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Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts

Volume , Issue 80th / 2014
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article O1-01. For preoperation warm temperature chemoradiotherapy - pathological complete response for progress rectal cancer
堤荘一1, 藤井孝明1, 森田廣樹1, 矢島玲奈1, 須藤利永1, 高田考大1, 浅尾高行2, 中野隆史3, 桑野博行1
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 26-26, 2014.

Japanese Article O1-02. Optimization of the rectal cancer preoperation chemoradiotherapy judging from effect of treatment to metastasis to side and mesorectum lymph node
井上靖浩, 三枝晋, 川村幹雄, 川本文, 廣純一郎, 問山裕二, 小林美奈子, 田中光司, 毛利靖彦, 楠正人
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 26-26, 2014.

Japanese Article O1-03. Long-term results of the new preoperation chemoradiotherapy for progress lower part rectal cancer and attempt of the new treatment
東島潤, 佐藤宏彦, 栗田信浩, 岩田貴, 吉川幸造, 近清素也, 西正暁, 柏原秀也, 松本規子, 江藤祥平, 島田光生
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 27-27, 2014.

Japanese Article O1-04. Examination about the preoperation prediction of the pathological effect in the preoperative chemotherapy on severe progress rectal cancer
相場利貞1, 上原圭介1, 二橋尚志2, 都築豊徳3, 吉岡裕一郎1, 江畑智希1, 横山幸浩1, 伊神剛1, 菅原元1, 深谷昌秀1, 板津慶太1, 水野隆史1, 梛野正人1
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 27-27, 2014.

Japanese Article O1-05. Examination of the preoperation chemoradiotherapy postoperative prognostic factor for local progress rectal cancer
川合一茂, 石原聡一郎, 山口博紀, 須並英二, 渡邉聡明
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 28-28, 2014.

Japanese Article O1-06. A treatment result in the chemoradiation treatment for rectal cancer and examination of the histologic response predictor
鈴木俊之, 齋藤剛太, 岡田和丈, 田中彰, 中郡聡夫, 小澤壯治, 安田聖栄, 貞廣莊太郎
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 28-28, 2014.

Japanese Article O1-07. Pay the attention to local control effect prediction - side positive case of the chemoradiotherapy in preoperation for rectal cancer; and -
神藤英二1, 上野秀樹1, 識名敦1, 岡本耕一1, 久保徹1, 深澤智美1, 山寺勝人1, 阿尾理一1, 米村圭介1, 関沢明徳1, 橋口陽二郎2, 山本順司1, 長谷和生1
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 29-29, 2014.

Japanese Article O1-08. Treatment result and effect prediction - multicenter phase II clinical study (OITA-Trial) - of the preoperation chemoradiotherapy (CRT) for local progress rectal cancer
圓福真一朗1, 中嶋健太郎1, 赤木智徳1, 猪股雅史1, 三森功士2, 金子邦彦3, 平塚孝宏1, 柴田智隆1, 上田貴威1, 當寺ヶ盛学1, 白下英史1, 衛藤剛1, 野口剛1, 白石憲男1, 北野正剛1
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 29-29, 2014.

Japanese Article O1-09. Usefulness of KPNA2 as a colon cancer convalescence predictor and the effect of treatment predictor
高田考大1, 須藤利永1, 森田廣樹1, 藤井孝明1, 堤荘一1, 浅尾高行2, 桑野博行1
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 30-30, 2014.

Japanese Article O1-10. Comparison between detection and pathological CRM of the free cancer cell in the pelvis using RT-PCR
原賢康, 長崎高也, 高橋広城, 佐藤幹則, 木村昌弘, 竹山廣光
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 30-30, 2014.

Japanese Article O1-11. Examination of a short term, long-term results of the CT guide bottom percutaneous radiofrequency wave cauter for the recurrence pulmonary after the rectal cancer technique
稲田涼1, 永坂岳司1, 松本聖1, 母里淑子1, 近藤喜太1, 岸本浩行1, 浅野博昭1, 佃和憲1, 楳田祐三1, 平木隆夫2, 金澤右2, 八木考仁1, 藤原俊義1
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 31-31, 2014.

Japanese Article O1-12. Validity of the treatment strategy for lower rectal cancer in our hospital
志田大, 塚本俊輔, 坂本良平, 大城泰平, 金光幸秀
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 31-31, 2014.

Japanese Article O1-13. Examination of the preoperative chemotherapy for progress rectal cancer
川原聖佳子, 西村淳, 田島陽介
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 32-32, 2014.

Japanese Article O1-14. Perioperative chemotherapy by mFOLFOX6 for progress rectal cancer
石部敦士1, 大田貢由1, 渡辺一輝2, 渡邊純3, 鈴木紳祐2, 諏訪雄亮2, 市川靖史4, 國崎主税1, 遠藤格2
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 32-32, 2014.

Japanese Article O1-15. Examination of the usefulness of the preoperative chemotherapy for progress rectal cancer
虫明寛行, 池秀之, 岡本浩直, 原田郁, 渡辺卓央, 大田洋平, 三箇山洋, 土田知史, 長谷川聡, 平川昭平, 長谷川誠司, 福島忠男, 今田敏夫
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 33-33, 2014.

Japanese Article O1-16. About surgery results after the preoperative chemotherapy for progress rectal cancer
合志健一, 齋藤典男, 河野眞吾, 塚田祐一郎, 山崎信義, 横田満, 西澤雄介, 小林昭広, 伊藤雅昭
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 33-33, 2014.

