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Volume , Issue suppl / 2022
English Article Japanese Article
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Japan cranial nerve supersonic wave association's chairperson greetings 北川一夫 Neurosonology (suppl): 7-7, 2022. |
The emboli detection and treatment association's chairperson greetings in Japan 堤由紀子 Neurosonology (suppl): 8-8, 2022. |
I and cranial nerve supersonic wave 北川一夫 Neurosonology (suppl): 54-54, 2022. |
The emboli detection in Japan and history and development of the treatment association 堤由紀子 Neurosonology (suppl): 56-56, 2022. |
The history of the cranial nerve supersonic wave association in Japan and my supersonic wave study 高瀬憲作 Neurosonology (suppl): 58-58, 2022. |
SL. ... which becomes common by the challenge that is dynamic by Cybernics medical care innovation - different field fusion for the prevention, early detection, treatment, pre-hind shank laws of nature of the disease due to a clot, blood circulation disorder 山海嘉之 Neurosonology (suppl): 60-60, 2022. |
SY7-KL. The current situation and the future of the convergence ultrasound treatment 平孝臣 Neurosonology (suppl): 62-62, 2022. |
EL-1. Atrial fibrillation and dementia 佐治直樹 Neurosonology (suppl): 64-64, 2022. |
EL-2. Foramen ovale patent, A diagnosis and recent topic 井口保之 Neurosonology (suppl): 66-66, 2022. |
Health care and carotid sonography of the workplace 寶學英隆1,2) Neurosonology (suppl): 68-68, 2022. |
A chemical and occupational nervous disease 松岡雅人 Neurosonology (suppl): 70-70, 2022. |
SY1-1. Stroke and MES 遠井素乃1), 西村絢子1), 樋口瑛子1), 細谷愛1), 新井里子1), 石塚健太郎1), 星野岳郎1), 堤由紀子2), 北川一夫1) Neurosonology (suppl): 74-74, 2022. |
SY1-2. Right-to-left shunt search by the supersonic wave 三村秀毅 Neurosonology (suppl): 74-74, 2022. |
SY1-3. Report about aging and the MES search using FURUHATA in the MES dock testee 岡田陽子1), 伊賀瀬道也2), 武井聡子1), 田原康玄3), 大八木保政1) Neurosonology (suppl): 75-75, 2022. |
SY1-4. Surgery and MES/HITS 榛沢和彦 Neurosonology (suppl): 75-75, 2022. |
SY2-1. Evaluation of the aorta plaque by the transesophageal heart sonography 上野祐司 Neurosonology (suppl): 76-76, 2022. |
SY2-2. Evaluation, aortic arch plaque of the aortic arch by the CT 松本典子, 片野雄大, 鈴木健太郎, 齊藤智成, 木村和美 Neurosonology (suppl): 76-76, 2022. |
SY2-3. The detection of the plaque unstable in aortic arch by the MRI 林盛人1), 藤田聡1), 平元侑1), 平井希1), 齋藤紀彦1), 佐藤詳1), 櫛田直毅1), 木原英雄1,2), 橋本剛2,3), 岩渕聡1) Neurosonology (suppl): 77-77, 2022. |
SY2-4. Evaluation of the carotid plaque with supersonic wave contrast media 斎藤こずえ Neurosonology (suppl): 77-77, 2022. |
SY3-1. Hemodynamics analysis at ECMO wearing in the thoracic aorta model 西條芳文1,2), 山家研一郎2), 石井琢郎1,3) Neurosonology (suppl): 78-78, 2022. |
SY3-2. 100 clinical features that developed a stroke in COVID-19 in our country 木村和美1), 西山康裕1), 宮本享2) Neurosonology (suppl): 78-78, 2022. |
SY3-3. Treatment of TTS with COVID-19 vaccine 河野浩之 Neurosonology (suppl): 79-79, 2022. |
SY4-1. The periphery artery echo that a specialist in brain endovascular treatment should know 久保田義則1,2), 濱口浩敏3), 松尾汎4) Neurosonology (suppl): 79-79, 2022. |
