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The Japanese Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry

Volume , Issue 9 / 1964
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Fact-finding after the mental patient discharge
Matsuo Araki, Koike 31
The Japanese Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry (9): 1-10, 1964.

Japanese Article About the fact-finding of the Nagano throughout the prefecture aid station
The Japanese Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry (9): 11-19, 1964.

Japanese Article About the actual situation of the psychiatric social worker
柏木昭, 中村治子, 今田芳枝, 斉藤和子, 鈴木浩二, 桜井芳郎, 坪上宏, 山崎道子, 真下弘*
The Japanese Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry (9): 21-47, 1964.

Japanese Article Requirements made with a protection room
The Japanese Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry (9): 49-61, 1964.

Japanese Article The change of the protection room architecture in the House of Sakuragaoka rest
野口晋二, 西尾忠介, 福本政蔵
The Japanese Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry (9): 63-66, 1964.

Japanese Article About the administration of the House of Kumamoto rest
The Japanese Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry (9): 67-81, 1964.

Japanese Article The present situation and discussion of the psychiatry ambulant treatment judging from the viewpoint of the comeback to normal life
石川鉄男, 真下弘, 早川幸夫, 井上敬三
The Japanese Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry (9): 83-99, 1964.

Japanese Article About experience of the mental patient family society administration and the trend
Kenji Takemura
The Japanese Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry (9): 101-108, 1964.

Japanese Article Ayumi of the handicrafts knitting work
The Japanese Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry (9): 109-113, 1964.

Japanese Article The real and experience of the kinesitherapy
島津武司, 末岡真津子
The Japanese Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry (9): 115-118, 1964.

Japanese Article New interpretation and the modern practice of Gestalt theory Morita nervous and Morita therapy in neurosis theory
The Japanese Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry (9): 119-124, 1964.

Japanese Article Mental health of Okinawa
The Japanese Journal of Hospital and Community Psychiatry (9): 125-141, 1964.