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The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society
Volume , Issue suppl / 2021
English Article Japanese Article
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Efforts in the interstitial pneumonia practice system and regional alliances 藤本大智 The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 22-22, 2021. |
About a role of the home medical care support center in the acute phase hospital 木下貴裕, 栄土真由美, 芝美佐子, 東達也, 中村善也 The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 23-23, 2021. |
Emergency doctor copter 柴田尚明1), 米満尚史1), 上田健太郎1), 宮本恭兵1), 川嶋秀治1), 田中真生1), 中島強1), 加藤正哉1), 川崎貞男2), 島幸宏2), 岩崎安博3), 篠崎正博4) The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 24-24, 2021. |
Operation of the doctor's car in the period south district 川崎貞男1), 島幸宏1), 三宅雄一1), 三宅瞳1), 高垣勇作2) The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 25-25, 2021. |
Utilization of medical personnel communication application Join in our hospital 島幸宏, 川崎貞男, 三宅雄一, 三宅瞳 The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 26-26, 2021. |
1-1. Elucidation of the inflammatory cytokine IL-6-producing instruction mechanism with the cholera toxin 賀来美嘉, 加藤喬, 折茂貴是, 大田(福田)有里, 西山奈央子, 中井千尋, 佐々木泉, 改正恒康 The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 28-28, 2021. |
1-2. Functional significance of endoplasmic reticulum stress sensor IRE1α in the natural immunity reply 澤瀬幹太, 加藤喬, 折茂貴是, 大田(福田)有里, 西山奈央子, 中井千尋, 佐々木泉, 改正恒康 The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 28-28, 2021. |
1-3. The condition of a patient elucidation of the COPA syndrome using the gene modification mouse 加藤喬, 川野果歩, 折茂貴是, 大田(福田)有里, 西山奈央子, 中井千尋, 佐々木泉, 改正恒康 The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 28-28, 2021. |
1-4. The antimutation citrulline in patients with rheumatoid arthritis about the clinical significance of the vimentin antibody 藤井隆夫, 松宮遼, 安武美紗生, 田端佳世子, 田中克典, 藏本伸生 The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 28-28, 2021. |
1-5. Example that performed artificial cochlea implantation technique by bilateral severe sensorineural deafness complicated with Kawasaki's disease 木村貴任, 河野正充, 平岡政信, 武田早織, 大谷真喜子, 保富宗城 The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 29-29, 2021. |
1-6. Introduction and treatment result of endoscopic supporting mandible part surgery (VANS) for thyroid neoplasms 武田早織, 榎本圭佑, 平岡政信, 熊代奈央子, 保富宗城 The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 29-29, 2021. |
1-7. Example that caused an enteroparalysis-like symptom in irAE 宮本真衣, 木下哲也, 木村貴任, 平山俊, 奥田勝也, 玉川俊次, 杉田玄, 保富宗城 The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 29-29, 2021. |
1-8. Examination of descent-related necrotic mediastinitis 塩崎貴斗1), 志賀達也1), 泥谷匡祥1), 河野正充1), 玉川俊次1), 榎本圭祐1), 杉田玄1), 保富宗城1), 平井慶充2) The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 29-29, 2021. |
1-9. Three cases of malignant external auditory meatus flame, base of skull osteomyelitis that we experienced in our hospital 木下哲也, 河野正充, 玉川俊次, 平岡政信, 木村恵梨, 保富宗城 The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 30-30, 2021. |
1-10. Bisphosphonate-related jaw bone fracture with marked improvement in symptoms by removing rotten bone 伊豫巧朗 The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 30-30, 2021. |
1-11. Experience of using Retympa (R) in our department 河野正充, 金子富美恵, 大谷真喜子, 保富宗城 The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 30-30, 2021. |
1-12. An example of the disseminated European blastomycosis that was poor in an effect of Liposomal amphotericin B, and responded to voriconazole 宮井優1), 早田敦志1), 柴木亮太1), 小澤雄一1), 赤松弘朗1), 洪泰浩1), 中西正典1), 山本信之1), 小泉祐介2) The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 30-30, 2021. |
1-13. An example of Japanese encephalitis that occurred in the mountains in the summer 根本樹希1), 田中真生1), 上田健太郎1), 山口智由1), 加藤正哉1), 高真守2), 松本拓也2), 坂本健2), 伊東秀文2) The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 31-31, 2021. |
1-14. One case that Carboplatin, etoposide, Atezolizumab therapy succeeded for the extensive-stage small-cell lung cancer that occurred in haemodialysis patients 今地美帆子, 藤本大智, 加藤真衣, 田中将規, 古田勝之, 赤松弘朗, 川本信之 The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 31-31, 2021. |
1-15. Example that led to a diagnosis of myopathy with type II respiratory failure 加藤真衣1), 河内寛明2), 池上達義2), 杉田孝和2), 山下博史3) The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 31-31, 2021. |