SY4-2. CEA, CAS and cranial nerve supersonic wave 山上宏 Neurosonology (suppl): 80-80, 2022. |
SY4-3. Echographic usefulness before and after the acute phase revascularization 高下純平1), 塩澤真之1), 山口枝理子1), 田中寛大2), 吉本武史3), 鴨川徳彦1), 猪原匡史3), 豊田一則1), 古賀政利1) Neurosonology (suppl): 80-80, 2022. |
SY4-4. Cranial nerve supersonic wave (from the position of the specialist in cerebral surgery) that a specialist in brain endovascular treatment demands 木村尚人1), 土井尻遼介2), 永井新1), 滝川浩平2), 山崎直也2), 江頭柊平2), 大井清文1,2), 内田浩喜1), 横沢路子1), 菅原孝行1) Neurosonology (suppl): 81-81, 2022. |
SY5-1. Macaroni signature, hello signature 濱口浩敏 Neurosonology (suppl): 81-81, 2022. |
SY5-2. Champagne bottleneck signature 矢坂正弘, 杉森宏, 森興太, 溝口忠孝, 田川直樹, 村谷陽平, 桑城貴弘, 岡田靖 Neurosonology (suppl): 82-82, 2022. |
SY5-3. Jellyfish sign, Winker sign 久米伸治1), 岡崎貴仁2), 石井大造2), 桑原政志2), 細貝昌弘2), 前田雄洋2), 吉岡成哲1), 古居彬3), 辻敏夫3), 堀江信貴2) Neurosonology (suppl): 82-82, 2022. |
SY5-4. How do evaluate carotid hardening; significance - of - Plaque score 半田伸夫 Neurosonology (suppl): 83-83, 2022. |
SY5-5. Flip flop phenomenon 木下直人 Neurosonology (suppl): 83-83, 2022. |
SY5-6. oscillating thrombus which is detected in a carotid echo 木村和美 Neurosonology (suppl): 84-84, 2022. |
SY6-1. The condition of a patient and biomarker of the cancer-related thrombosis 長尾毅彦 Neurosonology (suppl): 84-84, 2022. |
SY6-2. Cryptogenic stroke and malignant tumor 坂口学 Neurosonology (suppl): 85-85, 2022. |
SY6-3. Cancer and VTE 矢坂正弘, 杉森宏, 森興太, 溝口忠孝, 田川直樹, 村谷陽平, 桑城貴弘, 岡田靖 Neurosonology (suppl): 85-85, 2022. |
SY6-4. DVT judging from cancer merger cerebral infarction and vein of lower extremity sonography 永野恵子 Neurosonology (suppl): 86-86, 2022. |
SY7-KL. The current situation and the future of the convergence ultrasound treatment 平孝臣 Neurosonology (suppl): 86-86, 2022. |
SY7-1. Efforts from the situation of the cranial nerve physician to MRgFUS 金藤公人1), 天白晶2), 井出渉2), 平孝臣3), 鎌田一2) Neurosonology (suppl): 87-87, 2022. |
SY7-2. Application of the new ultrasound treatment to a cranial nerve disease 立花克郎 Neurosonology (suppl): 87-87, 2022. |
SY7-3. Drug delivery to the central nerve using the nanobubble and supersonic wave 貴田浩志, 山崎裕太郎, 遠藤日富美, Loreto B Feril, 立花克郎 Neurosonology (suppl): 88-88, 2022. |
SY8-1. Brain Heart Team judging from stroke medicine 水間啓太1), 三木綾子1), 小室浩康1), 福岡裕人2), 望月泰秀2), 松田芳和3), 栗城綾子4), 富田英5), 新家俊郎2), 村上秀友1) Neurosonology (suppl): 88-88, 2022. |
SY8-2. Significance of brain, the heart team for the specialist in circulatory organ, From the viewpoint of the arrhythmia specialist 井上耕一 Neurosonology (suppl): 89-89, 2022. |
SY8-3. The current situation of the percutaneous PFO closure technique 原英彦 Neurosonology (suppl): 89-89, 2022. |
SY8-4. Mainly on catheter ablation STABLED study in the stroke second prevention 西山康裕, 木村和美 Neurosonology (suppl): 90-90, 2022. |
SY8-5. Role of the specialist in atrial fibrillation ablation in brain, the heart cooperation 南健太郎1), 斎藤郁太1), 増山大樹1), 北川善之1), 竹川英宏2), 豊田茂1) Neurosonology (suppl): 90-90, 2022. |
SY8-6. Plant; the stroke prevention of recurrence utilizing the type electrocardiograph 藤堂謙一 Neurosonology (suppl): 91-91, 2022. |
