輔1, 今井径卓1, 塩路和彦1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 60-60, 2022.

Japanese Article The public in 20. One case of the fundic gland type adenocarcinoma which was able to confirm the course for nine years
中嶋太郎1, 樋口雅隆1, 沖山葉子1, 中島恒夫1, 松澤賢治1, 丸山和敏1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 60-60, 2022.

Japanese Article 21 消専. A case of gastric mixed neuroendocrine-non-neuroendocrine neoplasms
水上瑛仁1, 須藤誠1, 宮原和弘1, 山寺陽一1,2, 斎藤晴久2, 會津謙治2, 小林哲2, 倉富夏彦2
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 61-61, 2022.

Japanese Article 22 消一般. Examination of surgical results for advanced gastric cancer with urgency symptoms
池亀昂1, 大森隼人1, 羽田真朗1, 渡邊英樹1, 鷹野敦史1, 古屋一茂1, 安留道也1, 宮坂芳明1, 飯室勇二1, 中込博1, 小俣政男2
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 61-61, 2022.

Japanese Article 23 消専. A case of gastrointestinal stromal tumor with fistulization diagnosed by EUS-FNA (GIST)
小澤由季1, 三枝久能1, 小林義明1, 池内浩志1, 横田有紀子1, 児玉亮1, 牛丸博泰1, 大久保浩毅2
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 62-62, 2022.

Japanese Article 24 消専. Two Cases of Esophageal Hiatal Hernia with Upside-down Stomach
和氣優太郎1, 大工原誠一1, 三井健太1, 多田井敏治1, 古田清1, 宮林秀晴1, 松村任泰1, 北川敬之1, 中川幹1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 62-62, 2022.

Japanese Article The public in 25. One case of the breast cancer metastases to stomach that presented the small lightening-like dip-related lesion which occurred frequently
澤口洋視1, 橋上遣太1, 原大地1, 宮澤仁美1, 宮澤鷹幸2, 平山敦大1, 岡村卓磨1, 岩谷勇吾3, 長屋匡信2, 上原剛4, 梅村武司1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 63-63, 2022.

Japanese Article 26 消一般. A Case of Autoimmune Hepatitis Who Developed Pneumocystis Pneumonia Three Years After Discontinuing ST Combination Drugs
山下洸司1, 鈴木雄一朗1, 大澤玲於奈1, 小宮山泰之1, 中岫奈津子1, 高田ひとみ1, 村岡優1, 佐藤光明1, 前川伸哉1, 榎本信幸1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 64-64, 2022.

Japanese Article 27 消研. A case of giant hepatocellular carcinoma successfully treated with multidisciplinary therapy
花形圭祐1, 進藤邦明1, 古屋圭一1, 見本雄一郎1, 白勢大門1, 若尾聡士1, 小澤俊一郎1, 末木良太1, 曽田均1, 土屋雅人1, 佐藤公1, 佐々木優2
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 64-64, 2022.

Japanese Article 28 消研. A case of unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma successfully treated with atezolizumab + bevacizumab combination therapy followed by conversion therapy with TACE and RFA
目黒太一1, 今井径卓1, 堀亜洲1, 富吉圭1, 丹羽佑輔1, 高橋祥史1, 塩路和彦1, 小林正明1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 65-65, 2022.

Japanese Article 29 消専. A case of decompensated liver cirrhosis and gastric varices after preoperative chemotherapy for rectal cancer, which improved with BRTO and liver support therapy
福島直弥1, 大崎暁彦1, 登内孝文1, 古山海斗1, 山崎華子1, 熊谷優1, 安住里映1, 河久順志1, 田覚健一1, 佐藤宗広1, 和栗暢生1, 古川浩一2
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 65-65, 2022.

Japanese Article 30 消専. A case of acute pancreatitis who died from non-obstructive intestinal ischemia
小林義明1, 児玉亮1, 小澤由季1, 池内浩志1, 横田有紀子1, 三枝久能1, 牛丸博泰1, 牧野睦月2, 川口研二2
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 66-66, 2022.

Japanese Article The public in 31. An example of the pancreatic fistula in the mediastinum
雄山澄華1, 藤元瞳1, 西条勇哉1, 松本航1, 安達翔太1, 新倉則和1, 五十嵐亨1, 清澤研道1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 66-66, 2022.

Japanese Article 32 消研. A case of mixed-type neuroendocrine carcinoma of the gallbladder with difficult preoperative imaging
竹本正人1, 芦原典宏1, 牧直哉1, 安藤皓一郎1, 代田智樹2, 林健次郎1, 小松通治1, 菅智明1, 太田裕志1, 武川建二1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 67-67, 2022.

