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Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy

Volume , Issue 74 / 2020
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article It is ... from recent knowledge - pharmaceutical viewpoint about the new coronavirus infection
潮平英郎*1, 座間味丈人*1, 中村克徳*1
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (74): 1-6, 2020.

Japanese Article Construction and Examination of Hospital Drug Formulary System for Proton Pump Inhibitors
関屋裕史*2, 緒方豊*3, 梶原隆広*4, 福永洋子*4, 森木豊栄*4, 松尾亮輔*5, 荒木賢二*5, 池田龍二*2
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (74): 7-12, 2020.

Japanese Article Education effect of the practice type ward training in the pharmacy school fifth grader
安高勇気*2,3, 緒方憲太郎*2,3, 神村英利*2,3
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (74): 13-17, 2020.

Japanese Article The use situation investigation of hospital preparation voriconazole eye drops and pharmaceutical management
高濱啓太*2, 森岡淳子*2, 内田和孝*2, 中村郁勝*2, 松本光希*3
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (74): 19-22, 2020.

Japanese Article Stocktaking of our hospital for the antimicrobial proper use promotion and efforts
外山智章*2, 平原康寿*2, 岩尾千紘*3, 中山雄貴*3, 荒武舞*3, 山田明輝*3, 岡山昭彦*3, 池田龍二*2
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (74): 23-26, 2020.

Japanese Article The need of the generic medicine choice in consideration of difference in elution behavior of the reference formulation of the amlodipine besilate orally disintegrating tablet
湯川美穂*2, 坂梨健太*2, 溝部健*2, 大波多友規*2, 堤広之*2, 安藝初美*2, 池田浩人*2
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (74): 27-32, 2020.

Japanese Article Inspection of the usefulness of the pack preparation in the Helicobacter pylori sanitization
坂本豊伸*2, 徳山智治*3, 穴見江梨子*4, 塚本賢児*5, 天方奉子*6, 稲葉一郎*6, 宮野恭彰*7, 木戸宏幸*7, 湯川栄二*7, 寺崎久泰*8
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (74): 33-36, 2020.

Japanese Article Inflection of the information to be obtained from interview form of the generic medicine and a product image: Amlodipine besilate orally disintegrating tablet
湯川美穂*2, 坂梨健太*2, 溝部健*2, 大波多友規*2, 堤広之*2, 安藝初美*2, 池田浩人*2
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (74): 37-41, 2020.

Japanese Article Investigation of the use of starting pharmaceutical products reason of zolpidem and the brotizolam
江口麻夏*2, 篠崎彩香*3, 山田輝代嗣*2, 矢敷潤*4, 前田恵里*5, 河野吉昭*6, 秋山貴子*7, 香月信一郎*7, 木戸宏幸*7, 湯川栄二*7
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (74): 43-47, 2020.

Japanese Article Fact-finding about the practice of the Clostridioides (Clostridium) difficile infection in the medical institution of Kyushu, Yamaguchi District
今村政信*2, 藤井裕史*3, 福重友理*2, 山崎博史*4, 入江利行*5, 野中敏治*6, 伊東弘樹*7, 室高広*2, 喜多岡洋樹*8, 茂見茜里*9, 北原隆志*10
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (74): 49-52, 2020.

Japanese Article Attitude survey of the ward pharmacist for the antimicrobial proper use support
福重友理*2, 馬場安里*2, 赤松隼人*2, 今村政信*2, 中川博雄*2, 泉川公一*3, 兒玉幸修*2, 中村忠博*2, 室高広*2, 佐々木均*2
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (74): 53-57, 2020.

Japanese Article We look at the rear of the characteristic in the high-dose use group of the strong opioid analgesic for the cancerous pain and analyze a mark
吉川直樹*2, 竹迫明子*2, 畑中真理*2, 保田和哉*2, 池田龍二*2
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (74): 59-62, 2020.

Japanese Article 1 case that prescription suggestion in consideration of a characteristic of the hemoencephalic barrier by the pharmacist was effective for sleepiness of the Bilastine
吉田啓太郎*2, 松崎由佳*2, 西園直子*2, 久保田邦彦*2, 永崎一樹*2, 落合晋介*3
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (74): 63-66, 2020.

Japanese Article 2 cases that developed type I diabetes mellitus after the nivolumab administration
浦田修平*2, 大野梨絵*2, 上野浩晶*3, 田崎智也*2, 千阪智美*2, 平原康寿*2, 池田龍二*2
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (74): 67-71, 2020.

Japanese Article Examination of the publication prescription in a collection of prescriptions "collection of extension of a helping hand to those in need excellent remedies" of the family lore
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (74): 73-80, 2020.