SY9-1. Of the neuromuscular disease echo in our hospital, actually 岩佐直毅 Neurosonology (suppl): 91-91, 2022. |
SY9-2. How to write report to tell to a physician 廣中明美1), 杉本太路1), 中森正博1), 越智一秀2), 丸山博文1) Neurosonology (suppl): 92-92, 2022. |
SY9-3. A neuromuscular disease supersonic wave to be carried out at a clinic: What would you do to a report? 塚本浩1,2) Neurosonology (suppl): 92-92, 2022. |
O1-1. Multidirectional evaluation with sphygmogram propagation from the skull and the cardiovascular procedure with the cervical artery and the blood vessel elasticity, a cerebral blood flow change and the cardiac activity 塩貝敏之1), 有馬有香2), 小山真理2), 笠井高士3), 水野敏樹3) Neurosonology (suppl): 94-94, 2022. |
O1-2. Effect on N95 mask wearing cerebral blood flow during exercise 高瀬憲作1), 赤石日向2), 石川爽佳2), 小森東風2), 杉岡葵2), 高曽魁佑2), 平本侑愛2) Neurosonology (suppl): 94-94, 2022. |
O1-3. Association of the cognitive function and internal jugular vein bloodstream pattern 安達有多子1,3), 遠井素乃1), 細谷愛1), 樋口瑛子1), 関美沙1,3), 堤由紀子1,2), 白井優香1,2), 丸山健二1,3), 北川一夫1) Neurosonology (suppl): 95-95, 2022. |
O1-4. Examination of the carotid bloodstream judging from functional evaluation staging (FAST) of patients with Alzheimer's dementia 石川清子1), 杉原浩2), 中野史人2), 平山俊和2) Neurosonology (suppl): 95-95, 2022. |
O1-5. Inspection of the great vessels obstruction screening that paid its attention to a clinical symptom and carotid echo 益子貴史, 松薗構佑, 小澤忠嗣, 三浦久美子, 阿南悠平, 鈴木雅之, 渡邉輝, 小出玲爾, 田中亮太, 藤本茂 Neurosonology (suppl): 96-96, 2022. |
O1-6. Error of measurement factor of the carotid common artery expansion terminal blood flow rate ratio (ED ratio) 森真奈美, 鮎川宏之, 山田幸子, 室井千香子, 西海朋子 Neurosonology (suppl): 96-96, 2022. |
O2-1. The case that conducted CEA for symptomatic Carotid web which it was hard to detect in an echo, and was able to confirm a clot macroscopically 波止聡司1), 岡田雄二朗1), 白濱諒1), 黒木健至1), 今岡幸弘2), 三浦正智1), 進藤誠悟1), 寺崎修司1) Neurosonology (suppl): 97-97, 2022. |
O2-2. An example of the juvenile cerebral infarction that pointed out Carotid Web in a cervical blood vessel echo 山本多美1), 満瀬亜弥1), 泉田恵美1), 志水秋一1), 富田文子1), 神尾多喜浩2), 加治正知3), 永沼雅基4), 米原敏郎4) Neurosonology (suppl): 97-97, 2022. |
O2-3. 2 cases that accepted abnormality structure to be prominent to a carotid internal artery 永井秀政 Neurosonology (suppl): 98-98, 2022. |
O2-4. Carotid Stump Syndrome which occurred after the thoracic aorta stent graft custody 森山拓也1), 笠倉至言1), 山本司郎1), 永野恵子1), 山上宏1), 柿澤佑実2), 三隅祐輔2), 西宏之2) Neurosonology (suppl): 98-98, 2022. |
O2-5. It is one patient using Double-layer stent for carotid flexible plaque 小林和人1), 松尾皇1), 山崎正禎1), 内藤寛1), 佐野貴則2), 宮史卓2) Neurosonology (suppl): 99-99, 2022. |
O3-1. Thrombotic examination in the left auricle in patients with cardioembolic 寺澤由佳, 佐藤達哉, 井上智之, 久保智司, 佐藤恒太, 姫野隆洋, 郡山達男 Neurosonology (suppl): 99-99, 2022. |
O3-2. The intracardiac clot detection by the examination of transesophageal echocardiography in the ischemic stroke with the atrial fibrillation 田中寛大, 古賀政利, 溝口忠孝, 吉村壮平, 高下純平, 豊田一則 Neurosonology (suppl): 100-100, 2022. |