Japanese Article O1-17. Treatment result of the preoperation chemoradiotherapy for progress rectal cancer
長谷川芙美, 堀江久永, 佐々木純一, 辻仲伸康, 力山敏樹
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 34-34, 2014.

Japanese Article O1-18. We look at the mirror which used chemoradiotherapy together in preoperation for progress rectal cancer and are examined usefulness and long-term results of the lower surgery
小西毅1, 上野雅資1, 福長洋介1, 長山聡1, 藤本佳也1, 五十嵐正広1, 為我井芳郎1, 浦上尚之1, 千野晶子1, 岸原輝仁1, 石川雄一1,2, 山本智理子1,2, 佐野武1, 山口俊晴1, 武藤徹一郎1
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 34-34, 2014.

Japanese Article O1-19. Preoperation chemoradiotherapy - long-term results for local progress rectal cancer and examination of the prognostic factor
山梨高広, 佐藤武郎, 筒井敦子, 三浦啓寿, 小倉直人, 内藤正規, 中村隆俊, 渡邊昌彦
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 35-35, 2014.

Japanese Article O1-20. Preoperation chemoradiotherapy (NACRT) for progress rectal cancer
近藤圭策, 奥田準二, 田中慶太朗, 山本誠士, 石井正嗣, 濱元宏喜, 内山和久
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 35-35, 2014.

Japanese Article O2-01. Comparison of the early lesion in colon and the rectum
川崎啓祐1, 蔵原晃一1, 大城由美2, 渕上忠彦1
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 36-36, 2014.

Japanese Article O2-02. Clinicopathologic examination of the large intestine saw tooth appearance lesion judging from localization
田中義人1, 山野泰穂1, 吉川健二郎1, 高木亮1, 原田英嗣1, 青木敬則1, 中岡宙子1, 檜森亮吾1, 片野優子1, 永塚真1, 菅井有2, 山本英一郎3, 鈴木拓3
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 36-36, 2014.

Japanese Article O2-03. Comparison of a clinicopathologic characteristic of LST in colon and the rectum and the treatment result
堀井城一朗1, 浦岡俊夫1, 後藤修1, 藤本愛1, 落合康利1, 岡田裕之2, 矢作直久1
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 37-37, 2014.

Japanese Article O2-04. Lymph node metastatic risk - colon of large intestine SM cancer and rectal comparison -
山田真善1, 坂本琢1, 中島健1, 松田尚久1, 九嶋亮治2, 斎藤豊1
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 37-37, 2014.

Japanese Article O2-05. Comparison of the clinicopathologic characteristic of a colic SM cancer and rectal SM cancer
一政克朗, 工藤進英, 宮地英行, 林武雅, 久行友和, 及川裕将, 豊嶋直也, 神山勇太, 三澤将史, 森悠一, 杉原雄策, 工藤豊樹, 児玉健太, 若村邦彦, 向井俊平, 日高英二, 石田文生, 濱谷茂治
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 38-38, 2014.

Japanese Article O2-06. Examination about the clinicopathologic factor of early colon cancer, colon cancer
山田暢, 岡林剛史, 長谷川博俊, 石井良幸, 鶴田雅士, 石田隆, 菊地弘人, 清島亮, 高橋秀奈, 松井信平, 北川雄光
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 38-38, 2014.

Japanese Article O2-07. Convalescence after the clinicopathologic characteristic and treatment of large intestine T1 cancer which we examined according to colon, recta in our hospital
朝山直樹1, 田中信治1, 岡志郎1, 鴫田賢次郎2, 西山宗希2, 林奈那2, 寺崎元美2, 中土井鋼一2, 茶山一彰2
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 39-39, 2014.

Japanese Article O2-08. Long-term results after the pSM treatment for cancer according to colon, the rectum
池松弘朗1, 依田雄介1, 松田尚久2, 山口裕一郎3, 堀田欣一3, 小林望4, 藤井隆広5, 大野康寛1, 坂本琢2, 中島健2, 鷹尾まどか3, 金子和弘1, 斎藤豊2
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 39-39, 2014.

Japanese Article O3-01. The additional surgical excision standard after treatment strategy - endoscopic exeresis for rectal Neuroendocrine tumor (NET)? -
杉本真也1, 堀田欣一1, 今井健一郎1, 下田忠和2
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 40-40, 2014.

Japanese Article O3-02. It is ... based on examination ... new WHO classification of the endoscopic treatment adaptation for the rectal carotenoid
関口正宇1, 坂本琢1, 山田真善1, 曽絵里子1, 大竹陽介1, 中島健1, 松田尚久1, 塚本俊輔2, 志田大2, 金光幸秀2, 九嶋亮治3, 斎藤豊1
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 40-40, 2014.

Japanese Article O3-03. Clinicopathologic examination of the large intestine internal secretion basalioma
高橋一哉1, 山口達郎1, 堀口慎一郎2, 中山祐次郎1, 中野大輔1, 松本寛1, 高橋慶一1
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 41-41, 2014.

Japanese Article O3-04. Pathological examination of 17 rectal neuroendocrine tumors
平井健次郎, 肥田侯矢, 星野伸晃, 和田聡朗, 郡司周太郎, 河田健二, 長谷川傑, 坂井義治
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 41-41, 2014.

Japanese Article O3-05. Surgical treatment of rectal NET based on the lymph node metastatic risk in our hospital
大野吏輝, 小西毅, 上野雅資, 福長洋介, 長山聡, 藤本佳也, 秋吉高志, 長崎寿矢, 永田淳, 池田篤志, 向井俊貴, 友利賢太
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 42-42, 2014.

