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Kanagawa Public Health Journal

Volume , Issue 9 / 1961
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article About the contents of voices such as hope, the dissatisfaction, and the like for the public health center of the people
坂野薫, 橋本善彦, 石原久
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 7-7, 1961.

Japanese Article It is (III) about availability ratio and how to use movie film as the health education medium
坂野薫, 橋本善彦, 石原久
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 7-8, 1961.

Japanese Article As a result of tuberculosis inhabitants examination and examination of the questionnaire
青木ちよ, 石渡嘉子, 菊地千代野, 青島ヒロコ, 高橋ふみ子, 杉本博俊
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 8-9, 1961.

Japanese Article About the health supervision of the doctorless region
成田功, 藤井信雄
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 9-10, 1961.

Japanese Article About the maternal and child health general condition of the west Hadano-cho
清水利貞1), 脇坂和男1), 武和子1), 佐野ウメ子1), 杉山幸子1), 山本真弓1), 吉岡章恵1), 湯舟妙子1), 蓮沼二三子2), 加藤ヌイ2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 10-11, 1961.

Japanese Article Study on patients with tuberculosis family examination
清水利貞, 脇坂和男, 武和子, 佐野ウメ子, 杉山幸子, 山本真弓, 吉岡章恵, 山本ふみ子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 11-11, 1961.

Japanese Article Through poliomyelitis live vaccine administration
豊浦盛信, 牧山巳代子, 館下まさ子, 田中シズエ, 田中トシ子, 大場ミツ子, 外谷碩子, 白鳥しげ子, 岩下佐和子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 11-12, 1961.

Japanese Article Under the V.D. lack situation of pediatric health consultation children and the health guidance (second report)
小宮山新一, 石幡輝保, 浅田さわ, 山本富美子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 12-13, 1961.

Japanese Article Examination of the schoolchild heart group medical examination
渡部光雄, 津金豊常
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 13-13, 1961.

Japanese Article About postpartum maternal hygiene
杉原正造, 古手静子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 13-13, 1961.

Japanese Article About the dentistry management of the infants in the public health center and the results
杉原正造1), 松井二男1), 吉沢美和子1), 榊原悠紀田郎2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 13-14, 1961.

Japanese Article Knowledge about nitro Fra zone in food and the nitrofurylacrylamide
菅野三郎, 池田陽男
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 14-15, 1961.

Japanese Article Report coloring agent first about a food hygiene test result in Yokohama-shi of 10 years
白石信雄1), 渡部愛2), 佐藤洋子2), 浅倉倫子2), 中島三郎3), 北田稔4)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 15-15, 1961.

Japanese Article Report first about an assay of a lactic acid bacterium study of the lactic acid bacteria beverage and the dehydroacetic acid (soda)
飯島義男, 宇佐見孝義
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 15-16, 1961.

Japanese Article About a limiting test of boron in food
井上哲男, 河村太郎, 上条昌弥
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 16-16, 1961.

Japanese Article Relations of hospital diet and the price index
小泉信子1), 内藤方子2), 黒太照子3)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 16-17, 1961.

Japanese Article About the relations of use of Part 1 food amount and quantity of nourishment and the price index
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 17-17, 1961.

Japanese Article Relations of Part 2 food material cost and the price index
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 17-19, 1961.

Japanese Article About the relations of quantity of Part 3 total nourishment and the price index
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 19-20, 1961.

Japanese Article About diet cure of the adiposity
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 21-21, 1961.

Japanese Article About statistical observation of the adult hygiene consultation in the Kamakura public health center particularly hematologic views (the second report)
宮手多助, 宮崎久子, 白戸三郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 22-22, 1961.

Japanese Article About the examination of water of Sagamiko and the connection river
前田実, 桑原弘, 宮下一郎, 嶋崎久生, 志田匡且, 小林恒雄
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 22-22, 1961.

Japanese Article About the river quality of the water basics investigation in the lower Sagami River
杉本良次1), 大生静男1), 小野沢隆重1), 鈴木ヤエ1), 堀江秀夫1), 長谷川潤平1), 辻崔2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 22-23, 1961.

Japanese Article A life investigation and the extermination of the cockroach
淡路宜男1), 堀江秀夫2), 鈴木長谷雄3), 井上四郎4), 原田文雄5), 石井襄二5), 関本一雄6), 羽端徳豊6), 松蔭英竜6)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 23-24, 1961.

Japanese Article The use of the filter paper sampling-type impinger for the school environmental health
内田政道, 関口祐太郎, 安藤寛, 高松和幸, 安本克衛, 赤池彰
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 24-25, 1961.

Japanese Article Effect of the circulation filtration antiseptic device on public bath water
菅野三郎, 落合昭吾, 田辺孝
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 25-25, 1961.

Japanese Article About study (II) resorcin about the separation fixed-quantity of the mixed preparation and salicylate mixed preparation
菅野三郎, 屋宮妙子, 新海真澄
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 25-26, 1961.

Japanese Article About a differential diagnosis of the horseflesh by the meat species differential diagnosis hemoglobin immune serum by the serum precipitin test
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 26-28, 1961.

Japanese Article About the environmental hygiene purification investigation of the wadi
手中進, 大矢直次, 大森博
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 29-29, 1961.

Japanese Article What should the hygiene instruction of the cattle shed poultry building do?
高口保明, 三宅悌一, 原太八司, 中野真一, 安井一夫, 鈴木長谷雄, 伊藤勝巳
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 29-30, 1961.