O3-3. Association between vagus nerve cross section and atrial fibrillation of patients with acute phase cerebral infarction 大浦一雅, 板橋亮, 大浦真央, 清川哲郎, 前田哲也 Neurosonology (suppl): 100-100, 2022. |
O3-4. In the patients with unidentified cerebral infarction that plants it, and detained a type electrocardiograph, the frequency of the supraventricular extrasystoles is associated for atrial fibrillation accumulation duration 島田勇毅, 権泰史, 岡崎周平, 藤堂謙一, 望月秀樹 Neurosonology (suppl): 101-101, 2022. |
O4-1. One case that a symptomatic left auricle clot transferred to a flexible clot in the left atria during anticoagulation of the valvular atrial fibrillation 村上駿平, 藤岡智宏, 浅井可奈子, 深阪勲, 清水幹人, 東田京子, 隅蔵大幸, 星拓, 坂口学 Neurosonology (suppl): 101-101, 2022. |
O4-2. An example of multiple brain embolism complicated with lung cancer. About the search of the embolus source in the corona evil including the real condition in our hospital 岩永健1,2), 岡田博1), 八木田佳樹2) Neurosonology (suppl): 102-102, 2022. |
O4-3. Two cases of the infective endocarditis given clot collection therapy for acute phase 藤田聡1), 林盛人1), 原英彦2), 岩渕聡1) Neurosonology (suppl): 102-102, 2022. |
O4-4. An example of the aorta Hara-related brain embolism that was able to confirm improvement of the aorta behavior flexibility plaque 津久井大介1,2), 竹川英宏1,2,3), 伊波秀3,4), 小林聡朗1,2), 飯塚賢太郎1,2), 鈴木圭輔2), 豊田茂4) Neurosonology (suppl): 103-103, 2022. |
O4-5. The 73 years old women with paradoxical brain embolism case that was complicated with high-risk PFO, and was thought to be of high recurrent risk 清水高弘1), 赤須友香利1), 萩原悠太1), 深野崇之1), 桑田千尋1), 秋山久尚1), 鈴木知美2), 桑田真吾3), 田邉康宏3), 山野嘉久1) Neurosonology (suppl): 103-103, 2022. |
O4-6. One case that led to a diagnosis of the cryptogenic cerebral infarction to have possibilities to have participation of the foramen ovale patent by the microbubble test of a transthoracic heart supersonic wave and the transesophageal heart supersonic wave 大熊怜1,2), 溝口忠孝1), 脇坂祐毅1), 田川直樹1), 森興太1), 桑城貴宏1), 杉森宏1), 矢坂正弘1), 岡田靖1) Neurosonology (suppl): 104-104, 2022. |
O5-1. One patient whom cerebral infarction developed in for internal carotid artery constriction associated with the thyroid cartilage superior angle hyperhead which we diagnosed by the carotid artery sonography 野田浩太郎1,2), 塩澤真之1), 古賀政利1) Neurosonology (suppl): 104-104, 2022. |
O5-2. One case of the cerebral infarction by bilateral Bow hunter syndrome where a carotid echo was useful for an evaluation after the diagnosis, the operation 毛受奏子1), 田中瑛次郎1), 村田翔平1,2), 芦田真士1), 小椋史織1), 前園恵子1), 梅林大督3), 尾原知行1), 水野敏樹1) Neurosonology (suppl): 105-105, 2022. |
O5-3. An example of the hyperperfusion syndrome after the intracranial artery stenting for the symptomatic basilar artery constriction 大井清貴1), 土井尻遼介1), 園田卓司1), 滝川浩平1), 江頭柊平1), 山崎直也1), 高橋弘明1), 菊池貴彦1), 木村尚人2) Neurosonology (suppl): 105-105, 2022. |
O5-4. Two cases that were able to confirm brachiocephalic artery behavior flexibility plaque in an echo as an embolus source 星史彦, 大井清貴, 園田卓司, 滝川浩平, 山崎直也, 佐藤光信, 山口枝里子, 高橋弘明, 菊池貴彦, 土井尻遼介 Neurosonology (suppl): 106-106, 2022. |