Japanese Article O3-06. Examination of the treatment case for the lower digestive tract neuroendocrine tumor in our hospital
中本貴透1, 小山文一1,2, 中川正1, 中村信治1, 植田剛1, 錦織直人1, 井上隆1, 川崎敬次郎1, 尾原伸作1, 藤井久男2, 中島祥介1
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 42-42, 2014.

Japanese Article O3-07. Examination of the lower digestive tract origin endocrine cells oncotherapy case in our hospital
山上英樹1, 益子博幸1, 高橋昌宏1, 高橋弘昌1, 石津寛之1, 田中浩一1, 秦庸壮1, 高橋周作1, 田原宗徳1, 渡会博志1, 久慈麻里子1, 植木伸也1, 谷岡利朗1, 松本哲1, 福田賢太郎1, 市原真2, 村岡俊二2
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 43-43, 2014.

Japanese Article O3-08. Examination of the Mixed adenonuroendocrine carcinoma (MANEC) case in our hospital
渡邉純1, 大田貢由2, 諏訪雄亮3, 鈴木紳祐3, 渡部顕3, 石部敦士2, 渡辺一輝3, 本間祐樹1, 高川亮1, 南裕太1, 盛田知幸1, 茂垣雅俊1, 津浦幸夫4, 舛井秀宣1
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 43-43, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-01. Examination of usefulness of the preoperation chemoradiotherapy in progress lower part rectal cancer and the optimal technique.
成島一夫, 宮内英聡, 鈴木一史, 西森孝典, 大平学, 当間雄之, 松原久裕
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 44-44, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-02. Preoperation chemoradiotherapy for local progress rectal cancer using Capecitabine
横山省三, 瀧藤克也, 堀田司, 松田健司, 渡邉高士, 三谷泰之, 家田淳司, 水本有紀, 山上裕機
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 44-44, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-03. Examination of the T4 local site progress rectal cancer case given chemoradiotherapy in preoperation
日高英二, 石田文生, 向井俊平, 中原健太, 高柳大輔, 前田知世, 和田陽子, 澤田成彦, 工藤進英
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 45-45, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-04. New efforts (PerSeUS-RC01) of our hospital in progress rectal cancer
松橋延壽, 高橋孝夫, 市川賢吾, 吉田和弘
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 45-45, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-05. Results of the preoperation chemoradiotherapy for progress rectal cancer
小島康知, 岡島正純, 原野雅生, 徳本憲昭, 大野聡, 高橋一剛, 田口和浩, 荒木宏之, 戸嶋俊明, 加藤卓也, 三宅聡一郎, 三好永展, 佐藤太祐, 丁田泰宏, 金澤卓, 松川啓義, 塩崎滋弘, 二宮基樹
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 46-46, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-06. About short-term results of the preoperation chemoradiotherapy in our hospital
清水英治, 大塚英男, 小坂至, 宅間邦雄, 高西喜重郎
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 46-46, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-07. Significance of the operation under laparoscopy in progress lower part rectal cancer treatment
山下公大, 角泰雄, 金光聖哲, 石田諒, 向山順子, 秋山真吾, 山本将士, 金治新悟, 今西達也, 中村哲, 鈴木知志, 田中賢一, 掛地吉弘
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 47-47, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-08. Results of the preoperation chemoradiotherapy for rectal cancer in our hospital
鶴田淳, 河合昭昌, 上野太輔, 遠迫孝昭, 阿部俊也, 窪田寿子, 東田正陽, 中島洋, 岡保夫, 奥村英雄, 松本英男, 平井敏弘, 中村雅史
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 47-47, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-09. Histories of treatment of the UFT/UZEL combination preoperation chemoradiotherapy for progress rectal cancer
尾形英生, 久保僚, 倉山英豪, 上野望, 勝又大輔, 山口悟, 加藤広行
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 48-48, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-10. Treatment result of local progress rectal cancer in our hospital
岩崎健一, 榎本剛史, 田村孝史, 村田聡一郎, 下村治, 古川健一郎, 釼持明, 明石義正, 久倉勝治, 稲川智, 小田竜也, 大河内信弘
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 48-48, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-11. Examination of the preoperation chemoradiation treatment for progress rectal cancer
小野里航1, 横田光央1, 本田朋1, 信太昭子1, 二渡信江1, 近藤康史1, 高橋禎人1, 池永誠1, 西八嗣1, 渡邊昌彦2
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 49-49, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-12. Examination of the Cetuximab combination preoperation chemoradiotherapy for progress rectal cancer
花岡裕, 富沢賢治, 戸田重夫, 森山仁, 的場周一郎, 黒柳洋弥
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 49-49, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-13. Treatment result of the chemoradiotherapy for T4b rectal cancer
佐藤美信, 花井恒一, 升森宏次, 小出欣和, 松岡宏, 勝野秀稔, 塩田規帆, 遠藤智美, 松岡伸司, 水野真広, 前田耕太郎
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 50-50, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-14. Examination of the progress rectal cancer case given chemoradiotherapy in preoperation
齊藤保文, 檜井孝夫, 惠木浩之, 川口孝二, 下村学, 安達智洋, 澤田紘幸, 谷峰直樹, 三口真司, 新津宏明, 田代裕尊, 大段秀樹
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 50-50, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-15. About a treatment result and safety of the preoperation chemoradiotherapy for local progress lower part rectal cancer
神原健, 佐藤直広, 剱持雅一, 和久利彦, 藤本善三, 大多和泰幸
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 51-51, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-16. The current situation of lower rectal cancer treatment in our hospital
小林靖幸, 浜野孝, 速水克
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 51-51, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-17. Significance of the preoperation radiotherapy for progress lower part rectal cancer with the side dissection: Comparison between 2 institutions
小野澤寿志1, 幡野哲1, 松澤岳晃1, 福地稔1, 熊谷洋一1, 馬場裕之1, 石橋敬一郎1, 持木彫人1, 隈元謙介2, 中村泉2, 大木進司2, 石田秀行1, 竹之下誠一2
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 52-52, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-18. Preoperation chemoradiotherapy for local progress lower part rectal cancer in our hospital
栗生宜明, 中西正芳, 伊藤博士, 村山康利, 阪倉長平, 大辻英吾
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 52-52, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-19. Results of the preoperation chemoradiotherapy that used TS-1 for local progress rectal cancer together
