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The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia
Volume , Issue 85 / 2004
English Article Japanese Article
- Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.
Is PCEA Necessary During Labor? Yoko ISHIGURO, Hidehiro MAKINO, Takayo MURANO, Masako SHIDA, Akira MORI, Katsuhiko IWASAKI*, Tsunehisa MAKINO The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (85): 1-5, 2004. |
Labor Analgesia Using Patient-Controlled Epidural Analgesia Miwako SAITO, Toshiyuki OKUTOMI, Chio YOSHIMURA*, Yuji KANAI*, Junko MOCHIZUKI*, Kan AMANO* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (85): 6-10, 2004. |
Stress and Satisfaction of Obstetric Anesthesia for Residents Kaori TSUBOKURA, Sotaro KOKUBO The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (85): 11-14, 2004. |
An Attempt to Promote Early Resumption of Activity and Discharge after Cesarean Section Using the Joel-Cohen Technique and Continuous Epidural Anesthesia Kazuhisa TABUCHI, Hiromi OHTA, Aya MANABE, Yoshiko YAMADA, Yoshihiro KIMURA, Shigehito KAMIMURA The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (85): 15-19, 2004. |
Efficacy of Epidural Ropivacaine for Postoperative Analgesia after Cesarean Section Tatsuhiko NAKAMURA The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (85): 20-22, 2004. |
A Case of Anesthetic Management for Atresia of Left Coronary Artery Ostium Kiyoyasu KURAHASHI, Sakiho ABE*, Masaya ENDO**, Kentaro KURASAWA**, Fumiki HIRAHARA**, Yoshitsugu YAMADA The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (85): 23-26, 2004. |
Anesthetic Management of Cesarean Section in A Patient with Acute Myocardial Infarction Hirofumi HINO, Takeshi TATEDA, Akiko ISOMURA, Eiki SASAKI, Chiaki SASAKI, Yasuko HONDA The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (85): 27-30, 2004. |
Over breech presentation perinatal period management 淵勲, 磯部孟生, 椋棒正昌, 亀谷英輝, 天野完, 八十島唯一, 末原則幸 The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (85): 31-46, 2004. |
Over an urgent cesarean operation (the present conditions running out of a super urgent emperor) - From the situation of the obstetrician - 鴨下詠美, 金井雄二, 天野完 The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (85): 53-53, 2004. |
1. Anesthesia experience of the cesarean section of the woman in childbed with the sacrum front meningocele 笹野淳, 角倉弘行, 舘田武志 The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (85): 53-54, 2004. |
2. Anesthesia experience of the cesarean section under the general anesthesia of the pregnant woman with the chiari malformation type I 青木有沙 The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (85): 54-54, 2004. |
3. Examination of 4 cases that acute fatty liver in pregnancy was suspected, and was given an urgent cesarean operation 永田悦朗*, 吉嶺孝和*, 蓑田祐子*, 坂元美重*, 竹原哲彦*, 前田隆嗣** The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (85): 54-54, 2004. |
4. 3 cases that formed a blister to a heel postoperatively of the obstetric operation by CSE 金沢雅, 角倉弘行, 舘田武志 The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (85): 54-55, 2004. |
5. Anesthesia of the cesarean operation by all infusion anesthesia using the propofol 寺澤篤*, 黒澤寛史*, 藤井園子*, 阿部世紀*, 田中基*, 林玲子*, 田村高子*, 近藤陽一*, 朝原章二*, 宮坂勝之*, 左合治彦**, 久保隆彦**, 北川道弘**, 名取道也** The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (85): 55-55, 2004. |
6. Statistical consideration of the case that an anesthesiologist tried urgent uterine atony in a cesarean operation 土谷美和, 明石真美, 高田香, 小久保荘太郎 The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (85): 56-56, 2004. |
7. Usefulness of the nitroglycerine in the cesarean operation of the premature baby 田中基*, 渡辺紀子*, 藤井園子*, 寺澤篤*, 阿部世紀*, 林玲子*, 田村高子*, 近藤陽一*, 朝原章二*, 宮坂勝之*, 左合治彦**, 久保隆彦**, 北川道弘**, 名取道也** The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (85): 56-56, 2004. |
8. Comparison between tetracaine and Lidocain in the epidural combination intrathecal anesthesia lower cesarean section 入駒慎吾, 小久保荘太郎 The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (85): 57-57, 2004. |
9. Comparison of methylergometrine and oxytocin in - bolus intravenous administration of hysterotonic and the bleeding during cesarean section concerned 菊谷健彦*, 大島正行*, 島田洋一*, 菊谷真理子** The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (85): 57-57, 2004. |
10. Kangaroo-care, introduction and problems during planned cesarean section 大島正行*, 島田洋一*, 渋井庸子**, 藤江裕美**, 松島隆**, 朝倉啓文** The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (85): 57-58, 2004. |
11. Effect on rising of the Ropivacaine / fentanyl sustained administration after the planned cesarean operation out of the endocranium at rest 大島正行*, 島田洋一*, 藤江裕美**, 渋井庸子**, 松島隆**, 小西英喜**, 可世木久幸**, 朝倉啓文** The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (85): 58-58, 2004. |
12. Fetal two patients who tried a vaginal delivery under anesthesia 菊地信三, 望月純子, 金井雄二, 谷昭博, 天野完 The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (85): 58-59, 2004. |
13. Anesthesia experience of the relief of pain delivery of patients with depression 山本純 The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (85): 59-59, 2004. |
14. Comparison by Ropivacaine concentrations in the epidural analgesia delivery 藤井園子*, 黒澤寛史*, 寺澤篤*, 渡辺紀子*, 阿部世紀*, 田中基*, 林玲子*, 田村高子*, 近藤陽一*, 朝原章二*, 宮坂勝之*, 左合治彦**, 久保隆彦**, 北川道弘**, 名取道也** The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (85): 59-59, 2004. |
15. Attempt - of epidural anaesthesia painless delivery - single department Hospital to be carried out safely 田淵和久, 上村茂仁, 木村吉宏, 山田佳子, 冨永晃子, 田淵明子 The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (85): 60-60, 2004. |
16. To diffuse a painless delivery; efforts - in - St. Marianna Univ. School of Medicine 角倉弘行, 舘田武志 The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (85): 60-60, 2004. |
17. The epidural combination intrathecal anesthesia is how long, and is a stable technique obtained? - Anesthesia training - of the obstetrician 明石真美, 土谷美和, 高田香, 小久保荘太郎 The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (85): 61-61, 2004. |