1-16. One case of adult Still disease discovered with acute respiratory failure 曽根明日香, 河内寛明, 池上達義, 杉田孝和 The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 31-31, 2021. |
1-17. One patient who underwent the respiratory tract expansion technique under V-A ECMO combination for tuberculous tracheal stenosis 井口豪人, 平井慶充, 大橋拓矢, 矢田由美, 房本安矢, 西村好晴 The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 32-32, 2021. |
1-18. Crossing study for the person requiring nursing care who shifted from medical insurance to care insurance rehabilitation 岡本明幸1), 三上幸夫1), 幸田剣1), 田島文博1), 浅枝諒2), 上西啓裕2) The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 32-32, 2021. |
1-19. We work on COVID-19 maelstrom WEB locomotive syndrome enlightenment for Indonesia 笠松優衣, 三上幸夫, 垣田友里, 松岡ちあき, 亀田浩司, 上條義一郎, 田島文博 The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 32-32, 2021. |
1-20. Crossing study for the person requiring nursing care who shifted from medical insurance in Wakayama to care insurance rehabilitation 岡本明幸1), 三上幸夫1), 幸田剣1), 田島文博1), 浅枝諒2), 上西啓裕2) The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 32-32, 2021. |
1-21. Based on the Japanese edition guidelines on kinesitherapy systematic review about the effect for the spinal cord injury injured 藤本周作, 三上幸夫, 篠原博, 酒井孝文, Kyungsu Jung, 田島文博 The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 33-33, 2021. |
2-1. Two cases of the fracture of the distal radius that showed short flexor carpi radialis muscle 松山雄樹1), 曽根勝真弓1), 木戸勇介1), 山田宏1), 下江隆司2), 平野三好3) The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 33-33, 2021. |
2-2. An example of the digitus annularis extensor tendon tear due to the Kienbock disease 木戸勇介, 下江隆司, 曽根勝真弓, 松山雄樹, 村田顕優, 山田宏 The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 33-33, 2021. |
2-3. A case of hair tourniquet syndrome in which more than 5 days have passed from the onset to the release of strangulation 中務亮1), 藤木貴顕2), 太田泰宏2), 山川量平2), 大島智子2), 石口明2) The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 33-33, 2021. |
2-4. An example of the rare lunar bone navicular abdomen intraosseous ganglion 山下実輝, 林未統, 木岡雅彦, 峰巨, 出口剛士 The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 34-34, 2021. |
2-5. One case of the alien substance in the thenar which we were able to resect under the echo guide in an outpatient clinic 北裏卓也1), 曽根勝真弓1), 下江隆司1), 山田宏1), 夏見勇多2), 増田圭哉2), 三宅悠介2), 窪田誠治2), 木下裕文2) The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 34-34, 2021. |
2-6. One case of the big finger MP joint palm side dislocation 平井一成1), 小島博嗣1), 山口将則1), 友松晃一1), 壇上茂人1), 下江隆司2) The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 34-34, 2021. |
2-7. One case of the big finger MP joint palm side dislocation 村田顕優1), 下江隆司1,2), 平野三好3), 曽根勝真弓1), 木戸勇介1), 松山雄樹1), 須佐忠史4), 山田宏1) The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 34-34, 2021. |
2-8. One case of the fifth carpometacarpal joint shaku side dislocation 中西竜一朗, 江川弘光, 中村正亨, 瀧口登, 辻本修平 The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 35-35, 2021. |
2-9. One case of the purulent wrist flame due to Pseudomonas aeruginosa 橋本光司1), 山崎悟1), 久保井勇樹1), 前田孝浩1), 星野晃廣1), 川上守1), 下江隆司2) The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 35-35, 2021. |
2-10. One case of the childhood elbow joint backward dislocation 夏見勇多, 木下裕文, 窪田誠治, 三宅悠介, 増田圭哉 The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 35-35, 2021. |
2-11. An example of the distal tibia edge Triplane bone fracture 井上慎吾1), 西澤佑介1), 谷口亘1), 下江隆司2) The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 35-35, 2021. |
2-12. One case that penetration made thighbone front cortex of bone after the orthodromic intramedullary nail technique for the non-fixed form femur fracture 野田雄祐, 大西麻紀子, 山東茂樹, 中村憲太, 籠谷良平, 岩田勝栄, 麻殖生和博, 峠康, 中谷如希 The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 36-36, 2021. |
2-13. Histories of treatment of the articular head prosthesis implantation using the Superior approach method 上野健1), 山中学1), 谷口隆哉1), 西山大介1), 福井大輔1), 玉井英伸1), 原田悌二1), 山田宏1), 谷口亘2) The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 36-36, 2021. |
2-14. The adult deformity of spine surgery including the sacroiliac joint fixation is associated with the onset, progression of coxarthropathy 神前拓平, 橋爪洋, 西山大介, 岩崎博, 筒井俊二, 高見正成, 谷口隆哉, 長田圭司, 山田宏 The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 36-36, 2021. |