Japanese Article 33 消研. A Case of Pancreatic Endocrine Tumor with Long-Term Survival with Multimodality Treatment
西畑摩耶1, 小林由夏2,3, 吉田耕太郎2, 宮崎遥可2, 杉田萌乃2, 中野応央樹2, 岡宏充2, 本田穣2, 佐藤明人2, 高村昌昭2
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 67-67, 2022.

Japanese Article 34 消一般. Current Status of Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy (PRRT) in Our Hospital
塩路和彦1, 堀亜洲1, 富吉圭1, 丹羽佑輔1, 高橋祥史1, 今井径卓1, 小林正明1, 田中研介2, 鮎川文夫2
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 68-68, 2022.

Japanese Article 35 消研. A Case of Minimal Pancreatic Tail Tumor with Surrounding Inflammation
神田大裕1, 深澤佳満1, 深澤光晴1, 高野伸一1, 長谷川浩之1, 川上智1, 早川宏1, 原井正太1, 島村成樹1, 吉村大1, 今川直人1, 榎本信幸1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 69-69, 2022.

Japanese Article The public in 36. One case of the pancreatic duct type IPMN stomach penetration in pursuit of the natural history for four years
宮崎暁1, 小松大介1, 増尾仁志1, 坂井紘紀1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 69-69, 2022.

Japanese Article 37 消一般. A Case of Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Carcinoma (IPMC) Difficult to Differentiate from Intraductal Tubulopapillary Neoplasm (ITPN)
高裕信1, 丸山雅史2, 伊藤哲也1, 畔上周子1, 高橋芳之1, 小林惇一1, 柴田壮一郎1, 柴田景子1, 徳竹康二郎1, 藤澤亨1, 森宏光1, 松田至晃1, 和田秀一1, 佐野周生3
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 70-70, 2022.

Japanese Article 38 消一般. A case of pancreatic mucinous cystic neoplasm that was difficult to distinguish from IPMN and led to long-term resection
奥脇徹也1, 川上智1, 深澤光晴1, 高野伸一1, 長谷川浩之1, 深澤佳満1, 早川宏1, 原井正太1, 島村成樹1, 吉村大1, 今川直人1, 榎本信幸1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 70-70, 2022.

Japanese Article The public in 39. Examination of the pancreas depiction ability of a Convex type and the Radial type with the ultrasonic endoscope
児玉亮1, 小澤由季1, 小林義明1, 池内浩志1, 横田有紀子1, 三枝久能1, 牛丸博泰1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 71-71, 2022.

Japanese Article 40 消研. A resected case of very rare duodenal diverticulum cancer
山口遵1, 小川洋1, 山崎駿1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 72-72, 2022.

Japanese Article 41 消専. Two cases of olmesartan-associated sprue-like enterocolitis
小玉絵理奈1, 山崎駿1, 横山純二1, 五十嵐崇徳1, 小林隆昌1, 佐藤聡史1, 佐野知江1, 岩永明人1, 石川達1, 吉田俊明1, 西倉健2, 本間照1, 小川和也3, 川田雄三3, 寺井崇二3
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 72-72, 2022.

Japanese Article 42 消研. A Case of Giant Small Mesenteric Hemangioma Requiring Differentiation from Superior Mesenteric Varicose Veins
森下健1, 大崎暁彦1, 福島直弥1, 登内孝文1, 古山海斗1, 山崎華子1, 熊谷優1, 安住里映1, 河久順志1, 田覚健一1, 佐藤宗広1, 和栗暢生1, 古川浩一2
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 73-73, 2022.

Japanese Article 43 消専. Three Cases of Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome and Proposal of Diagnosis Procedure
古山海斗1, 大崎暁彦1, 福島直弥1, 登内孝文1, 山崎華子1, 熊谷優1, 安住里映1, 河久順志1, 田覚健一1, 佐藤宗広1, 和栗暢生1, 古川浩一2
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 73-73, 2022.

Japanese Article 44 消研. A case of malignant lymphoma with variable and widespread small intestinal wall thickening and peritoneal thickening
藁谷友1, 影向一美1, 堀端祐介1, 渡邊浩太朗1, 小山究太郎1, 井上良介1, 木村真由紀1, 堂森浩二1, 佐々木俊哉1, 渡邉雅史1, 夏井正明1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 74-74, 2022.

