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Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy

Volume , Issue 77 / 2023
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Knowledge of the disinfectant which you should know to a post-corona
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (77): 1-6, 2023.

Japanese Article A Case of Gastric Discomfort Caused by Betahistine Mesilate Exacerbated Following Discontinuation of Diphenhydramine Salicylate/Diprophylline Combination Tablet
有森和彦*2, 曲渕祐太*2, 松井佑貴*2, 河村拓哉*2, 吉原可夏実*2, 宮崎邦喜*2, 曲渕直喜*2
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (77): 7-10, 2023.

Japanese Article The Effect of Distributing Medicine Notebook Covers on Notebook Ownership Rate
濱崎久司*2, 澤せ瑞城*2, 末廣真理恵*3, 室高広*3
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (77): 11-14, 2023.

Japanese Article Fact-finding about the weight, blood pressure after the Dulaglutide initial administration and the pulse change
下田賢一郎*2, 武藤崇*2, 星野輝彦*2, 杉山留美子*2
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (77): 15-19, 2023.

Japanese Article The doubt inquiry protocol introduction based on the prior agreement in the outside Parliament prescription and duties burden reduction effect of the physician
内山将伸*2, 宮崎元康*2, 萩原知佳*2, 鵜木亜矢子*2, 吹上勇真*2, 後藤美和*2, 松尾宏一*2, 今給黎修*2
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (77): 21-26, 2023.

Japanese Article Examination of Introduction of In-Hospital Formulary for Anti-Influenza Drugs That are Paid by Hospital
関屋裕史*1, 緒方豊*2, 森木豊栄*3, 明石絵美子*1, 平原康寿*1,4, 高城一郎*4, 池田龍二*1
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (77): 27-33, 2023.

Japanese Article Examination of the economic usefulness of the starting pharmaceutical products in contrast media
関屋裕史*1, 緒方豊*2, 森木豊栄*3, 東美菜子*4, 池田龍二*1
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (77): 35-40, 2023.

Japanese Article The handling and safety measures of the injectable potassium preparation
大野梨絵*1, 浦田修平*1, 岩田円夏*1, 是枝秀彦*1, 土生陵太*1, 平原康寿*1, 池田龍二*1
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (77): 41-45, 2023.

Japanese Article A Successful Case of Reduction of Burden on Caregivers with Pharmacists Management in a Pediatric Patient with Refractory Epilepsy at Home
松田絵理菜*1, 新田有香*1, 利根川尚也*2
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (77): 47-51, 2023.

Japanese Article One case of the blood clotting disorder by having used SBT/CPZ for potential VK deficiency state
山村亮太*2, 上野希望*2, 松本祐欣*3, 塚本菜穂*3, 田中遼大*2, 龍田涼佑*2, 石井圭亮*3, 坂本照夫*3, 伊東弘樹*2
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (77): 53-57, 2023.

Japanese Article One case of the follicular lymphoma which presented acute kidney, liver damage due to the tumor lysis syndrome after the Obinutuzumab + bendamustine therapy enforcement
白岩健*2, 田中遼大*2, 龍田涼佑*2, 伊東弘樹*2
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (77): 59-62, 2023.

Japanese Article Investigation ... anticancer agent occupation characteristics exposure measures ... about the anticancer agent sterile preparation processing charges calculation situation in Kyushu Yamaguchi District and the closed system anesthesia connection appliance introduction situation, and the like
鈴木毅*2, 石井岳夫*2, 難波有智*2, 井口菜摘*2, 潮平英郎*2, 与那覇房子*2, 外間惟夫*2, 中村克徳*2
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (77): 63-68, 2023.

Japanese Article The use situation and somnolence, thirsty expression investigation of olanzapine in the antiemesis therapy of the cancer chemotherapy: Single institution rearward clinical studies
神崎愛*2, 真島宏太*2, 安高勇気*2,3, 井上竜一*2, 兼重晋*2, 緒方憲太郎*2,3, 神村英利*2,3
Journal of Kyushu Pharmacy (77): 69-72, 2023.