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Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy

Volume , Issue 73 / 2019
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article We understand clinical drug evaluation (clinical Pharmacometrics) as new direction of medical therapy practice, the offer
辻泰弘*1,2, 尾上知佳*3
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (73): 1-4, 2019.

Japanese Article The consciousness change of the compounder by the formulations image inspection system introduction and improvement of the formulations precision
志間裕介*1, 市川康子*1, 藤井憲一郎*1
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (73): 5-8, 2019.

Japanese Article Examination about the acute renal failure by vancomycin and tazobactam/piperacillin or the meropenem combination
遠山泰崇*1, 井上真*1
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (73): 9-12, 2019.

Japanese Article Mention contents investigation of the use situation and the medicine notebook of the medicine notebook at bringing medicine for our hospital differentiation
外山智章*2, 畑中真理*2, 田崎智也*2, 竹島秀美*2, 平原康寿*2, 池田龍二*2
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (73): 13-16, 2019.

Japanese Article The current situation investigation of the medicine medicine cooperation in the Miyazaki Hospital institution
田崎智也*2,3,4, 平原康寿*2,3,4, 本田憲一*2,4,5, 三代朗子*2,4,6, 杉田昌子*2,4,7, 永友由里子*2,4,8, 高橋雅也*2,4,9, 津曲恭一*2,4,10, 帖佐康弘*2,4,11, 寺町文宏*2,4,12, 長友隆雄*2,3,4, 外山智章*2,3,4, 山口博行*2,3,4,13, 奥村学*3,4, 佐藤智加子*4,6, 池田龍二*3,4
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (73): 17-22, 2019.

Japanese Article Introduction effect of the actual situation of bringing medicine confirmation duties and the non-pharmacist
大塚誠*2, 池内忠宏*2, 佐々木史香*2, 藤金治雄*2, 田渕知佳*2, 兼重晋*2, 緒方憲太郎*2,3, 神村英利*2,3
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (73): 29-31, 2019.

Japanese Article A search of the commercial medication jelly which is suitable for taking spherical carbonaceous adsorbent infinitesimal grain: Rheological evaluation
湯川美穂*2, 池田愛*2, 大波多友規*2, 堤広之*2, 池田浩人*2, 安藝初美*2
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (73): 37-41, 2019.

Japanese Article Establishment of preoperation discontinuation instruction duties based on a protocol in the orthopedics outpatient department
安東大智*2, 山村亮太*2, 谷池仁志*2, 藤本淳*3, 泊一秀*4
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (73): 43-46, 2019.

Japanese Article The parasomnias that were found in elderly patients with insomnia during cryptococcal meningitis treatment: One case with suspected participation of the drug interaction
福田祥子*2, 黒崎一博*2, 竹下祐介*2, 尾上幸恵*3, 本田泉*4, 興梠博次*4, 近藤悠希*5, 石塚洋一*5, 入江徹美*5
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (73): 47-50, 2019.

Japanese Article Antimicrobial Stewardship Team and efforts to antimicrobial proper use support by the cooperation of the ward pharmacist
赤松隼人*1, 今村政信*1,3, 馬場安里*1, 福重友理*1, 中川博雄*1,2,3, 河野圭*3, 田代将人*3, 田中健之*3, 碇比呂子*4, 村田美香*4, 松田淳一*4, 柳原克紀*4, 泉川公一*3, 佐々木均*1, 室高広*1
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (73): 57-60, 2019.

Japanese Article Efforts for the review of the cancer medical therapy regimen that took advantage of the vendor change of the electronic chart system and the medical security
浦田修平*2, 大野梨絵*2, 千阪智美*2, 北畑恵理子*2, 高橋沙季*2, 是枝秀彦*2, 森山徳文*2, 平原康寿*2, 池田龍二*2
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (73): 67-70, 2019.

Japanese Article Renal function evaluation based on the serum cystatin C level in the weak elderly people that the serum creatinine level is less than 0.6 mg/dL
薗田晃弘*2, 岩下佳敬*2, 中尾承司*2, 兒玉麻代*2, 高田侑那*2, 浜園龍*2, 宝来留美*2, 久永あゆみ*2, 森永知沙*2, 石田和久*2
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (73): 71-74, 2019.

Japanese Article Investigation about the enforcement situation and the problem of ward drug duties
山田雅也*2,3, 井上真*2,4, 森一生*2,5
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (73): 75-80, 2019.

Japanese Article The current situation, problems of the efforts to the nature improvement of the pharmacist, future development
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (73): 81-83, 2019.

Japanese Article Fact-finding about the proper use of the benzodiazepine receptor agonist
中村健二*2,3, 大神修一*3,4, 三輪涼子*3,5, 藤井裕史*3,6, 武居透*3,7, 猿渡圭一郎*3,8, 中尾恵美*3,9, 橋本和代*3,10
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (73): 85-90, 2019.