甲田貴丸1, 船橋公彦1, 小池淳一1, 塩川洋之1, 牛込充則1, 金子奉暁1, 新井賢一郎1, 栗原聰元1, 松田聡1, 鈴木孝之1, 水津優1, 鏡哲1, 長嶋康雄1, 金子弘真1
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 53-53, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-20. Treatment result of the preoperation chemoradiotherapy for lower progress rectal cancer in our hospital
中野敢友1, 井谷史嗣1, 黒瀬洋平1, 石井龍宏1, 大川広1, 吉本匡志1, 門田一晃1, 日置勝義1, 淺海信也1, 小林満2, 金仁洙1, 高倉範尚1
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 53-53, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-21. About a rectal cancer case given primary tumor excision after the chemoradiotherapy enforcement in preoperation in our hospital
小森康司, 木村賢哉, 木下敬史
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 54-54, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-22. Lymph node reduction ratio with the preoperation chemoradiotherapy for lower progress rectal cancer and prognostic examination
森本光昭, 宮倉安幸, 堀江久永, 鯉沼広治, 伊藤誉, 田中宏之, 佐田尚宏, Alan Lefor, 安田是和
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 54-54, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-23. Examination of the local progression rectal cancer excision case given chemoradiotherapy in preoperation
中川了輔, 井上雄志, 大木岳志, 上小鶴弘孝, 金子由香, 山本雅一
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 55-55, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-24. Attempt of the bevacizumab combination preoperation chemoradiotherapy for lower progress rectal cancer
前田清1, 大谷博1, 永原央1, 渋谷雅常1, 菅野兼二1, 池谷哲郎1, 井上透2, 西口幸雄2, 平川弘聖1
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 55-55, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-25. Treatment strategy for progress lower part rectal cancer
奥山隆, 竹下恵美子, 纐纈真一郎, 吉羽秀麿, 菅又嘉剛, 斎藤一幸, 牧野奈々, 竹上正之, 久保田和, 多賀谷信美, 鮫島伸一, 大矢雅敏
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 56-56, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-26. Possibility of new treatment strategy - preoperative chemotherapy for progress rectal cancer
園田寛道, 清水智治, 太田裕之, 目片英治, 遠藤善裕, 谷徹
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 56-56, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-27. Treatment strategy of T4 rectal cancer in our hospital
中山祐次郎, 中野大輔, 山口達郎, 松本寛, 高橋慶一
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 57-57, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-28. Examination of the progress colon cancer case with the neighborhood organ infiltration
藤田文彦, 虎島泰洋, 井上悠介, 川原大輔, 米田晃, 金高賢悟, 高槻光寿, 南恵樹, 黒木保, 江口晋
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 57-57, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-29. Examination of the progress rectal cancer surgery case in our hospital
吉岡慎一, 辻江正樹, 久保維彦, 柳澤公紀, 波多豪, 滝内大輔, 濱野梨絵, 箕畑順也, 柏崎正樹, 三木宏文, 小西宗治, 矢野浩司
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 58-58, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-30. Effective and safe examination of the mFOLFOX6 therapy as the preoperative chemotherapy for StageII/III rectal cancer of T3 or the T4
板橋道朗1,2, 小池淳一2, 船橋公彦2, 管隼人2, 吉松和彦2, 石田秀行2, 斉田芳久2, 勝又健次2, 長谷川博俊2, 幸田圭史2, 坂本一博2, 落合匠2, 番場嘉子1,2, 橋本拓造1,2, 廣澤知一郎1,2, 小川真平1,2, 亀岡信悟1,2
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 58-58, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-31. It is examined the excision case after the chemotherapy for unresectable progress rectal cancer
坂本義之, 村田暁彦, 小山基, 諸橋一, 長谷部達也, 齋藤傑, 袴田健一
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 59-59, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-32. Three cases of the local rectal advanced cancer given radical operation after the Avastin combination chemotherapy
釜田茂幸, 石川文彦, 高橋誠, 相田俊明, 山田千寿, 藤田昌久, 新田宙, 尾本秀之, 伊藤博
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 59-59, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-33. Examination of the preoperation mFOLFOX6 therapy not to use radiotherapy for local progress rectal cancer for
小池淳一, 船橋公彦, 塩川洋之, 牛込充則, 新井賢一郎, 金子奉暁, 鈴木孝之, 鏡哲, 松田聡, 甲田貴丸, 栗原總元, 島田英昭, 金子弘真
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 60-60, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-34. Preoperation FOLFOX/XELOX therapy for local progress rectal cancer
坂本快郎, 宮本裕士, 辛島龍一, 今村裕, 石本崇胤, 岩上志朗, 馬場祥史, 吉田直矢, 馬場秀夫
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 60-60, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-35. Experience of the preoperative chemotherapy for StageII/III rectal cancer
榎本俊行, 斉田芳久, 高林一浩, 大辻絢子, 中村陽一, 長尾さやか, 渡邊良平, 永岡康志, 石井智貴, 高橋亜紗子, 浅井浩司, 渡邉学, 長尾二郎, 草地信也
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 61-61, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-36. The present situation of the preoperative chemotherapy for local progress lower part rectal cancer in our hospital
真鍋達也, 前山良, 植木隆, 田中雅夫
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 61-61, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-37. Examination of the progress rectal cancer case given FOLFOX/XELOX therapy in preoperation
藤野真也, 赤木由人, 衣笠哲史, 岡洋右, 溝部智亮, 吉田武史, 弓削浩太郎, 岐部史郎, 大地貴史, 石橋慶章, 吉田直裕, 笹富輝男, 久下亨, 白水和雄
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 62-62, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-38. Examination of the preoperative chemotherapy by the TS-1/CPT-11 combination for rectal cancer
丸山聡, 瀧井康公, 佐藤洋, 福本将人
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 62-62, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-39. Experience of the preoperation treatment for local progress rectal cancer
石崎哲央, 勝又健次, 松土尊映, 榎本正統, 久田将之, 土田明彦
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 63-63, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-40. Examination of the preoperative chemotherapy for the purpose of the anal preservation surgery for progress lower part rectal cancer