Japanese Article 45 消専. A case of protein-losing gastroenteropathy of unknown etiology in which small bowel resection was successful
木内怜平1, 宮澤鷹幸1, 堀内一太郎1, 澤口洋視1, 近藤翔平1, 杉浦亜弓1, 平山敦大1, 岡村卓磨1, 岩谷勇吾1, 長屋匡信1, 徳丸重夫2, 梅村武司1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 74-74, 2022.

Japanese Article 46 消研. A case of A20 haploinsufficiency diagnosed during Behcet's disease treatment and successfully treated with adalimumab
保坂彩夏1, 浅川幸子1, 小嶋裕一郎1, 村田智祥1, 安部晃規1, 中島京子1, 天野博之1, 廣瀬純穂1, 鈴木洋司1, 望月仁1, 小俣政男1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 75-75, 2022.

Japanese Article 47 消研. A case of Crohn's disease with ileal cancer
中村優一朗1, 小嶋裕一郎1, 村田智祥1, 安部晃規1, 中島京子1, 天野博之1, 廣瀬純穂1, 浅川幸子1, 細田健司1, 望月仁1, 古屋一茂2, 宮坂芳明2, 小山敏雄3, 小俣政男1,4
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 75-75, 2022.

Japanese Article 48 消専. A case of ulcerative colitis (UC) exacerbated by bloody stools due to thrombocytopenia induced by ST combination drug
桑原蓮1, 松村真生子1, 遠藤湧斗1, 小島英吾1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 76-76, 2022.

Japanese Article 49 消一般. A case of perivascular epithelioid cell tumor of the ascending colon (PEComa) associated with tuberous sclerosis
瀬原田魁1, 北沢将人1, 平山敦大2, 得丸重夫1, 中村聡1, 小山誠1, 本藤奈緒1, 宮崎暁1, 片岡将宏1, 小口祐一1, 副島雄二1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 77-77, 2022.

Japanese Article The public in 50. One case of the adult idiopathic intussusception that occurred
渡邉東1, 中塚由実子1, 堀米亮子1, 植木秀功2, 大矢洋2
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 77-77, 2022.

Japanese Article 51 消一般. A case of anal squamous cell carcinoma successfully treated with chemoradiotherapy
柴田景子1, 畔上周子1, 高裕信1, 高橋芳之1, 小林惇一1, 柴田壮一郎1, 徳竹康二郎1, 伊藤哲也1, 藤澤亨1, 森宏光1, 松田至晃1, 和田秀一1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 78-78, 2022.

Japanese Article 52 消一般. A case of perforation between two synchronous colorectal cancers during colonoscopy
丹羽佑輔1, 小林正明1, 堀亜洲1, 富吉圭1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 78-78, 2022.

Japanese Article The public in 53. One case of the cancer of head of pancreas which was able to continue chemical treatment by ultrasonic endoscope lower pancreatic duct drainage technique (EUS-PD)
伊藤哲也1, 丸山雅史2, 畔上周子1, 高裕信1, 高橋芳之1, 小林惇一1, 柴田壮一郎1, 柴田景子1, 徳竹康二郎1, 藤澤亨1, 森宏光1, 松田至晃1, 和田秀一1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 79-79, 2022.

Japanese Article 54 消専. A case of intracholecystic papillary neoplasm with associated invasive carcinoma with mixed cystic and solid lesions
黒沢晃伸1, 上條優真1, 木村俊大1, 土屋智章1, 鈴木宏1, 永田祐介1, 國本英雄1, 北畠央之1, 関亜矢子1, 越知泰英1, 原悦雄1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 79-79, 2022.

Japanese Article 55 消研. A case of gallbladder metastasis and pancreatic metastasis 6 and 15 years after renal cell carcinoma surgery
小瀧翔太1, 神保遼1, 吉川成一1, 土井智裕1, 夏井大輝1, 熊谷優1, 盛田景介1, 小林雄司1, 高綱将史1, 竹内学1, 三浦努1, 薄田浩幸2
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 80-80, 2022.

Japanese Article 56 消専. An Autopsy Case of Long-Term Survival Pancreatic Cancer Requiring Differentiation from Primary Lung Adenocarcinoma and IgG4-Related Diseases
岡優祐1, 若林俊一1, 木村岳史1, 中村晃1, 鎌倉雅人1, 平山敦大1, 成澤友里2, 岩谷舞2, 梅村武司1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 80-80, 2022.

Japanese Article 57 消専. Treatment experience of TS1 anaplastic pancreatic cancer associated with IPMN
木村俊大1, 上條優真1, 黒沢晃伸1, 土屋智章1, 鈴木宏1, 永田祐介1, 北畠央之1, 國本英雄1, 関亜矢子1, 越知泰英1, 原悦雄1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 81-81, 2022.

