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Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy

Volume , Issue 72 / 2018
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Overview and Current Status of the Research for Alzheimer's Disease
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (72): 1-5, 2018.

Japanese Article Investigation ... for pharmacy school students under the environment - campus smoking cessation that became the smoking situation of the pharmacy school life and the opportunity of the smoking start
内田友二*1,3, 高野義久*2,3, 豊岡真希*1, 藤井績*1, 首藤恵子*1, 徳冨直史*1, 瀬尾量*1,3, 松倉誠*1,3
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (72): 7-11, 2018.

Japanese Article Relative examination with hypophosphatemia and the nutrition therapy that occurred during hospitalization
渡邊瑛理*2, 平田憲史郎*2, 下石和樹*2, 陣上祥子*2
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (72): 13-17, 2018.

Japanese Article Introduction effect of the prescription representation input in the ward drug duties non-enforcement hospital
津上可奈*2, 石橋敦子*2, 大久保夏希*2, 大島寛之*2, 後藤直人*2, 内田万里*3, 小池文彦*4, 平野和裕*2
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (72): 19-23, 2018.

Japanese Article Doctor's Consciousness Survey on Fractional Cut Off of Anticancer Drug Dose and Trial Calculation of Its Impact on Medical Cost Reduction
植木亮磨*2, 横山雄一*2, 月光淳*3, 篠原義剛*2, 中村智*3, 植木哲也*2
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (72): 25-29, 2018.

Japanese Article The situation and questionary survey of the doubt inquiry when we changed the input of the oral medicine prescription from the daily dose to the quantity once
伊藤由希*1, 水本智子*1, 丸田佐知子*1, 横山賢二*1, 寺本拓哉*1, 猿渡康宏*1, 山本裕子*1, 赤坂綾*1, 平井裕子*1
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (72): 31-34, 2018.

Japanese Article Investigation of the clinical test value mention situation of the prescription which performed meeting a demand at a drugstore and the utilization situation
塚本賢児*3, 熊野御堂悠*4, 尾脇まり子*5, 穴見江梨子*6, 徳山智治*7, 坂本豊伸*8, 天方奉子*9, 稲葉一郎*9, 今里泰*10, 木戸宏幸*10, 湯川栄二*10
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (72): 35-39, 2018.

Japanese Article Properties of matter evaluation of the steroid ointment which we mixed with heparinoid from animal organ ointment
徳山智治*2, 尾脇まり子*3, 熊野御堂悠*4, 穴見江梨子*5, 坂本豊伸*6, 塚本賢児*7, 天方奉子*8, 稲葉一郎*8, 今里泰*9, 木戸宏幸*9, 湯川栄二*9, 庵原大輔*10, 平山文俊*10
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (72): 41-44, 2018.

Japanese Article It is ... for upbringing of the pharmacist who can utilize introduction of the problem using the protocol to the training about the trial in the pharmacy business training and evaluation - drug information appropriately
田中智佳*2,3, 貞包香織*2,3, 坂口裕美*2,3, 山内結衣*2,3, 辻川智子*2,3, 藤原弘実*2,3, 田島壮一郎*2,3, 田中瑠美*2,3, 細川さやか*2, 西田朋子*2,3, 海老原かおり*3, 増田智先*2
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (72): 45-50, 2018.

Japanese Article Effect of the traceability analysis of pharmaceutical products SPD in the class I voluntary recall
関屋裕史*2, 緒方豊*3, 梶原隆広*4, 福永洋子*4, 北畑恵理子*2, 岩切智美*2, 奥村学*2, 池田龍二*2
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (72): 51-55, 2018.

Japanese Article 3 cases that was given methadone introduction for intractable cancer pain with the neuropathic pain
畑中真理*2, 平原康寿*2, 吉川直樹*2, 山賀昌治*3, 柴田伸弘*4, 船橋英樹*5, 藤山美穂*6, 西村亜希*6, 三輪真砂子*6, 田崎智也*2, 岩切智美*2, 奥村学*2, 池田龍二*2
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (72): 57-61, 2018.

Japanese Article Analysis of the Clostridium difficile associated diseases using adverse drug reaction database (JADER)
馬場安里*2, 福重友理*2, 伊東潤一*2, 今村政信*2, 中川博雄*2, 中村忠博*2, 北原隆志*2, 佐々木均*2, 室高広*2
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (72): 63-67, 2018.

Japanese Article Investigation of the effect that the specialist job cooperation education that treatment at home, welfare consortium Nagasaki developed gave for learning and other fields understanding of the professional training
手嶋無限*1,2, 竹嶋順平*1,2, 吉原律子*1,3, 松本幸子*1,3, 岩下淳二*1,4, 榊原隆三*1,4, 松坂誠應*1,5, 星野由雅*1,5, 黒田直敬*1,2, 中嶋幹郎*1,2
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (72): 69-75, 2018.

Japanese Article Survey of the active intervention by the ward exclusive duty pharmacist in a nerve, respiratory organs, internal secretion, metabolism, the diabetes medical service
田崎智也*2, 吉川直樹*2, 平原康寿*2, 大野梨絵*2, 関屋裕史*2, 岩切智美*2, 奥村学*2, 池田龍二*2
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (72): 77-80, 2018.

Japanese Article Questionary survey about the relation of the hospital pharmacist for regional alliances
橋詰淳哉*2,3, 樋口則英*2,4, 岸川礼子*2,3, 赤松隼人*2,3, 室高広*2,3, 中村忠博*2,3, 北原隆志*2,3, 松谷久*2,5, 東島彰人*2,6, 佐々木均*2,3
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (72): 81-86, 2018.