Japanese Article The extermination results of the fly by the insuccation cord law in the cattle shed
三宅悌一1), 鈴木長谷雄1), 小野住重春1), 川合敏雄1), 高橋忠一1), 原田文雄2), 石井襄二2), 川辺弥一3), 藤木靖之3)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 30-30, 1961.

Japanese Article Epidemiologic study of the initial infection due to the resistant tubercle bacillus
杉田暉道, 津田忠美, 宍戸昌夫, 和田鈴子, 酒井葉子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 30-31, 1961.

Japanese Article The detection of the tubercle bacillus from the sputum expectorated on the street and the drug-resistant examination
臼井孝, 中村典彦, 塩崎洋, 鈴木彦人, 杉田暉道, 津田忠美
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 31-31, 1961.

Japanese Article About the parasite distribution of the schoolchild in Tsukui-gun
前田実, 宮下一郎, 門倉治男
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 31-31, 1961.

Japanese Article About the Salmonella food poisoning in a certain industrial feeding (epidemiological investigation)
伊藤潔1), 中町俊雄1), 林秀2), 関本一雄2), 児玉威3), 宮本泰3), 中村一成3)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 32-32, 1961.

Japanese Article About the bacteria search of patients with food poisoning due to the Bacillus Gaertner
伊藤潔, 中町俊雄, 磯崎忠信, 小室八郎, 相磯総平, 藤波利喜雄
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 32-33, 1961.

Japanese Article About the extermination effect of the fly by the indoor residual spraying of the diazinon emulsion
本庄茂敏, 見留与吉, 永井尚三郎, 長岡利男
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 33-33, 1961.

Japanese Article Fundamental experiment of the sand fly extermination that sanitation is so and occurs
石井襄二, 原田久雄
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 33-34, 1961.

Japanese Article Report first about a study of Fasciolasis in the Atsugi slaughterhouse
福岡栄治, 川戸欣之助
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 34-34, 1961.

Japanese Article Examination of the general inhabitants tuberculosis medical examination
清水利貞1), 川口恭蔵1), 遠藤誠吉2), 森岡造2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 34-35, 1961.

Japanese Article About community diagnosis of Aikawa-machi, Aiko-gun
関名和, 成田功, 藤井信雄
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 35-35, 1961.

Japanese Article About the birth frequency of the premature infant
藤井信雄, 土屋薫, 成田功
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 36-36, 1961.

Japanese Article A life investigation and the extermination of the gnat
大矢直次1), 福岡栄治2), 小野住重春3), 原田文雄4), 石井襄二4), 関本一雄5), 羽端徳豊5), 松蔭英竜5)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 36-37, 1961.

Japanese Article Assay of the air pollution degree by the study (1) filter paper method of the hygienic chemistry of the pollution with poisonous gases
福井昭三, 内藤昭治
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 37-37, 1961.

Japanese Article About a sterilization effect of the original milk filtration cloth
高橋秀夫1), 長塚久1), 土田敏文2), 三橋仁也3), 菊池貞嘉3), 吉田拓郎4), 柴田幸生5)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 37-37, 1961.

Japanese Article About an examination of the public bath bathtub water
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 37-38, 1961.

Japanese Article About an assay of the milk no fat milk solid content with the EDTA
井上哲男, 河村太郎, 浅倉倫子
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 38-38, 1961.

Japanese Article Study on abnormal milk (the first report) "artificial abnormal milk"
江口三郎, 飯島義男, 宇佐見孝義
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 38-39, 1961.

Japanese Article About processing equipment of the cattle shed discharge filthy water
大野茂, 矢込堅太郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 40-40, 1961.

Japanese Article Study on seawater bacteria fifth report
武原文三郎1), 田口資生1), 長南茂樹1), 瓜生一郎1), 松野幹夫1), 小金井正一2), 渡辺博之2), 水島清治2), 永井三夫2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 41-41, 1961.

Japanese Article Manner in study distilled water about the Vibrio parahaemolyticus and the salt solution, change of the form
武原文三郎, 田口資生, 長南茂樹, 瓜生一郎
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 41-42, 1961.

Japanese Article Study I fat about the quality of milk improvement, change of the no fat milk solid content specific gravity
武原文三郎1), 田口資生1), 長南茂樹1), 松野幹夫1), 瓜生一郎1), 武村和男2), 中島誠2)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 42-42, 1961.

Japanese Article The ups and downs of the tuberculosis resistant bacteria by the form classification
笠原久弥, 斎藤治男, 小島一夫, 森田はな
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 42-43, 1961.

Japanese Article Relations with the study on Luminous Bacteria first report Vibrio parahaemolyticus
中村一成, 大住享, 滝沢金次郎, 宮本泰
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 43-43, 1961.

Japanese Article The best own plan of the examination followup technique about a DC nutrient medium and the disagreement with the public fixed rule to use for the number of the Coliform group presumptive test such as the seawater, and the like
中村一成, 大住享, 滝沢金次郎, 宮本泰
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 44-44, 1961.

Japanese Article Test result of Vibrio parahaemolyticus Aeromonas(Oceanomonas) isolated in 1961
宮本泰1), 中村一成1), 大住享1), 滝沢金次郎1), 児玉威1), 伊東浩2), 小林文2), 栗原忠夫2), 相磯総平3), 中町俊雄3), 伊藤潔3), 桜井栄蔵4), 岡田順4), 田村正4), 小野勝5), 山口富男5), 松野幹夫5), 林秀5)
Kanagawa Public Health Journal (9): 44-45, 1961.