2-15. One case that was available for early diagnosis for purulent ileosacral arthritis of the adult onset 村田顕優1), 長田圭司1), 橋爪洋1), 筒井俊二1), 須佐忠史2), 山田宏1) The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 36-36, 2021. |
2-16. One case that carpostosis produced for a higher cervical cord disorder 川村晃大, 村田鎮優, 山田宏 The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 37-37, 2021. |
2-17. An example of symptomatic scoliosis with Kleefstra Syndrome 溝端和哉, 筒井俊二, 村田鎮優, 神前拓平, 山田宏 The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 37-37, 2021. |
2-18. One case of the thoracic vertebra hemangioma which presented myelopathy 野中研人1), 西秀人1), 佐々木貴英1), 宮本選1), 湯川泰紹2) The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 37-37, 2021. |
2-19. One case of the cervical spine fractured due to the diffuse idiopathic hyperostosis that produced tardive paraplegia 三宅稜1), 長田圭司1), 平一裕1), 山田宏1), 辻本修平2) The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 37-37, 2021. |
3-1. The parietal cell of the stomach is blood triglycerides concentrations-dependent, and it secretes estrogen 伊藤隆雄, 山本悠太, 山岸直子, 金井克光 The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 38-38, 2021. |
3-2. We think about the role of the 123I-BMIPP myocardium shinty for neutral fat accumulation myocardium angiopathy (TGCV) diagnoses in the coronary disease close inspection patients 橋爪俊和, 青木浩, 塩路周作 The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 38-38, 2021. |
3-3. Two reports that were able to save the Stanford type A acute aortic dissection which presented myocardial ischemia by seriously ill aortic regurgitation and flap suffocation 中下優, 本田賢太朗, 國本秀樹, 中村諒, 田島幸治, 金子政弘, 上松耕太, 西村好晴 The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 38-38, 2021. |
3-4. An example of the IgA nephropathy complicated with nutcracker syndrome 石本杜樹, 山本脩人, 中島悠里, 大矢昌樹 The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 38-38, 2021. |
3-5. Cancer histology and grade diagnosis of the colon cancer lymph node metastatic lesion 横山省三, 渡邉高士, 藤田洋一, 松村修一, 上田勝也 The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 39-39, 2021. |
3-6. One case of the von Recklinghausen disease merger frequent occurrence-related small intestine GIST which we discovered at progress gastric cancer surgery 瀧藤克也1), 岡正巳1), 寺澤宏1), 村上大輔1), 佐原稚基2), 北谷純也3) The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 39-39, 2021. |
3-7. Example that the scar part pregnancy produced after the uterine myoma enucleation 西松謙一1), 日野麻世2), 吉田隆昭2) The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 39-39, 2021. |
3-8. One case of the wart type xanthoma which occurred in gingiva 大林建矢, 鈴木滋, 岡本健二朗, 田坂ゆかり, 武田侑也, 上田眞道, 角谷有吏子, 水間庸介, 松村達志 The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 39-39, 2021. |
3-9. Clinical statistical observation of the reception desk overtime emergency patient in Wakayama Medical University oral surgery for the past one year 小早川大地, 鈴木滋, 岡本健二朗, 田坂ゆかり, 武田侑也, 上田眞道, 角谷有吏子, 水間庸介, 松村達志 The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 40-40, 2021. |
3-10. Molecular idea (1-1) of bifunctional nocicetin &μopioid receptor agonist 早野泰造1), 岸岡史郎2), 木口倫一3), 寺田翔1), 上野半兵衛1) The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 40-40, 2021. |
3-11. Molecular idea (1-2) of bifunctional nocicetin &μopioid receptor agonist 早野泰造1), 岸岡史郎2), 木口倫一3), 寺田翔1), 上野半兵衛1) The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 40-40, 2021. |
3-12. The previous skull fractured base that occurred for atraumatic quick wit 宮本貴史, 友渕匡紀, 石原隆史, 中井三量 The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 40-40, 2021. |
3-13. One case that underwent the carotid artery lining membrane detachment technique for internal carotid artery altitude constriction to repeat cerebral infarction recurrence for sub-acute phase 中山由紀恵, 尾崎充宣, 横矢美穂, 伊藤雅矩, 仲河恒志, 中村善也 The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 41-41, 2021. |
3-14. An example of the cerebellum medulla oblongata haemangioblastoma which presented Isolated fourth ventricle 味村亮祐1), 佐々木貴浩2), 矢本利一2), 北山真理2), 深井順也2), 西林宏起2), 中尾直之2) The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 41-41, 2021. |
3-15. One case that aneurysms of the part increased after non-explosion cerebral aneurysm coil embolization rapidly in the course of eight years, and resulted in subarachnoid hemorrhage 金高由佳, 石井政道, 八子理恵, 中尾直之 The Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society (suppl): 41-41, 2021. |