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Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy

Volume , Issue 76 / 2022
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Disaster health delivery system and disaster medical care education of Japan
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (76): 1-6, 2022.

Japanese Article Comparison of the colorimetry method and the atomic absorption spectrophotometry in serum lithium densitometry
森塚暁裕*2, 松永典子*2, 太田千代枝*2, 里加代子*2, 兒玉幸修*2
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (76): 7-10, 2022.

Japanese Article Examination about the sanitization effect of sanitization spray "Hygi-aid"
大光正男*1, 陶山慧子*1, 古賀多津子*1, 松原大*1, 小松生明*1, 櫻田司*1, 首藤英樹*1
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (76): 11-14, 2022.

Japanese Article Production of the animation for the purpose of the improvement in medication adherence
河田実優*2, 徳永仁*2, 帳智香*2, 丸山凜七*2, 園田純一郎*2, 興梠靖幸*2, 緒方賢次*2, 高村徳人*2
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (76): 15-20, 2022.

Japanese Article About active intervention by the blood culture-positive patients uniform management of the AST pharmacist in the middle scale hospital and the evaluation
栗崎貴啓*2, 栗田澄香*2, 川辺雅美*3, 西山依里*4, 井上耕太郎*5, 今村文哉*6
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (76): 21-24, 2022.

Japanese Article A Series of Initiatives to Improve the Awareness of Pharmacists While Utilizing Ward Work Evaluation Indexes for the Purpose of Improving the Contribution of Patients in the Hospitals for Community-based Care
岸本真*2, 中村杏果*2, 森永崇史*2, 池沢若菜*2, 田中恭人*2, 豊留麻衣*2, 北園幸大*2, 中野一馬*2, 山本梢*2, 屋敷大輔*2, 淵脇ゆかり*2, 徳丸章佳*2, 長ヶ原琢磨*2, 荻尾夕起子*2, 児玉友和*3
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (76): 25-28, 2022.

Japanese Article The making of the incompatibility table of the injection drug frequently used with circulatory organ internal medicine and the usefulness evaluation
池沢若菜*2, 中野一馬*2, 徳丸章佳*2, 長ヶ原琢磨*2, 岸本真*2
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (76): 29-33, 2022.

Japanese Article Operation and evaluation of the reception desk duties manual of the prescription information
津曲恭一*2, 杉尾由希子*3, 大窪典子*4, 雪竹英志*4, 植村ちひろ*4, 平峯侑恵*4, 竹下南*4, 安富佑思*5, 宮下裕央*6, 杉町代*7, 五反田昌子*4, 佐多卓也*8
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (76): 35-38, 2022.

Japanese Article Examination about the cooperation with pharmaceutical products SPD for the in-hospital pharmaceutical products steady supply
岩田円夏*1, 関屋裕史*1, 緒方豊*2, 福永洋子*3, 森木豊栄*3, 長友隆雄*1, 岩切智美*1, 池田龍二*1
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (76): 39-44, 2022.

Japanese Article Examination of the effect to give to the system construction and a medical service of the prescription deletion in the central duties of the pharmacist
長友隆雄*2, 関屋裕史*2, 吉田桃花*2, 江藤結花*2, 江原幸菜*2, 向川梨沙*2, 松坂幸太朗*2, 明石絵美子*2, 合澤衣梨奈*2, 小寺沙依*2, 池田龍二*2
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (76): 45-50, 2022.

Japanese Article Use of antimicrobial density under Okinawa and use days surveillance 2,015-2,020 years - Okinawa hospital pharmacist meeting infection subcommittee multicenter study ...
座間味丈人*2, 潮平英郎*2, 小杉卓大*3, 新垣淑大*3, 玉城知香*4, 伊波寛史*4, 入月健*5, 與那原希*5, 小橋川健枝*6, 高良秀史*7, 新崎さや乃*8, 宜保潤*9, 浜元善仁*10, 平田やよい*10, 戸北浩志*11, 玉城哲子*12, 城間盛彦*12, 仲原大介*13, 川平浩子*4, 中村克徳*2
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (76): 51-56, 2022.

Japanese Article Efforts for the improvement of the medical quality by the ward pharmacist and the medical security
畑中真理*1, 田崎智也*1, 竹島秀美*1, 是枝秀彦*1, 仲原周一*1, バレ美帆*1, 安藤早織*1, 保田和哉*1, 佐藤佳孝*1, 横田翼*1, 谷口裕紀*1, 是枝櫻子*1, 椎木ありさ*1, 三輪明子*1, 椎葉萌*1, 浦田修平*1, 山下量平*1, 矢野翔太*1, 平原康寿*1, 池田龍二*1
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (76): 57-60, 2022.

Japanese Article The effect that Citrus depressa gives to human CYP3A4 metabolism
瑞慶覧長海*1, 前里佐弥香*1, 甲斐成瑠*2, 西田真衣*2, 下堂薗権洋*2, 徳永仁*2, 園田純一郎*2
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (76): 61-64, 2022.

Japanese Article A Case of Intervention in Distigmine-induced Cholinergic Diarrhea by Focusing on Hypokalemia at the Time of Dispensing
安東大智*1, 岩崎慎也*1, 野々下航*1, 下山雄一朗*1, 上尾哲也*2, 宗広樹*1
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (76): 65-68, 2022.

Japanese Article Effect of the corona evil on frailty prevention, measures mainly on the subnutrition prevention of the pharmacy service under health insurance drugstore (healthy support drugstore)
甲斐駿介*1, 溝口遼*1, 立石正登*2, 井手孝佳弘*2, 玉山有希*2, 高砂恵梨*2, 水口美咲*2, 福田浩紀*2, 野中勝也*2, 岩井堂政裕*2, 出口則夫*2
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (76): 69-74, 2022.

Japanese Article The pharmaceutical intervention by the ward pharmacist and survey about questions and answers
家永友昭*2, 河濟悠生*2, 礒部邦彌*2, 齊藤智子*2, 白野陽正*3
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (76): 75-80, 2022.