O5-5. One patient who was able to evaluate the carotid artery echo before and after left subclavian artery stenting 岡部龍太1,2), 早川史祥1), 片山直之1), 松永洋一1), 樫田光夫1), 竹川英宏2) Neurosonology (suppl): 106-106, 2022. |
O6-1. Neovascular blood flow rate evaluation in the carotid plaque by the Contrast Vector Imaging analysis using the contrasting supersonic wave 斎藤こずえ1), 小林恭代2), 杉江和馬1), 平井都始子3) Neurosonology (suppl): 107-107, 2022. |
O6-2. Algorithm to automatically detect of the microemboli signal from a common artery of supersonic wave Doppler device (HDK-BM001) 古井英介, 明地雄司 Neurosonology (suppl): 107-107, 2022. |
O6-3. Examination about HITS by the pasting up type probe without the automatically detected sound in the mock experiment 窪田純1), 榛沢和彦2), 楢井昭久1), 橋本正敏1), 橋本耕成1) Neurosonology (suppl): 108-108, 2022. |
O6-4. Examination of the usefulness of the right-to-left shunt evaluation using the carotid artery supersonic wave in the cerebral infarction, transient cerebral ischemic attack case 山口枝里子1), 塩澤真之1), 和田晋一3), 臼井耕太郎1), 吉村壮平1), 森内健史4), 藤本一途5), 天野雅史4), 猪原匡史2), 古賀政利1) Neurosonology (suppl): 108-108, 2022. |
O6-5. Monitoring in the percutaneous foramen ovale patent closure technique by the cervical pasting type supersonic wave 三村秀毅1), 小松鉄平1), 坂井健一郎1), 窪田純2), 水間啓太3), 望月泰秀4), 村上秀友1), 新家俊朗4), 井口保之1) Neurosonology (suppl): 109-109, 2022. |
O7-1. It is one patient of the cerebral infarction with suspected intrapulmonary shunts in transcranial sonography (TCD) 新井里子, 水野貴文, 細谷愛, 西村絢子, 星野岳郎, 遠井素乃, 吉澤浩志, 飯嶋睦, 清水優子, 北川一夫 Neurosonology (suppl): 109-109, 2022. |
O7-2. The 56 years old men with BAD of infarction case which the aortic arch part had plaque, and caught a microemboli signal with multiple blood vessels 若林亮, 小松鉄平, 貴田浩之, 幕昂大, 中田遼志, 北川友通, 作田健一, 坂井健一郎, 三村秀毅, 井口保之 Neurosonology (suppl): 110-110, 2022. |
O7-3. The 62 years old men case who repeated limb shaking as a symptom of the TIA, and underwent revascularization 山岸沙衣1), 遠井素乃1), 細谷愛1), 西村絢子1), 新井里子1), 星野岳郎1), 堤由紀子1,2), 北川一夫1) Neurosonology (suppl): 110-110, 2022. |
O7-4. One patient who made a plaque diagnosis by near-infrared light spectrometry for a basilar artery acute occlude lesion 横山昇平, 中川一郎, 木次将史, 前岡良輔, 中瀬健太, 岡本愛, 古田隆徳, 田中伯, 山田修一, 中瀬裕之 Neurosonology (suppl): 111-111, 2022. |
O8-1. Comparison of the conventional strain and delta strain of the new coronavirus infection of India 松岡慈子 Neurosonology (suppl): 111-111, 2022. |
O8-2. Consideration of the solidification factor VII activity value in the anticoagulant internal use patients and the clinical significance 村谷陽平, 矢坂正弘, 山田義貴, 橋本剛, 溝口忠孝, 田川直樹, 森興太, 桑城貴弘, 杉森宏, 岡田靖 Neurosonology (suppl): 112-112, 2022. |
O8-3. Association between D-dimer level and outcome in patients with cancer-related stroke 山城一雄1,2), 中島翔1,2), 河野浩之3), 田中亮太4), 亀田知明5), 平野照之3), 藤本茂4), 服部信孝1), 卜部貴夫2) Neurosonology (suppl): 112-112, 2022. |
O8-4. Is the phase angle (Phase angle) with the body composition meter associated with deep vein thrombosis? 大西秀典1), 坪内啓正2), 水上保孝3), 岸本貴宏4), 大徳尚司5), 田中徳治6), 佐々木宏仁7), 山村修1) Neurosonology (suppl): 113-113, 2022. |
