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The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia
Volume , Issue 84 / 2003
English Article Japanese Article
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Intrapartum Anesthesia in a Case of Anamnestic Posterior Fixation for Idiopathic Scoliosis Tetsufumi SATO, Hideki NAKATSUKA, Kiyoshi MORITA The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (84): 3-6, 2003. |
Dyspnea after Caesarean Section Osamu NISHIKIDO, Hirofumi HINO, Takeshi TATEDA, Eiki SASAKI, Ryo NISHISAKO, Ikuo YAMANAKA The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (84): 7-9, 2003. |
Post-partum and Episiotomy Pain Experienced with Different Anesthetic Methods : A Comparative Investigation Miwako SAITO, Toshiyuki OKUTOMI, Youko ARAI*, Kan AMANO*, Sumio HOKA The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (84): 10-16, 2003. |
Cesarean Section under General Anesthesia with Sevoflurane Shin HARA, Masaji UTSU, Yoko KOSUGE, Kyoko IBUKA, Yuichi ONISHI, Rumi SUZUKI, Osamu MOCHIZUKI, Tsuneo NODA, Shigeru KATO*, Mutsuto KIKURA*, Tomoki TAKADA* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (84): 17-23, 2003. |
Fetal / Maternal Blood Sevoflurane Ratios in Cesarean Sections Performed under General Anesthesia Induced by High Dose Sevoflurane Shigeru KATO, Tomoki TAKADA, Shin HARA*, Kyoko IBUKA*, Rumi SUZUKI*, Masaji UTSU* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (84): 24-28, 2003. |
1. Is the PCA necessary for delivery in twilight sleep in our hospital? 石黒葉子, 牧野英博, 信田政子, 村野孝代, 森晃, 牧野恒久 The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (84): 29-29, 2003. |
2. Anesthesia in labor using PCEA 斉藤美和子*, 奥富俊之*, 望月純子**, 金井雄二**, 天野完**, 西島正博** The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (84): 29-29, 2003. |
3. Epidural analgesia delivery by 2 μg/ml of 0.1% Ropivacaine + fentanyl 林玲子, 松浪薫, 阿部世紀, 田中基, 田村高子, 近藤陽一, 朝原章二, 宮坂勝之 The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (84): 30-30, 2003. |
4. 1 case of the fetal congenital diaphragmatic hernia that we anesthetized in our hospital 入駒慎吾*, 真鍋敦*, 角田育子*, 秦幸吉*, 宮崎康二*, 中谷俊彦**, 太田淳一**, 斉藤洋司** The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (84): 30-30, 2003. |
5. Demonstration of the fetal electrocardiogram software (trial manufacture is it edition) as the fetal monitoring in the operation 上山博史*, 天田実志*, 小山秀樹*, 高階雅紀*, 真下節*, 萩平哲** The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (84): 31-31, 2003. |
6. Cesarean section anesthesia by a new spinal femoral needle (Epistar CSE (TM)) 松浪薫, 阿部世紀, 田中基, 林玲子, 田村高子, 近藤陽一, 朝原章二, 宮坂勝之 The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (84): 31-31, 2003. |
7. Anesthesia experience of the cesarean operation of the phaeochromocytoma merger pregnant woman 狩谷伸享, 細野由佳子, 濱岡直也, 西信一, 西川精宣, 浅田章 The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (84): 31-32, 2003. |
8. Cesarean section of the congenital left coronary ostium atretic patients 安部咲帆*, 倉橋清泰*, 倉澤健太郎** The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (84): 32-32, 2003. |
9. Experience of the pethidine intrathecal anesthesia in the cesarean operation of the pregnant woman with the allergic reaction to local anesthetics 内田淳子*, 横田和美*, 半田冨美*, 照井克生*, 竹田省*, 溝部弘敬**, 宮尾秀樹**, 河村智永子*** The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (84): 32-33, 2003. |
10. Anesthesia experience of the cesarean section of chronic patients on dialysis 高木俊一, 成島光洋, 青木朝子, 光成誉明, 池田みさ子, 尾崎眞 The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (84): 33-33, 2003. |
11. Characteristic of the obstetric anesthesia that we saw from a resident 坪倉かおり, 小久保荘太郎 The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (84): 33-33, 2003. |
12. The change of the cesarean operation patients in our institution 大島正行 The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (84): 33-34, 2003. |
13. It is tried early ambulation, the early discharge after improvement of the method of operation and running out of emperor by the continuous epidural analgesia introduction 田淵和久, 太田博美, 真鍋綾, 山田佳子, 木村吉宏, 上村茂仁 The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (84): 34-34, 2003. |
14. Epidural analgesia after the cesarean section with the electric PCA pump (Dell technical center PCA 6300 (TM)) 田中基, 松浪薫, 阿部世紀, 林玲子, 田村高子, 近藤陽一, 朝原章二, 宮坂勝之 The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (84): 34-35, 2003. |
15. It is examined the usefulness of the epidural Ropivacaine in the painkilling after the operation of the cesarean operation 中村龍彦 The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (84): 35-35, 2003. |
16. Change of the epidural pressure in the recovery process of the dorsal position low blood pressure that occurred after intrathecal anesthesia introduction and the lower limbs intravenous tension 菊谷健彦*, 稲木敏一郎*, 大島正行*, 島田洋一*, 菊谷真理子**, 松島隆**, 石原楷輔** The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (84): 35-35, 2003. |
17. The present conditions of the urgent cesarean operation in the general perinatal center 松田義雄 The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (84): 36-36, 2003. |
18. Over Medicalisation of recent topic - delivery of special lecture "painless delivery -" 鈴木健治 The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (84): 36-36, 2003. |