鯉沼広治1, 宮倉安幸1, 伊藤誉1, 直井大志1, 田中宏幸1, 井上賢之1, 森本光昭1, 堀江久永1, 安田是和1, 藤井博文2
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 63-63, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-41. Examination of the preoperation treatment for progress rectal cancer in our hospital
呉一眞1, 青木順1, 岡澤裕1, 高橋里奈1, 水越幸輔1, 嵩原一裕1, 石山隼1, 杉本起一1, 高橋玄1, 柳沼行宏1, 小島豊1, 五藤倫敏1, 冨木裕一1, 坂本一博1, 八尾隆史2
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 64-64, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-42. About preoperative chemotherapy for the colorectal cancer with liver metastases current situation report - of - TAC study
小林敬明, 正木忠彦, 小嶋幸一郎, 高安甲平, 吉敷智和, 松岡弘芳, 阿部展次, 森俊幸, 杉山政則
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 64-64, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-43. Effect of the new anticancer agent on lower progress rectal cancer
田中荘一, 尾田典隆, 相川佳子, 川上和彦, 中井勝彦, 木村浩三, 野中雅彦, 松田保秀
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 65-65, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-44. Examination of the rectal cancer excision case given a chemical (radiation) therapy in preoperation
西舘敏彦, 古畑智久, 沖田憲司, 植木知身, 秋月恵美, 伊東竜哉, 信岡隆幸, 木村康利, 水口徹, 平田公一
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 65-65, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-45. Attempt of the preoperative chemotherapy for severe progress rectal cancer in our hospital
有光秀仁, 幸田圭史, 小杉千弘, 鈴木正人, 山崎将人, 首藤潔彦, 平野敦司, 白神梨沙
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 66-66, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-46. Examination of the usefulness of the laparoscopic surgery for Stage4 colon cancer
川村一郎, 矢野光泰, 佐藤多未笑, 藤本博人, 村山最二郎, 高須直樹, 蜂谷修, 木村理
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 66-66, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-47. Laparoscopic surgery for progress rectal cancer
鈴木麻未, 山口茂樹, 石井利昌, 田代浄, 近藤宏佳, 原聖佳, 春田泰宏
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 67-67, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-48. One patient who was transperineal, and underwent rectal segmental resection for a lower rectal GIST
馬場谷彰仁, 中田健, 福永睦, 石垣貴彦, 清水克修, 大久保聡, 星野宏光, 川端良平, 山本為義, 川瀬朋乃, 木村豊, 大里浩樹
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 67-67, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-49. Usefulness and problems of the skill in pelvic internal organs complete removal for primary progress colon cancer
戸嶋政秀1, 大沼忍1, 武者宏昭1, 森川孝則1, 阿部友哉2, 長尾宗紀1, 田中直樹1, 羽根田祥1, 工藤克昌1, 青木豪2, 梶原大輝1, 小村俊博1, 松田泰史1, 小林実1, 土屋堯裕1, 内藤剛1, 片寄友3, 海野倫明2
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 68-68, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-50. It is two patients of ... ileum bladder substitution for further function preservation of progress rectal cancer
久須美貴哉1, 細川正夫1, 澄川宗祐1, 吉川智宏1, 那須祐也1, 三橋洋介1, 坂下啓太1, 木ノ下義宏1, 西田靖仙1, 塚越洋元2, 奥田博介2, 穂刈格2, 武内利直3, 大内知之3, 鐘ヶ江香久子4, 小野寺祐也5, 伊藤和夫5
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 68-68, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-51. Examine adaptation - perineural infiltration of the adjuvant chemotherapy for rectal cancer; and -
岩本一亜1, 荒木靖三1, 野明俊裕1, 佐藤郷子1, 的野敬子1, 牛島正貴1, 小篠洋之1, 山下りさこ1, 高野正博1, 斎藤俊博2, 武田和憲2
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 69-69, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-52. Usefulness of the caulescent greater omentum plombage in the skill in pelvic internal organs complete removal
宮本裕士, 坂本快郎, 辛島龍一, 井田智, 今村裕, 石本崇胤, 馬場祥史, 岩上志朗, 吉田直矢, 馬場秀夫
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 69-69, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-53. Local control with the side dissection + postoperative chemotherapy for the metastasis to side-positive case
赤本伸太郎, 浅野栄介, 大島稔, 柏木裕貴, 西澤祐吏, 山本尚樹, 藤原理朗, 岡野圭一, 臼杵尚志, 鈴木康之
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 70-70, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-54. The treatment result of the progress lower part rectal cancer case which was not given a prophylactic side lymph node excision and examination of the treatment strategy for the metastasis to side lymph node
田中克明1, 三原勇太郎1, 中山剛一1, 亀井英樹1, 石橋生哉1, 内田信治1, 緒方裕1, 白水和雄2
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 70-70, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-55. Examination - metastasis frequency and treatment strategy of a tumor position and the metastasis in progress rectal cancer to side lymph node
錦織直人1, 小山文一2, 中川正1, 中村信治1, 植田剛1, 井上隆1, 川崎敬次郎1, 尾原伸作1, 中本貴透1, 藤井久男2, 中島祥介1
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 71-71, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-56. It is examination about the adjuvant chemotherapy after the operation in Stage II, III rectal cancer
緒方俊二, 山田一隆, 佐伯泰愼, 福永光子, 田中正文, 中村寧, 村田隆二, 佐藤太一, 野口忠昭, 深見賢作, 入江朋子, 久野三朗, 辻順, 高野正博
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 71-71, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-57. Analysis of the KRAS genetic polymorphism in patients with colon cancer
梅本岳宏1,2, 小林靖奈2, 原田芳邦1, 横溝和晃1, 木川岳1, 山元俊憲2, 田中淳一1
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 72-72, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-58. Significance of the inflammatory marker in the rectal cancer preoperation chemoradiotherapy
川村幹雄, 井上靖浩, 川本文, 廣純一郎, 三枝晋, 問山裕二, 小林美奈子, 田中光司, 毛利靖彦, 楠正人
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 72-72, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-59. It is examined the adjuvant chemotherapy effect of treatment judgment in progress rectal cancer preoperation by FDG/PET
小川真平, 板橋道朗, 瀬下明良, 齋藤登, 廣澤知一郎, 橋本拓造, 番場嘉子, 加治早苗, 産形麻美子, 亀岡信悟
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 73-73, 2014.