O9-1. One patient who underwent the foramen ovale patent closure technique for the paradoxical brain embolism with the high homocysteine blood symptom due to the MTHFR mutation in the gene 菊野宗明1), 金澤英明2), 萩原剛3), 金丸晃大1), 山口早由美1), 山崎純1), 日出山拓人1), 加藤陽久1), 赫寛雄1), 相澤仁志1) Neurosonology (suppl): 113-113, 2022. |
O9-2. One case of the high homocysteine blood symptom which developed the cerebral infarction with middle cerebral artery stenosis for deep vein thrombosis 井上剛1), 植村順一1), 山下眞史1), 八木田佳樹2) Neurosonology (suppl): 114-114, 2022. |
O9-3. An example of the embolic cerebral infarction of patients with congenital protein S deficiency disease during use of anabolic steroid which accepted a flexible clot to a cervical internal carotid artery 鴨川徳彦1), 田中寛大1,2), 山口枝里子1), 塩澤真之1), 吉本武史3), 高下純平1), 辻明宏4), 古賀政利1) Neurosonology (suppl): 114-114, 2022. |
O9-4. An example of the cryptogenic cerebral infarction that was complicated with high-risk PFO and JAK2 V617F mutation in the gene, and repeated a recurrence 宮里紗季, 大山直紀, 岩本高典, 八木田佳樹 Neurosonology (suppl): 115-115, 2022. |
O9-5. The multiple embolism that differentiation of thrombosis with thrombocytopenia after the COVID-19 vaccination and the tumor-related thromboembolism became the problem 松尾淳一1), 中島誠1), 松原崇一朗1), 中原圭一1), 植田光晴1), 原田しずか2), 稲富雄一郎2) Neurosonology (suppl): 115-115, 2022. |
O10-1. Examination of the echographic usefulness for the head circumference expansion 河野淳子, 野中航仁, 市橋光 Neurosonology (suppl): 116-116, 2022. |
O10-2. Observation of the substantia nigra high brightness change in the Parkinson's disease associated diseases 野澤成大, 藤田裕明, 大垣圭太郎, 椎名智彦, 櫻本浩隆, 鈴木圭輔 Neurosonology (suppl): 116-116, 2022. |
O10-3. Anatomical evaluation by the vagal impulse therapy preoperative echography 貞廣浩和, 杉本至健, 野村貞宏, 井本浩哉, 石原秀行 Neurosonology (suppl): 117-117, 2022. |
O10-4. One case of Stiff-person syndrome which evaluated effect of treatment in a line echo 松原崇一朗, 中島誠, 中原圭一, 植田光晴 Neurosonology (suppl): 117-117, 2022. |
O10-5. Calculation of the estimate of the line echo brightness in the healthy subject 吉田剛1), 井上正隆2) Neurosonology (suppl): 118-118, 2022. |
O11-1. An example of the dural arteriovenous fistula hole where the pulsed Doppler wave pattern of the occipital artery was useful for a diagnosis 小林聡朗1,2), 五十嵐晴紀1,2), 阿久津善光3), 池田剛3), 津久井大介1,2), 西平崇人1,2), 鈴木圭輔2), 阿久津博義3), 竹川英宏1,2,4) Neurosonology (suppl): 118-118, 2022. |
O11-2. Example that embolus before operation by Onyx was effective for the identification of the Nidus part at arteriovenous malformation enucleation 横矢重臣1), 武澤秀理2), 岡英輝1), 日野明彦1) Neurosonology (suppl): 119-119, 2022. |
O11-3. Giant cell arteritis (temporal arteritis) that showed influence of inflammation to vertebral artery (VA) 4 case 左古田悦子, 佐竹郁哉, 松崎俊樹, 住ノ江功夫 Neurosonology (suppl): 119-119, 2022. |
O11-4. An example of the packet suspicion in the right internal jugular vein 大山貴衣1), 藤崎純1), 金子南紀子1), 佐々木有紗1), 来住野雅1), 高橋奎太1), 齋藤倫寛2), 原英彦3), 岩渕聡4), 前谷容1) Neurosonology (suppl): 120-120, 2022. |
O11-5. An example of the false aneurysm which occurred after the femoral artery puncture without the inguinal mass and pain 柴田洋平1), 内村昌裕1), 永井秀政1), 三神和幸2), 神原瑞樹1), 吉金努1), 萩原伸哉1), 秋山恭彦1) Neurosonology (suppl): 120-120, 2022. |