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The Japanese Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry

Volume , Issue 80 / 1985
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Practice report of the hospitalization procedure by the Mental Health Act
Hajime Takahashi, 廣畑和子, Yukiko Tomiyama, Kenichi out of the bank, Noriko Namiki, Tomoko Kimura
The Japanese Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry (80): 9-14, 1985.

Japanese Article The 15th-year home going out
坂井幹則, 難波早苗, 横山より子, 広瀬美沙子, 貴田譲, 大石健介, 片岡静香, 坂野佳之, 土屋実
The Japanese Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry (80): 15-17, 1985.

Japanese Article Problems of the protection room in all open wards
Moat Yoko, Tamiko Asano, Teruko Harada, Shinji Hosoda, 中井茲郎
The Japanese Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry (80): 18-27, 1985.

Japanese Article Problems of the use of protection room in all opening wards
浅野多美子, 堀燿子, 原田てる子, 細田真司, 中井茲朗
The Japanese Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry (80): 28-34, 1985.

Japanese Article The use of protection room situation of the Hizen sanatorium
吉住昭, Fumihide Kim, Makoto Hirano
The Japanese Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry (80): 35-47, 1985.

Japanese Article Patients and the possibility that fell into hospitalism by long-term hospitalization
The Japanese Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry (80): 53-59, 1985.

Japanese Article It is made about the practice of the north Kumegawa Hospital first ward what will be made at a detention-related strong hospital
The Japanese Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry (80): 60-64, 1985.

Japanese Article Trial of short term hospital admission and the temporary nursing at home for the dementia old man
甲斐道子, 小澤勲
The Japanese Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry (80): 65-68, 1985.

Japanese Article Over the help desire of the family with the issue of alcohol
Naoto Okazaki
The Japanese Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry (80): 69-73, 1985.

Japanese Article The mental hospital which we looked at through lek and effect to give to a relation and the patient with neighboring community
The Japanese Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry (80): 74-77, 1985.

Japanese Article Long-term person of hospitalization and ergotherapy
Shoji Asaumi
The Japanese Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry (80): 78-84, 1985.