Japanese Article P1-60. D2-40 in the vascular invasion evaluation of progressive colon cancer and usability of the EVG staining
庄盛浩平1, 平塚美由起2, 野坂仁愛3
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 73-73, 2014.

Japanese Article P2-01. Exploratory examination about the histologic characteristic of early colon cancer which we examined from the site of origin
五十畑則之1, 根本大樹1, 歌野健一1, 大谷泰介1, 遠藤俊吾1, 武藤亮2, 竹重俊幸2, 浅野宏2, 斎藤拓朗2, 北条洋3, 冨樫一智1
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 74-74, 2014.

Japanese Article P2-02. Examination about the clinicopathologic difference of early colon cancer and early rectal cancer
佐田美和1, 小林清典1, 川岸加奈1, 大岡正平1, 迎美幸1, 横山薫1, 小泉和三郎1, 佐藤武郎2, 三枝信3
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 74-74, 2014.

Japanese Article P2-03. Comparison between colon and rectal SM cancer in our hospital
井上隆1, 小山文一1,2, 中川正1, 中村信治1, 植田剛1, 錦織直人1, 川崎敬次郎1, 尾原伸作1, 中本貴透1, 藤井久男2, 中島祥介1
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 75-75, 2014.

Japanese Article P2-04. Pay the attention to characteristic - lower part rectal cancer of the stratum submucosum altitude invasive cancer by the localization of the large intestine; and ...
佐田友藍, 宮倉安幸, 清水徹一郎, 巷野佳彦, 田中宏幸, 伊藤誉, 井上賢之, 森本光昭, 鯉沼広治, 堀江久永, 安田是和
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 75-75, 2014.

Japanese Article P2-05. Comparison about SM cancer rectal in our hospital colon
磯田健太, 岩川和秀, 野々下崇, 北田浩二, 西江学, 濱野亮輔, 徳永尚之, 宮宗秀明, 常光洋輔, 大塚眞哉, 稲垣優, 岩垣博巳
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 76-76, 2014.

Japanese Article P2-06. Examination about the large intestine SM cancer surgery case
倉吉学, 豊田和広, 山根宏昭, 溝田志乃里, 志々田将幸, 花木英明, 宮本和明, 中谷玉樹, 柴田諭, 池田昌博, 貞本誠治, 高橋忠照
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 76-76, 2014.

Japanese Article P2-07. Examination of the colonoscope excision case in our hospital
尾田典隆1, 田中荘一1, 浅野道雄2, 長嶋康雄1, 相川佳子1, 野中雅彦1, 木村浩三1, 川上和彦1, 中井勝彦1, 松田保秀1
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 77-77, 2014.

Japanese Article P2-08. Comparison between presence frequency and grade according to the LST subclassification in rectum and the colon
堀内裕介, 千野晶子, 五十嵐正広
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 77-77, 2014.

Japanese Article P2-09. Comparison between rectum and side growth type tumor (LST) that we resected endoscopic in our hospital of the colon
渡辺一弘1, 横井千寿1, 秋山純一1, 矢野秀朗2
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 78-78, 2014.

Japanese Article P2-10. Including examination of characteristic - Skirt of the rectal LST lesion -
大瀬良省三, 池松弘朗, 小田柿智之, 大野康寛, 矢野友規, 金子和弘
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 78-78, 2014.

