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The Japanese Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry

Volume , Issue 82 / 1985
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Report from the news settings
斎藤茂男, 樋田精一*
The Japanese Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry (82): 7-11, 1985.

Japanese Article The change of the treatment system since the 1957 establishment
The Japanese Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry (82): 15-23, 1985.

Japanese Article Is expected; is democratic; flexible medical histology
The Japanese Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry (82): 24-28, 1985.

Japanese Article Urgently look back upon residents' association activity 24 years in the aid station
Nakano dawn
The Japanese Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry (82): 29-31, 1985.

Japanese Article Significance of the psychiatry closure ward in the general hospital
窪田彰, 草島良子, 中村正利, 米沢洋介, 高畠克子*
The Japanese Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry (82): 32-38, 1985.

Japanese Article How do you make a mental hospital and local relations?
The Japanese Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry (82): 39-43, 1985.

Japanese Article Problem characteristics of the mental hospital which we looked at from the area
Fumiko Iida
The Japanese Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry (82): 44-48, 1985.

Japanese Article Comeback to normal life help activity of the mental patient in Tokyo
The Japanese Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry (82): 65-74, 1985.

Japanese Article To support a mental patient in an area
The Japanese Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry (82): 75-79, 1985.

Japanese Article Laboratory practice as the local support organization
Yagi Ritsuko *1, *2, Takako Teratani *1, *3, Yoshiko Iwama *1, *3, Yoko Sato *1, *3, Katsuo Kurihara *1, *3, Hiroshi Kakihara *1, *4, Notomi three sand *1, *5, Katsuko Endo *1, *6, Noriko Kobayashi *1, *7
The Japanese Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry (82): 80-83, 1985.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the cooperative workshop exercise where a master intended for a mental patient made and future problem
The Japanese Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry (82): 84-92, 1985.

Japanese Article The hospital in the local action asks a tendency
中村正利, 窪田彰, 門倉春子, 高畠克子*, 中山洋子**, 大井徹***, 関百合***
The Japanese Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry (82): 93-98, 1985.

Japanese Article The change of the program since daycare establishment for 13 years
Muranaka wisdom, Ryuta Furuya, Takako Ito, Mitsuo Sakurada, Xinye Mineko *, Rumiko Isotani **, Summer moat Yoshino **, Seiichi Toida **
The Japanese Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry (82): 99-108, 1985.