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The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia
Volume , Issue 98 / 2016
English Article Japanese Article
- Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.
Way of thinking of the arachnoid of spinal cord lower endocranium outside balanced anesthesia in our hospital 木村嘉之*, 滝口鉄郎*, 高薄敏史*, 山口重樹* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (98): 1-5, 2016. |
Spinocerebellar administration of opioids : Introduction and implementation experience at our hospital 高橋英督* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (98): 6-11, 2016. |
We place it as significance of TAP block in the painkilling after cesarean section 中本達夫* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (98): 12-16, 2016. |
Massive hemorrhage due to obstetric DIC and hemostatic treatment 山本晃士* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (98): 17-22, 2016. |
Strategy of the anesthesiology to obstetric critical bleeding 加藤里絵* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (98): 23-27, 2016. |
Grasp of obstetrical management ... patients until painless introduction desired and decision ... of the introduction time 西村えみ子* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (98): 28-33, 2016. |
Obstetrical management during painless delivery progress 山本記穂*, 中村光世*, 入駒慎吾**, 村越毅*** The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (98): 34-37, 2016. |
Obstetrical management of the parturient second period in the anesthesia delivery 加藤美佳* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (98): 38-41, 2016. |
We think about a plan painless delivery 谷口公介*, 梅原永能*, 谷垣伸治*, 塚原優己*, 山下陽子**, 佐藤正規**, 左合治彦* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (98): 42-47, 2016. |
Time of the start of the painless delivery 中畑克俊* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (98): 48-51, 2016. |
Choice of the anesthesia method for painless deliveries 林雅子* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (98): 52-55, 2016. |
Urgent cesarean operation anesthesia during a painless delivery 大瀧千代* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (98): 56-59, 2016. |
Of the cardiac output measurement by the cesarean operation to learn from a case, actually 桜井康良* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (98): 60-68, 2016. |
Protect the fetus! Serious maternal hypotension measures !! 松田祐典* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (98): 69-75, 2016. |
A diagnosis and treatment of PDPH 竹中元康* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (98): 76-82, 2016. |
Anesthesia and airway maintenance to cesarean section 浅井隆* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (98): 83-90, 2016. |
Examination of the risk factor of the abnormal labour in the painless delivery 林聡*, 柏木邦友**, セイビン由記**, 長谷川優子***, 大庭真梨****, 名取道也* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (98): 91-97, 2016. |
A case of painless labor for patients with scoliosis surgery 出原郁*, 阿部孝彦**, 西尾昭徳** The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (98): 98-101, 2016. |
Attitude survey to a painless delivery experient in our hospital 中村安俊*, 野間富子*, 森山育美*, 政木千沙* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (98): 102-107, 2016. |
It is ... mainly on painless delivery - on admission diagnosis of our hospital and examination of the mode of delivery 多田聖郎*, 高橋慎治*, 和知敏樹*, 若松昌巨*, 大井手志保*, 塚本薫* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (98): 108-113, 2016. |
Study of the effect of the glucose addition epidural anaesthesia 柏木邦友*, セイビン由記*, 林聡**, 神岡潔*** The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (98): 114-116, 2016. |
1 case of the uterine rupture that occurred during the epidural analgesia parturient enforcement 笠井馨美*, 垂井薫*, 森島史織**, 矢野樹理* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (98): 117-119, 2016. |
Is the general anesthesia for the cesarean operation "the thing which should be avoided?" 木村太*, 工藤隆司*, 丹羽英智*, 廣田和美* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (98): 120-124, 2016. |
Investigation about the development of the respiratory depression after the cesarean section that we underwent by spinal cord subarachnoidal anesthesia 赤崎由佳*, 小野寺広希*, 川西秀明*, 松成泰典*, 瓦口至孝*, 井上聡己**, 下村俊行***, 川口昌彦* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (98): 125-130, 2016. |
Examination ... of 15 cases in anesthesia management - our hospital of the cesarean section in the placenta previa centralis 黒嵜明子*, 足立健彦* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (98): 131-134, 2016. |
Usefulness ... of hydroxyethyl starch (HES) large doses of urgent mother's body 1 case - that we saved for obstetric critical bleeding, evacuating 淀川祐紀*, 西本光男*, 高橋聡太*, 湊敬道*, 齋藤昌利**, 久保智秀***, 佐藤多代* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (98): 135-139, 2016. |
1 case that the fetal monitor with the ultrasound echo catheter in the chamber was effective in the aneurysm of sinus of Valsalva surgery of the pregnant woman 安藝裕子*, 井浦晃*, 遠藤誠之**, 大瀧千代*, 藤野裕士* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (98): 140-143, 2016. |
Anesthesia experience of the cesarean operation of the pregnant woman whom chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy developed in with the pregnancy 山田衣璃*, 芝順太郎*, 堀田訓久*, 篠原貴子*, 清水かおり*, 竹内護* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (98): 144-146, 2016. |
1 case that we were able to save by combined modality therapy for the severe acute pancreatitis merger pregnancy 藤田裕壮*, 丹羽康則*, 清水かおり*, 堀田訓久*, 住田直樹*,**, 竹内護* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (98): 147-149, 2016. |
Perioperative care of the cesarean operation of the quadrigeminus pregnant woman 宮山直樹*, 浅野健吾*, 桑原雄希*, 須賀芳文* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (98): 150-152, 2016. |
The case that developed subarachnoid hemorrhage, intraventricular hemorrhage during pregnancy 桑原雄希*, 須賀芳文* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (98): 153-156, 2016. |
1 case of the cesarean section who had Kniest dysplasia 君塚基修*, 時永泰行*, 浦濱聡**, 橘信子**, 宮本奈穂子**, 山澤弦**, 山蔭道明* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (98): 157-159, 2016. |
The 68th Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology arts and sciences lecture report "succession and Standardization to the next generation" 板倉敦夫* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (98): 160-161, 2016. |
The 63rd Academic Meeting of Japan Society of Anesthesiologists 林泉* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (98): 162-164, 2016. |
SOAP 48th Annual Meeting 日向俊輔* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (98): 165-166, 2016. |
Participate in "the 52nd Japan perinatal period, neonates medical society general meeting and academic meeting" 牧野真太郎* The Journal of Obstetrics and Anesthesia (98): 167-168, 2016. |