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The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia
Volume , Issue 90 / 2008
English Article Japanese Article
- Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.
Two-year Experience of Epidural Analgesia for Labor at Hamamatsu University Hospital Hisako OKADA*, Chieko NAKAGAWA**, Mizuki TANIGUCHI*, Shigehito SATO* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (90): 1-7, 2008. |
Heart Rate Variability before Spinal Anesthesia and Hypotension during Cesarean Delivery Masayuki OSHIMA*, Kazuyoshi AOYAMA*, Toshimasa AKAZAWA*, Eiichi INADA*, Moe MAKITA**, Toshitaka TANAKA**, Shintaro MAKINO**, Satoru TAKEDA** The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (90): 8-13, 2008. |
Are Parturients more Sensitive to Volatile Anesthetics? - EEG Analysis Study - Hiroshi UEYAMA*, Satoshi HAGIHIRA** The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (90): 14-17, 2008. |
Anesthetic Management in 5 Pregnant Women with HELLP Syndrome Shinko JINNOUCHI*, Noriaki MIYAZAKI*, Hiroaki NAKAHASHI**, Mikio NAKASHIMA* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (90): 18-22, 2008. |
Hemodynamic Management with the Flo Trac Sensor during Anesthesia for cesarean Section of Total Placenta Previa Ryo NISHISAKO*, Takeshi TATEDA*, Chie NAMBA*, Yayoi OHASHI*, Akiko DOI* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (90): 23-27, 2008. |
Maternal and Fetal Cardiovascular Hemodynamics at Parturiation - From the Viewpoint of Plathysmographic Analysis - Masatoshi MIKAMI*, Akifumi KAGIYA**, Masakuni SUZUKI** The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (90): 28-40, 2008. |
Epidural Block for Labor Analgesia Mayumi TAKASAKI* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (90): 41-47, 2008. |
Attend at the Korean obstetric anesthesia society 天野完* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (90): 48-50, 2008. |
1. From the questionnaire results to a woman in childbed who experienced a painless delivery 村上千恵, 向井君子, 藁科佳代, 中畑克俊1), 畑埜義雄1) The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (90): 51-51, 2008. |
5. Anesthesia of SLE with suspected amniotic fluid embolism and the antiphospholipid syndrome merger cesarean section 渡邊朝香, 大島正行, 岡崎まり, 吉岡綾子, 稲田英一, 米本寿志1), 伊藤茂1), 竹田省1) The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (90): 51-52, 2008. |
6. Change of the lower limbs arterial pressure in the supine hypotension syndrome 大島正行, 浅野峰子, 徳田留衣, 掛水真帆, 稲田英一, 薪田も恵1), 伊藤茂1), 竹田省1) The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (90): 52-52, 2008. |
8. Study of the depressant action of alprostadil for the metratonia effect of the sevoflurane 大橋弥生, 角倉弘行, 舘田武志 The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (90): 52-53, 2008. |
1. Report of SOAP - Japan and the United States joint meeting 奥富俊之 The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (90): 54-54, 2008. |
2. It is area ... for a center setup for present situation - perinatal period of the obstetric anesthesia in our hospital 葛西麻由, 堀本洋 The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (90): 54-54, 2008. |
4. The attempt of the premeditated painless delivery in our hospital and evaluation by the questionnaire 永井美江, 木村卓二, 丸山春子, 三澤俊哉 The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (90): 55-55, 2008. |
6. One case that received at delivery painkilling using distilled water subcutaneous injection and caudal block for Tetralogy of Fallot and a scoliotic postoperative pregnant woman 山本信一, 照井克生, 横田和美, 垂井薫, 秋山さやか1) The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (90): 55-56, 2008. |
7. Another thrombocytopenia - ADAMTS13 deficiency 篠原彩子, 加藤里絵, 上埜博史, 茅野孝明, 佐藤二郎, 石崎聡之1), 藤原礼1), 小泉仁嗣1), 神保正利1), 坂井昌人1), 増田道彦2) The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (90): 56-56, 2008. |
8. Early ambulation after the cesarean section using epidural anaesthesia 袴田君代, 伊藤真名美, 吉中富士美, 越川敬子, 安井みか, 檜木清美 The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (90): 56-57, 2008. |
13. An example of EXIT using remifentanil 森庸介, 駒井美砂, 角倉弘行1), 近藤陽一1), 阪井裕一1) The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (90): 57-57, 2008. |
15. Example that fell into Septic Shock thought about according to Bacterial Translocation after cesarean section 細川幸希, 中塚逸夫, 森崎浩, 武田純三, 佐藤卓1), 田中守1), 吉村泰典1) The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (90): 58-58, 2008. |
One patient who caused hemorrhagic shock from uterine inversion after 16 delivery, and underwent hysterectomy 高木佑芙紀, 谷口美づき, 岡田尚子, 佐藤重仁, 中川智永子1) The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (90): 58-59, 2008. |
21. Examination of the adhesion placenta 3 case 宜野座到, 中村清哉, 坂梨真木子, 垣花学, 須加原一博 The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (90): 60-60, 2008. |