Japanese Article P2-11. Examination about a clinicopathologic characteristic of SSA/P which we saw according to parts and the endoscopic characteristic
平野大樹1, 永田信二2, 金子真弓3, 嶋本文雄4, 妹尾慧1, 田中秀典1, 頼田尚樹1, 齊藤裕平1, 高田俊介2, 脇浩司1, 上田裕之1, 桑原健一1, 木村茂1, 辻恵二1
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 79-79, 2014.

Japanese Article P2-12. microRNA expression profile in the rectal early lesion
中川義仁1, 赤尾幸博2, 中野尚子1, 大宮直木1, 長坂光夫1, 鎌野俊彰1, 小村成臣1, 生野浩和1, 大森崇史1, 城代康貴1, 釜谷明美1, 平田一郎1
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 79-79, 2014.

Japanese Article P2-13. Analysis of the clinicopathologic molecular pathology in left-sided colon cancer using the duct separation method, right-sided colon cancer and rectal cancer
杉本亮1, 吉田雅一1, 赤坂理三郎1, 上杉憲幸1, 石田和之1, 大塚幸喜2, 若林剛2, 菅井有1
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 80-80, 2014.

Japanese Article P2-14. Genetic analysis, developmental mechanism of the large intestine early lesion, examination about the clinicopathologic factor
田中正文, 緒方俊二, 山田一隆, 野崎良一, 佐伯泰愼, 福永光子, 中村寧, 村田隆二, 深見賢作, 野口忠昭, 佐藤太一, 入江朋子, 大湾朝尚, 辻順行, 久野三朗, 高野正博
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 80-80, 2014.