Japanese Article 58 消一般. Two cases of multiple liver tumors diagnosed by liver biopsy
南澤昌郁1, 井田真之1, 平林正裕1, 岩波直弥1, 北川奈美1, 小澤真希子1, 黒岩正嗣2, 小山佳紀2, 小出直彦2, 濱野英明1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 82-82, 2022.

Japanese Article 59 消一般. A case of gigantic hepatocellular carcinoma in a very elderly patient who was successfully treated with proton beam therapy
松崎豊1, 荒屋正幸2, 今井淳葵1, 安達翔太1, 松本航1, 雄山澄華1, 西条勇哉1, 藤元瞳1, 五十嵐亨1, 新倉則和1, 清澤研道1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 82-82, 2022.

Japanese Article 60 消一般. A case of refractory pleural effusion with excellent effect after peritoneal-subclavian vein and thoracic-peritoneal Denver shunts
依田宏貴1, 山下洸司1, 大澤玲於奈1, 小宮山泰之1, 中岫奈津子1, 高田ひとみ1, 村岡優1, 鈴木雄一朗1, 佐藤光明1, 前川伸哉1, 榎本信幸1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 83-83, 2022.

Japanese Article 61 消一般. A case of ruptured hepatocellular carcinoma in which atezolizumab/bevacizumab combination therapy was introduced after hepatic artery catheterization and lenvatinib therapy
田村康1, 石井壮一1, 五十嵐正人1, 高橋澄雄1, 青柳豊1, 佐藤祐一1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 83-83, 2022.

Japanese Article 62 消一般. A case of acute hepatic failure due to type IV Budd-Chiari syndrome who was able to be saved by brain-dead liver transplantation
木村究1, 大崎暁彦1, 松原幹1, 若林拓哉1, 安住里映1, 河久順志1, 田覚健一1, 佐藤宗広1, 和栗暢生1, 古川浩一2, 橋立英樹3
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 84-84, 2022.

Japanese Article 63 消研. Study on usefulness of hepatic artery chemoembolization for liver metastasis of malignant melanoma
丸山紘貴1, 阿部寛幸1, 若林拓哉1, 小玉絵理奈1, 小川和也1, 酒井規裕1, 名古屋拓郎1, 中島尚1, 坂牧僚1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 85-85, 2022.

Japanese Article 64 消専. A case of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma treated with pembrolizumab after MSI high detected by cancer gene test
小林弘幸1, 細村直弘1, 川井田博充1, 雨宮秀武1, 川村知輝1, 松岡宏一1, 山本淳史1, 林孝朗1, 小澤貴臣1, 樋口雄大1, 滝口光一1, 平山和義1, 庄田勝俊1, 白石謙介1, 古屋信二1, 赤池英憲1, 河口賀彦1, 市川大輔1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 85-85, 2022.

Japanese Article 65 消専. A case of solitary liver metastasis after surgery for breast cancer with good therapeutic effect by multidisciplinary treatment including liver resection
北沢文香1, 副島雄二1, 清水明1, 窪田晃治1, 野竹剛1, 黒岩雄大1, 中村建也1, 本郷悠太1
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 86-86, 2022.

Japanese Article 66 消専. A Case of Hepatic Granuloma Difficult to Differentiate from Hepatic Malignant Tumor
小島康輔1, 佐藤毅昂1, 夏井一輝1, 後藤諒1, 丸山正樹1, 皆川昌広2, 薄田浩幸3
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 86-86, 2022.

Japanese Article 67 消専. A case of giant hepatocellular carcinoma undergoing conversion surgery after lenvatinib treatment
林孝朗1, 雨宮秀武1, 細村直弘1, 川井田博充1, 山本淳史1, 松岡宏一1, 滝口光一1, 平山和義1, 芦沢直樹1, 白石謙介1, 庄田勝俊1, 中山裕子1, 古屋信二1, 赤池英憲1, 河口賀彦1, 井上慎吾1, 市川大輔1, 鈴木雄一郎2, 榎本信幸2
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 87-87, 2022.

Japanese Article H. Gastric cancer endoscope practice of the pylori-negative times
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 98-99, 2022.

Japanese Article The basic way of thinking and latest information of the gastric cancer medical therapy
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 100-101, 2022.

Japanese Article Role of the nourishment in cancer treatment
The Koshinetu Branch of the Japanese of Gastroenterology (71): 102-103, 2022.