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The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia
Volume , Issue 97 / 2015
English Article Japanese Article
- Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.
Serendipity found on the journey of the 覧故考新 奥富俊之* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (97): 1-4, 2015. |
Process of the change and the JSOAP establishment of the perinatal period pain relief 天野完* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (97): 5-9, 2015. |
The history of resuscitation of neonate (NCPR) 和田雅樹* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (97): 10-15, 2015. |
The times change of the female pelvis to investigate from an old human bone 高椋浩史* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (97): 16-22, 2015. |
The actual situation that is in a pelvis form of modern women and the successive change 鳴本敬一郎*, 杉村基* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (97): 23-28, 2015. |
The best consideration from the hips change of Japanese women born in the 1940s through the 1970s to the change of Era of the female pelvis which we saw 坂本晶子* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (97): 29-32, 2015. |
We learn from a maternal death case 石川浩史* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (97): 33-38, 2015. |
The sudden change of the woman in childbed. What should you do then what a nurse midwife can do? 臼井いづみ* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (97): 39-45, 2015. |
Obstetric emergency education to an in-hospital first aid-response system and nurse midwife in our hospital 堀内美奈* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (97): 46-48, 2015. |
Limbo dancer of flunkey? : A position to support the spinal subarachnoid anesthesia in anesthesia of routine scheduled cesarean section 狩谷伸享* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (97): 49-53, 2015. |
Accomplish a duty; CSE is a strong friend of the cesarean section 中畑克俊* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (97): 54-58, 2015. |
Traditional Epidural is the Best Epidural. Yusuke MAZDA* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (97): 59-63, 2015. |
Mainly on pain control of establishment - puerperium of the breast-feeding of the lying in woman who did perineotomy by a painless delivery - 藍畑麻美*, 西田浩子*, 大庭真梨**, 林聡* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (97): 64-71, 2015. |
Use experience of acetaminophen intravenous injections "acelio (R)" for cesarean section postoperative analgesia 淀川祐紀* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (97): 72-79, 2015. |
Initial response at the time of eclampsia attack by midwives : Simulated training that utilizes a high-function patient simulator 谷奥匡*, 中畑克俊*, 向井君子** The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (97): 80-85, 2015. |
Introduction to a training course for neonatal cardiopulmonary resuscitation developed by an anesthesiologist Izumi HAYASHI* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (97): 86-91, 2015. |
Safety of Epidural Anesthesia During Labor in Pregnancy Complicated by Cardiovascular Disease Hiroaki TANAKA*, Kayo TANAKA*, Masashi YOSHIDA**, Mitsuhiro TSURITANI**, Chizuko KAMIYA**, Naoko IWANAGA**, Jun YOSHIMATSU**, Tomoaki IKEDA* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (97): 92-98, 2015. |
Examination of the epidural analgesia delivery in the moyamoya disease merger pregnancy 田中佳世*,**, 田中博明*,**, 岩永直子**, 釣谷充弘**, 吉田昌史**, 高橋淳***, 吉松淳**, 池田智明* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (97): 99-103, 2015. |
The case that resulted in the both lower extremities paralysis by epidural anaesthesia combination cesarean section suddenly 36 hours later 桐田泰江*, 福光一夫*, 相原理恵* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (97): 104-107, 2015. |
Anesthetic Management of a Parturient with a Spinal Cord Injury. Takako ANDO*, Yusuke MITSUMA*, Mitsuru UMEKA*, Ryoko OKUBO*, Shino SAITO*, Reiko KOMURA*, Hironobu NISHIMAKI*, Sadahei DENDA* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (97): 108-111, 2015. |
The 47th United States obstetric anesthesia society (SOAP) society report "The new role of education in obstetric anesthesia - Educating the clinician, trainees and the public". Education to new role - clinician, resident of the obstetric anesthesia and general people 岡田尚子* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (97): 112-115, 2015. |
Japanese Society of Anesthesiologists 62nd arts and sciences meeting 狩谷伸享* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (97): 116-118, 2015. |
Euroanaesthesia 2015 細川幸希* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (97): 119-120, 2015. |
The 51st Japan perinatal period, neonates medical society arts and sciences meeting 村越毅* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (97): 121-122, 2015. |