Japanese Article P2-15. Prospective study about the endoscopic diagnosis ability using the NBI extended observation for the large intestine saw tooth appearance lesion (Sessile serrated adenoma/polyp: SSA/P)
山階武, 竹内洋司, 飯石浩康
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 81-81, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-01. A treatment strategy and treatment result of the neuroendocrine tumor in our institution
金城達也, 佐村博範, 伊禮靖苗, 西巻正
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 82-82, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-02. Treatment result of seven neuroendocrine tumors which we experienced in our hospital
松澤岳晃1, 傍島潤1, 幡野哲1, 石畝亨1, 福地稔1, 馬場裕之1, 熊谷洋一1, 石橋敬一郎1, 持木彫人1, 石田秀行1, 東守洋2, 田丸淳一2
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 82-82, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-03. Treatment strategy of rectal NET based on new WHO classification
中山義人, 小山基, 島田拓, 諸橋一, 坂本義之, 村田暁彦, 袴田健一
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 83-83, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-04. Treatment strategy of the rectal carotenoid (NET G1 and G2)
佐藤太一1, 緒方俊二1, 山田一隆1, 野崎良一2, 大湾朝尚2, 辻順行1, 佐伯泰愼1, 久野三朗1, 福永光子1, 田中正文1, 村田隆二1, 中村寧1, 入江朋子1, 深見賢作1, 野口忠昭1, 大西敦之2, 高野正博1
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 83-83, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-05. Examination of the treatment strategy for the rectal neuroendocrine tumor
神山篤史1, 大沼忍1, 阿部友哉1, 長尾宗紀1, 武者宏昭1, 羽根田祥1, 工藤克昌1, 森川孝則1,2, 片寄友4, 江川新一5, 笠島敦子3, 海野倫明1,2
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 84-84, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-06. Examination of the rectal carotenoid case in our hospital
松田圭二, 塚本充雄, 福島慶久, 赤羽根拓弥, 堀内敦, 中村圭介, 土屋剛史, 端山軍, 山田英樹, 藤井正一, 野澤慶次郎, 田村純子, 飯沼久恵, 橋口陽二郎
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 84-84, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-07. About a treatment strategy of the rectal carotenoid
内田秀樹, 稲次直樹, 吉川周作, 増田勉, 久下博之, 横谷倫世, 山岡健太郎, 稲垣水美, 横尾貴史, 栗崎基
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 85-85, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-08. About the metastatic risk of the rectal neuroendocrine tumor from the examination of - endoscope exeresis case
鎮西亮1, 笹島圭太1, 高橋正憲1, 大津威一郎1, 土井浩達1, 甲嶋洋平1, 中村純一2
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 85-85, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-09. Endoscopic excisional validity - for histories of treatment - NET G1 of 53 large intestine neuroendocrine tumors in our hospital
武田崇志1, 大東誠司1, 石井直樹2, 藤田善幸2, 鈴木高祐3, 太田惠一朗1
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 86-86, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-10. Examination about the clinical course of endoscopic treated rectal carotenoid (NET-G1)
松本早代, 六車直樹, 松本友里, 岡崎潤, 田中久美子, 中村文香, 藤野泰輝, 三好人正, 香川美和子, 郷司敬洋, 高岡遠, 村山典聡, 矢野弘美, 北村晋志, 宮本弘志, 岡久稔也, 高山哲治
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 86-86, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-11. Examination of the treatment result for the unresectable large intestine neuroendocrine tumor
石川敏昭1, 植竹宏之2, 岡崎聡1, 岩田乃理子1, 馬場裕信1, 高橋英徳1, 菊池章史1, 石黒めぐみ2, 小林宏寿3, 飯田聡1, 杉原健一1
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 87-87, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-12. Clinicopathologic examination of the large intestine internal secretion basalioma
小松原利英1, 鯉沼広治1, 宮倉安幸1, 田中宏幸1, 伊藤誉1, 直井大志1,2, 井上賢之1, 森本光昭1, 安田是和1, 福嶋敬宜2
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 87-87, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-13. Seven examination of endocrine cells tumor in our hospital
富田泰斗1, 藤田秀人1, 藤田純1, 甲斐田大資1, 大西敏雄1, 舟木洋1, 木南伸一1, 中野泰治1, 上田順彦1, 小坂健夫1, 黒瀬望2, 湊宏2
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 88-88, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-14. Examination of the treatment result of the rectal endocrinoma
飯野弥1, 森義之1, 須藤誠1, 藤井秀樹1, 望月邦夫2
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 88-88, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-15. Two cases of the ascending colon internal secretion basalioma with synchronism that chemotherapy was successful-prone liver metastases
浜野孝1, 小林靖幸1, 大月寛郎2, 金容壱3, 本間千帆3
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 89-89, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-16. One case of the rectal internal secretion basalioma with synchronism that we perform mFOLFOX6 + bevacizumab after the resection of the primary tumor, and long-term survival was obtained-prone liver metastases
須藤誠, 飯野弥, 原倫生, 柴修吾, 森義之, 藤井秀樹
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 89-89, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-17. Examination of the large intestine endocrinoma in our hospital
西森孝典, 宮内英聡, 鈴木一史, 大平学, 当間雄之, 成島一夫, 松原久裕
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 90-90, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-18. A diagnosis and treatment of the large intestine endocrinoma in our hospital
丸山昌伸, 赤在義浩, 河本洋伸, 新田泰樹, 大原利憲
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 90-90, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-19. Examination of large intestine neuroendocrine tumor nine which we experienced in our hospital
鄭充善, 上島成幸, 赤松大樹
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 91-91, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-20. Consideration about the treatment strategy of the large intestine endocrinoma
森田俊治, 小森孝通, 谷田司, 大島一輝, 畠野尚典, 野田剛広, 川西賢秀, 今村博司, 岩澤卓, 赤木謙三, 堂野恵三, 北田昌之
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 91-91, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-21. Examination of rectal origin NET in our hospital
久保維彦, 吉岡慎一, 辻江正樹, 柳澤公紀, 波多豪, 瀧内大輔, 濱野梨絵, 柏崎正樹, 三木宏文, 矢野浩司
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 92-92, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-22. About large intestine NET G2 based on WHO classification 2010
渡部顕1, 大田貢由2, 諏訪雄亮1, 鈴木紳祐1, 石部敦士2, 渡邉純4, 渡辺一輝1, 市川靖史3, 遠藤格1
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 92-92, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-23. Clinicopathologic examination of the rectal carotenoid surgery case in our hospital
松永理絵1, 小嶋基寛2, 齋藤典男1, 杉藤正典1, 伊藤雅昭1, 小林昭広1, 西澤雄介1, 河野眞吾1, 池田公治1
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 93-93, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-24. Examination of the rectal neuroendocrine tumor surgical resection case in our hospital
相川佳子1, 田中荘一1, 小澤享史2, 長嶋康雄1, 尾田典隆1, 野中雅彦1, 木村浩三1, 中井勝彦1, 川上和彦1, 松田保秀1
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 93-93, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-25. Examination of the large intestine endocrine cells tumor (carotenoid) excision case
岩谷昭1, 山崎俊幸1, 八木寛1, 眞部祥一1, 橋立英樹2
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 94-94, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-26. Examination of the large intestine endocrinoma surgery case in our hospital
和田治, 森谷弘之介, 小澤平太, 藤田伸, 固武健二郎
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 94-94, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-27. Histories of treatment of the large intestine origin endocrinoma surgery case
正村裕紀, 中野詩朗, 赤羽弘充, 稲垣光裕, 柳田尚之, 芝木泰一郎, 庄中達也, 木村鐘康, 豊島雄二郎, 岡田尚樹
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 95-95, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-28. Cancer stem cell marker in large intestine neuroendocrine system cancer
進士誠一1,2, 松田陽子2, 石渡俊行2, 菅隼人1, 山田岳史1, 小泉岐博1, 山岸杏彌1, 原敬介1, 吉村久志2, 内藤善哉2, 内田英二1
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 95-95, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-29. One patient who had a diagnosis of a rectal neuroendocrine system cancer
椿昌裕, 織田福一郎, 荒川敬一, 西蔭徹郎, 兼信正明, 加藤奨一
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 96-96, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-30. 2 surgery case of the large intestine internal secretion basalioma
呉林秀崇1, 五井孝憲1, 成瀬貴之1, 田中麻奈実1, 藤本大裕1, 澤井利次1, 森川充洋1, 小練研司1, 村上真1, 廣野靖夫1, 飯田敦1, 片山寛次2, 山口明夫1
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 96-96, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-31. One case of rectal tumor which showed the ingredient of both of a neuroendocrine tumor and the adenocarcinoma in the same lesion
木戸知紀1, 島田能史1, 伏木麻恵1, 中野雅人1, 亀山仁史1, 野上仁1, 若井俊文1, 岩渕三哉2
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 97-97, 2014.

Japanese Article P3-32. An example of rectal large-cell neuroendocrine system cancer with rare mutation M133K of the TP53 gene
大西一平1,2, 黒田志保2, 倉部誠也1, 嘉山貴文3, 宇野彰晋3, 落合秀人3, 鈴木潮人2, 谷岡書彦2, 椙村春彦1
Periodic Meetings of Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR): Program & Abstracts (80th): 97-97, 2014.